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S04:E03 - Castle Mane-ia


S04:E03 - Castle Mane-ia  

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I went ahead and watched the episode early. Couldn't hurt I suppose. Wow, was this episode fun. That is the best term to describe it, fun. Fantastic pacing, it was quite funny, and all of the characters in true form. It was a great little adventure with a nice ending and a rather perplexing cliffhanger. I really don't know what to make of it.


Overall, this episode was fantastic. I can tell that this season is going to be wonderful. :)

  • Brohoof 4



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I liked it.



I'm glad that we got to hear another legend about the 'Pony of Shadows' and I'm pleased to see that unlike 'The Olden Pony' and 'The Headless Horse', there actually seems to be a very real possibility that this legend is indeed true.

Otherwise I would have been quite disappointed if it were one of those scenarios every show seems to do where everything is either 100% misunderstanding or characters pulling a prank on one another.


  • Brohoof 1
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Well this seems like a better place then any to show the gif animation I made of the best part of this episode.


But besides that, I can sense more Appledash shipping incoming.

Edited by Tired Brony
  • Brohoof 4

My YouTube channel for MLP Animations. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKj8NMDRq-BrtqOmTPupGog

My DeviantART page for MLP side projects. http://tiredbrony.deviantart.com/

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@StarSwirl I think she says


"I had to wrap myself up in the tarp I was gonna use to carry the flowers"


but I'm not sure

She does :) I had to double check but I'm pretty confident that's what she said :) I need forty more characters! I really enjoyed it! I thought it was a sweet episode :)


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This episode have been all the waiting worth.


Finally coming back to the old Everfree Castle where the headcanon was right with the two sisters.


And the most exciting epsiode until now.

Edited by Ulrik Raben


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Contrary to my initial statement that I'd wait until Saturday... I just watched it.




Early weekend and boredom, early weekend and boredom... Yeah.


*clears his throat*


But whatever. I don't regret it. Good episode. Maybe just one or two things I didn't like...


I liked that it was not centered around just one or two of the characters. Pacing and plot stable... Okay, Spike-abuse. *pukes* Stop it! Please...


Even though I like the idea of introducing the concept of a journal as replacement of the friendship-reports and the dialogue was fine as well, it felt a bit... pointless. Yes, pointless.


I have no better word for it. It feels like this episode is just an excuse to come up with that new concept. It isn't bad, but I think that "Lesson Zero" actually did a better - although it was at several points more exaggerated - job when it introduced the reports to be written by all of Twilight's friends then. But maybe that's just a consequence of there now being a story arc during the whole season...


But I still like it. Not the best episode, but definitely not the worst. Good debut for Haber as well.


Next point.


Dat "cliffhanger"...




Is this the big season four villain? The villain that will reappear in several episodes and will have their big moment in the finale? The villain I always wanted?


But maybe...




Maybe it's just...














Okay, seriously, I actually think it's Star Swirl... Because... You know, just because I can. ;)





(I removed spoilers after the episode actually aired)

Edited by Tender Voice
  • Brohoof 1

"If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences."

- W. I. Thomas & D. S. Thomas



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I loved this episode and was happy to watch early. :3



Rainbow Dash covering her face with her wings... :3

Well, it seems Rarity isn't living up to her element again =P

Also, who was at the end? Any ideas? D:


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So much temptation, couldn't resist to watch the new episode. So for the sake of anyone who did not see the new episode, I'll be keeping this spoiler alert hidden.




The pacing was pretty well done in this episode, which gave a lot of opportunities for the Mane 6 to explore around Celestia and Luna's old castle. I still wonder why they left the castle in the first place, it was because the Everfree Forest was getting too out of control for both of them to remain there so they moved back to Canterlot. Seeing Rainbow Dash and Applejack compete against each other once again as a followup to Fall Weather Friends, was comedy gold.


Pinkie Pie was very hilarious and adorable from beginning to end, I knew that she was playing the organ since we didn't see her in the entire episode except in the beginning. I felt bad for Rarity and Fluttershy in this episode because, they were scared to death from Angel moving about and not being able to use any architecture from the castle. Not a bad episode, for a writer who just wrote his first episode for Season 4. Spot on! ;)


There are some moments that make you laugh, and it showed what a new writer is capable of. The cliffhanger that they left at the end brings up many questions of, who the mysterious figure in the shadow was. Possibly Zecora or the Pony of Shadows.


