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Glenn Beck Comes in Defense Of Bronies


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Well, this just made my day! AWESOME, For some reason I expected Glen to shun as and call us freaks, he didn't and that is amazing! ^_^


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Wow I have new found respect for Glenn Beck. Check this video out. He does have a very large audience and if he could come in defense of the bronies.I think this will help our image. I am glad to see people like Glenn Beck having an open mind.

With all due respect, the repulsive likes of Glenn Beck will not help anyone's image, ever. This instance here is but a drop of decency in a pool of muddy feces.

Edited by Koelath
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I give it a month, before Glenn Beck doesn't even say a word about it anymore.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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I give it a month, before Glenn Beck doesn't even say a word about it anymore.

A month? That's like a bazillion years in a news cycle. You are quite the optimist.

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A month? That's like a bazillion years in a news cycle. You are quite the optimist.


Its Glenn Beck. Dudes a reject Howard Stern, he'll feed off the attention until there's no point.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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I'm honestly torn on where to stand here. I like the points he made here and just taking this on it's own it's positive, but knowing what I do about the man I have to wonder if he's just doing this for good publicity.


I'm also afraid it being defending or "condoned" by someone with such a reputation is going to get us further mocked.


I honestly just do not know what to think of all this.

Glenn doesn't care if he loses reputation. I mean, all he recieves is hate from far left people, so I'm sure he can put up with it. When a "fan" of his was talking about how the fan hated gays, Glenn responded "If you hate gays, you are not a fan of mine". I doubt he would do this for reputation. He seems like a really nice guy.

  • Brohoof 1

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Goes to show that all people are multifaceted and anybody can be a good person and a bad person in the right circumstances. I don't agree with the political ideologies Beck has espoused but I agree with the points he's made here. Nobody deserves to be bullied for their differences.

  • Brohoof 3
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You know, we've got to unite these children who proudly embrace MLP:FiM and its messages against all this bullying and oppression, and also show today's kids and pre-teens that it's not only ok to appreciate MLP, but it's also an opportunity for excitement and enlightenment they could never imagine enjoying ever so. The show's messages are also very important for today's kids as they prepare them for tomorrow's world of collective wellbeing that individuals are uniting together to build.

It's actually very surprising that this happened in Buncombe County, NC as it is the location of Ashville, one of the most liberal and open cities around; then again, as I've seen, the public schools in NC are obviously not very good.

Seeing Glenn Beck (and he certainly looks different than he did last I saw him a decade ago) speak up for Grayson and other kids who appreciate MLP who have been bullied is delightful, but also a little shocking. For example, it's understandable (from what I've seen) that he'd use the word "balls" (referring to one's testicles and/or testosterone levels) to mean bravery or confidence (or the ability to be forceful), but it is a tad bit icky in this case. Of course, people can use the word "balls" like that if they wish, but I personally wouldn't recommend it (especially around children) as I find it encourages brawn and use of force over intelligent and philosophical solutions. All in all, I'm glad Gleen Beck spoke out for Grayson and other kids who appreciate MLP, and I hope that more prominent and/or important people and organizations do.

Gleen Beck also had a very good idea by putting those plush ponies on their desks.

  • Brohoof 1
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but it's nice to know he has has a heart somewhere through the political smoke


I've seen so much of Beck, that seriously, the smoke is not that thick.

He's done a lot for other people. He really cares about others and has beliefs that he will stick by.

He's never demanded that anyone just automatically believe what he says. He's always telling people to go do their own research.


I think he's cool for that.

Edited by ShadOBabe
  • Brohoof 2



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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Good news guys according to Becks Network The Blaze, Noreen (Graysons Mom) will appears on his program on Wednesday



Noreen Bruce is scheduled to appear on The Glenn Beck Program Wednesday at 5:00 p.m


I assume Grayson with join as well. I look forward to see what will happen during the interview.



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Wow, I don't agree with the guy on most things but, wow. Bravo I suppose. But I'm kinda shocked.

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Wow, I don't agree with the guy on most things but, wow. Bravo I suppose. But I'm kinda shocked.


You wouldn't be shocked if you knew anything about him. Beck likes independence, freedom, and people in general.

The fact that he won't always agree with everything you believe does not make him a monster. He will call you out on what he thinks is BS, but as long as you don't hurt others, he will always shake your hand and respect you as a person.


America is awesome because you get to think whatever you want AND others get to think you're wrong.

Edited by ShadOBabe
  • Brohoof 1



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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Glenn Beck is the last person I expected to hear chime in on this story


 this part hit my thoughts right on the head.. This guy is usually anti-anything not "normal", and on the very extremist side of things at that...

