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Blitz Boom

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Stardust looked up and Foxy and smiled "I have no real preferences either so long as it is good" he replied then tilted his head taking note of Foxy's nervousness. "Ypu okay?" he asked his friend with concern in his dual colored eyes.


(again sorry for shortness lol)

  • Brohoof 1

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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@Blitz Boom @Summer Breeze

Frosty woke up with a groan when somebody shook him.


He sat upright on his moss bed and rubbed his eyes groggily with a yawn. He looked up and saw Nerzhei looming over him.

"Oh, it's you, Nerzhei. Why'dye wake me up? Oh, wait, nevermind, the gems. Yeah, let's go do that, just gimme a minute. I'm still not entirely awake right now."

Frosty stood up and stretched himself vigorously, almost cat-like, and shook his head a few times to clear the morning fuzz out of his thoughts.

"Ok, I'm good to go. Or did you want something else?"


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@Blitz Boom

   What, you're not then? I hear sleep usually helps with healing stuff, but I wouldn't know. Haven't slept in centuries... or decades, I forget which... Point is! I'm assuming your wounded then? Was kind of guessing that those bandages were either a fashion statement or your species somehow see out your eyeholes with the aid of ragged strips of cloth!


    As the draconequus ponders, the low, relaxing, almost melodical hum from him continues, somehow still being somewhat audible despite it sounding like a throat would be needed though his speech seems unhindered by the making of the noise.

   You need any help with that?

             ... I can usually manage some pretty decent accuracy on healing spells. Mostly because they cover, like, a good third of most schools of magic. You do need your rest though, honeycube! Besides... 

  Widdershins looks up at Briar from the ground with an innocent look, despite his head now being roughly the size of his torso and his neck disappearing around the corner of the tent.

   ...what do you have to protect Brittle from?

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom@Widdershins

Ancalagon pulled out a pocket watch. A gold one at that his tail whipped around as he was getting annoyed. It was hours since he asked the dragoness to get him some food. His stomach rumbled. He wasn't like these modern dragons who feed on gems. No he was one of the ancestors who only ate meat. "Blast it," Ancalagon said as he shifted to a large size. The size of a large house. It was time to hunt.His eyes scanned the everfree forest from his new height. There he saw a huge boar which was coming for the town perfect for a morning breakfast or something to that degree. Ancalagon breathed in and then blew out his fire onto the boar that was about to his the town. The ponies near him felt his heat as he unleashed his black fires. They felt like being near the sun as the boar roasted. Ancalagon roared in victory as he claimed his prize. his true roar shaking the earth around him as he began to eat the cooked boar innards and all. He looked at Last and asked "I apologize do you want some?"


A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Sheesh, a week from now we'd be Equestrias most wanted. I'll take the portal option, thank you.

How the heck am I gonna get hold of you when I know something though? I don't know what your fancy magic can do, so I ain't sure if you have some sort of way I can communicate with you. Perhaps something with just voice if it is? Ain't easy to send an arrest order out on somepony they don't know the face of, eh old timer?"

Chow grinned at Astral's dad, thinking little about how he slightly teased him, as he more or less did that with everypony. That or got into fights with 'em, either on words or muscles, which admittedly didn't always go in his favor. But eh, wadda ya do, right? So without thinking on that much, he grabbed the book and placed it under the bag of spices on his bag. They'd do well in keeping the book down until he were at a place where it would be important.

"Alright, seems like I'm all set and done. Ready to be beamed up when you're ready to send me off Scotty. Sooner I can get this on the road the better chance there is of fixing this, so I likely won't have a lot of time to read this straight off the bat. But I'll make an effort when I can."

Thankfully for Astral, there wasn't gonna be an awkward moment where Chow would try to drill into what her father had meant about her perhaps not wanting Chow to go wandering into the lion's cage like this, since he hadn't heard it. Otherwise, this might've ended up less smoothly than first anticipated, and potentially with somepony hurt. Chow more than likely, depending on how he'd respond to things, though he could sometimes be so painfully oblivious that it might end up being Astral's feelings it hit instead.




Golden got an impressed look in his eyes over the armor, mixed with surprise over it appearing in the first place.

"A most impressive set of armor. Likely something that will come in handy if you both wish to join in on this, but one step at a time. Let us begin by informing the generals."

Golden knocked on the door three times, then waited until he heard the dual voices saying *Enter* at the same time before slowly opening the door and revealing the office behind. And more importantly: The generals of the royal armies in Canterlot.



The two generals saluted Golden as he wandered into the room almost at the same time, though the Night Guard general, Midnight Screecher, were the fastest. It was usually like that with the tall bat pony, but Morning Ray did have his over her for a few things. He had also been in the job longer and were older, so he should have, but at least in the speed department, Screecher had him beaten.

They both prepared a battle stance when they saw the changelings with the ambassador, not feeling safe with their kind on palace grounds ever since the attack, but Golden lifted a hoof which made them pause.

"Please, calm yourselves."

"Calm ourselves? You know what happened the last time a queen got into the palace, ambassador. Can you fault us for reacting?"

Golden shook his head as Screecher talked. A young one that general, but she had proven herself worthy to her position time and time again, and were big on the kingdom learning from their mistakes. Changeling queens were one of those, and why he could not fault either of them from preparing for a fight.

"No, I cannot. But these are guests in the palace, so I would ask you to refrain from attempting violence against them. It would not bode well for the diplomatic ways that are suppose to be going on, following the fall of Chrysalis' hive.

I still come here bearing grave news though, and something that may make you wish that it was as simple as a hive invasion that threatened us."

"Then speak up and say what it is."

It was sometimes hard to see much of Morning Ray considering his helmet, but his voice got through clearly at least. A very gruff and deep one compared to the authoritarian, but light voice of Screecher. Befitting of a veteran in the Solar Guards that had seen plenty of combat in his days.

Golden would spend a little time explaining what had gone on in the garden, so that they could understand what he had meant. Something which got scowls and looks that said they had thought the same as he had. That being that the garden needed to be checked triply over when this were over, in case any other statue had something in it.

"- and that is the current situation. Francis, perhaps you could be so kind as to show the generals what the targets looks like? If you can do something akin to the one who escaped the statue as well, that would be greatly appreciated."




"My name was... Athriel, and I have felt the aura of the... Bearers before. It's distinctive. Besides... I know you, carrier of greed. You were... Well known."

A low chuckle went through Warlock's mind.

"And I know what happened to some of... Them, because I was one of those meant to hide them...

A piece hidden... Where dragons rose. One embedded into... The alicorn amulet, hidden but found again... Another buried in the shrine of forgotten years. Those I... Know about, but only one of them I know... Where is buried. Which one I don't... Remember anymore. A temple. Guarded eternally...

I can help you find them, but... I want to join in. I were meant to... Harness treachery, but I was weak. I'm... Not anymore. I want the power that I was meant for... The rest means nothing.

But to help, I must be... Free again. The mages trapped me in blood. The pony... Returned me, but the griffin tied me down. I can't... Get out as long as the mark is there. Find the pony with the witches... Erase the mark on his skull... And we can hunt for the power that was stolen from us... Make us whole again..."

Athriel's voice was strained as the connection were still hard to maintain, but the message she wanted to give out should be easy to understand. A trade-off, where she became free and got what was meant for her, and in return, she would help tracking down the other elements for Warlock. Among those, he would likely be somewhat interested in the alicorn amulet as one of the first, considering it carried one of his trademark elements of forbidden magic, but greed were still important. It was the one he were mostly known for in the stories she had heard, and an important elements in general. Likely also one of those hidden the best, which meant that he could use all the help he could get. Such as more exact locations on the ones that had been mentioned. And therein lied her bargaining chip.


@Widdershins @Shineling

"Considering normal ponies usually get seriously ill from eating meat, it ain't no wonder there's not many places they serve it. Usually the places I have seen that does, caters to nearby dragons or griffins, or some of the few changelings I've heard off that can eat it. Personally I can't. Ever since I became this, it ain't much that goes down anymore beyond love and liquor."

Happy had tried, that was a given. Few weeks after his transformation, he had caught a fruitbat near their hive and made some lunch out of it, then learned the hard way that his stomach couldn't handle this anymore. Annoying for a while, but he had gotten used to the whole vegetarian diet he had to go with now.

Ambie here looked like the sort that could use some help with his diet too he'd say, considering how the pony started to more or less gobble his chow down like a rabid dog. Barbaric, but he didn't let it show that it annoyed him or anything like that. Happy just took another bite out of one of the love muffins, and this time a more sizeable one, as they didn't seem to affect him in any sort of bad way for some reason. He'd have to try and get the recipe for these before he had to leave town.

"And I right up need this here magic to function anywhere. Imagine me popping up everywhere like this, and then just see for yourself what sort of crazy stuff that would unfold. I'm a freak mate, both by your world and my world's standards, and I don't wanna be locked in a cage or chased with pitchforks and torches. Having disguises helps me have a chance at surviving out there in relative anonymity, and enjoy a regular sort of life, rather than being the center of all sorts of mixed attention."




