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If you told your past self you would like My Little Pony, how would they react?

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Time Me (T for short): Hey, dude! Guess what? (is wearing a jacket that covers up his shirt)

Young Me (Y for short): What? (grins)

T: (rips off shirt, revealing Doctor Whooves) I like the show My Little Pony!
Y: Okay.

T: And I'm in love with one of the characters!
Y: Okay. I'm in love with Raven from Teen Titans, remember?

T: Actually, both characters are voiced by the same woman.

Y: Okay. And?
T: Her name is Twilight Sparkle!
Y: Okay, dude. Geez, calm down! (groans) Ah, well. Continue.
T: I also clop to her!
Y: (stands out of seat) Get the FUCK out of my house, you perv! (goes back to looking at R34 Raven)

  • Brohoof 1

Rarity is the best thing in my life.


Where would I be without her? Nowhere I'd like to be, that's for sure.

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"Past Vee! A forum sent me here to tell you that you will like ponies!"

"Ponies? Well that's not so bad I guess"

"No! I mean the cartoon ponies you now hate so much"

"WHAT? NO WA- how did this even happen"

"well you know you decided to watch them yourself and you liked them, that's all"


"You'll see. Now I have to go, my time needs me"

*future Vee vanishes, past Vee stares at the computer screen*

"... ah what the hell, if I'm destined to be a brony let's see what it's all about"

*watches all seasons in two days*

Hello everyone  :grin:

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12=When I was 12. 14=Now.

*Enters into twelve year old me's room. Past me is playing Super Metroid.*

14:Hey, me!

12:Who are you?

14:You, from the future.

12:Okay, what do you want to tell me?

14:You know about those bronies?

12:Yeah, they're a bunch of creepy, gross, grown men.

14:Oh yeah? *Unzips jacket to reveal pony shirt.* You're going to be a creepy, gross, 14 year old!


14:Oh, and one more thing: You suck at that game. *Leaves.*

  • Brohoof 3

out of my swamp

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Hmmm... Let me first say, I'm just a gen 4 (FIM) fan anyway - not that I have anything against the older gens, but, starting out at gen 4 and going back... lol, I can't do that.  Therefore, I will just go back to late 2010 when FIM was just starting up (in this fun hypothetical situation).

Note: IRL I started watching FIM in the 2013/2014 winter, becoming a brony in early 2014, and a member of this site in the summer.


Me now = 19, (I'll be 20 in 2 weeks). We'll use "cm" to mean "current me."
Me at the time when FIM was just starting up = 16. We'll use "om" to mean "old me."


*88 miles per hour*


*somehow it worked*


cm: Hey kid.

om: Uh, hi... who are you?

cm: I'm you, 4 years from now.

*Because time travel has been a part of my imagination for a long time, I'd already know exactly what how to respond*

om: *gasp* No freakin' way!  Okay okay, so... Prove it.

*and here I would say a great number of things, many of which long self-kept secrets, etc... to name of a few lesser secretive things here:*
*(because it's self knowledge, the way I would say it would be list form, and no explanation):*

cm: *Random peoples middle names* Warren; Leigh; Micah... 
om: mhm, now something more...
cm: Swingsets.  4 of them.  Each having their own meaning.  I know you know, so I'll just say; the first - between your house and her's (she was like an older sister to you). The second - McNally; bike rides; games that you wished lasted longer.  The third - wood chips... you know.  The fourth - Pokemon Cards... You know damn good and well all of that had more meaning, and you know I know, that I know.  

om: Wow... it's really me.  YOU are ME! So, what is the goal of your mission in doing this?

cm: That's the spirit, kiddo.  I have a few minor things, and one big thing.  First, the minor stuff.  

om: okay, I'll grab a pen and paper.

cm: Good thinkin'.  First, speeding tickets.  You got two of them when I was 17.  First was at Big Creek Park, with Caleb.  You can avoid this by not blasting your damn radio, and paying attention the the f---ing speed limit signs.  It's a 20 zone!  NOT a 30 zone!  Shit, you were going 42!  Slow the hell down.  The second, though, wasn't your fault really, but, nonetheless, take this in mind - on Broadway (*a street*) at night, even if there's no headlights in either direction, doesn't mean there won't be a cop hiding on the side roads.  Stay at 30, don't go ever it.  
om: *laughs* Thanks.  That'll save some money.  So, both tickets I got in town?

cm: Yah!  So, if you're gonna speed (and you will, lol) do it on the highway.  Just remember, 9 your fine, 10 your mine; but even still, if your gonna set your cruise, keep'er at 62 when there's traffic.  If the road is as barren as a desert (*that happens between country towns sometimes*) and there are no cars, just know where the cops hide.

