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Is it easier to be a boy or a girl?



117 users have voted

  1. 1. Is it easier being a boy or a girl?

    • boy
    • girl

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I think it just depends on who you are; mostly what you value/want, and what you're lacking.


I have to say, I'm certainly not jealous of some physical things, or being hit on just because of appearance (heck, even as a guy, I have to deal with girls who like me way more than I like them, and it creeps me out and makes me very uncomfortable...), but don't think that girls totally win out in the physical arena: guys have to deal with: (NSFW ahead)


Wet dreams. Ruining T-shirt armpits. Lots of facial shaving. And most of all, being able to be "aroused" just by a sight or thought. As someone loyal to values, I don't like that, I've heard a teacher say before (in the appropriate time and place), that girls aren't "turned on" nearly so easily.



Still, though, I'm jealous of how close girls can get to friends, and it still be okay. How they can dance with other girls, and most of all hug and cry to other girls. I'm really jealous of how they can be comfortable opening up to eachother, and they're far more socially skilled than guys, generally speaking.


I really dislike all the shallow, common romantic girlfriend/boyfriend stuff, it just seems rediculous to me, and I honestly consider that I was insane last time I was in love. I just want a really close, strong, meaningful friendship like the mane 6 have with eachother. Guys can't really do that. Heck, I was a good friend with someone at another school, and got made fun of as being "butt buddies" or gay, when we were just friends. It was outrageous and even awkward. A guy trying to become good friends with another guy like that, that girls can so readily do, is extremely awkward for guys. Well, maybe that's just me... http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


I would say for a long, long time females had it harder. Besides the biological burdens people have mentioned before, it was also much harder to be taken seriously. Nowadays though, women can finally be whatever they want to be. You want to be cutsey-wootsie housewife, that's fine. You want to be a hard-nosed business woman, that's fine too. You want to wear cute skirts and a bow in your hair, fine. You want to wear pants suit and carry a briefcase instead of a purse, fine too. You want to bake? Cool. You want to be a marine and shoot the bad guys? Cool too. Guess what I am saying is that girls get to pick wherever they want to be on the girly-manly scale. Men however, have a huge pressure on them to be manly. You have to be tough, you have to like certain things - just look at the backlash we've gotten for liking MLP. Sexually though, it is probably still a man's world because if a woman tries to behave sexually like a man, she is looked down upon and called a slut. In many parts of the world, it is still acceptable and sometimes even desirable for men to be promiscuous prior to marriage whereas women are supposed to remain virgins. Double standards still apply here. I think the scales are tipping to where it is much easier to be a woman now than it used to be.

I think this is kind of what I was getting at. Girls can be pretty cruel and have social stigmas, too, but look at the mane 6; they'd all do well in a high school. Being a Rainbow Dash isn't too weird, being any of them isn't too weird. But a guy liking something like MLP is just sociacide.


Don't get me wrong, though, I did note that girls have their own social stigmas and such to deal with, but my point from earlier still stands that they can open up to eachother much more readily than guys ever, ever can. Guys ever emotionally supporting eachother is just absolutely unheard of. For girls, emotionally supporting eachother is what friends are there for. For guys, it's horribly awkward, period.