"Who is that's making all that noise out here?"

The voice got louder as a unicorn wandered out of the area where the spa - which were starting to close off for the night - were directed, and looked at the strange arrival pounding and yapping at the desk like some sort of crazy pony had shown up. Which Kozaky were, no doubts about that, but Bubble Burst wouldn't flat out say so to his face... Yet.


"Sir? Please calm yourself, or I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Though I am afraid that I will likely have to do that regardless, as the spa is closed for tonight. You can put down a reservation for a time tomorrow if it is though? You would have to calm yourself first though."



@Foxy Socks @Twilight-Shimmer

"If I may make a suggestion? I don't know exactly where the food parlor in town is that was spoken of earlier, but if you look, you can see a stream of ponies from around the same area going towards the middle. My best bet is that that would be the placement of said eating area, though it might be a bit of a line right now. Still, what else can really be open this time of night? Small towns usually don't have all night places.

No disrespect meant to Ponyville of course, but it doesn't look like a large town with an active nightlife as much as a quaint community where it goes silent in the late hours most days."

Amazon pointed over towards the place where there were a whole lot of other ponies headed towards as they went on, thinking on how much these workers must have gotten done today before now, and how hungry they likely were after all the work. Depending on how long their shifts had been of course. She didn't know that for sure, so might not be so bad, but still, it would likely be a bit cramped down there to start with.

Agni - after being placed on Stardust's back - tried to sit well, and rummaged around his fur a bit to arrange it better, but eventually just spread her wings and flapped up to the top of his head again. His mane were a much better nest in her opinion, and with a satisfied little coo, she closed her eyes and started taking a small nap.



@Lil' Lovebug @CentipedeGhoul

Vivid raised an eyebrow and looked at Starburst.

"There was a dragon out there in the sky? Huh, usually I see things like that. Peculiar."

She was somewhat certain that it wasn't age that were hampering her sight since she had memories of the time her mortals life lagged to its end, with all the bad things that it brought along, and this didn't fit. But regardless, it seemed like her night sight weren't as good as it used to be. Perhaps she had been in light houses for too long and not enough time in the void recently. Or it had something to do with how she wasn't at full strength yet, though it could also be a mixture of things. Quite frankly she didn't know, and as it seemed right now, it didn't matter much anyway.

"Oh well, as long as it have left town, there is little point in being concerned about it. We might as well find a place to seat and talk rather than here. Shall we?"

Wandering over towards the seat that Satin had mentioned, Vivid chuckled a little to herself about what the mare had said. The apology seemed silly to her, considering the subject matter, but she wouldn't fault Satin. Not everypony did well with being near other beings than their own, and reactions could make some apologetic. Might be awkward of you were the usual outsider among the flock, which a changeling in Canterlot certainly would be.

"Worry not about Satin. I don't mind."

Placing herself at a wall seat, she beckoned to Satin to take place besides her, which would leave a table between them and Starburst. Hopefully that would work as a sufficient barrier in his mind.

"Both of you, come and have a seat. I might not be as up to date with things as you youngsters, but I'm certain everypony can find something to speak about whilst we wait and see if the dragon returns, yes? No need to let a blanket of silence fall."




" Yeah, her memories... I ain't so sure about how that's gonna end up.

On one hoof, unlocking them will make sure she remembers her past, the whole family, and might also be able to tell what happened to our town, since she's the only one from there since the attack I've found.

On the other hoof, remembering what went on, when for example our whole family was gone... I don't know. Perhaps she haven't forgotten all about this from the fall so much as the trauma have made her brain shut it all out. Might be she have seen something truly horrifying, and what sort kof brother would I be to make her remember that? But then comes the fact that it might help and... Well, you can hear how this goes round and round in circles.

She needs to have a say in things when it comes down to it, I get that, but I can't say for sure what would end up hurting more. Her not knowing anything, or everything.

There was no trace, no recordings, no notes or anything about what went after Center Zero. One moment there's a thriving scientific town, the next everypony have vanished into thin air, and the guards are still not sure what to make of it. It's clear something went on where ponies defended themselves, but they haven't found even one drop of blood, so what exactly went on? Are they all really dead, or were they just taken? And by whom?"

Molotov let out a small sigh, then shook his head and tried to get the disturbing thoughts that had gone into his head about what might have happened, out again.

"Blitz here is the only solid witness we have, and if she turns out to have actually blocked it out from trauma... Well, I think you understand at this point. It's a wonky situation.

At least I know she will have had some good weeks of memories from out here, considering what you've said. Bombs, pranks, and making friends are just her sort of fun, and if she couldn't have home, those were the sort of things I'd wish for her to go through too. You're a good chap there Storm, and your lil' brother better appreciate it, or I'd have to reprogram his brain."

Molotov grinned in a friendly manner, which indicated that he was joking, buuuuut perhaps he should not joke about rewriting somepony's brain. Not the sort of humor most liked, which you would think he would get after the third pony had slapped him for it. Apparently, no dice.



@Trixie .

"Now you're just being silly. You only hide from guards if you have done something, and we haven't. We just landed after all."

The bushes near them rustled a little as the guard she had heard before brushed up against it, going closer to have a better look at the ponies lurking around in the royal garden area this time of night. Usually not a thing tourists did.

"Halt, who goes th- Oh, it's you."

He lowered his spear when he saw Sorrow, who went over and gave him a small hug, which he seemed to find rather awkward considering the look on his face.

"Hey there Muffin. No more poltergeists pranking you these days?"

"Thankfully, no. It's been quiet since the last time."

"Hah, I knew it. Good to hear things have settled down."

"There's enough to go around to deal with as it is. Which brings me to why you're here, and who you are?"

The last question was meant for Keeneye, whom the Night Guard focused his gaze on entirely after asking it. Muffin, as he were so far called, seemed to not really be concerned with Sorrow, but that's the benefit of knowing who you're dealing with. Keeneye he didn't know, and even if he came here with Sorrow, that didn't mean that he would take it for granted that everything was good. Not the way he looked.

Sorrow considered asking who he were, but Keeneye seemed to like his somewhat pompous introduction lines, so she would let him say it himself. No need to steal his thunder.




Mother listened with a tired smile on her face for most of what were said by Lin, prepared to answer for what she had meant before- when the situation with her threats were brought up and she hung her head in shame.

"I told the amalgamation that I would rather kill you myself than let you suffer, in case I failed. It is not something I look upon with pride, but if the situation had required it, I would have done it. Just as I had prepared to do with Sen."

She pulled her free hand forth and sliced open the air, revealing her room behind it where she would wander through, and leave access for Lin to follow before she would close it.

"There is no pain greater than to see your children suffer, and though it hurts me to my very core, I would rather that they were given a merciful end by my claws, than to have no future but pain, and in your cases, being slowly devoured and tortured by their captors. I couldn't bare to know that you were in pain like that, so yes, if there had been no hope for either of you, I would have done the unthinkable.

You must understand though, it is not only because I wouldn't wish you this pain. Here I can also renew you, and remake you in our picture. As long as the soul is free, it can be cleansed, and eventually, be given some sort of form."

She didn't know if she had explicitly said to the two newest of her flock, that the siblings here were the souls of others, but if she hadn't, then she had now. They could ask if they wished to, seek answers and she would answer them to a point, but telling whom the beings were before would never happen. She had saved them from the torments that tied them to the mortal plain after their lives ended, and she would not have any of their former self come forth again. The only one who would know those stories, were her, and she did her best to erase them as efficiently from her mind as possible.

"I know what it must sound like, but it is among the burdens I have chosen since leaving my own family to create this haven for the forgotten, and I will not back down from them. I just thank Mortimer that neither of you ended in a state where I had to make this choice. As much as neither of you are born of this realm, I love and care for you as much as I do any of my children. In my eyes, you are as much some of us as any sibling that plays among the shadowy hills."

A flicker of the wrist and three beds rose in the middle of the room. One immensely large, meant for her, and two meant for Sen and Lin, though they were spacious enough for the two to lie together if they preferred this familiar comfort as they rested upon their ordeals.

Gently, she put Sen down on one of the beds and swirled the soft blanket of shades over his form.

"And you are right Lin. The time will come when several here will outlive Sen, unless something happens to him that prolongs his life. Such is not normally a burden for my children, as they are not eternal as us reapers are. Yet Omen gained this from her master's influence, and if the lake have done their thing efficiently, perhaps you too have gained immortality Lin, though I cannot say for certain until I have checked, and it is not time for that.

Death is not something to fear though. The end if only bad for those who did little more than evil in their lives, whereas the rest will find a peaceful afterlife, if they are simply willing to let go of their worries. Yet as with so many other things, there tends to be ways to prolong yourself, though that is not a talk for now. I am drained from this, as I can see you are, and we need rest.

So please. Sleep, think on my words, and let us speak again when you are rested and prepared to return my children."

She let a claw gently go over Sen's chin, whilst a tear went down her smiling face, thinking of what she had heard Sen call her earlier.

"Mother will keep you safe whilst you sleep."



