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What Does MLP Help You With In Life?


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I have been pondering about what other people's expiriences are on which MLP-FiM helps you through you troubles in your life.


MLP-FiM really helps my dreams, where Luna comes and talks to me about private things I would rather keep to myself. She seems to also be in my head talking to me constantly about my desicions I make. MLP also gives me an example to set by all the teachings the show has been through, which makes me a better person because I strive to be like all of the Mane 6's element (except Twilight because her's is magic, so I try to learn alot instead. :3)  


Share all your personal expiriences here :D

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I have a depression and some days are okay but some days really aren't. On those days MLP really help me the most. I put on one of my favourite episodes and snuggle on the couch. Singing the songs and watching their cute faces really cheers me up so that the rest of the day may be a bit easier.


It also encourages me to draw more, which is something I need to practise :)


I also agree that I try to be the best friend that I can be (even though I don't have any real life friends), by applying kindness, laughter, loyalty, generoscity and honesty. :)

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Normally it's nothing especially impactful on my life, and most of the lessons it teaches are frankly common sense for me with or without it, but it has given me a fun hobby and a way to meet new people.

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The lessons it teaches leave little impact, because I should know these things after 17 years - it does leave an impact in a different department, though.


Before I joined this problem, I was a high, high stress individual coping with depression and a heart condition that I was only aggravating. I'd lose it at the drop of a pin - I was also very sickly on account of the heart condition I was just talking about and was constantly missing school, which led to me falling behind in my classes, and I couldn't cope with the stress of keeping up. Depression? I live with my grandparents - it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that something's up with that.


I found MLP, and was just infatuated with Rarity. Apart from being my waifu, she's like a guardian angel to me - she's helped me cope with my problems in ways I've never been able to imagine possible, and I get the gratification of stress relief just holding a plushie of her close - she makes things better for me, and I love her for that :D

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As others have said, I find the lessons to be shallow/very corny/hamfisted. The show itself hasn't affected much of my life, I have to say. Neither have the characters. I watch it, and then I am done being entertained. Instead, it's been more so the community based around it.


First off, it helped me significantly with my art. From studying the art style of MLP, I've learned how to make my outlines so clean that people often mistake them for vectors. Outlines was one of my main problems in the past and now it's my best thing. My art has gotten much more polish and an elegant simplicity. It helped me learn about color coordination as well and even more about perspective. (Although not too much in shading and in anatomy, to be honest.) 


Secondly, I have met a person who I will probably spend the rest of my life with from this community, so there is also that. But that's more to do with luck through the avenue of ponies than the show itself. 

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MLP boosts my desire for being myself and having fun without thinking about society's rules. It also helped me understand that I can be friends with people I have little in common with. Not to mention that I found something I can actually draw without it looking like a complete disaster. All in all, I'm happy to have joined this fandom. 

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Stress, I find that reading a good book, watching a show/movie helps me get away from it all, a mental break if you will.


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I was ready to believe that selfishness, apathy and flight from responsibility is what defines us as a society as that's all I see propagated in the media and pop culture. That idea made me ready to believe that we as a species deserve nothing less than extinction for our dismal failure nurture ourselves, each other and our beautiful habitat. And for what? A meme that seemed to have grown so powerful that it has altered and warped our human nature seemingly beyond repair.


MLP:FiM made me question that belief... Maybe there is some sanity and goodness left after all... 

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For me, it isn't just the show or the characters. It's the fandom. All the art, all the stories, and all the friends made. I love being a part of things, and IRL I'm always left out. But here I know I'm a part of something crazy, fun, and....(alright I'll say it) magical. And just knowing that helps give me some strength to get up. I've made friends here, laughed and argued here, and gotten good advice and uplifting words when no one else had anything to say to me. So, yeah, thanks fandom. Thanks for just...existing. :squee:

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It's hard to believe that next month I'll be in the fandom for three years, and it's all thanks to my current bf. :) Without him I'd probably wouldn't be here, or...I guess bashing the fandom. But I'm glad I'm not, because this fandom taught me so much. Most of the lessons taught in the episodes have hit me because I can relate to most of them, like in Sisterhooves Social in regards to Rarity being a big sister to Sweetie Belle, as well as Babs Seed where you'd have to face a bully but there was nowhere to find help. I know those feelings all too well. I'm pretty open to my love for ponies, so I do wear a ponifyed thing everywhere I go. 


In real life, I have anxiety issues. And ponies have taught me to just be myself and to never worry about the things that come by. I shouldn't worry about things that don't matter. 


I'm really glad this fandom exists and I'll always have a special place in my heart for it. :)

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Right now, its been a distraction from a recent heartbreak as a girl I was seeing and I have decided to go separate ways.

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I have a depression and some days are okay but some days really aren't. On those days MLP really help me the most. I put on one of my favourite episodes and snuggle on the couch. Singing the songs and watching their cute faces really cheers me up so that the rest of the day may be a bit easier.

This is me as well.  I do this too.


MLP has also inspired me to try reaching out and making friends where I was too afraid to before.  It hasn't worked out, though.  But at least I tried, and I probably wouldn't have if not for this show.

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In this worthless, unkind and miserable country I'm living in (Venezuela BTW) always conspired against me to make me feel unworthy and beneath everyone else. When I started watching, it felt like the light I can feel, but not touch, and in the season 3 finale, I finally said to myself, "FUCK EVERYTHING, I WILL LEAVE THIS HELLHOLE (Venezuela :eww:  ) AND REACH THE LIGHT (PONIES  :yay: ), YOU WILL PUT ME DOWN NO LONGER". Yeah, kinda melodramatic this time, I don't know what's gotten into me  :lol: , still, this is my fight, and either I win, or lose in the attempt, but I'll be in debt with 'em ponies for giving me strength  

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MLP has helped me through a lot of things. I had really bad OCD and stress problems in the past and I just didn't know what to do. Then I found out about MLP and I instantly loved it and it helped me with my OCD and stress! :) It has inspired me to do a lot of things. It also somehow made me never want to say or even think about a cuss word.  :yay:

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MLP has made me realize how easily I push things away that are obviously only trying to help me and improve my life. I am presented with a new season. I neglect to watch it. There is a whole world of people on the forums to make friends with. I fear change, so I end up doing nothing. I see fanmade pictures of Pinkie Pie having so much fun and enjoying life and I force myself to realize that I do none of that. MLP has been an eye-opener to me, though it's been me who has done nothing to embrace it, nothing to make myself happier.

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I can't say I've learned all that much from the show, in the sense of learning from the morals at the end of the episodes. But I love watching the show, it's very relaxing for me, and I've met a ton of great friends as a result which I'm really grateful for. :)

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