Gotta say, I just found some respect for him...

that.. frightens me...

  • Brohoof 2
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The fact that he won't always agree with everything you believe does not make him a monster. He will call you out on what he thinks is BS, but as long as you don't hurt others, he will always shake your hand and respect you as a person.

That, or compare you to Hitler and say you're part of a communist plot to destroy everything good about America and then call you a racist on top of that, because reasons.

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 this part hit my thoughts right on the head.. This guy is usually anti-anything not "normal", and on the very extremist side of things at that...

Gotta say, I just found some respect for him...

that.. frightens me...


I have those moments when someone from the dark-end of 4Chan's army makes points I agree with under all the bile. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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You wouldn't be shocked if you knew anything about him. Beck likes independence, freedom, and people in general. The fact that he won't always agree with everything you believe does not make him a monster. He will call you out on what he thinks is BS, but as long as you don't hurt others, he will always shake your hand and respect you as a person.   America is awesome because you get to think whatever you want AND others get to think you're wrong.


I never said he was a monster, I just simply said I don't agree with him on a lot of things. Common ground between him and I was something I never really thought about, so I was surprised when I found that he agreed with me on something. I'm sorry if you took my comment as hostile, I didn't mean to offend you.

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I never said he was a monster, I just simply said I don't agree with him on a lot of things. Common ground between him and I was something I never really thought about, so I was surprised when I found that he agreed with me on something. I'm sorry if you took my comment as hostile, I didn't mean to offend you.


Oh, no. No worries at all.

I'm not personally offended. I just get tired of people who jump on those that don't agree with them and treat them as sub-human.

Like this one guy that came up and said some horrible insults to Glenn in front of his children when they were just out to watch some fireworks. Fortunately, THAT guy realized that that was NOT COOL and apologized.


You can disagree with someone on all points, but still treat them like a person.


Thank YOU for being so considerate. 83

Edited by ShadOBabe
  • Brohoof 3



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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Oh, no. No worries at all. I'm not personally offended. I just get tired of people who jump on those that don't agree with them and treat them as sub-human. Like this one guy that came up and said some horrible insults to Glenn in front of his children when they were just out to watch some fireworks. Fortunately, THAT guy realized that that was NOT COOL and apologized.   You can disagree with someone on all points, but treat them like a person.

Agreed! People are all people and all deserve a voice and opinion. :) 

  • Brohoof 2
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Beck likes independence, freedom, and people in general.


TBH thinking back on the few times I've been forced to listen to his show (I say forced, because I don't listen to the radio willingly, nothing really on him) I must say I think HE usually isn't too bad.

But that Kim... I just want to slap her with a wiffle bat loaded with hardened concrete and rebar spikes... That woman is what ruins any credibility that "show" has IMO. I mean, I don't often stand on the same idea's as Glenn, but kim is just an idiot plain and simple... Glenn at least THINKS before he says something most of the time, kim just seems to spout sh&* regardless, and without any thought process whatsoever.

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Sorry, but if n y'all are thinking that Glen Beck just suddenly grew a heart overnight, then I've got the proverbial bridge overlooking the Kansas ocean to sell you.


High profile talk show shock jocks like Glen Beck and his kin, don't take a dump without figuring out how to make PR money from it.


I remain on the skeptic's side.


(BTW, noticed how much he liked touching plushy AJ's butt)


Add on:


Not a word mention about Bronys and the community and their support for the kid.


If he really wants to support this, then do a positive story on everything including Michael and his condition.


On the second video you can practicly see the per written scripts in their hands. From the girl talking about mine craft to the guy sitting waaaaay off in the background (probably because he doesn't want his mug on camera)


This has got enough manure in it to keep plants alive for a thousand years on the moon

Edited by Argumedies
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After seeing the "Morning Meeting" follow-up video I am impressed with how Beck is defending a kid's right to enjoy a show. I don't hate him anymore, but I still view him with skepticism. If he is doing this out of his own goodwill and not for sensationalism, then I appreciate him for defending the Brony community.

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 this part hit my thoughts right on the head.. This guy is usually anti-anything not "normal", and on the very extremist side of things at that...

Gotta say, I just found some respect for him...

that.. frightens me...


...... he talks for a living, come now don't be taken in so easily by a cheap charleton  just because he's flashing some kind words.

  • Brohoof 1


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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 this part hit my thoughts right on the head.. This guy is usually anti-anything not "normal", and on the very extremist side of things at that...

Gotta say, I just found some respect for him...

that.. frightens me...

Haha, even though he can be a crazy guy sometimes, he still has a good heart under all that steam!!! :lol:


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