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"Oooooh, okay. Hehe, I should've realized you were talking about that. It just seemed like you meant the book the way you smiled and weighed it like that. But it's just good you didn't really. Noble ponies would likely get all prissy and mopey, and you don't need that. Especially not if a particular sour one starts to make trouble to get to you. I heard about ponies doing that before.

*cough* In books *cough*

But yeah, I can see it being tough to find for anypony. I mean, it's full of chompy things after all, who'd be crazy enough to keep going down there just to see if perhaps you're there? Well, unless they know there is the cave and that you're a siren, but at that point I sorta think you'll have other things on your mind, hehe."



@Seamore Sandwich

She didn't feel it at first. The pain and hopelessness of the other room had been overwhelming, and the feeling of something else took some time to finally register with her.


No pain, no emotional overload of grief, loss or something worse. There was nothing here. Just them, darkness, and whom she assumed were the changeling they had been sent in here to get hold of to begin with. It was nice, compared to what else had been tossed their way in this place.

Slowly she started to take some steps forth, going towards the changeling, but not waiting until she were over at him before she would start to speak, her voice now containing a bit more life than it had in the last part of their horrendous little adventure.

"What have caused you to end up like this, changeling? What brought along this miserable dreamscape for you? And why do you fear that door? What is behind it that you don't want to face?"



@Seamore Sandwich

Scarcity looked the papers over several times, reading the fine print, thinking over if there were any glaring loopholes that would bite her royally in the flank eventually, before finally nodding approvingly and grabbing hold of a pen on the table.

Writing her signature and additional information required by the form, she finished it off with her name at the bottom before putting down the pen again and smiling at Penny.

"There we go then, a legally binding contract. I would like a copy of it though, signed by you at the bottom, for my own finances sake, if you would please. I would rather not get fined by having bits flow out of my business without a paper trail as to where it goes, and this will make for an effective, yet discreet enough way to handle these things.

As for payment, you will get your first installment as soon as Brick Wall returns. It should not be too long, but enough for us to finalize things, in case there are further things you would like to discuss?"

Whatever this form were going to lead to, she had some degree of trust in there being some value from her investment down the road when it came to Penny, considering how she had already seen the mare's work in action, and since the way the document was worded did not lead to anything that would be able to cheat her too severely - if Penny dared to try it - there wasn't currently anymore of a problem for her. That were, besides getting a copy. She would not want to leave here without proof of things, or it would get severely complicated and messy eventually.



@Seamore Sandwich

The seconds ticked by after his parents had left for the next world where Zhu felt an odd satisfaction go over him, even though he knew that considering everything, he should likely be feeling more sad.

Yet as much as that was the expectation, he didn't take death as heavily anymore, and especially not when he could see that a good afterlife awaited the ones who had fallen. He didn't think it was sad that they would never get to see him grow up, because now they were at peace, and they would not have been able to anyway. That timeline had happened, and changing it could be catastrophic for a whole lot of beings.

Instead, he just felt good, and more complete than he had for years. He had finally seen those who had spawned him, gotten to talk with them, and had the chance to say goodbye that he had never had before. Things went well, even if there was a thing that did keep returning. A loose end which he didn't know what to do about, yet knew exactly who to ask. One whom had likely known this before they even went here to begin with.

"Answer me this, Creator. What happened to my sister? What did time bring her that I never knew of?"




"I take a friendly idiot over a hostile genius any day, so nice to meet you too, for the time being."

Null still looked at him suspiciously, but that wasn't really anything new with her. After all Void and her had been through, she didn't overly trust anypony that easily, no matter if her sister vouched for them or not. She'd make her own opinion about this stallion.

"So, gonna be frank here and ask, what's between you two?"


Void blushed at the question that Null had tossed out and directed at either of them really, though mostly towards Lance.

"Call it an accepting town all the same sis, usually folks doesn't stay too close to us, and it makes me suspicious. 'specially when it's from one of the few ponies I've ever seen you stand relaxed around.

So what's the dirt here Lance? Started chatting up and just went from there, or did I miss something important?"

It was pretty direct in it, but Null had never been the sort to mask what she thought of others or back down. Anything bugged her she'd confront it, which were a pretty sharp difference from Void, who'd usually rather just nod and wander along than question things.




Last gritted her teeth, then stepped forward and raised her voice a little towards the fool of a dragon in front of her.

"I don't want your meat. I want you to shut up with your roaring and shrink down again you oaf. This town were trying to get some rest after a long day working, on top of a day getting invaded and having their homes destroyed, and you and your noisy yap isn't helping things. Think on the tired and the foals in town and how you'd feel if I came 'round your place and made dang sure that I made enough noise and trouble to make every draglet sleepless and scared. 'cause that's what you're doing you dang fool."

Just then, the flapping of large, leathery wings were heard above them, but Last didn't look up at the returning dragoness and the caribou she had slung over her shoulder. It seemed to have been ended with a simple crack of the neck to make it as painless as possible, but that wasn't important right now.

"Why do you feel the need to antagonize him, pony?"

Nerzhei let out a sigh and laid down the animal in front of Ancalagon, whom were already in the process of eating a boar it seemed like. Usually a beast that size would last her a few weeks,but for Ancalagon, she would be surprised if it amounted to more than a side dish. Depended on his size upon consumption potentially though, considered the mass, but now wasn't the time to think in semantics. There were potential trouble brewing from the pony getting into the elder dragon's face, and she needed to be focused on that, even though if she had the guts to say it right now, she would side with the pony. She made a fair point about the noise.

She had only been gone for like, 10 to 15 minutes, so seeing how the dragon had gone and gotten himself something really did surprise her some. Impatient sort it seemed.




Briar took a step backwards when the mention of healing spells got brought up.

"No! I mean, please don't touch it, if you would be so kind. The mare said specifically that it should not be removed, or it could end up killing me, or at the very least leaving me still blind.

I made a deal with a mare of dark magic for eyes. I vouch for her in an arrangement with a powerful mage she wishes to speak with, and in return, she have provided me with eyes, yet they are still settling. until the moon stands at its tallest tonight, and only then can I be allowed to take them off. Please do not interfere with this, I beg of you.

I have searched for too long for a way to see already, and being this close to the destination... I could not bear to be within mere hours of my goal and then loose it because of a well-meaning, but ultimately damaging attempt at restoring me."

Briar sounded exactly as pleading near the end as his words indicated. He couldn't risk the chance that this would go wrong and let Widdershins attempt his healing, especially as it was so close to being done. The deal had been made, and the costs exchanged. Now he just had to wait, and it would absolutely crush him to loose it all then because of something like that.

"And Brittle... There are so many things she believes she needs to be protected from, and yet so few she actually does. Everything that have happened to her have left her horrified or nearly anything and anypony, even if there is only few that is really a danger to her anymore. I protect her nonetheless, in part because I owe her that much after leaving her behind the first time I found her in need, and in part because I can't bear to think of her having to face a world alone she knows little about and that hates her. It is... Eerily similar to personal experience, and I can say that having somepony there to help can be all the difference. Something which I would like to be for her.

That includes that I don't want her to wake up here in Ponyville without anypony around her that she knows, and then start to panic with nopony but you nearby. Not to offend you Widdershins, but you do have a... Certain effect on ponies."



@Summer Breeze @Holiday Agnaktor

"Try to keep your voice down, and let them sleep."

Everything would quite frankly go a lot smoother the less ponies were awake to muddle in things right now, and especially since she could imagine they would either distract Frosty so he didn't hear her instructions, or keep saying they wanted to try what she had planned too, and she did not have enough of the right crystals for that. Better to leave them out of this part and just have them wake up to see Frosty proudly wander about with whatever amount he had been able to get loose.

leading the way out of the cave, she stretched herself before looking down on Frosty and speaking in a somewhat louder voice, though not enough to wake up the others inside yet, hopefully. Though they might just wake up on their own, who really knew at this point? Pony sleeping habits wasn't part of her books really.

"Alright then, let's get down to the ocean before the others wake up. I want to get this done as fast as possible. Better get stretched while we walk too, you're going to need your muscles for dipping into the waters. Lyriel? Keep watch over the rest, will you?"

The dryad looked at the two of them with a small snicker on her face, but she nodded nonetheless and turned on her seat so that she could overlook the cave entrance, ready for when her friends woke up.

With that sorted, Nerzhei bend down to take a few things out of the big bag she had with her, then put it in her left pocket before walking and signalling Frosty to follow her. It was about time they got down there and gave him the chance to get some gems.




"Okay, I live pretty close to here though, so shouldn't be a problem. I just hope daddy isn't worried about me."

Anomaly strangely didn't say anything as they wandered on, and just kept watch on things around them curiously, just following until... Well, until Ancalagon started to grow bigger and roar out again, which made her giggle and look at the large dragon with glitter in her eyes. Literally, there were orange glitter rising like in a bath tub in her eye-sockets.

Jelly on the other hoof, were less excited with this, and just went *meep* before speeding up and soon stop up at a house that had to be the police station, if the faded sign above the door were saying anything. Seemed like Stargazer still hadn't had the time to fix the place up yet, which were also shown inside where it was basically as it were when he moved in, minus the boxes here and there of his stuff.

