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S04:E25+26 - Twilight's Kingdom

Doctor XFizzle

S04:E25+26 - Twilight's Kingdom  

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You can't overtweet MLP.


Season 5 is so far away  :angry:


Let the long wait begin! We still have Equestria Girls 2 coming, though! ^^


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That fight scene between Twilight and Tirek was really, uh... underwhelming it sort of felt like it was choreographed by someone who'd never done an action scene before and to compensate went and watched every superhero movie ever and picked their favourite parts to copy. That beam animation was something special though. That quick ending was nice too. It left us with absolutely nothing to grab on to and speculate about but being Bronys I'm sure we'll find something. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Let the long wait begin! We still have Equestria Girls 2 coming, though! ^^


I'm still debating between my closet and actually going to see it.


The closet may lose this one. So excited!  :lol:


EDIT: If I go and see a brony, that'll be the best day ever!

Edited by GlowingFlask
  • Brohoof 1




Awesome avatar from ask-drpinkieandmisspie Awesome signature by [member=~Sassy Dashie~]

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I also have to say this will be my first in-between season, I'm scared  :(

It will be my first, too.


It's all good, though. There's fanfics to read, fanart to see, fan vids to view, etc. :D Plus, Rainbow Rocks is coming out soon, and I for one, and excited for it.


Of course, I run streams every now and again with old episodes for my friends, and I plan on publicizing a few during the off-season :D Maybe you can join us :D


Ghost from Radio Graffiti?  :wacko: That'd probably work, he is a melting pot of friendship.  :lol:

Myself X Rarity, the OTOTP - the One True One True Pairing :D


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Wow, that was pretty damn epic. *cracks knuckles* This is gonna be a long one…


It opened on a good note, I loved the little jokes with Spike’s statue, Pinkie’s “why the long face?” (Really, Pinkie? Really?) and all that. Flash Sentry made another comeback, to be honest I kinda like seeing him. And the representatives from other countries were cool


The songs were awesome ^^ The princesses sound amazing singing in harmony, and was that Kazumi singing as Luna? I guess it makes sense since Tabitha speaks for both Rarity and Luna, so if Kazumi sings for Rarity, she would sing for Luna… :huh:


I liked the story of Tirek and Scorpan but I wish we heard more about Scorpan… I think Tirek was an awesome villain, but I’m gonna need some time to figure out how he ranks next to the others, but he was great


So this is why Discord was reformed, I guess? Celestia suspected something would happen and knew Discord would be useful. By the way, just because I like to, I’m going to call Discord by my nickname for him, Dizzy, from now on, k~? :umad:


Stuff about Dizzy (cuz let’s face it, he was the star here):

Mary Poppins entrance – best

Dizzy is best alicorn princess

Fluttercord friendship makes me smile, smile, smile~ Ultimate BroTP of the series

Dizzy in a police uniform :yay:

“Mainly for Fluttershy” – you stop that

Dizzy betrayed them…



Dizzy reacts to sensing magic in the best way

Goddammit, Diz, you’re not supposed to tell him there’s another princess

Aw, Dizzy’s still being nice to Flu- wait.


Dizzy, stop




WHAT IN TH- … Dizzy?


Sad Dizzy is best Dizzy

Aw, he said Flutters was worth it~! :wub:

I love him~

… Was that a DiscordxCelestia tease with the flowers? I’m not huge on the pairing, but hey, it is kinda cute…


Ok, that’s enough of that, onto other stuff


So we were right about the items being keys, and the idea that they got them basically by relearning their Element of Harmony then teaching it to somepony else was right too


“C’MON BONELESS!!!!!” oh, Pinkie Pie~ :lol:


Twilight getting the alicorn magic was a cool sequence, I loved the animation of that. And the problems with controlling it were fun, but I was actually a little scared when the Celestia, Luna and Cadence were all sent to Tartarus


The Twilight vs Tirek fight was one of the best in the series, and a real “it’s not just for little girls” kind of moment B)


I realised early on that Discord would be the one for Twilight to teach her Element to, but I was still all fangirly when it happened. Then Rainbow Power. That was a little… ugh… but at least it was only temporary