I think honestly men have it easier. It's not to say that you boys don't have your troubles. Of course not. Everyone in this world has to deal with a double standard of sorts. Though allow me to dispel your fear of periods: They really aren't that bad as they sound. Sure, they sound all scary and you men don't know that much about them, so most guys who hear about it go: "Awww no, I'm going to... run away now because this is woman stuff." It's just some cramps, slight emotionalness, and messiness for a few days. Then it goes away. Really as simple as that. So although it does make things harder on women, it's not this OH MY GOD HORRIBLE THING that some of you seem to think it is. Childbirth? I don't know anything about. But I would believe it is one of the most painful sensations a human being can feel merely from what I've heard. So... yes, it does make things harder on ladies who DO decide to have children. Those that don't? Well, they're free from that burden. But I must say it does suck pretty hard that a guy just sort of stands there and has little involvement after the conception whilst women have to feel all these things for nine months before culminating in horrendous pain. (I mean, it sucks for the man too. Not just the woman. If the man is a caring father, maybe he wants to be more involved.) And that men can just go around impregnating random women and suffer little ill effects whilst those women have to deal with an entire little human being growing in side of them. Then yes, there is getting hit on. And treated like a sexual object. And ignored/made fun of/made to feel bad if you don't exactly fit into the high societal standards of beauty. You know what else? You can't really post a picture of yourself on the internet without a bunch of dudes gawking. "But why would you want to do that? Isn't that showing off?" Maybe I just want people to know what I look like. If guys can do it, so can I. But... they don't get gawked at by a bunch of pervy teenage boys. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten hit on on the internet. Even if I don't post the picture, merely the KNOWLEDGE that I am a female gets the minds of boys racing. Then there's people who take you less seriously on the internet because you're a female. This mostly happens in online video games, which I avoid like the plague. I've noticed that I get treated more nicely and less seriously at times in my authority here for being the only female moderator. People at times even try to hit on me to get out of things. It's ridiculous. Hell, even in real life, people tend to take females less seriously. It's just a man's world out there. And we've all got to live in it. As Shank have said; women still get paid less by average on the job. Of course, I understand that you men have it hard too. This isn't to say, again, that you don't have your own double standards to work through. Such as the terrible belief that a man shouldn't display his feelings. Why, just the other day, my boyfriend was berated by his own father for crying to me on the phone. He said it was a "sign of weakness." There's all the flack you guys get for liking My Little Pony too, and being berated for liking other feminine things. (Which is kind of screwed up if you think about it. A girl being masculine is much more acceptable. But feminine traits are less? Society really seems to look down on femininity.) If you're a homosexual male too, people find it disgusting. If you're a lesbian? Oh, that's just hot and sexy. See? Both genders suffer from these awful double standards. My overall point: It sucks for both genders, but it's easier (note the modifier. Just because something is easier, doesn't mean it's easy) overall to be a man than it is a woman.

(Sorry, big quote for my browser to eradicate the paragraph spacing from...)


I'd say I agree with most of that, especially the part about guys getting flak: I've hit on the point a few times, girls can show weakness to eachother, and emotionally support eachother, cry, etc., but for guys it'd just be horribly awkward and unheard of.


But the part I disagree with is that overall it's easier to be a man. I think it really depends on the individual, if someone really feels lonely or like they need some emotional support or anything of that sort; they're much better off as a girl. But in a lot of other cases, you're probably right in that guys have it a bit better off.


And I'm not going to be politically correct and say guys and girls are the same or whatnot, they're not. I don't know where this politically correct thing came from, but obviously whoever came up with it needs the birds and bees talk, at least. But at a fundamental level, guys are different from girls in how they approach things and handle emotions. Guys can be stronger emotionally, that's just a fact, and you can also re-word it that as they don't get as emotional, that's true, too. It makes us guys, generally speaking, a bit more dependable, and makes things work smoothly in a relationship: when the girl is feeling weak, and needs to open up and cry to someone, the guy is there for her, to support her. But also, without that emotional, gentle feminine touch, the masculine side would host a barbaric and spartan society, or something cold and callus, though it can mean other things, I'm only toucing on the tip of an iceberg, here. But the point is neither side is complete without the other. So both sides have different strengths and weaknesses, equality doesn't mean the same, it just means neither is better or worse.


Uhm. There was a reason for that paragraph. Not sure what it was. I shouldn't write when I'm really tired...


At the risk of sounding "girly" (heaven forbid! as many of you said, that's the worse thing a man can do! zomg! *note dramatic facetious tone*), here's an area where women have an advantage far as I am concerned - clothing. As a goth, I actually love dressing up. BUT, as a guy, our clothes are boring. Got shirt and pants, whoopee. To be creative, I can add vest, coat, top hat... monocle would be pushing it (like a Sir!). However, as a girl, clothing-wise, the sky's the limit. You have entire clothing stores just dedicated to your UNDERWEAR for crying out loud! You can wear everything we can and so much more. You have skirts, gowns, corsets (the ones women like wearing, not talking about the organ-crushing type), chokers, etc etc. I remember having this discussion with my last gf whenever we would go to a goth clothing store - I would ask her, "why oh why is there always more interesting stuff for YOU and the same boring crap for ME?!" Then she pointed out this toon: Posted Image Guilty! She always was ready before I was... but still! :P Maybe I should be thankful - less clothing options means less money spent. Though, I am currently eyeing up all those MLP t-shirts...