Before Jelly had the chance to say anything, another roar got her attention again. Or okay, it wasn't so much a roar as it were a deep snore coming from upstairs, but the point still stood.

"Sounds like he's sleeping. Guess I'll just explain things to him tomorrow, and hope the big, mean dragon doesn't do anything bad before that."

Walking over to the others after the minor sentence, she gave Cacora a big hug, whilst letting out a low *mmmm* sound of enjoyment.

"Thanks for getting me home friend, and be careful out there, okay? Daddy says there's all sorts of bad things wandering around the world these days. And Anomaly... Uhm, G-Goodbye, and sorry that I gawked... A lot."

"I don't mind, everypony does that. I wonder if the dragon would do that too though? Hehe, I'm gonna have to go and see, just to make sure.

Oh, and I got something for you Cacora. A gift for the road."

Anomaly opened her mouth wide and tall, to the point where a foal would be able to comfortably fit in there and with her tongue rolled out a multi.colored, floating umbrella on a string, that settled near the soon-to-be travelling mare.

"Gotta help against all the rain. Just remember to sneeze on it like, twice a week. Otherwise it might grow a mouth and start to bite."

  • Brohoof 3


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom@Widdershins

"Careful little pony I have sharp fangs, an armored hide, claws that are like spears," Ancalagon said putting one of his large claws to the pony's throat as he bared his teeth with a grin. He then gulped down the cooked boar with ease. "Bt you are right the roaring was to signal my victory and to warn off any competitors. I am an old creature little pony. But I do respect that you would get into the face of a dragon. Stupid but brave," Ancalagon said with a chuckle. He looked at the dragoness with a genntle smile and said "Thank you young one," he grabbed the caribou then gulped it down. "Those two things will hold me over once I find a quetzalcoatl Unless they were hunted to extinction," he said as he rolled his eyes at the demand for him to shrink down. He looked at the pony and said "How are you going to make me shrink down?" he asked with a sarcastic chuckle.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Blitz Boom

*Cacora also jumps at the dragons growth and roar but more surprised then afraid. She nods to the little Jelly.* "Just let him know you made a friend. I think that would make him happy. Besides, we will be seeing eachother again."


*She turns to Anomaly and nods to her words taking the gift.* "I will. Besides I am a tough little pony. Biting never really bothered me. Now off to find either Pinkie Pie or Twilight. Hopefully they have something to help keep you our of trouble and in good company."


*After a slight bow and a hug goodbye, Cacora heads for the one place she knows at least one of the two would be, The Castle of Friendship.*

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@Blitz Boom

Iron Star chuckled, deciding to humor him. "You can just speak under your breath, I have omnipotence." He glanced over to Astral who tried to hide her blush, Iron Star smirked. "Now, for that portal." He formed the portal beneath Chow, the exit portal was upright, causing Chow to tumble out of it. Astral ran over to it, Iron Star closing it before she could look into it. "Don't worry, I dropped him in right next to Scarcity, he can start his plan right away there." He chuckled a bit. "But he'll be in a rather awkward situation though." He tapped his chin. "Eh,I'm pretty sure it'll work out."

"What do we do now?"

He let out a sigh. "I have no idea." He stood up. "We could hold Warlock off for now, I know where he is." His eyes turned white, as if he was blind, before turning back to normal. "Something is off about him, I am sensing two minds. If felt like-" he let out a soft gasp. "Athriel! the name of the thing in chow's head!" He said rather surprised. "I wonder if he knows who she used to be..."


"Yeah, I can hear thoughts. It sounds like a mare for sure, pretty sure it was a pony at some point, sentience doesn't come out of nowhere." He said with a rather hefty sigh. "Still, we can hold him off until Chow's plan is followed through."

Astral placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Remember how my idea went? I got found out."

He let out a sigh, his eyes going white again. "Right. Warlock does have rather immense amount of power, it'd only get us into trouble." He looked to Astral as his eyes turned back to normal. "But what do we do, just sit here until things blow over?"

Astral shrugged. "I guess, but we only need to intervene if Warlock is about to get an Element of Disharmony."


Francis nodded, changing into Warlock first. "This is the statue pony, we are pretty sure he's evil." He changed into Astral. "This was the magic user." He then turned into Misty. "And her accomplice I assume." Finally turning into Chow. "And this is Chow, the only pony I know the name of out of the four." He finally turned back. "Hopefully that helps."


Warlock let out a sigh, sitting down. "It'd help if you could at least try to explain the location of the Alicorn Amulet, and the Element of Greed a bit more. Those two are the ones I'm focused on the most." He drew on the ground. "Also, what mark? who has it? Is it that..." He wondered if the ponies who were then when he was freed had anything to do with it. "Was it that Chow guy? He looks like the kind of pony to have something in his head, considering he didn't do anything to help." He chuckled a bit. "Although that's a good thing, I have no idea if how much magic he knows."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

Somehow, Lin was aware of what those words meant to Sen. For a time, she thought she'd be in the same position as her brother. However difficult the topic might be to talk about, it will need to be mentioned eventually but she would honestly let mother be the one to guide her from this world. She is safe and confident with her around, and she would likewise share her brother's sentiments in another matter. There is no doubt Solasan and Legion have some connection to each other, likely collaborating but there are still some links that need to be bridged before learning the whole story. Maybe something Lin failed to pick up on back when they met in the hidden sanctuary in the forest. Lin lay down on the bed mother provided for her and used this moment to think. 

Something isn't right. Solasan ordered the exile but after several years did he only request that Sen return to the village. HIs word is always final but why would he go back on it? The attitude and confidence masks his true intentions but there has to be something more going on than just a change in personality. What does Legion's memory have?

Lin scanned her thoughts going back from the last instance Legion attempted to meld their memories together and pick out anything from the past. There was the usual melding and possession, and Xin's was right about the cave where many of the villagers were sent. They came out changed and more agreeable. That cave was where Legion preyed on his victims and allowed him to expand his network of host bodies. There were a few mentions of Solasan here and there but those were only words or instructions. Instructions... Lin visualized one specific memory and listened in

"Simulacrum... continue legacy.... Find hosts... expand influence.... Will not see results in lifetime. Make clan better."

Solasan innocent or feigning innocence? Will need to discuss this later.

The rest of the time was spent resting and waiting. Lin would have some things to examine when they return from this realm but for now, she will wait until mother and Sen were fully rested.

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom @Lil' Lovebug

Not concerned about it... as if. Starburst was ripe with worry, rapping his hooves against the table in an impatient manner.

If a dragon was just stomping around Ponyville at this moment, who knew how much damage it would cause. Starburst had only entertained the notion and hadn't expected the taloned creature to be there, buzzing about like a hummingbird.

And if that thing so much as lay a finger on the Canterlot Hospital or on Celestia and Luna's castle, so help him he would...

"I-I'm sorry for making it awkward." He said to the both of them in an apologetic tone, more so to Satin. "I'm not used to being around mares a lot. The only thing that's still keeping me here is the dragon outside."


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@Blitz Boom

This question caught Lance way off guard. When he was expecting a question, he could make a very, very good answer very quickly. However, when they caught him off guard like the current one, they usually were answered with stuttering or attempts to sidestep the question. Lance could tell that if he tried sidestepping the question now, thought, Null would definitely say something about it. And if he looked like he had something to hide, well, it wouldn't really end well for him. So instead he kind of shrugged and answered in the most calm tone he could. 

"Well, as I just moved here it's not like I can say that I think anything of anypony, but Void seemed nice so I started talking with her. She was very nice, and interesting too. And, for some weird reason, she seemed to be genuinely interested in what I had to say too. That's kind of why I started telling her more and I guess we became friends."

He paused.

"Then this freak show came and scared the crap out of me."

Lance motioned towards Happy.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom

Pinkie happily hopped over to the table, reaching a mane into her hoof as she did so. After a bit of fishing around, she pulled out a piece of paper and set it on the table next to the love muffins with a smile, "Don't worry Happy, it's a pretty simple recipe." She winked, ducking under the table and popping back up behind the counter.


Storm nodded, "That's understandable." He replied, "It might've been repressed from trauma or something else and it could just as easily harm as help her for all we know." The pegasus shook his head, "But at the same time, I know that I would rather know my family and deal with some memories than be left wondering forever.. Still, that's Blitzy's choice and she'll have us to help her through it either way." Storm then chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of his head a bit. "As for reprogramming my brother.. I don't think my mom would appreciate that." He replied jokingly to Molotov's remark, "But my little brother is a good kid, so I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be a problem."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Maple Bat


It started out as a normal day for Maple Bat.  The birds were singing, foals were playing in the schoolyard.  That is, until the skies opened up.  Today however, it was no metaphor.  The skies split in two, and a vortex of dark energy pulled Maple Bat in.  Through the sounds of the swirling winds could be heard the chanting of a being reciting old incantations.  Then there was a loud whisper, "Sleep..."  She had no choice but to obey as the being's magic rendered her unconscious. She would come to in a field near Ponyville, unharmed except for mere clipping of hair that had been taken from her.  Little did she know that though the place may seem familiar to her, she was unfamiliar to it.  She had been pulled out of her time, something was taken from her, then she was discarded in a time where she was not meant to exist.


