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Everything posted by Jessper

  1. It felt pretty much like watching a trailer for a season finale, rather than an actual episode, yeah. I was definitely pretty disappointed after watching it, but I'm amazed by the rather vocal reaction it got from the community. So many "ragequits" and flame wars followed by more ragequits. But hey, maybe it's a good thing, kind of a purge, the unclean purged themselves. Three yays for the Emperor. Everyone so happy or angry about Twilly becoming an alicorn, busy fighting over it, but not many actually looked at what was wrong with the episode itself.
  2. Actually, that is mighty interesting thing right there. Marco aside, because I really don't want to act like I know what exactly he means. I've also noticed this - when person says to another same-sex person, that they are bi / gay, often the first thought will be "Omigod, now s/he's gonna hit on me!" and suddenly feel uneasy around this person, even tho they actually know this is absolute bollocks. Those people of old made a good job in portraying anyone who isn't heterosexual as this very promiscuous, morally deprived person who just wants to screw everything and everyone - so many decades later and it's still in the subconscious of even otherwise very rational people.
  3. Nope. It is honestly the first time when I can say I really disliked an episode (and mind you, I'm pretty neutral about the alicorn thing, I didn't like the episode because it was obviously rushed and two episodes fused together), tho I don't really think it's something the crew really did, it's probably more about the marketing and agreements with Hub. Even if that wasn't the case, I think flipping out because you dislike one episode of show you otherwise love makes you more of a person with no integrity, rather than a critic or a fan.
  4. I really don't see the connection. At all. You know, following this train of thought, you can just as well say Twilly is "obviously" based on Gandalf, because they both use magic and sort of changed form to something else during their story. What I'm trying to say here, it's not obvious and she isn't "really" based on Sonic, it's just a connection you made for reasons of your own.
  5. You know, Hasbro has many bad habits, but... You noticed how the pictures are recolored Celestia? Yeah. Additionally, it's freaking Cheezburger.
  6. No opinion, really. She is a politician tho, therefore she has to be evil, corrupt, thief and who knows what else. On a serious note, what bugs me about here is that I can't really assign any age to her, based on her voice and looks. Is she old? Is she closer to the Mane 6 or retirement age? I don't know and it irritates me. As for the "deserves more screentime"... Think about it, she already had more screentime than majority of the background ponies. Or more lines at least. The word deserve just doesn't fly.
  7. Nope. That is, in a nutshell, Youtube comment rating. Not very good for forums and even worse if you want to keep it somewhat cheerful and friendly. You like something, brohoof it. You agree with someone, but don't feel like participating in the discussion, then brohoof it. If you disagree, quote and tell him/her you disagree and why, or ignore the post. If you feel like any particualr post is offensive, racist, etc, then just report it. And that's about it. We really don't need this "How valid your opinion is" mill here.
  8. Oh, sorry, the notification system failed me terribly. And yeah, it's f2p, but it's pretty much triple A title as far as I can see. Also, I finally got from the beginner match lobby and hell, I'm getting terribly hammered in the normal lobby. Still seems fun tho. Either way my name there is RainbowFlash (No comments, ok? ) so add me so we can catch up. Oh, and I'm from EU, GMT+1, usually there in the evenings, which I suppose means afternoon for the US.
  9. Well, I'm not a big fan of farms and farm life ... so what call redneck bahaviour might just as well be "countryside manners", either way that and the extreme cowgirl accent make me kind of like her less than the rest. I just can't help it, from time to time, I have to imagine her sitting before a trailer with a shotgun, spitting chewing tobacco. I know, I know, my mind is a creepy place.
  10. AJ, probably. I don't actually dislike her. Something nice about her ... Well, most of her traits and actions are actually nice, I'm just rather irritated by those "redneck" moments she and her family have here and there.
  11. Actually, that's kinda cute. And while I'm not not PETA-guy in any shape or form, some things people do with and to fish are pretty damn brutal and it's generally considered ok instead of animal torture, because, you know, it's just fish. So, maybe PETA is doing something rational and reasonable for once, unless I terribly misunderstood what this is about.
  12. Greetings! So, I've just recently (well, today, actually) ran into this latest Ghost Recon game, it is cover based, tactical, squad based, online third person shooter - and it looks just terrific. And note, that's coming from someone who generally dislikes shooters and action games of any kind. It is very much cooperation and group based - I wondered if anyone here plays it or would be interested in starting to play it and perhaps play together or form a MLP (yay) clan (that's all done ingame) eventually. Oh, and the best part, it is very high-quality game and yet free-to-play and as far as I can see, you don't really have to pay anything at all, if you are ok with not getting everything on the first day (and most of the cash-shop can be bought with in-game currency or is mostly for looks only). Well, that's about it. You can google it or click here. Cheers. PS: Warning in advance - I play stuff for fun, not statistics or leaderboards and I also generally am pretty bad.