So, the library has now been replaced by a castle for Twilight? … Cool


Princess of Friendship. I knew it. I called it. I was right

  • Brohoof 3
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   Now this is how you end a season, with a bang rather than a whimper, Tirek was perhaps the most serious threat to Equestria besides Nightmare Moon, and to see the chest open up and reveal new magic from the Tree of Harmony, I have to say it was a wonderful reveal, henceforth they defeated Tirek, Discord is now a true friend, and Princess Twilight Sparkle has a new home and title as Princess of Friendship, while some may see that as gaudy, try looking at government can they have some ridiculous job titles too, hitherto I will say this is the grandest season finale ever, with appearances from Cheese Sandwich, Coco Pommel, Ditzy Doo and yes Flash Sentry I am so glad I woke up in the morning to see it, for it was a triumph for My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.   

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Each "lesson" as you call it was in fact a test to see if they were worthy of the powers. just because you don't go marching of into a castle deathtrap dose not mean you were not challenged. this were Personal moral challenges and sometimes they are far harder to do than any beast or trap to overcome! and its not a Deus ex Machina if it was planned from the very beginning.

The problem with how they earned the keys is, they were technically unrelated conflicts. Tirek was a new challenge to overcome, and they won with zero effort. It's a silly way to resolve a conflict. I don't care that they had other problems they needed to resolve in order to get the power to one shot him.


Let's say you play a video game, you overcome all the challenges up to the last boss, and than you walk into the final boss's room and you're greeted with a glass wall between you and him, and all you can do (theirs no option to actually fight the boss one on one) is press a button on the floor that says "instant win", you do that, and you beat the boss. Game is over. Do you think that's a good way to end a video game? That the previous challenges you overcame leading up to the final one is justification for the last fight to be completely and utterly devoid of any challenge? Of course not, so why would it be okay in storytelling?

Proud Supporter of Communism

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If Season 5 is the final final season, the finale should be a slice-of-life episode and not a defeat the villain one. That finale will probably have the CMC get their cutie marks and then there's an epilogue where we see everyone grown up and in their careers, possibly with families


Mostly because any villain they have now can't come close to Tirek unless its one of their own like Evilestia or Nightmare Rarity or something.

Edited by Doctor XFizzle
  • Brohoof 2

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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It will be my first, too.


This will be my second. But don't worry, it won't be as bad as you think! ^^


Your Brony side may be tested with no ponies, show wise. But 'tis why we have the fandom to keep us happy! Don't forget about Equestria Girls 2 on top of that! ^^

  • Brohoof 1


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If it solves the problem for them without effort on their part (and no teaching people moral lessons doesn't automatically count) than it's Deus Ex Machina. They didn't have to have the rainbow power instantly defeat the villain, it could've just given them the power to defeat them but only through their skills and intelligence could they actually use the power to do it, but no, it just magically saved the day. Overall, I just didn't like the episode. Not much happening for the first half, rushed conflict, and Deus Ex Machina resolution. Exactly what I feared this finale would be.


I have posted on this before but ill repeat myself as a direct response.

the challenged was in making the hard choices involving their elements. and if you don't think that making the hard choices in life is not a challenge than you have been lucky and have not had to make any. making the right choice especially when there is no real downside to getting what you want as in the case with rainbow dash she could have Joined the wonderbolts team and Not hurt her friends that is a hard choice not to do so simply because it was the right thing to do.

  • Brohoof 2
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The problem with how they earned the keys is, they were technically unrelated conflicts. Tirek was a new challenge to overcome, and they won with zero effort. It's a silly way to resolve a conflict. I don't care that they had other problems they needed to resolve in order to get the power to one shot him.


Let's say you play a video game, you overcome all the challenges up to the last boss, and than you walk into the final boss's room and you're greeted with a glass wall between you and him, and all you can do (theirs no option to actually fight the boss one on one) is press a button on the floor that says "instant win", you do that, and you beat the boss. Game is over. Do you think that's a good way to end a video game? That the previous challenges you overcame leading up to the final one is justification for the last fight to be completely and utterly devoid of any challenge? Of course not, so why would it be okay in storytelling?

Allright, ignoring the fact that they were basically hitting us over the head with foreshadowing, Twilight still had to complete her lesson to unlock the chest during this episode and it was a lesson involving Discord and Tirek. All stuff that happened this episode.