@Blitz Boom


"Your parents didn't know this, but you too played a part in your sister's rescue.  Or at least, you will.  Come, and we'll..."  The Traveler's sentence was cut short by a ripple in time.  Most would not notice, but beings like Zhu and the Traveler could feel the change.  It wasn't necessarily a bad change, however it was very unlikely to be good.  "I have matters I must attend to.  You'll have to carry on without me.  I will return to bring you back to your time, but first, you must set things right.  Go."  The Traveler waved his wing over Zhu, and suddenly Zhu was in a field with grass tall enough for him to hide in.  It was night, but there was enough light from the moon to see a caravan some distance away that had made camp for the night.  From it ran two bipedal figures, one who had covered itself in as much jewelry and gold it could find in the camp, and the other was carrying what looked like an egg.  None were chasing them.  It seems as though their theft had gone unnoticed.  The two figures made their way toward the woods as quickly and quietly as they could to avoid being spotted.


@Blitz Boom


"I was thinking you would want to fill these out anonymously.  They are the only documents I keep with your name on it.  All other records related to it are marked with a number which refers to these documents.  You see, I give a number to each of these forms so I can keep track of it more easily.  Also, I intend to keep my customers' information private anyway, so there's no need to offer anything extra for your security."  Penny looked over the documents to be sure everything was filled out correctly before signing them herself.  She then tore the sheets down the middle with her magic, giving one piece of each to Scarcity.  However, when the documents reached her, they appeared whole, and each had a number on it.  The form for the relaxing chocolates was labeled I-231, and the one for the griffin chocolates was labeled T-232.


@Blitz Boom


As Vivid, moved closer to Miles, Charlie went toward the doors that Miles feared so much.  The knocking seemed friendly enough.  What harm could opening the door do?  Miles didn't let it get that far, though.  "Stop!  Don't open that door!" he yelled, stretching out a hoof toward Charlie, while still crying and staying right where he was.  "That door can never be opened.  It hurts too much."

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@Blitz Boom & @Shineling (so why are we tagging Shinie too? Do I need to too?)

    After a few last bites, Ambie swallows what he has and looks up at Happy Hour. His line of sight darts away for a moment while he grabs for a nearby napkin before turning back to Hour to look at him with his big, green, vacant but slightly unreadable eyes.

     "Are you afraid?..."

   Quickly and admittedly daintily wiping his muzzle, Ambie pauses to prepare himself to more appropriately address his tablemate. While his face is buried in his napkin, it could almost be discerned that, in that short moment, very faint, tiny, green wisps of magic were being drawn to his muzzle, but that would take a trained eye that knew what it was looking for. Any other pony would write it off for an unimportant trick of the light, and they could possibly be just as right.

   "...I mean... I never really got transformation magic. Sure, everyp-, uh, everypony does kind of wish to be something else for a change every once in a while but...

      That still doesn't change what you are or were. I mean... like...    from what I've heard about since I've been here in Ponyville... there's a donkey in town who's somehow managed to be friends with a twenty-foot River Serpent. Haven't seen him, but... I've heard he tends to only come in for special occasions.

   Then there's Pinkie Pie herself of course. I mean, that's practically one of the first things they warn you about when you come to live here for any amount of time. She stretches something weird, can blow herself up like a b-balloon or... well, they warn you to duck for cover if she starts twitching something awful. Uhh... not that I'm gossiping or anything but... well it kinda seems like everypony here knows she's practically a danger to everypony around her at any given moment, but that doesn't stop her from being on good terms with literally every citizen here. They accept her all the same.     ...Ponyville, at least, seems to be a pretty... almost oddly accepting place.

   Besides... Heh...

    Ambie pauses for a moment, his voice lowering a bit, almost as if hesitant to bring the topic up.

  You are... by and far... not the... freakiest....... "guy" I've met...."

   With a notable sigh of exasperation, Ambie pauses to look down at his bowl for a while before returning to his food.


@Blitz Boom

       "Listen you... Mmmangy, Mmmottled Mmmutt! I'll tell you what you can do with your-..."

         Kozaky pauses suddenly, dropping his hoof from where it had emphatically poked Bubble Burst on the end of his snout. Having noticeably calmed down a bit for the time being, that same hoof then raises to his own muzzle in thought.

   "Oh, huh... that's fortunate. I was looking for this "Spa" thing.  What... did I need a "Spa" for again?..."



@Blitz Boom

     UL-ti-mat-ly Dam-ag-...

   Having reared up a bit in feigned offense at the notion his powers were that predictable, Widdershins then calms back down just as quickly as Briar goes onto mention Brittle, settling back down to wait for him to finish. When he does, the draconequus responds in kind from where he rests his head on the ground ontop of his fuzzy cheeks. Gesturing all the while with his ears as he does so.

    Well... consider the following, if you will.

         She is your travel companion, is she not? Travel involves many changes, does it not? Given what you say of her personality, its a given that she is prone to react to new experiences (and of which there can be only more of the more she travels.) with caution or fear.

   But, one cannot fully be aware of what a new experience brings. Say, a new friend leaping at her with the intent to boisterously welcome being just as forseen as much as an attack.

   It is simply a part of her to be scared, right? Therefore, the more she travels, the more she fears... the more she experiences... the more of her fear she combats & hopefully gets used to. Wouldn't protecting her only keep her from the experiences that adds to a life where she grows on her own? A sapling needs shelter to grow, but keep it in a jar & it will forever remain stunted.

         Widdershins's head rears back up again to level with the top of the tent and his voice continues in a serious tone, lower then his usual happy pitch, blends well with the faint, lullaby of a thrum somehow coming from his throat.

   I forget yet if anybeing has asked yet. But it is an important faucet of my character.

            I'm the Spirit of Confusion.

   And, for brevity's sake, you can consider that paramount to Life. (though don't say it aloud, the Spirit of Life is just a tad bit more important than I!)

     Life is about the accepting. Brittle needs to learn that what life does & doesn't bring can not, in any way, be predicted. Maybe the world does hate her. You can't know until they pull a spear out on you and rush at you claiming that they want your organs. ... Your past... what you've been through or done remains in the past. And always will.

   It's up to her & her alone if she wants to live.              ...and what's living for.

   With a sigh out the end of his long snout, Widdershins averts his gaze from staring out at the night sky beyond Briar and slowly descends back down to laying his face on the ground where it was before. As he ends his sigh on the ground, his eyes appear to dull and glaze over either from thought or from whatever driving force behind him somehow appearing to leave him as if it was getting up to fetch something.

   "Forget. Only then will there be space for hope between the pain & the fear."   ...some wizard I once knew.

   .... Sigh.  ...besides....        

   Widdershins's usual smirk slowly ebbs back onto his snout.

     What're you worried about eyes for? If you were without them once, where's the harm in being without again? I've spent years sans eyeballs!

       ...and staying up to stare at Dusk won't get you there any quicker! All the better a surprise to wake up with it, eh?

                              ...and We need you to tuck in for the night all the same so the B plot can catch up to me!

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom @Summer Breeze

"Ok, I'll keep quiet."

Frosty followed Nerzhei out of the cave, stifling more yawns as he went. He usually only woke up at around 10 AM, so he was still a bit sleepy.

"Yes, stretching seems like a good idea. I'll do some magic warm-ups as well, I suppose."

He stretched a bit more, before following Nerzhei to the beach. On the way to the beach he picked up stones in his magic, levitating them around him in a circular pattern. The more time went by, the more stones he collected, adding more and more to the pattern around him, creating all sorts of mathematical patterns.


Back in the cave, Blue slowly woke up. She, unlike Frosty, was used to rising early in the morning. She did a quick check-up to see if any of her body parts changed back to changeling. She sensed that her eyes had changed back in her sleep, so she changed them back to aqua blue real quick. Sleeping in disguise was a thing that she had never quite gotten used to.

Blue got up slowly, looking around her to see who else was awake noticing that Lyriel was sitting outside the cave. She walked out of the cave and approached Lyriel.

"Hey yo, what's up?"


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@Blitz Boom @Twilight-Shimmer

Foxy looked toward where Amazon was pointing. A decent size group of ponies (for Ponyville) were going towards a building. Foxy nodded and continued on. She never really came out at night unless she had to; she much preferred staying at home. Even so, this was an interesting experience. Foxy wandered up through the few ponies there were at that time of night, and wandered up to where she could tell was the parlor. 

"Here it is," Foxy said, though probably wasn't needed.

Looking around the nighttime area, she discovered the town had it had its own charm. Why Foxy never wandered here prior was beyond her, because she liked the calmness of it, even if most places are closed for the night.

Foxy usually stayed at her house or someplace else during the night if she could not sleep. Many hours in the night were spent studying the nocturnal animals, which foxes were for the most part.

