I miss a lot of things... but the thing I miss the most out of all of them? Millsberry.
It was a product placment filled city that thousands of people participated in. It had shops, 4 neighborhoods, an arcade, and tons of other stuff too. You had a character that you had to take care of (kinda like a neopet, but they don't die) and customize. You even had your own house to expand and furnish. If you ever had stuff you wanted to sell or you wanted to buy rare items you could do so at yard sales. It was a full fledged city with lots of detail. It even had a weekly newspaper! Explaining about what it is can't do it justice though; you'd just have to play it yourself to see what it's all about. Sadly though, the site shut down a while ago and shows no signs of coming back. Thanks for the memories Millsberry.