om: Suh-weeeet.  

cm: don't get cocky though...

om: wow, why so serious?

cm: You wrecked your truck when you were 18.  

om: Fuuuuuu.....
cm: You were lucky...  You didn't get hurt.  Ironically, it wasn't even because you were messing around.  You were just chillin on some back roads to music, after you watched the demo derby at the fair.  Then, you fell asleep for a split second, woke right back up, and slammed the brakes because you were going 40, and you were 15 feet from the Stop sign where the road hits a T on Dickson Mounds road.  You smashed into a hedge post, luckily on the side of the bumper, thus, pushing the momentum sideways, where you slid to a stop in a farmers bean field.

om: *jaw dropped*

cm: Because of the cost to fix it; they nearly just totaled it, but mom was nice enough to get a second quote from someone else.

om: *speechless*

cm: So, basically... just go home after the demo derby.  There's no need for you to be driving on the back roads at midnight, when you can't even tell if you're tired or not.

om: *hugs current me*

cm: *hugs back*

om: that all?

cm: Oh, right - one more thing... You will come to like the show My Little Pony; Friendship Is Magic.

om: What the fu--!?

cm: Chill, kid.  You will learn with time that the high school you is going to change as he becomes a college student.  You become more open minded. But, don't force it.  Let it happen naturally.

om: whatever.

cm: *smiles*

*88 miles per hour; poof; session over*

om: well... that was crazy...

*Old me would continue to ponder what just happened for a good long time.

But one thing I have always had a part of me, and still do, is curiosity... curiosity is what actually got me started IRL with this show.  Old me's curiosity would have ignited, and would have started looking at stuff about the show, eventually probably watching it...
There's one problem, though.
Old me... had a life with better things to do.
Current me - College me... the version of what really happened... is how I am glad it actually happened.
I wouldn't want old me to start watching it in high school.  My mentality was different then.
So, to end this explanation of a hypothetical situation... I'll just say that, I'm glad for the way things actually happened.  Not this fake situation.  Even though it'd save me some trouble, I needed to learn those lessons the hard way.  Experience gives wisdom... second-hand words not so much.


  • Brohoof 1



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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Not surprised at all, I've been a fan of the older MLP generations since I was 1 year old.


Hey there! I'm ~Sylveon~. You can call me Sylveon. xD If you ever need anyone to talk to, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm here for you. :)

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My past self would most likely ask me how time travel worked so he could speed the process of inventing it along. Otherwise they would likely be rather apathetic about it, and not care one way or another.

Would you like to play with me? I'd like to play with you, forever, and ever, and ever! No... no you can't have it! It's mine! Stay back!

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Older Me: Yah,  its good!

My Past Self:  Hell yes!  What else they do?

Older Me:  Well.......we get a sex change!

Past me: Wahhhhh!


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If you went to 5 years ago, before the show was even conceived (I think, I have no idea when it was pitched.) and if you told 18 year old me that I would like MLP 2 years later (I became a brony in June 1st, 2011.), I would have said "Are you out of your fucking mind!?". I would probably mull it over for a few days and then completely forget about it.



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Its hard to believe its been over 2 years now. 


If I tried to tell my past self this, he most def. make fun and say you have got to be kidding me right?? I was very closed minded towards many things at that time.  I've changed a lot for the better in those years.



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I wouldn't have believed me. That would be a shock to me. Also I would have called you re****ed


Older Me: Yah, its good!

My Past Self: Hell yes! What else they do?

Older Me: Well.......we get a sex change!

Past me: Wahhhhh!

That last part made me laugh. Edited by Pvt. Applejack
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Considering that I grew up on Star Trek: TNG, and movies like Sword in the Stone, which I see the same genuine good heartedness, intelligence, wit, and value in those that I see in MLP, and that my favorite character was described by M.A. Larson as the "Frasier Crane of Equestria", no, it would be absolutely no surprise at all. The quality of the animation and voice acting is off the fucking charts (except Adagio, uggg!) and I have an immense respect for a job well done.

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"Hi past self. Guess what? In the future you're going to be a fan of a show called "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." It's a show about magical ponies that have wonderful adventures together while exploring the magic of friendship."


"Really? When does it start? It sounds like fun!"


"It is. You'll like it maybe even more than Kim Possible."


"Oh, don't fib to me!"


"No, it's true, honest!" I smile at past self. "Now, you wanna make, um, I mean hang out?"


"Race ya to the bedroom, future me!"