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@Blitz Boom @CentipedeGhoul

Satin nodded to Vivid and sat down next to her. She looked at the stallion across from her and let out a chuckle. "Oh dear. Don't you worry about that. We won't bite." She playfully flashed a slight glimpse of her fangs to him. "So, if you don't usually like company, what bring you to a place such as this, dear sir? It seems a far cry from where someone such as yourself would be found." She put a hoof to her chin. "Ohh, looking to drink all your worries away? Or..." she leaned across the table and whispered in a teasing tone, "are you perhaps looking for a stallion?"

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@Blitz Boom 

Phoenix heard Smokey's comment and she stopped walking. clearly, he had seen through the little hole in the way she had worded her previous statements. was she really that much of an open book? no, surely Smokey was simply alot more keen and smart than she was giving him credit for. of course, she also hated bringing attention to this sort of thing. after all, it wasn't the business of strangers. she simply remained silent, keeping her gaze forward as she continued to trot along towards their objective. 

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@Seamore Sandwich

"What just happened?" Maple said as she was waking up "Why am I in the middle of a field?"

She could tell something was off. The world seemed calmer that it usually was.

Maybe I should go home for a while she though while she was still half asleep yet she couldnt shake that bad feeling down in her chest


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Trixie .

"Well, you're out of luck there sir. The castle is closed for the public for tonight, and furthermore, Princess Celestia is not home currently. She had matter to attend to elsewhere, though she should return tomorrow."

"Figured as much as the first, though I'm surprised the princess isn't in town. But I guess she haves things to do all over the kingdom and can't always get it done from here, so eh, nothing to do about that."

Sorrow shrugged her shoulders and looked at the *Great* Keeneye. Hehe, such a silly thing to call one self, but whatever floated his boat. No need for her to try and poke at that more than she already had. At least not right now.

"So that's a bust for now Keeneye. But if we can wait until morning, I'm sure she'll be around. She does need to come and raise the sun after all, so I can't imagine her being away for too long."



@dragon4111 @Widdershins

"Oh please. If I wanted to make you do anything I would've come bearing a fancy title and fourteen pages of redundant papers, or outright attacked you instead of wasting time talking. But news flash bucko: I ain't a diplomat, and even if I wasn't hurt, I'm not a complete idiot either. Attacking you is a suicide mission considering the size change, and it would take everypony else here with it. I ain't gonna condemn them all just because I want to clock you one.

I was asking you to keep it down, because the folks here doesn't need more in their shoulders right now, and especially not at this time of night. If you ain't gonna do that willingly, then what am I gonna do about it? It'd be like a one winged butterfly attacking a mountain."

Last was a direct sort, which were irking Nerzhei right now as she wasn't certain how this would go with the elder dragon, though she'd have to admit that she admired her guts to say this. The pony looked damaged right now, and outright admitted that even at the best of times, she would be pretty much useless in trying to make Ancalagon do anything against his will. Interesting self insight, mixed with just enough careless hot-head to likely earn her some slaps through the years, at least in the dragonesses perspective.

"Is there anything else you need, Lord Ancalagon? A muzzle for this one perhaps?"

A slight earthly green-brown color went over the claws on Nerzhei's right hand as rocks started to rise up from the ground and shape itself into a fitting muzzle for the loud-mouthed pony, who sent her a look that promised the dragoness untold violence if she even tried to put that on her.

She wasn't trying to show off to the elder dragon, but perhaps it would find him somewhat interesting to see the ease with which she did this. A lot of dragons these days didn't have the focus or discipline to explore their magic, if they even had any, and amongst those who did, it tended to be simply brute force it was used to. Like if another geomancer dragon was here. he were likely to just use it to bash skulls in with slabs of rocks, instead of forming and refining it to something more fitting and useful, and wasting a great deal of magic in the process.

Magic and dragons wasn't what it once were, though Ancalagon would know that more than any others, considering his age. And if it wasn't because she didn't want to step on his toes in any sort of way, she might have asked him about things from the past considering his age. Like say, if that book she were studying had any merit? But it wasn't the time for that, and besides, she didn't bring the book with her anyway, unfortunately.




The last the two would see of Jelly was her yawning, and waving to them before heading to the celing, where she'd wrap her tail around a beam, fold her wings around her, and go to sleep. Definitely more bat than pony with this one it seemed, but it didn't matter much as the two of them would leave, and Anomaly would lock the door. She didn't have a key, but the sound of the lock clicking was still unmistakable as she stood and whistles at the door.

" Okay, small pony sleeping, and where were we going again? The shiny castle? Well okay, it doesn't shine that much right now since it's all dark and stuff, but normally."

It would be a start, and someplace they might be able to find Twilight if she were still awake, but as Pinkie was at the food parlor where a lot of workers were now coming around for some grub, she wouldn't be near the castle at least.

"Cacora? Strange monkey man says that Pinkie isn't at the castle, but is somewhere feeding workers. So go look for her if there's nopony up there then?"

Dang it Anomaly, stop spoiling things, would you? Trying to make a story here.




Long away from the mountain where the three witches were residing, Chow stumbled out of a portal and landed on a high end carpet somewhere he didn't immediately recognize.

"Darn transporter pony and his sneaky, dirty tricks. Gonna have to find a way to get back at him for this later on, but... Wait, is this... Oh crud, I'm boned."

It had taken him a bit, but eventually he had started to recognize the surroundings he were in, which were Scarcity's office, minus the mare in charge. Which meant that to her, he might as well be snooping around, or if Brick found him... This was not a time for him to end up unconscious on the floor, or on bad standing with somepony like Scarcity. He had to try and get out of here, then return later when-

And further he didn't get before the door opened and Scarcity stepped in with a chuckle and a small, devious grin. That was, until she saw Chow, who looked like he were prepared for the roof to fall down on him.

"Double Chow. You do remember what I've told you about being in my office without permission, don't you?"

The tone were cold, and so were the look in her eyes as she stepped closer to him.

"I-I didn't mean to end up here Scarcity, I swear. Darn teleporter chap said he'd get me to you so we could have a chat, and for some reason went here. I thought he'd dump me off outside. You know me lass, I ain't smart enough to pick a lock, so how'd I get in here otherwise?"

"I'm inclined to believe a lot currently, when it comes to one of Canterlot's most wanted. Your little stunt in the garden have caught a lot of attention towards you, as well as your little friends. Whatever you're willing to tell me what exactly went on without lying or skipping a beat will determine whatever I believe them, or you. And that includes what the deal if with your little friends."

It had only been around 10 minutes or so, but she seemed to already know something of the encounter. He'd ask more into that if the situation was better.

"Scarcity, I-"

She took a large step forward and got into his face, starring at him a glare that he had only seen a few times before, yet did not make him any less scared of it.

"No excuses, and no talking around the subject. Something happened, and I need to know more details to not drag you to the guards myself. I will not let things harm me or my business because you neglected to keep things back. So start, talking."

Chow caved instantly, and told her the story. About what happened in the garden, what was apparently happening in regards to the legless wonder, and also, what Misty and Astral could do. He didn't tell about where they were or what they had planned, and he did cover it as just being *Zebra magic and some sort of unknown magic source* that made them able to do magic, rather than witch books, but everything else did get out on the table, even if he didn't feel all that good about it.

Still, if there was one pony who he trusted to hoard secrets rather than share them, it was Scarcity. She'd find some way to make use of the information, but she wouldn't sell them out or start yapping about them, unless they started to cause direct trouble for her and her business.




The two generals watched closely as the changeling popped from one form to another, then when it was don just looked at eachother and nodded, before drawing their attention back to Golden.

"We will get the guards prepared and send words to the library. That first one seems like the kind of bad news that would have some lore about him."

"The troops in town will be told to scour the city for them and report directly to us if they find anything, and if any of them are located, they will be apprehended. Consider this in our grasp now ambassador, and move on with your guests. We have work to do."

"Thank you for the visuals though, it will help. Now as he said, shoo."

The two seemed pretty much in agreement on what to do, and just needed the peace to actually get to work on it from what they were saying. Something which were cemented more by the fact that they went over and started to grab hold of a few things, including more of Screechers armor, and Morning's sword, as well as the fact that they were now ignoring the three of them.

"We should leave them to work then. Brace yourselves for transportation please."

With that, Golden's horn gave off a flash, and soon thereafter they would find themselves in another part of the palace.

"I will need to take contact in town to somepony who can help the generals scour for the four, but I will not force either oof you to come along. You can stay here and enjoy a small rest until I have finished this if you prefer, though you are free to come along too of course, if you so chose. You should be aware though, that the pony in question is in town, so some degree of attention will be drawn to you from the bustling streets outside her domicile.".




"Felt the amulet close... Not long ago. It's being worn by another. Couldn't... See who it was though.

The others I can't... Say which one is which. They wanted... To protect them, so they just gave us locations, not... Specifics on the items. I think Greed might be... Under the eternal guard though. Statue there... Solid gold. Seems fitting, yes?"

The voice had taken a bit to respond at first, after the name of her prison was mentioned, but it returned eventually, though a little annoyed.