Well, I have zero fashion sense or care... But I do like feeling quiet fancy in a suit, or quiet awesome in a ghillie suit (for those not in the know: Ghillie Suit, used for birdwatching, hunting, sniping, and for me, paintballing), or just any kind of epic "suited up", like my other paintball gear, a vest with ammo, gernade, co2, radio, etc., or in another situation an astronaut's flight suit would be just awesome:


Posted Image

(Most of the awesomeness comes from being totally decked out in a high-tech suit full of high-tech survival stuff. I guess in any case that's what I like. Being decked out with awesomeness and pro.)

Edited by EASA - Dr. Braun
  • Brohoof 1

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


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Males don't have to go through periods and menstrual cramps. (Sorry if I spelled that wrong, I was asleep during FLE)

They also recieve slightly less discrimination resulting in slightly higher pay, as statistics show.

Oh, and-there's less chance that a guy will die in a car crash than a girl (1/3 of drivers are female, but they are 50% of the fatalities).

Edited by Auroreita Borealis


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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How am I supposed to know? I put "other" as my gender in most websites


in all seriousness, I think being a girl is pretty complicated, but I wouldn't know about being a guy, I think being a girl is complicated so I rather just live my life as a no life :)


im gonna have to say girl No offence but girls do get it easy they say one thing and its oh ok fair enough but with us boys my god it takes ages


I don't know, must girls have to live up to standards, behavior, and stuff like that, I just be Pinkazoid and act how I feel like, but I can't say being a boy would be any easier


Even though people have different reasons for their choices..... I think GIRLS ARE LUCKY NOT BE CRISTICIZED FOR PONYWEAR. :(

even though their for toddlers.... lol X)


...I'd get shot if I wear that....






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...I'd get shot if I wear that.... xD

I think everyone would look beautiful if they had their own MLP shirt. :)



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Meh. I would love to be a carefree Llama rather than having to choose between boys or girls

Posted Image


Both genders got their own places in this forsaken biosphere. Would be very unfair to judge it from only the physical factors, when the psychological factors play a bigger role. But then again, If women ruled the Earth, we won't have any sweet nukes and hydrogen bombs


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  • Men will never go through menopause at around their fifties.
  • Blood usually doesn't come out of our genitals.
  • Childbirth is painful.
Sometimes, I feel bad for women. :<


Men will never go through menopause at around their fifties, blood usually doesn't come out of our genitals, childbirth is painful

Men can pee standing up.




I... I can't top this.


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-Deep voice


-Upper body strength

-Spatial reasoning

-No birth-giving

-Alcohol tolerance




-Vulnerable huevos

-No breasts

-Less control of sexual urges

-Body odor/hair

-Cannot comprehend a woman's mind



I'm glad to have been a man.


"If we have the courage to decide ourselves for peace, we will have peace." - Albert Einstein

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Overall, proabably a boy because so many double-standards apply to girls.


I love being a woman, though. Guys'll do anything for you if you know what to say and do. :D

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im gonna have to say girl No offence but girls do get it easy they say one thing and its oh ok fair enough but with us boys my god it takes ages


I don't know what you're saying here. Are you saying that girls can get away with saying something ridiculous or unfair and they won't be penalized, and that if a guy said the same thing that people would go apeshit over it?


That's an extremely vague assumption and it entirely depends on the context of the situation.

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Kidney stones. Like a baby made of sharp calcium deposits. Through a hole that doesn't expand for the purpose of kidney stones.


That's gotta count for something.


Excuse me, but not just men get kidney stones!

I've had them, and it's something I would not wish on anypony!





I decided I wrote a post far too graphically nasty for this forum, so I cut most of it out.


Sorry if anypony got upset at what i originally wrote.

Edited by cuteycindyhoney


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I don't think anyone can really say. We all have out own personal journeys filled with ups and downs. I personally find it difficult at times to be a gay boy in the world we live in, but it's not all bad.


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-Deep voice


-Upper body strength

-Spatial reasoning

-No birth-giving

-Alcohol tolerance




-Vulnerable huevos

-No breasts

-Less control of sexual urges

-Body odor/hair

-Cannot comprehend a woman's mind



I'm glad to have been a man.