Rating: 8.5/10


Edited by Scootalove
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I loved this episode and was happy to watch early. :3



Rainbow Dash covering her face with her wings... :3


Well, it seems Rarity isn't living up to her element again =P


Also, who was at the end? Any ideas? D:


As said before, the shadow seems to resemble Starswirl somewhat, so maybe.


Otherwise, again on the Rarity thing? I think people are completely off. I mean, while Rarity's motivation was not purely generosity, it certainly wasn't greed. Rarity's motivation was mostly artistic. She wanted to do it out of love for beauty for beauty's sake. She wanted to restore the former glory of forgotten beauty, giving her time to bring a wonder back into the world, which is generous if you ask me. The only thing that be construed as greed is "it could also be the inspiration for a new line." However, this is a very brief statement, and it is evident from other scenes that this one motivation is at the very back of her mind.


The primary drives were a love of beauty and a desire to bring a wonder back into the world out of sheer love of beauty, and a desire to share it with others. If she were greedy, she would repair the tapestries, make her dresses, and tell nopony about them, so it looks like the ideas were hers alone. But this is not the case. She intends to share knowledge of the tapestries with the world. I don't doubt that, once her new line were to come out, she would also reveal the restored tapestries, stating that these glamourous works of art were her inspiration, and that everypony should admire them as much, if not more than her work. Hence, generous.

  • Brohoof 1
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I didn't think this was.one of their best episodes. But it was ok. I would rate it about the same as MMMystery on the friendship express or whatever that one was called!


Pinkie                             Pie                             is                             best                             pony!

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Since this has yet to be released, my analysis will be put in to spoiler.



This was a great episode, I loved the adorable moments everyone shared. We all need a bit of scaredy ponies running around. Some EXTREMELY cute things too...

attachicon.gifRainbow hiding.png

The Rainbow Dash and AJ interactions in this were hilarious, Twilight was just Twilight. And the idea that the whole castle was just a funhouse for Luna is absolutely hilarious. 


Though I've gotta say, I really dislike how Rarity was portrayed in this. Once again, it seems they through her element of generosity out and replaced it with greed. Even though she knew, and acknowledged, Fluttershy(Who was actually annoying this episode in my opinion) she continued on with her task which was much less important than an extremely concerned Flutteryshy. 


And also....

attachicon.gifSchool bell Pinkie.png



I am very excited to see the journal thing come in to play. Should come out to be much like the letters, I hope.





Rarity misportrayed AGAIN?






I thoroughly disagree with the point made about Rarity. Her motivation in this episode was to restore ancient artwork so it could be appreciated and not left to go unnoticed in an abandoned ruin. They are others' works, and this is her way of respecting them. And we all know Rarity makes things for others, not just herself. It's just that in the end, she decided that there are some treasures better left untouched.


  • Brohoof 1
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I went ahead and watched the leaked episode because I would have had to tape it otherwise because I work 6-3 Saturday and Sunday this week. The episode was fairly entertaining I liked the fact the mane 6 got relatively equal screen time. Rarities artistic side coming was a very nice touch and I liked the lesson of learning from the past and that we get a little twist at the end where we find out the legend has a bit of truth to it. One gripe I have though is that I was expecting Luna when I got Pinkie Pie instead which was kind of a letdown.

  • Brohoof 3
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This episode is a gem. Fantastic and funny.

Great pacing and equal screentime, nice pairings and character interactions, good comedic timing and slapstick, etc.

It's on my top 10 list for sure.


I don't get why people are accusing Rarity of greed and/or saying she was being mis-portrayed.

Are we even watching the same show? This was one of her best showings, and it painted her in a really good light.

As others have rightly pointed out, her goal was to help restore the tapestries as an artiste because she thought it was a waste to

see such beautiful works of art being left to rot, unappreciated.


She sarcastically wonders if the building doesn't even want her expertise. She then calls the castle "ungrateful" at one point.

This is the language of someone trying to HELP. You don't rob a bank and call the cashier ungrateful for resisting you. HURR DURR.


Anyways, something that surprised me about this episode was the amount of "Y'know... for kids!" moments.

Notable examples include the "disembodied pony legs" moment and the Angel death fake-out.


On that note, i felt incredibly sorry for the adorable Fluttershy in this episode.

