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mega thread Do you have any headcanons/theories?


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The topic title says it all. Here are some of mine.

  • Daring Do's actual name is really A. K. Yearling. Daring Do is just her alias.
  • Flutterbat can only see in shades of reds.
  • Why is Derpy all over Equestria? She is a mail man/woman/pony/mare/etc.. The majority of her deliveries get lost, so she sometimes puts all of her effort into finding lost mail.
  • Bulk Biceps has an older identical twin named Snowflake. While Snowflake is great at flying and managed to get into the Wonderbolts Academy, he has trouble speaking. This is vice versa for Bulk Biceps.
  • Chimeras are the ancestors of draconequuses. This also explains why chimeras can talk.
Edited by Galaxy
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If head canon's could somehow be converted into electricity this fandom could power every major city in the world.  As for me, I just stick to the shows rules. Don't really see the benefit in thinking up my own stories and what not. Apart from maybe Applejack being the best pony. Which isn't so much head canon as it is a real world fact.


Also, I think there are already multiple thread for this subject.

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Do I have any headcanons?






I synchronized the elements of Harmony with the classical elements and the japenese Godai by interprating the Element of Magic as equivolent of the hidden sephirot Da'at and interprating the Element of Laughter through the lens of chaos magick.


I made some graphs too.



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In my headcanon the world of equestria is located in the Warhammer 40K universe.

I would say somehwere near the eye of terror....

  • Brohoof 1

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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-Pre-unity the unicorns did not control day and night, but changed the seasons

-Fyrefly is Rainbow's mum

-The batponies had their own culture before being brought into the fold by Luna

-Luna and Celestia were normal ponies who ascended in pretty much the same way Twlight did

-Cadence and Blueblood derive their titles from being descended from the last queen of the Crystal Empire, who escaped shortly before its banishment



In my headcanon the world of equestria is located in the Warhammer 40K universe.

But will we get to meet Discord's three brothers?

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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But will we get to meet Discord's three brothers?


Oh we will...


I bet Slaneesh would be quite interested in them.... ;)

Edited by Commissar Alexer

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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In my headcanon the world of equestria is located in the Warhammer 40K universe.

I would say somehwere near the eye of terror....


I'm not surprised!


I like to think Epona is a primordial Goddess that planted the Tree of Harmony.

  • Brohoof 3
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A nuclear bomb goes of and Equestria spewing with radiation. Some of the ponies (including the main six) are able to survive and each create there own cults, and groups dedicated to there element. Some of the these thrive and become huge nations (such as rarity and and twilight) that stand out from the rest of decomposing and ruined land. In direct conflict with these nations are the fighting front(Apple jack and Rainbow dash) who want access to the these cites instead of scavenging and barely being alive. From inside the big cities, although the people know that there is a war, it does not affect them and don't really know what is going on. However, the soldiers can barely defend against the all out attacks of the rebels. Once they get inside they will behead the rulers (twilight and rarity) to and become better leaders that someday replenish Equestria to its former glory. Others are hidden away in the darkness (fluttershy) and have created dark cults driven by fear and sacrifice. These cults are not directly interfering with the war that is going on between the nations and the rebels. However, it is believed that in the future when the rebels take over they will be the the biggest threat that could end Equestria once and for all.


Skipping around 20 years in the future (the rebels take over and Twilight and rarity are killed off) science starts to become more developed, making this period turn into a steam punk age with developing science but only the older resources left from the bomb are left. Ponies begin to have enhancements to their body allowing them to become stronger and better. Also at this period ponies are just able to change between what they want to be, Earth, Unicorn or Pegasus. This becomes very controversial and the research ends up being discontinued. At this point the dark cult has had to elect three new leader since the demise of fluttershy, (radiation poisoning) Sweetie belle, Apple bloom and Scootaloo. They rename the cult the CMC. (the true CMC definition lost but they still remember those three letters). They begin to create hug battle machines that would seen in the steam punk age. This cult grows stronger and stronger until a point when it rivals the nations. The nations had known about this for a long time and decided to use there most powerful weapon at their disposal... an ion cannon. Although the CMC had not even attempted to harm the nations, they where obliterated from Equestria. 


