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Foods you like that everyone dislikes?


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Foods you like that everyone dislikes? Inspired by the thread foods you dislike that everyone likes.


- I like horse meat, many seem to dislike that. It's accepted in my country, it's not toxic like in some countries. Although I notice a lot of people dislike it on the internet.


- Whale meat, like minke whale, tastes very good but it's not that popular though.


- Mushrooms, many dislike mushrooms I love mushrooms.


- Merikurat, it's a fish and it doesn't have the looks but tastes awesome. I opened one up and I found a paltus inside it.


That's all I can think of at the moment, so how about you?


Prepare for Merikurat!



Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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Salt sticks


While I haven't really heard many people say that they downright hate salt sticks, the vast majority says something like "meeeh", or "so so". I for one can't imagine a life without salt sticks, I eat it all the time

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Salt sticks

Salt sticks are awesome, but now that I think of it, it's kind of this meh.. salt sticks. I still like them.


I occasionally eat ice cream with french fries. Does that count? xD

I would say so yes, lol I need to try that out.

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I love paella. Its a sea food dish from spain, which is basically yellow rice, cooked with lobsters, oysters, octopus, squid, shrimp, scallops, clams, and crab. I know tons of people who don't like at least ONE of the meats mentioned above.

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I like Sushi - huh.


I also like roasted, dried, and salted seaweed. Eat a whole package, 10 sheets in one sitting. Vitamin E for a week right thar.


Japan has these really cool Midiya sweet beans. Which are these mushy, sweet, fermented brown beans. They're gooooooooooooooooooooooood.

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I know tons of people who don't like at least ONE of the meats mentioned above.

Yeah, I know I think it's mostly because people want to look at horses as the same as ponies and most people have probably not even tried out whale meat. It actually tastes like a very high quality steak. I think it's because people are against hunting them, or maybe they think it tastes the same as a fish, a lot of people don't like fish. I remember it tasting something like a lamb.. I don't remember it's expensive and it's been a while.

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Yeah, I know I think it's mostly because people want to look at horses as the same as ponies and most people have probably not even tried out whale meat. It actually tastes like a very high quality steak. I think it's because people are against hunting them, or maybe they think it tastes the same as a fish, a lot of people don't like fish. I remember it tasting something like a lamb.. I don't remember it's expensive and it's been a while.

Mmm I love lamb, and goat. Very delicious. I want to taste rabbit some day, as well as duck meat. They say that duck meat is actually red meat (Same thing as cow or pig meat) rather than white meat (Chicken) which is pretty strange. 

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Mmm I love lamb, and goat. Very delicious. I want to taste rabbit some day, as well as duck meat. They say that duck meat is actually red meat (Same thing as cow or pig meat) rather than white meat (Chicken) which is pretty strange. 

I'm not sure if I have eaten a rabbit and I haven't eaten duck meat either, it's surprising that they have red meat. That makes duck meat sound a lot more delicious. I need to taste it one day.

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I'm not sure if I have eaten a rabbit and I haven't eaten duck meat either, it's surprising that they have red meat. That makes duck meat sound a lot more delicious. I need to taste it one day.

I am a big food enthusiast. I love going to restaurants everyday, since my mom cooks the same thing over and over again (Rice and any piece of meat she finds). 

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Crab, I've tasted it and I think it taste like burnt fish. Everyone seems to love it and at some point people got all hostile and adament that I MUST LOVE CRAB. But yeah...I like crab cakes though.


Oh wow. I thought this topic said food that everyone likes but I dislike. FAIL.


Umm...Well I like corn dogs and my mom and brother hate them. I also like dipping bread into hot chocolate.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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I absolutely adore extremely sour candies (some have actually caused my tongue to bleed) but no one else around me seems to enjoy them as much as I do. I don't know why I like sour sweets so much, I always have done since I've been a kid!


(Also, 100th post, GG) <3

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I absolutely adore extremely sour candies (some have actually caused my tongue to bleed) but no one else around me seems to enjoy them as much as I do. I don't know why I like sour sweets so much, I always have done since I've been a kid!