"The pony with them is Chow, yes... A weakling seeking power to change... Found nothing but me. He haves... No magic. He's just a brute, not... Protected like the others either. Get him a little away... From them, erase the mark on his skull, over the... Right eye-socket, and the prison... Falters.

I know you want me to... Tell you where exactly to find the elements, but... I'm not that stupid. I tell you the locations now, and... You won't bother getting me out. I wouldn't... Be worth it to you. Free me, then... We find what belongs to us. Make us whole again. Spread... Disharmony, like we were supposed to. Better than... That impostor, Discord."




How long were she resting? Hours more than likely, though it was hard to tell in this world, where light never shone and the shades remained the same. A day or a thousand years could pass in seemingly the blink of an eye.

Time didn't worry her much though. She were immortal, nearly indestructible and she had nothing of any urgency that she needed to do. Life was peaceful for her, even amidst all of her worries. Yet her worries were one of those things that eventually made her open her eyes and start to rise from her large bed. Not for her, but for her adopted children, Sen and Lin.

They had been through a lot together and apart, from what she had gathered, and it seemed like conflict held no end. Possessions, lost family, a home that shunned them and dangers lurking in every corner, wanting to snuff the life out of unsuspecting beings like them. They certainly had seen a lot in a short period of time, yet they needded to go back and face more soon.

She didn't like to think about it. She wanted her children to be safe and live life to the fullest, and yet here were two who were dangling close to the edge time and time again. It made her almost wish that she could just keep them here, away from all the hardships and concerns that their life brought them, and give them a blissful, safe haven to live in.

But she knew that she couldn't. This place was not meant as an eternal home for any others than herself, and no matter what hardships were to be faced out there in the varied worlds, it was just part of the concept of life that she wished for all her children to have, sooner or later. Dangerous, unpredictable, but still full of wonder and things to explore. It was beautiful and horrifying at the same time, and even for Sen and Lin, who were wandering closer to the side where only shadows fell, needed to be part of the life out there. The same with Omen, whom she felt the presence of in her world now, who would likely soon want to see her friends, and know that they had gotten through things safely.

Rising to her feet, she put a claw over to each of the two longma in her room, and poked them gently, seeing if they were awake and feeling better. Hopefully they would do more than her, who still looked and felt somewhat drained, but she could not tell until she had seen the light in their eyes.

"Sen? Lin? How are you feeling?"




Null listened to what Lance had to say, then eventually nodded and eased up her stance a small bit.

"Alright, sounds reasonable enough. You been discussing anything seriou-"

She were interrupted as the noise of talking ponies got close and she turned around to see a bunch of tired-looking ponies of different groups, ages, etc, that were headed towards the open area food parlor they had going here. Some went over towards the line where some sort of pink pony sometimes stood, whilst others started to head over tot hem, and... Oh crud, Void was supposed to deal out food to these.

That wasn't good. Her sister were tough in her own way, but not when it came to handling and being around other ponies. SHe wouldn't be able to handle this.

And yet, as ponies started to push forward and ordering things, Void actually seemed to be doing well. Sure she still stuttered and didn't look that many in the eyes, but she still got through this admirably, when usually she wasn't able to do something of this caliber. Something which made her turn to Lance and ask him something in a pretty confused tone.

"Okay... What have you done to Void? Cause usually this wouldn't happen."




"Yeah, you're probably right. Better to first find the tools to get it done, then see if she's up for it herself.

And you don't need to worry 'bout your brother. Eben though I could likely make him into a nice lil' servant colt, I'll steer clear of messing with his head. Not that I couldn't, since it usually revolve around correct electrical shocks, neural implants and some time to break the mind first, but that's so time consuming and messy. Really more hassle than it's worth.

Hehe, joking aside, I have no idea how to really do it. I don't get the papers discussing that sort, but it seems to involve a lot of a wonky kind of hypnosis. I'd prefer to just build a small robot squirrel to pester him for a while until he'd act better personally, but not gonna go there either. Making an artificial intelligence isn't all that easy, and making simple robots with no thoughts of its own is boring, so not gonna bother with all the hassle really.

How is your family like though? You've heard a bit of mine, and you see this little rascal, but what of your ilk? Kinda curious, and we still have a bit until we're in town anyway, so."



@Seamore Sandwich

Ripples in time... So that is what this were.

Zhu had felt this vibration a few times in his life, but never knows for sure what it was. It seemed important, and it tended to make his sight erratic for a few seconds, but he hadn't thought it was actually ripples in time. It would explain a good deal, and considering the Creator sent him on his way now, it were going to be the only explanation he'd get before he were suddenly alone, still at night, but most assuredly not at the castle.

He saw a camp not far from him, and wondered what exactly the Creator had meant, when he saw two bipedal figures leaving the camp. One having glittering jewelry on its person, whilst the other held what truly got his focus, and by far counted as a treasure more than the simple trinkets of gold the other held: An egg. More specifically, the egg he knew would contain his lost sibling.

The urge to barge forward and use his magic to catch the two of them in a swirl of wind, after which he could simply take the egg and return it, were great. Yet the story would not match if he did. The egg had to be stolen, and it needed to hatch near an earth pony. If he interrupted that, then what might end up happening to the timeline? No, he needed to follow for now, and then see what would happen.

Silently, he mumbled some words and rose on winds above the trees, where he would follow hidden by the tree-crowns, but in a position where he could see the two that were running. The second he could get a look on either of their faces, he would know what to do through his sight, yet even before that he could still stalk them, and in case they tried to do something with the egg, take action.

As for the gold that was stolen... Likely not his problem currently, but they would see what would happen.



@Seamore Sandwich

"I would do this more anonymously, but I do need to keep track of where my gold goes in quantities like this. I would want to get into trouble with the tax ponies after all. Trust me, they are some of the least friendly beings you can talk with if they believe you to do any sort of fraud."

Personally, she had never had any issues with these ponies, because she kept her paperwork immaculate and made sure not to try and stiff them, but she knew it was just a small misstep it took to ruin everything, and she wasn't in the mood to end up in a battle with these ponies. Much as she knew they were just doing their jobs, it didn't make them any less detestable to hear about how they had chomped down on frauds before. Their methods that were, not their justifications.

Taking her copy of the contract and folding it together, Scarcity would raise her ears some and listen in about whatever or not that Brick had returned, which thus far seemed to be a no.

"As for the extra amount, the contract have been signed already dear, so too late for me to back down. Besides, I believe that you get what you pay for. I pay extra for anonymity, so I am somewhat more certain that my name won't be mentioned as the first if you are somehow forced to fork your clients over. It may seem unlikely, but you would be surprised what can happen during hostile business take-overs. Messy stuff really.

Ohoho, but I don't mean to put baseless worries in your mind. My apologies dear. Regardless, I stay true to what I have signed for, so when my assistant returns, I will pay what you are due."



@Seamore Sandwich

"That door hurts? Then what about here? You lay here and cry, shivering on the ground like somepony had been tormenting you, and you believe that whatever is out there is worth putting yourself in this stasis for?"

Vivid wandered closer to Xeno, looking at the doctor wit some small degree of pity in her hurt eyes.

"If that's why you hide here, and slowly kill yourself in the real world because of it, then this is a stasis that must be broken. Charlie, open the door."

Vivid placed herself between Xeno and Charlie, preparing herself to pin the changeling down. Might be she wasn't physically strong in her living form, but this was her soul, and it was stronger than her mortal coil. She were bigger than Xeno like this, and her strength were better, though she wasn't one of the big, bulky demons. Sure she had the look, complete with spikes down her spine, but she were one of the more nimble ones, so who knew? Might be he would surprise her.



@Widdershins @Shineling

"This place might be accepting, but that's sure not the story everywhere. Believe me, I've seen my share of intolerance, and quite frankly, the only tolerance I wanna mess around with, is the alcoholic kind."

A bad joke, that was for sure, but one that made him sit back a bit and laugh. And not a fake one for looks this time, just a regular, slightly bellowing laughter over a joke that were likely slap-worthy. Thankfully not by Pinkie's assessment, who seemed to have somehow read his mind and placed a recipe in front of him out of nowhere. He'd be creeped out if he wasn't caught in the moment.

Laughing didn't mean that he didn't keep up examining Ambie though. It was a habit to do with those close by, and especially if he were talking with them, which were also how he noticed the subtle flames go over Ambie's face, which in turn made him start to curse internally. After all that he had said, it turns out that this little rat were a changeling as well?

He could barely even be mad about it really, even if it did simmer under the surface that he had been deceived.

Changelings were mainly about keeping a low profile and keeping their heads low, and this surely got that down. Cursed be that he didn't pick up on this before, though now that he did, he leaned in towards him slowly, and lowered his voice to make it between the two of them.

"I'm not the only one afraid of getting shown though, am I? I saw the flames, I know you're one of us."




"Might I suggest that perhaps you were looking for a spa to get a complete relaxation package? I think you might be a little stressed, if I may be so bold sir."