  13. Well, I have not read trough the three pages of comments, just your initial post, just in case you already explained, sorry. But I didn't though you're "attacking" MLP or such, it's just that the overall feeling I got after reading the post was "Is that really possible? I don't think so.", so I'm just saying that it is possible but for most people who got "affected" in any significant way, it's probably not just the show, but the show AND all the stuff it eventually inspired, be it community, art, music... And even just the show alone has some magical properties, I mean, watch a few episodes and I dare you to be depressed or stressed out after that And Buffy, I don't know, I never liked that show, no particular reason, I suspect I somehow dislike the main actress. Liked Angel tho.
  14. Well, I've seen just an episode or two and it's not bad, even tho a little bit too random for my taste. So I guess it's ok, if I turned on TV and it was on, I'll prolly watch it, but I don't see myself waiting impatiently for that show or re-watching the episodes all the time, like I do with certain other show. Simply put, it feels like decent cartoon show, but it's no MLP.
  15. I never quite understood what the commotion is about. Sure, I'm not American, so there's that, but still, when I was there, I was (un)fortunate enough to try this thing and I wasn't pleased. It's not really such a treat and probably one of the most unhealthy things ever, so why panic about it? Does it really have so many fans who drool just after reading the name? Now, I would understand the commotion if the message was "No more hamburgers, ever. No fries either.". I would even shed a tear if that were the case, but this spongy-cakey-thing?
  16. Don't take it the wrong way, but you say -Buffy- of all things changed your life and then seem to be amazed or having a hard time believing that MLP could really do anything major for anyone? Apart from that, it's not only the show itself, it's the community and the controversy just as well. If you are in a group that gets a lot of shi... erm, hate, it tends to make "bonding" with others a lot simpler. So, consider it, it's a nice, happy show about a world many people would like to live in with a community of (generally) openminded and friendly people and if you combine the two, it can be pretty powerful. So yeah, it can change people.
  17. You know how you call people playing games "gamers"? That "group" contains both genders, but is generally considered to have more males, and as such, sometimes you'll hear "gamer girl", which is stressing that this particular person is a female, to avoid any confusion. You know how you call people liking MLP "bronies"? That "group" contains both genders, but is generally considered to have more males, and as such, sometimes you'll hear "pegasister", which is stressing that this particular person is a female, to avoid any confusion. Good enough?
  18. Few quick points. You can express you distaste, one of the problems is that it has been done way too many times before the episode even aired and even more times after it aired. Good point or bad point, if you keep repeating it 50 times a hour, it gets annoying eventually. If you are being told to calm down a lot, chances are you are being hysterical about something. Mind you, I don't know if you were. You don't have to respect the decisions of the writers at all. Not even a little bit. The problem here is tho, that you have to accept them, because you don't have a say in the matter. You can be the bitter drunk guy in the corner who keeps yelling about the unfairness of the world or you can just go on with your life, but you have to accept it either way. Don't make a war out of this. "Oh, look at me I'm oppressed minority, but I'm making a stand here! Even tho I'm not really a minority or making a stand." does not help. Creating a problem and then dividing people over it never works. Well, unless flame - grief wars is your aim. You're angry about what happened? Write a letter to Hasbro instead of taking it out on others around the fandom just because they perhaps don't mind it that much. Frankly tho, it's the first point. It's been said way too many times, agree or disagree with Twilly princess, it became annoying to almost everyone. Again, you can't do anything, so why not just wait and see what the'll do with this "situation" in S04?
  19. Geee... Stop making "Am I the only one who..." topics. There are better titles. I mean it. Either way, it's absolutely normal, everyone has very different tastes, someone loves everything sweet, someone can't stand sour things, another will cover everything in salt, tho admittedly, majority of people probably like all three basic tastes kinda equally. Personally I love sweet-sour combinations. Like those gummy worms things. I just love them. You know what I mean, right?