Skipping 800 years in the future, with Eqestria now grouped under under one nation, where space travel has allowed them to have different resources from other planets, has become a sort of Si-Fi place. Although they are not living with other aliens, they still have amazing technology that has caused them to increase life expectancy. One of the scientists working on dimensions was able to create a vacuum that instantly would suck you out to the corresponding alternate universe. The rulers Equestria decided to let there most powerful army leader with a select few citizens. Since they could not pass back though the vacuum, they were not told what they were doing. The group of 30 or so ponies were through out into a strange world that looked fairly similar to Equestria, but different and dark. The sky was full of floating grey ash that scatted the land. The plant life was long dead but it seemed as if the were living that way. There are some smears of blood that could be seen from time to time as they walked down the new land. Then from the shadows, an off yellow pony with a huge scar cut straight though eye appeared. Bloody hand prints are imprinted where her cutie mark should be. behind her some weak, powerless ponies are being dragged in chains, forced to be alive. Around 50 dark guards are awaiting at here disposal. She pointed to one of her slaves, a female child, and the soldiers dragged it in front of the group from the alternate reality. Using wide, rusty nails the soldiers stapled her hoofs into the ground. The child looked in pain but relieved and thankful that death would be upon her. the solder then cut down her chest so her organs where shown but he did not cut any vital parts of her body. It seemed as if the soldier was skilled at this. moments later unknown birds of prey flew down upon her. The first one dug its beak deep into her kidney and tried to pull it out. As the child screamed in pain, some chords where still attached to the kidney. With a snap of them, the child passed out and the other birds quickly moved in. At that point the child was dead. The woman who had ordered this slowly walked towards the carcass of the child and reach for a half eaten organ. It looked to be segment from her intestine but it was hard to know for sure since it was covered in blood. She then slowly devoured it, leaving blood smeared on her mouth. horrified by this violence, some of the citizens from the group of 30 passed out. Standing there confused, the army leader had just revived some intel from one of the historians in the group. They were taken to a reality where the evil cult had taken over! Then, at that moment they realized who that terrible woman was. It was fluttershy!

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Three of my many headcanons states that:


1. The reason Discord was evil/chaotic is that Celestia broke his heart because treated him like a monster, a beast that should be tamed. (looks like she's winning...) (Also, with this in mind, is Discord having feeling for somepony else?)


2. Sombra wasn't always a villain. In fact, he was the Crystal Empire's most faithful protector. He had a loving family with two kids. but everything changed when Isoma, the shadow demon attacked. (no, I'm not an anime fan.) Sombra tried to defeat it, but to no prevail. With no other options left, Sombra used a ancient spell to take control of the shadow demon, but somehow the spell backfired. Instead of him taking control of the demon from inside his mind, Isoma took control of him. 


3. There is a seventh element of harmony called 'Forgiveness'. Because sometimes you fight with your friends, but it takes a real friend to forgive and forget.

Edited by DJ Shy-3
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I'm working on my Rarity head canon :D You can find the first half of it in my signature :D Part 2 hasn't been released yet.




- Rarity and AJ are best friends, being closer than the other members of the mane 6 :D


- Colgate is a dentist, but, in reality, her dream is to own a candy store :D


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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I know this is about headcanons, but....




Pinkie is not an Apple. I don’t care if Goldie Delicious have similar personalities, manes and the fact that they have amazing Jenga skills, I’m just unsupportive of this sudden event.


How is this hard to believe? Their families live in the same region and have similar farming lifestyles.

It is absolutely plausible that they're distant relatives.




There’s a seventh Element, named the Element of Inspiration.


How is Inspiration an element of harmony/friendship?



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"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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How is Inspiration an element of harmony/friendship?

Orignally,Rarity's element was going to be Imspiration,not Generosity.

But,due for the confusion from the childs(or so...),they scrapped the idea,and Rarity's element became Generosity

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Orignally,Rarity's element was going to be Imspiration,not Generosity. But,due for the confusion from the childs(or so...),they scrapped the idea,and Rarity's element became Generosity


Ahhhhh, I see.

Well personally I think that's a GOOD choice.

Not because of the the kid's confusion, but because I really don't see how Inspiration is an element of harmony/friendship.

Edited by ShadOBabe
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Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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I know this is about headcanons, but....





How is this hard to believe? Their families live in the same region and have similar farming lifestyles.

It is absolutely plausible that they're distant relatives.





How is Inspiration an element of harmony/friendship?


For the Apple family headcanon, while I'm well aware of the number of similarities between the Rocks and the Apples, I'm just being an adamant fool here, since I found Pinkie Apple Pie to be a mediocre episode.


For the Element of Inspiration, this is more of a reference that Lauren Faust was originally going to make Rarity the Element of Inspiration, but scrapped the idea since it would confuse the audince on why it represents friendship. Personally, I think that Inspiration could probably work as a Element of Harmony since people are always influenced by their friends and want to be just as good as them. I think that the Element of Generosity makes more sense, however.