She took quiet objection to the actual importance of Rarity's task, but helped her anyway like a good friend,

only to get ordered around (you can see her frown at Rarity after she gives an instruction) and injured on the revolving door.

Then, she spent a whole night worriedly searching for her beloved pet while also dealing with the fright and harrassment of all the traps.

And after all that, she witnessed what she thought was Angel's DEATH. Her teary shout went through my heart like a dagger.

That was frickin' dark to put in a kid's show, especially considering how they showed her desperately pulling at the debris and calling out to

what she thought was a badly injured Angel.


Also, Pinkie being the organ player was definitely predictable, but why does that matter in the general scope of the episode?

This was meant to be a harmless barrel of fun. A good old romp through a haunted house, clichés and all, with colorful ponies.

I feel like people attach too many bells and whistles to this show sometimes, making things more complicated than they should be.

Predictability is NOT necessarily a negative feature. It depends on the INTENT and CONTEXT of an episode.

If i read a fairy tale to a child and they said "They lived happily ever after? How predictable...",

I'd wonder what the hell was wrong with their soul.

Taking this episode for what it is, i have no doubt in my mind that it's worth a 9 out of 10.


Take away Twilgiht's wings, and this could EASILY have been a great season 2 episode.


Edited by Prince Dan
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I don't understand that alicorn statue Twilight bumps into; maybe they used to look like normal horses, then they evolved, and that statue, to the ponies, is a depiction of a "cavepony?" Something to think about... same as in EQG with that horse statue. Could the ponies actually be the result of horses evolving?

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I just watched Castle Mane-ia several hours early. I have only one question about it...


How in Equestria did Celestia manage to commission Bloody Stupid Johnson to design and build her first castle, and install one of his custom pipe organs?



Holy Celestia! It worked! How did I get that kind of spoiler tag to display in here? Actually, I cut and pasted my post from another pony forum I visit because I was too lazy to retype it. The code came along for the ride, and surprised the heck out of me!

Edited by cuteycindyhoney


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I do admit it was a pretty cute episode,Rainbow Dash being so dang adorable with her paranoid self,and pinkie lolz


But it bugs me hearing oh my gosh AJ and Dash are hugging in fear,they must be shipped/canon


The rest of the episode just hilarious with Rarity

  • Brohoof 1



Credit to Kyoshi for making this Sig!

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I thought it was a good episode. It had some moments I feel will become classics of the show.



The ending has me wondering if it is foreshadowing the S4 villain. I hope so in a way cause according to the story it is the leftover magic of Nightmare Moon, and if that be the case then she isn't completely defeated yet. That could open the door for things with Luna and all kinds of possibilities.


  • Brohoof 4

sig made by Champion RD92

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Watched it. It was cool ^_^


But I feel like a little kid that has been peeking at the Christmas gifts!! Never again! If anything else leaks then I swear to Celestia I will not watch it!


*Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupckae in my eye* :D

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Well done watched it and loved it. Great episode with all of them being in there like that and finding each other later on in the episode was like watching a classic Scooby Doo episode. Love how they incorporated that into this episode. Now... I have to wait for episode 4 :3



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I watched the leaked episode, only cause I wouldn't have access to the internet when it airs live - otherwise I would've waited.




And I really liked it too. I was sort of hoping to find out the contents of the chest - but cliff hangers are always good I suppose.  :)

I've never been good at saying why I like stuff - I just do. 



  • Brohoof 1


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I thought the whole episode had a classic "Screwball Comedy" feel to it. I loved when Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow backed into each other, and then flew into a frenzy of panic. Rainbow bouncing off the walls and making pinball machine sounds was hysterical! Fluttershy's moment of stress when she "saw" Angel Bunny get crushed by the stone pillar could have been heartbreaking, but they made sure that everyone clearly saw he was safe and munching carrots at the time. I do stand by my earlier comment though. Just to entertain Luna, it seems like Celestia commissioned Discworld's Bloody Stupid Johnson to construct the castle and pipe organ. I half expected the Shadow Pony to be Unseen University's Librarian! Edited by cuteycindyhoney
  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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It was a good episode. I found it to be rather predictable near the end, when my mind finally went "Hold on...1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Rarity, Fluttershy, RainbowDash, AppleJack, and Twilight) where's Pinkie Pie?" Fun and creepy episode though! It gave me a good sense of Twilight being an Alicorn not changing anything, which was a good feeling. Like, it's already been made a deal, and now they're gonna relax it and be casual.


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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