  20. Well, what I would disagree with is that it's now "socially acceptable" and cool to watch MLP. I honestly don't see any change in that area from the very start, except for maybe some of the more notorious trolls got bored over the long time period. But yes, there sure are more ... invested fans, who often take the show and the fandom overall very seriously for various reasons and fans who simply watch the show because it's, well, a good show. Now I don't see anything necessarily wrong with either group, even tho I can see why there could be some hostility. The original and/or more serious fans will always feel like their heritage is being stolen from them and made into something they never intended, causing frustration, while the new fans feel like the older ones are acting smug and plainly dislike them. You know, the grand example of what's happening are older fandom than ours. Like Star Wars - It's there for a few decades already and you can see the same thing. There are those older, die-hard fans who love the original series and barely tolerate the new ones and then there are the new fans who are like " I really love Star Wars! It's so great. Except for the old ones are kinda lame...". *Warning. Warning. War incoming.* I guess it's just a normal progress as fandoms get bigger. I can't say if it's a bad or a good thing overall. But I've gotta admit, I kinda miss the time where there was no real hostility or flaming and the little fandom was pretty tight, everyone was kind of like instant best friend (and I'm not being sarcastic). At least that's how it worked where I was hanging out in the 2011. On the other hand, now there are many more discussions to be had, irritating as they sometimes may be. I'm trying to be neutral, tho I sometimes miss the times when noone was telling me to not take the show for little girls so seriously even inside the fandom and clopping wasn't a big whoopity-doo deal. Heh.
  21. Dashie. Partially because of my personal bias and partially because I think she really has better singing than Rarity. I just love RD's voice anytime, anywhere, in any form. Wait. I know several people who sound like that. I think I may sound like that. It's not 18th century accent, it's absolutely normal. Right... Right?!
  22. Honestly, if you leave the fandom just because of the last episode, you are being rather childish and quite the drama queen. I get it, some people dislike it a lot, but then don't comment and leave or just say something along the lines of "Ok, I don't really enjoy that anymore.", even tho that is still weird, if you really enjoyed at least the two seasons and the community. But I've seen mostly this "WTF OMGOMG no!!! I hate hasbro I hate bronies! U all suck!" ragequit-type. Honestly, I find it to be quite amusing, but I can see why I would be concerned and less amused if my friend did it.
  23. 1. What grade did you learn to type in? And have you ever used an ordinary typewriter, whether it was electric or manual? I believe it was actually before I ever went to school. And while I used typewriter, I never really managed to use it very well. 2. What was your first home video game system and what year did you get it? PS, the first one. In 1995 I believe. 3. What is the oldest car, make and model year, you can remember your family owning? Warburg from the 60s, but I honestly have no idea as to what model it was. 4. Did you ever have first generation My Little Ponies or Transformers? If so, when did you get them? I had Transformers, but I don't remember a year, 1994 I'd say, because that's the year when my family was on a vacation where I got those. 5. Who was the earliest president, prime minister, governor, head honcho, etc. of your country that you have a first hand memory of? Vaclav Klaus and John Major. 6. Do you recall smoking being allowed in workplaces where you live? US members under 20 will generally say no but answers from other countries may vary. Oh, yes, you mean those times where governments weren't forcing subtle fascism on citizens? Oh yes, I do remember those. Too bad I smoke now, didn't care back then. 7. Did you ever use old-style roller skates instead of roller blades? Yep. 8. Did you ever use a pre-Windows PC? Yep. A lot actually. 9. Remember “Be kind, please rewind”? Yeah. Tho I'm not really missing the tapes. At all. I think that people who haven't seen (or recorded) many VHS movies can never appreciate discs and digital movies. 10. Name the first big blockbuster movie you recall watching in a theater that wasn't a re-release. Lion King. The original. I'm not sure if you'd call it blockbuster, but it's definitely the one that I liked most and remember really well, including huge bald man sitting right before me.
  24. When I played Ironman, I had this favorite party member who successfully lived trough everything since the very start, always got the best gear, few times I even sacrificed new soldiers to keep him safe - kind of this "My character" instead of one of the soldiers. I took one of the random missions, everything went well, only one Adv. Floater with 3 hitpoints left, so what the heck, I order this character of mine to Run & Gun right to the floater .... 95% chance to hit - Missed. Ok, nevermind, 3 other party members around, including my super-accurate sniper. They all had hit chance between 85-95% and they all freaking missed. Ok, well, it's just a floater, someone will get injured. Floater turns to that "character", aims, shoots and freaking one shots him with the biggest critical hit I've seen in the game up to date (22 I think). Yeah.
  25. Walking on two friends while they were having sex. The awkwardness multiplied, as it was a dark room and instead of yelling or shooing, they just went completely silent, so I didn't actually notice them until I sat down next to them. Making fun of a friend for not coming to a party, just to find out he died right before the party started. That is really frustrating, sad and embarrassing. Not in the humiliating way, it's the way where you have to go "Oh man...." and facepalm everytime you see yourself in the mirror for a week. Constant, little embarrassments are typos for me. Some more than others.
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