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Happy New Ye- ACHOO!


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So guess who got stuck with the cold/flu virus this New Year's Eve, thiiiiiis guuuuuy.


I must say that it is absolutely rubbish and it makes me feel terrible, especially on my rare breaks from College classes. I've been resting up, taking naps, drinking plenty of fluids, aaaand am now currently cooking some vegetable curry to help lighten up my mood and hopefully help combat my ill-fated situation. (see what I did there?)


It has me wondering though... Is anybody else stuck with some terrible illness tonight? What are your own procedures to take care of it, and what would you recommend a cold-induced American such as myself?


Also, Have a Happy New Year!

  • Brohoof 2
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Happy new year to you too!


I'm sick as well. Everytime I swallow i have that gross stomach acidy taste in my mouth. No matter how many times I brush my teeth, I can't get rid of it. A terrible cough as well...


Yay sicknesses  >_>

  • Brohoof 1
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Happy New Years to you but I am sorry to hear that you are sick especially on a night like tonight :(... I might get sick too though. There are little kids in my house who are really sick and oh god they probably going to pass it on to someone in my house thus causing all of us to get sick T.T...

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Yeah, getting sick on any holiday that you look forward to pretty much sucks.

But, never the less I still hope you have a happy new year.   ^_^

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Thank yoooou ; u ; I'll try!




I will most definitely do all of these.....probably all at once.




Awww man that's going to be hard to avoid. I wish you the best!  



Congrats! I sure hope mine goes away just as soon or sooner




Baw, I'm sorry. Well you got the whole information age right before you, go nuts!...not literally




Curry is so fantastic. e u e




That sucks, I've never experienced that before. Though I do get terrible heartburn from time to time..mostly because of my horrible diet haha. 

  • Brohoof 3
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I hope you get better! I'll be thinking about you. Don't worry.

I honestly don't have a clue what it's like, though. As an Antarctic Native, I'm resistant to those small diseases. I'm more susceptible to chronic illnesses, which I have 3 of.

But, again, I bet it feels awful, so I'll be thinking about you, buddy.

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oh as for cold.. what kind? if sinus filled.. wasabi or some serious suicide grade hot sauce...


ignore me as i type bast drunkenes... but no really... hot stuff cleas sinuses fast.. that or fast decrompession in a plane or coming up fro sea botttom.. so go for snarsce.. or tear gas.. will drain them out faster than you can possibly nseeze... or at leats better than any meds...


won't feel good while happening, but will work!.. and the relief...mmmm that feeling of empty sinuses.... it makes a massage feel like a dip in concrete.... bootcamp was fun...

Edited by GrimCW
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Actually just got over from being sick. But I know what it is like to be sick on New Years Eve. I had got the flu 2012-2013 and ended up going to the hospital since it just got worse from there. Any type of sickness is not good if you have asthma. Overall, hope you get better soon.

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So guess who got stuck with the cold/flu virus this New Year's Eve, thiiiiiis guuuuuy.


I must say that it is absolutely rubbish and it makes me feel terrible, especially on my rare breaks from College classes. I've been resting up, taking naps, drinking plenty of fluids, aaaand am now currently cooking some vegetable curry to help lighten up my mood and hopefully help combat my ill-fated situation. (see what I did there?)


It has me wondering though... Is anybody else stuck with some terrible illness tonight? What are your own procedures to take care of it, and what would you recommend a cold-induced American such as myself?


Also, Have a Happy New Year!

Happy new year to you as well! Sorry you have to be sick, especially on a break from school xD Hope you get better soon~

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I don't have the flu, but I'm pretty miserable regardless.


I ended up only getting a couple of hours of sleep yesterday before going to work... Just because I was sick. No amount of propping myself up on a mountain of pillows would help. D:


I have been stopped up for over seven years now, but it feels like over the last month it has gotten worse. Every time I lay down to go to bed I can't sleep because my nose is so stopped up. I can't take it anymore! D:


At this moment it's even more enhanced than that. T_T

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I would probably recommend some delicious soup, medicine, and a lot of rest more than taking naps.

I read that as "recommend some delicious soap"



OT: Not sick on New Year's eve, but this morning i woke with a slightly irritated throat :okiedokielokie:

Edited by crazitaco
  • Brohoof 1
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