(Also, 100th post, GG) <3

I like sour candies not too much but still, my favorite has always been licorice but that isn't really disliked I think.

(Congratulations on your 100th post!)

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We have sour candies like these in the UK but there is a warehouse/market/store in Manchester called Affleck's Palace that sells candy that has literally burned layers off of my tongue that I had to visit a doctor for. In all honesty, I ate quite a lot of them at once xD


I've never understood the fascination in licorice. I personally despise the stuff unless its the sweet, red kind filled with sherbet (:

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I like apple and custard and people look at me like: "Whuuu-...?" XDDDD

I was eating once and I couldn't help but try BREAD and custard and I think it tastes great!


I am not a weirdo for this... am I?

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We have sour candies like these in the UK but there is a warehouse/market/store in Manchester called Affleck's Palace that sells candy that has literally burned layers off of my tongue that I had to visit a doctor for. In all honesty, I ate quite a lot of them at once xD:

Dayumn, burned layers of your tongue I feel no interest in trying it out. I can hardly eat sour candy for me it doesn't start tasting good until the sourness has worn off or at least gotten less sour. So I can't imagine eating a lot of these. Lol
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They were really nice though! I still eat them even after that happened but I only eat one at once now and leave a gap of time between each one xD I really need to go to and buy some more soon and pick up a Twinkie whilst I'm there. That's another food none of my friends actually like but I adore them, especially since they're so hard to find in the UK.

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I like apple and custard and people look at me like: "Whuuu-...?" XDDDD

I was eating once and I couldn't help but try BREAD and custard and I think it tastes great!


I am not a weirdo for this... am I?

You aren't a weirdo for liking certain foods, so until I have tried it out I don't think you're a weirdo.. Maybe it changes, lol.


What's fun with this thread is that we are putting up foods that are more unique, so i haven't tried all of it. So there is a lot of stuff that has been mentioned on this thread that I actually want to try out at the moment. Including this bread and custard.

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I occasionally eat ice cream with french fries. Does that count? xD

I love doing that, maybe next time I do it I will wear my Discord shirt and mutter to myself "what fun is there in making sense?"



I suppose the main food that I like that most people don't seem to like is calamari(squid) which I tried without even actually knowing what it was back in 8th grade during this special seafood barbeque at the school. I just grabbed it and started eating, loved on and then found out what it was and just kept chowing down. Calamari has to be cooked just right though otherwise you might as well take a tire, melt it down and beat it with a sledgehammer.

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I love doing that, maybe next time I do it I will wear my Discord shirt and mutter to myself "what fun is there in making sense?"



I suppose the main food that I like that most people don't seem to like is calamari(squid) which I tried without even actually knowing what it was back in 8th grade during this special seafood barbeque at the school. I just grabbed it and started eating, loved on and then found out what it was and just kept chowing down. Calamari has to be cooked just right though otherwise you might as well take a tire, melt it down and beat it with a sledgehammer.

I haven't tried out squid, I should probably try it. I once ate an octopus, it was a soup and there were just cute octopus arms in it. I honestly felt discusted at the time but they still tasted ok in my opinion. Always fun trying out new food and sometimes we have to do so without knowing what it is,
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I could give some to the list

-Human (you don't want to be a cannibal)




I can't give more because I can't think of others


Probably it lol

I do believe that OP is looking for foods that you personally enjoy, but are commonly disliked among others.


For me, it'd have to be pate. Duck liver, chicken liver, anything that comes in pate form is a plus. The heavy texture and intense flavour simply melt in your mouth. Especially when you put it on a cracker with some cream cheese.

Edited by Akoura
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Um, Idk honestly, I'm a pretty picky and selective eater. but i've got better so i'll take a show.


I eat mushrooms to, but I don't like them raw.


I like brocoli, and coliflower, as long as it has cheese or something. By itself its not that great though.


Asparagus is pretty good, as long as its made right. (Even if it does make your pee smell weird...)


I'm not an adventurous eater as I said. So i haven't done any real bazzare eats with food honestly.

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