Penis? Wat.. How is that a Pro.

Beard is useless. Not really a con, but not a pro either. Unless you care about looks.

Also you clearly think about the stereotypical macho thing when you say Alcohol tolerance is a Pro. The point is to get drunk and if you have to drink less to do it, you are actually better off having a weak tolerance..

Then again, i do not drink so what do i care/know. Maybe i am missing something here.

No breasts is a con? Oh, now you are just joking, aren't you? You'd have to be a special kind of attention seeker to wish to have such things.


But still, yes, it is much easier to be a man.

^ Clickable ^

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Penis? Wat.. How is that a Pro.

Beard is useless. Not really a con, but not a pro either. Unless you care about looks.

Also you clearly think about the stereotypical macho thing when you say Alcohol tolerance is a Pro. The point is to get drunk and if you have to drink less to do it, you are actually better off having a weak tolerance..

Then again, i do not drink so what do i care/know. Maybe i am missing something here.

No breasts is a con? Oh, now you are just joking, aren't you? You'd have to be a special kind of attention seeker to wish to have such things.


But still, yes, it is much easier to be a man.


Well, my list is the things I most appreciate about being my gender, and the things I most regret about it. It's not necessarily applicable to everypony. I can tell you right now that having a beard is great, but like anything it must be cared for if it's not to look ragged. As far as the drinking... yeah that was kind of a joke, but the tradeoff is that while you must drink a little more to get drunk, if you're not looking to get drunk you can enjoy more alcohol before crossing that line. And how is having a penis NOT a pro? B)


"If we have the courage to decide ourselves for peace, we will have peace." - Albert Einstein

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And how is having a penis NOT a pro? B)


Whether penis or breasts are a pro or con I think depends on what size you got. If you have small penis or flat chest, you are likely to be self-conscious about it. If you have HUGE breasts, well, then you are likely to get backaches from carrying them around. I do not think I have ever heard a guy complain about a penis being too big though...
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1. Menstrual cycles. We don't have these.

2. Babies. We don't give birth to these.

3. Social inequality. We have the lucky side on this one.


Eeeyup. We don't need to buy tampons or pads, and when it comes to reproduction, all that is required from us is a few minutes of bliss underneath the bedsheets. Women are stuck taking care of children (after nine months of pregnancy), and parental leave is typically unpaid over here in the USA. Women are still, on average, paid less than men as well.


I believe that Fourier noted that a society's progress can be gauged by how well women are treated, and we still have a way to go regarding this. :(

  • Brohoof 2

De omnibus dubitandum.

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I think we both have our hardships and triumphs, but in the end, we're all humans.


Some people have called me a feminist, but I don't agree with that, because feminists usually focus solely on women. I focus on humans, and how we should all be equal. No matter the gender, race, religion, orientation, or political beliefs. So I'm a Humanist.


Perhaps on a base, mortal level, women experience more natural physical pain in their lives because of menstruation and childbirth (and even sex can be very painful/unpleasant at first), but on a higher, spiritual, and mental level, we all suffer an extensive amount.


One might say "Well, women are more emotional, and they go through more emotional pain." I don't necessarily agree with that. I think women show their emotions more often than men, and our hormones are a little bit crazy. But I have seen men in the throes of painstaking depression, sadness, rage, and jealousy just like us girls.


We can compare and contrast the differences all day. But while a girl may be in one room clutching her lower stomach and wailing, there could be a boy in the next room gritting his teeth while he puts a knife to his wrist.


When you get right down to it, pain is pain, and while we all experience it differently, I'd say it adds up to the same amount. It isn't easy if you're a girl, boy, transgender, whatever. Being a human being is a painful and wonderful experience for everyone.

Edited by PaganPony
  • Brohoof 2




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Well, being a girl and acting/half living/pretending to be a boy is so much easier and so much more me XD So, boy yes. And I've been kicked in the 'nuts' before, and even with nothing their it hurts XD

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-Deep voice


-Upper body strength

-Spatial reasoning

-No birth-giving

-Alcohol tolerance




-Vulnerable huevos

-No breasts

-Less control of sexual urges

-Body odor/hair

-Cannot comprehend a woman's mind



I'm glad to have been a man.


To be honest having a penis is the worst thing about being a man. I much rather not have it and it's unexpected boners

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