  • Brohoof 1

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This will be my second. But don't worry, it won't be as bad as you think! ^^


Your Brony side may be tested with no ponies, show wise. But 'tis why we have the fandom to keep us happy! Don't forget about Equestria Girls 2 on top of that! ^^


As long as you have something else to do to keep you occupied you'll be fine, and also don't hype yourself up. Have low expectations to avoid getting too excited. Personally I'll handle it very easily since I've decided to stop watching the show from now on. There's always fanfics (tho most are terrible, still).

Proud Supporter of Communism

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This will be my second. But don't worry, it won't be as bad as you think! ^^


Your Brony side may be tested with no ponies, show wise. But 'tis why we have the fandom to keep us happy! Don't forget about Equestria Girls 2 on top of that! ^^

Backlash over this isn't going to be as bad as Twilicorn (If backlash over the Kingdom even exists), or so I heard. That borderlined on destroying the fandom, according to a good friend of mine.


Anyway, I have all the episodes right here at my fingertips :D With that, the fandom around and the fact I'm going to start planning for my fanfic soon (off-season IS fanfic season :D ) there will be no problemo coping with the lack of ponies :D

  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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-I really loved the way Applejack comforted Fluttershy after Discord turned heel.  :(




Oh, good, I thought I was alone XD Everyone was too focused on screaming that Discord made Flutters cry. 

THIS SCENE was absolutely perfect, I loved that look on Applejack's face, while she hugged Fluttershy and tried to comfort her. This and that moment, when Twilight told Tirek to release Discord were probably my favorite scenes.


Uhm, I'll write something more, if I'll be able to calm down :P I had to admit, my heart almost stopped more than once.

Edited by Anilewe
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Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! :D



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The problem with how they earned the keys is, they were technically unrelated conflicts. Tirek was a new challenge to overcome, and they won with zero effort. It's a silly way to resolve a conflict. I don't care that they had other problems they needed to resolve in order to get the power to one shot him.


Let's say you play a video game, you overcome all the challenges up to the last boss, and than you walk into the final boss's room and you're greeted with a glass wall between you and him, and all you can do (theirs no option to actually fight the boss one on one) is press a button on the floor that says "instant win", you do that, and you beat the boss. Game is over. Do you think that's a good way to end a video game? That the previous challenges you overcame leading up to the final one is justification for the last fight to be completely and utterly devoid of any challenge? Of course not, so why would it be okay in storytelling?

I think this is one of those "journey is more important than the destination" moments. Besides, Tirek didn't just blow over anyway. He ruined everyone's day before they figured out the chest.

  • Brohoof 2


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Somepony PM me a synopsis and what happens to Clestia, Luna, and Discord...Don't care about spoilers. Have to wait for streams.

It's already available to stream at hubnetwork.com

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The problem with how they earned the keys is, they were technically unrelated conflicts. Tirek was a new challenge to overcome, and they won with zero effort. It's a silly way to resolve a conflict. I don't care that they had other problems they needed to resolve in order to get the power to one shot him. Let's say you play a video game, you overcome all the challenges up to the last boss, and than you walk into the final boss's room and you're greeted with a glass wall between you and him, and all you can do (theirs no option to actually fight the boss one on one) is press a button on the floor that says "instant win", you do that, and you beat the boss. Game is over. Do you think that's a good way to end a video game? That the previous challenges you overcame leading up to the final one is justification for the last fight to be completely and utterly devoid of any challenge? Of course not, so why would it be okay in storytelling?


did you not see the fight twilight had with the boss? and the fact that the boss was her key challenge? to keep the video game analogy going its more akin to coming to the end boss and fining out you cant beat it unless you just the right item or quick time event. what did you want a dragon ball z like ending? and story telling is very different than then video game endings. on a story the main point is the journey to the destination and how the people or pony's develop and grow.

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Kind of like "Pinkie Pride", this is what an episode looks like with some real effort.

A lot of the stuff I really liked about this episode have already been mentioned: Tirek, Discord, Twilight Sparkle... but I will say that it made me smile to see that the animators put Lyra and Bon-Bon together in the end, :)


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