Feel free to disagree on these reasons, though. ;)

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Mainly ones related to families


Scootaloo is not an orphan and has a loving mother and father

Rainbow Dash has a single father for a parent

Fluttershy has a large immediate family

AJ's parents died as soon as Applebloom was born(I assume the mother died during child birth, I still haven't come up with anything for the father)

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Most of mine are conjecture on how the elements of the world of Equestria that aren't necessarily appropriate for the target audience operate or tidbits of personality traits. I have a ton, to be honest, but off the top of my head:


- Celestia has a non-emotion eating form of Changeling magic and can drastically alter her appearance at will, she usually does this to mingle with her subjects on a much more casual level.

- Rarity and Fluttershy had a brief but rather intense romantic relationship a period of time before Twilight's arrival to Ponyville. They broke it off as they were unable to overcome their own faults for one another, but they still have a stronger connection to each other than to the rest of the Mane Six.

- Berry Punch has a daughter who she's actually an excellent mother to, drunkard tendencies aside.

- Rarity is distantly related to Princess Platinum, making her in some sense actual royalty by blood. None of the others share this distinction, not even Twilight.

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  • Diamond Tiara is the daughter of Filthy Rich and Suri Polomare. Well, we all knew that Filthy is the father of Diamond, but I'd like to think Suri as the mother of Diamond.


I find this unlikely.  Suri lives in Manehattan.  Yet Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara live in Ponyville.


Of course, I also find Suri incredibly annoying, so I might be a bit bias here.


  • Pinkie is not an Apple. I don’t care if Goldie Delicious have similar personalities, manes and the fact that they have amazing Jenga skills, I’m just unsupportive of this sudden event.


I'm confused as to why that's so hard to believe.  The Apple family is huge with several Earth Ponies, as well as one unicorn and apparently a goat (he's adopted).  Goldie isn't the only pony in the family similar to Pinkie in appearance or personality.


I see almost a dozen members of the family that share clear physical traits with Pinkie.  Including Autie Applesauce, who is the supposed connection between the Apple and Pie families.  And Applebloom and Braeburn have some personality similarities to Pinkie.



  • There’s a seventh Element, named the Element of Inspiration. Over the years, however, the Element of Inspiration begun to lose connection with both the other Elements and the Tree of Harmony, and has been “replaced” by the Element of Generosity. The Element of Inspiration is still around, but not many ponies know about it.


There are six Elements of Harmony.  Get over it.


Chimeras are the ancestors of draconequuses. This also justifies why chimeras can talk.

Interesting theory, though I don't think any justification of the chimera talking is needed.  So far, every hooved animal in the show has been able to talk.


I'm working on my Rarity head canon :D



It's almost like Rarity is your favorite pony or something.


What?  My headcanons?  Well...where do I start?  I know, origins of Celestia and Luna.  This is what I'm building my fanfic on (which will be readable in June).  Open to alteration (in fact, I altered it quite dramatically already).



Celestia and Luna were born in a city in the sky [still haven't come up with a name for it yet].  But this was not a city of Pegasi or Griffins.  It was a city of Alicorns, lead by the sister's parents: Lord Cosmos and Mother Galaxia.  Both ruled the Alicorns with wisdom and compassion.

One fateful day, a dark shadow fell upon the city.  An ancient evil rose again and smote the Alicorns.  Taken by surprise, many of them fell before they even knew what was happening.  Last to fall were brave Lord Cosmos and beautiful Mother Galaxia, who held the monster off to cover the escape of their daughters.

Celestia fled to Equestria, tears in her eyes.  She had no pony who could possibly understand what she was going through.  Even her sister couldn't possibly understand, for she wasn't even a yearling and far to young to remember their home.  The ponies of Equestria welcomed the young Alicorns and took them in.

However, the beast that took down the Alicorn City [that might be a good name for it] was not satified by anything short of complete genocide.  It invaded Equestria with the intent of killing the heirs of Lord Cosmos and Mother Galaxia.  The ponies of Equestria defended the Alicorn sisters, many losing their lives.  But they could not stop the dark creature that longed to spill Alicorn blood.

Sick of the death and violence, young Celestia took up the Fire of Friendship and channeled it within herself.  With it, she smote the monster that murdered her parents.  She both avenged her ponies and saved all of Equestria.  In the aftermath, Queen Platinum adopted the pony sisters who would one day rule Equestria together.



And that's my headcanon.  What do you think?  Awesome, right?

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I literally just came up with my headcannon and signed up for this site because I needed a place to post it.


My theory is that the sun in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is not a star.