(Don't judge me! I would seriously want to enjoy a little me time!)

  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Well after going all Twilight about the whole time travel thing, I would probably have been kinda confused and worried. I really didn't like the OLD MLP AT ALL, and until I saw the new one I would've remained skeptical.




When I really did first fInd out about the show and then the fandom (Christmas '13), I wasn't ok with it right at first.

I wasn't against it, I was just VERY confused. I'd never seen anything going on like this. I thought It was just some big ironic internet joke that I was COMPLETELY LOST about.





After a couple of weeks of seeing what was the show and fandom was actually like I was ok with it

Edited by steve88



Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

Original Artwork: http://inkypsycho.deviantart.com/art/Do-Ya-Thing-by-Gorillaz-Ponified-487082864

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From the post before....


Past self: We..... I .....us....got a sex change?!?

Future Me:  No. 

Past Self: Oh my gods, thank you!  I like my boobs!

Future Self: Me too but just a warning..

Past Self: OMG what now...

Future Self: They...or us...

Past Self: Yes..

Future Self:   Well at the date off....)


(is pulled back to her own time leaving her past self in a state of shock...


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I've made a new idea for my reaction:

Willy Wonka: So this is your invention, Ludicrous?
Present Me: Yep. (is talking about time machine) I'm gonna go tell my past self about how I'm a Brony. Ciao! (runs into machine)
Willy: Wait, what?! You're a Brony? You gay asshole, you probably haven't gotten- (I can't hear rest because the time machine is running)


Present Me: (finds himself in kitchen, 1 year ago; Past Me next to him) Oh, hello.

Past Me: GAH! Who the heck are you?
Present Me: A. You're in eight grade. You can swear. B. I'm you from the future. (opens pantry, revealing time machine) That's my TARDIS.

Past Me: You made it out of a pantry?
Present Me: What? No! It just... accidentally fused... with the... Oh, shit. I'm stuck.
Past Me: Why don't you just time travel?
Present Me: It's fused with the past. It's grounded. Stuck. Frozen in time. It will work once the time machine is invented a year from now.

Past Me: But, wait, what about that whole thing about never having two versions of the same person meeting?
Present Me: A. You got that from Back to the Future Part II. B. That's just a theory that I debunk six weeks from now.
Past Me: Oh. So, how about we sit down? Mom's not home at the moment. She's at Wal-Mart.
Present Me: I know. I was there. A year ago. (both Me's sit down)
Past Me: So what's going on?
Present Me: So me and my friend Willy-

Past Me: Wonka?
Present Me: No, Smith. Long lost brother of Will Smith. Except this guy isn't in shitty movies these days. Well, what I mean is that he's gonna be in shitty movies. Because for some reason, you like Wild Wild West!
Past Me: It's a good movie!
Present Me: (slaps Past Me) No, it's not. Anyhoo... First off, you have got to start working on a thesis about quantum physics in four weeks time. It shall take two weeks to finish and publish, but it will help professors and scientists a lot. It will be worth the effort.

Past Me: Got it. What next?
Present Me: The rest shall fall into place. Don't worry. I've proven my theory right.

Past Me: OK. Is that all?
Present Me: Actually, yes. But since I'll be stuck here for about five months, yes, the first time machine only goes forward in time, let's chat. I want to tell you that in the future, you are a furry.

Past Me: Got it. It's not the strangest fetish I have.
Present Me: Okay. You're taking this surprisingly well. You will constantly masturbate.
Past Me: How is that different than usual?
Present Me: Oh. Anyhoo... Last thing, your hamster dies in four and a half months. It will be sad, but you will learn to get over it in due time.

Past Me: Oh. (looks forlorn) So that's it?

Present Me: Actually, there was one last thing, but I can't remember what it- Oh! Now I remember. So there is this show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Sound familiar?
Past Me: Uh huh. It's everywhere on the internet. What about it?
Present Me: Well, in three months, you begin watching the show and become a Brony, which is a big fan of the show. You grow an obsession with the main character Twilight Sparkle, constantly having sexual fantasies of her.

Past Me: Um... Okay. (looks scared)

Present Me: So make sure to begin watching the show on December 5th. Got it?
Past Me: Okay. (expression becomes happier) So, you'll be stuck her for five months, eh? I have a great idea...

Present Me: What? (suddenly looks disgusted) Dude! You're horrible! (runs into time machine and turns it on)
Past Me: It still works?! Fuck! He tricked me! I was just going to ask if we could play some twin-ly pranks on that kid from school!



Rarity is the best thing in my life.


Where would I be without her? Nowhere I'd like to be, that's for sure.

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