Long ago, before Discord was defeated, he caused such chaos that Equus (fan-name for the MLP: FiM planet that I'm just gonna go with) was thrown from its system. Fortunately, it passed through a hydrogen cloud and the unicorns of the planet managed to gather enough that, with a lot of magical effort, they could ignite fusion. Unfortunately their artificial sun was not nearly large enough to sustain fusion on its own, and so they had to 'raise' its power each day.


In my theory, Celestia doesn't actually move the sun. She simply keeps it 'charged'. What happens when she doesn't raise the sun, for whatever reason, is that it actually goes out. My theory doesn't account for what Luna does, but I'm getting ideas now... I have read fanfictions where she has grativational/time-warping powers, so perhaps what she does is ensure that the moon is always directly opposite the sun. After all, if they are relatively the same size and at the same distance from Equus (as opposed to the sun being a star much larger and further away than the moon) then either one of them moving slightly out of sync with the other could cause devastating gravitational effects - this could easily happen if the sun is slightly larger and further out, and thus has a slightly larger orbit.


By extension of my original theory, when Luna originally asked for a longer night, she was asking Celestia to let the sun go out. If it were as simple as slowing down the orbit of the sun (or planet, if they had a traditional star system) she probably would have said yes. With my theory though, Celestia wouldn't have been sure she could reignite the artificial star after the long night was over. And since the whole planet was relying on it for heat, light, and life in general, she was forced to say no. This helps to keep Celestia in a sympathetic light, and as I follow the theory that Luna was not in her right mind (due to either outside influence or stress and low self-esteem), I have a guilt-free high opinion of both princesses.

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I like to think that weaponized magic is illegal in Equestria.

Technically, every unicorn and their grandmothers can use their magic for offensive purposes with somewhat-relative ease, but the threat of consequences and the relative peace in Equestria prevents them for using it. Also, those types of spells are probably locked away from non-privileged eyes to learn.


There are exceptions, Like Celestia (who is the god-princess of everything and is above the law), Twilight (who is Celestia's pupil and is tasked to save the world dozen's of times over), and royal guards/soldiers.

Edited by Dattebayo
  • Brohoof 1


^Click for my Deviant Art^

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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Without Cheese Cake, pinkie would not have gotten her Rainbow Artifact/key.


                                                                                               I am a brony, and I am proud

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My head canon? Only one so far...


"Doctor Whooves" isn't even his name, and he's probably a damn historian.



  • Brohoof 2

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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(OC alert) There are two more alicorns- of illusion and mimicry, respectively. they were both borne of similar circumstances, and hate each other. The one of illusion, Twisted Shadow was the reason Luna became Nightmare Moon-Infecting her dreams to turn against Celestia to become the true ruler of Equestria. The alicorn of Mimicry, Crystal Shard, shows ponies there true identity-and if they can defeat the darkness within, they can join her organization to rid the world of evil. Twisted Shadow likes Luna, and has not only joined the New Lunar Republic, but has also created the very organization that allowed Cupcakes to be true. Crystal Shard has become highly ranked in the Solar Empire, but promises to deal the final blow to Twisted Shadow. The legend-in this shortened form-has been hidden for years, as the introduction of two more alicorns-that were borne of the causes they were, especially the way they were-would tear the land apart. Everything the princesses had become would be worthless. More rebels would uprise. Chaos would be unleashed, and the final battle between the 6 alicorns-twilight and cadence together with Celestia-would literally rip the land apart.

So thus, they live in secrecy, except on the battlefield-where the final battle may very well begin...

*Also sums up the intro for a game i am trying to create. Dev's needed, see post for further details*

Sorry for the commercialism... :derp:


Edited by TheCreepyBrony42

SCP wiki too addictive. Need to be nerfed.

"In prehistory, the essence of life waited in the darkness. Its children turned against it. Now, all will be returned to the essence."

A pokemon challenge of which I am searching for help on! So, please halp...?


Does it NEED to have an image?

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Swear to Celestia, we have so many topics for talking about headcanons, but can't seem to find any overall ones at the moment. I used to be notorious for thread merging, now look at me. Getting fat and lazy. Which means only one headcanon for right now :D


Discord's species, 'Draconequus', is not an actual species of animal. It is a made up species to describe what Discord's appearance is. Because Discord has been around since the start of time, ponies thousands of years ago began to coin the term 'Draconequus', which means 'Dragon Horse', to describe the creature terrorizing them with chaos. The term stuck and grew into common knowledge through legends of Discord throughout the centuries after his defeat, and is still used in modern day. This is why Cheerliee explained the term to her students.

  • Brohoof 4


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