That or outright crazy, but it wasn't nice to say something like that, and he were certain that bad customer service like that would be frowned upon by his bosses. Something which he would not wish for, as he really liked working here. It was nice, relaxing, and he got an epmloyee discount on massages. Plus being this near to Bulk Biceps most of the day... Quite a perk of the job.




"I am aware that I neither can, nor should, shield her from everything forever, but she needs to be eased into things as it stands now. You saw how easily she broke into panic before, and that were even one of her good days. I have been near her when she had days so bad that a rustling leaf could make her crawl into a pile and plead that whoever were there didn't hurt her.

In time she will need to face things, but right now the best I can do is try to make her feel more comfortable earound others, and she won't even give it a chance unless I am there to oversee things, in case things goes wrong. She have been hurt too much by others to feel trust like that..."

That last bit stung, as he knew that he were one of those that had failed her, even if it wasn't on purpose. He had set her free, then left her behind in a scary world where she had no idea what to do with herself, and ponies on her heels that wanted to put her back in her cage and prepare for the next show. If he had just stuck around and talked to her, asking if she needed him... How different would it not be now? How much better would she not have been at this point? The circus carried much blame, as well as the changelings before that whom had turned her, but he carried his part in hurting her as well, and that guilt drilled into him sometimes.

"And to make a minor correction if I may, she and I are not traveling companions yet. I have settled in the area to help and prepare her before going on to the lands out there again, with the intent of bring her with me this time. I have a need for the road eventually, but for her sake, I find patience.

Well, that, and the zebra mystic Zecora. She's rather intriguing and we have had some great conversations thus far. A little strange at first, but I have grown to love her riddling tone and... Hospitable behavior."

A minor, purple blush went over his cheeks as he recalled a meeting with her a few days ago, after he had helped her with some herbs that she needed to locate, cultivate and harvest. It was a moment he would hold dear to his heart for a long time, yet not one he had told anypony about. He respected her privacy after all.

"As for the eyes implemented inside my head, you must understand that I have never been able to see. For a long time it didn't matter, as I was worked half to death back in the tribe, but the more I started to travel the lands and find myself in the splendor of areas I was told hold such elegance and beauty, the more I longed to be able to see that, to a point where my travels for a long time now have been searching for sight. I have finally found that here in this town, after over a decade, and I would hate to loose it now. I want to go out and explore this world in all the glory it haves to offer. And for that, I will follow my instructions to the letter."



@Lil' Lovebug @CentipedeGhoul

It wasn't intentional, but the absurdity in Satin's behavior, and the question that she were giving him at the end, made Vivid sit and laugh a little. Not loudly, but the mixture of raspy and perky in her joyful mood was a nice break from how serious she seemed to be about most things.

"I'm sorry, it was just something I hadn't expected. I don't condemn stallions looking for stallions mind you, but it's really been a long time since I heard that, and for some reason it seemed amusing.

Personally, I don't think that's why you're here though, is it? No, you seem more the shy or indecisive type to me. Then again, I could be wrong. I've been out of the game for far too long to really tell for certain, and Satin is a changeling that should know emotions, so... Perhaps you are here for that. Or to seek shelter from the before-mentioned dragon perhaps, and finding yourself at the mercy of a couple of playful tricksters."

She sat and wondered for a bit, then shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh well, perhaps it was better to give you a chance to speak and explain before we end in wild speculation. So, what brings you dear?"



@Holiday Agnaktor @Summer Breeze

Nerzhei kept mostly quiet as they went towards the beach, the only sound from her area being the methodical chewing of Lotus who seemed to have gotten hold of an oversized carrot. Likely a gift from the dryad, and would explain why the little thing never seemed to have an issue with her thus far. No need to bite the hand that makes the food after all.

When they got to the beach though, she glared over the somewhat quiet ocean and took a few deep breaths.

"Alright, here's how it works. To get to the gems, we need to get to the depths of this ocean. Since you can't make it that far without running out of breath, we'll be cheating."

Putting her hand into her pocket, she withdrew the two... Breathing masks of some kind? They seemed to be made of some sort of stretchy goo designed to wrap around the nose and muzzle or maw of whomever took it on, then perhaps breathe through the grey, swirly gem sown into the middle?

"It's crude, but effective. Wrap it around your nose and muzzle, then draw breath through as normal. The gems are loaded with air magic in a way that will provide air for around an hour, which should be more than time enough. Do not try to remove it underwater or you'll drown.

I'll follow and tuck the gems loose when we get there. I doubt you can wriggle them loose on your own.

Any questions?"

Back at the camp, Lyriel raised a hand and met the awakened Blue with a smile.

"I would think that the sky was above us, as it so often are. Have you slept well friend?"

Whilst it might be an easily understandable expression for ponies to understand, Lyriel were not familiar with their slang and expressions in general, so when she heard a question about what was up for example, she would assume the sky was in question, though why she didn't know.




The silence from Phoenix were met with silence from Smokey, thinking this a hard point that he had stepped on that were not to be spoken of, and seeking some kid of other thing to direct the conversation upon to get away from this awkward moment.

"...We're at the camp it seems. Should not be too hard finding our target then."

Moving along like nothing happened, Smokey wandered up to a yawning pony looking over a chart, that didn't turn to talk to him until he had cleared his throat to get the attention towards himself.

"Can I help you?"

"I do hope so sir. Now, this may sound strange, but we're looking for a draconequus."

The pony rolled his eyes.

"Oh, That one. Follow that way and you'll find him. Impossible to miss."

"Thank you. Shall we Phoenix?"

Smokey started to move in the direction he had been pointed by the pony who seemed less than impressed about the draconequus, but halted to see if his companion would follow.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom@Widdershins

Ancalagon chuckled as he watched the dragoness. "The old magic flow through you little one," he stated with a gentle tone. He then smirked playfully "You could be from thge Scarred one I mated with say 2000 years ago?" he smirked jokingly at her. "But still it is nice to see a dragoness able to concentrate enough to form items out of the dirt. But study enough and you';ll be able to pull out this," Ancalagon said as as concentrated and pulled out a rather large ruby. He then gave it to the dragoness. "Your payment for doing what I asked. Now then Miss Forepony the Courier guild will be coming enmass to help out this town,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Foxy Socks 

@Blitz Boom


Stardust continued to follow foxy while thinking about food. Though he also was thinking of things he could do in Ponyville 'It's not like I can get a real job' he silently mused to himself. Coming to a stop as Foxy did he beheld the place in front of him and took a sniff. "Smells like they have some great food here" he said eagerly then attemtping to look up at the Phoenix asked "Do you want something to eat too?"

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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@Blitz Boom

"Our injuries will heal, no doubt about that." 

Sen propped himself up and looked to mother with relief. Most of his body regained its color, no more pale spots and the bits of skin and scales flaking off were back to being fixed on the rest of his body. His mind was still wracked with pain and his concern about the implications of legion already being aware of this realm was alarming. The siblings already gained a wealth of knowledge from being possessed by Legion and while they gained limited use out of it, the opposite may be true as well. There was no way to tell until the enemy is walking right through a gate. Even worse, how many innocent victims might be able to do that? 

"There's still the matter of Legion and Solasan still running around. They know of this place and will try to get to you, mother." 

"Brother, that might not be Solasan who we're dealing with," Lin added. "Something's off about him; his words were always final and he'd never go back on a decision. Why did he request that you come back to the village in the first place? I went through some of Legion's memories and found something about a simulacrum, a substitute for the real Solasan. He said he wouldn't be able to see results in his lifetime and to find hosts to make the clan better. I don't get that last part but it seems like the real Solasan is gone and we are dealing with this simulacrum."

"I don't believe it.' Sen turned to Lin with a mix of frustrated and curious look. "There's no way I'd sympathize with that monster, real or not. And maybe Legion is messing with you, giving you those false memories to lure you into a trap. It got to us once and it can certainly do it again if we aren't careful."

"I'm not saying we shouldn't do anything. Mother, with your permission, we'd like to go back out there to finish this. The longer this goes, more innocent victims will be added to Legion's collective. If we find this being posing as Solasan, we could likely stop Legion as well and resolve this mess." 

Sen nodded in agreement though he would consider waiting for a little longer and having him and his sister look through more of their newly gained memories to find out where to start looking. The cave is still mostly unexplored but if there is anything worth finding in there, it is as good as any place to start. Maybe this substitute to Solasan thought he could effectively stop anyone from looking in there but everyone has a weakness. Besides, what is the best way to cripple someone's confidence in their plans? Unexpected surprises will be the advantage. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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     Mary Melody trotted along the path near the park. She smiled as the wind blew through her mane. Her girlfriend would be with her but she was on weather duty today. She also would have brought her sister with but, she was at a friends house. Most of her friends were either busy or still asleep. It was kind of early. Her mom was at work, she works as a teacher. Her other mom is at work too. She works for a help at home service. She helps the mentally disabled when they need it. Mary thought about getting a job once, but she couldn't think of what she wanted to be. So, for now, she just thought about waiting on it.

     "Hey! Watch out~" She was broken out of her thoughts when she almost ran into a pony in front of her. The pony looked blue with some purple mane, she wasn't sure. She didn't care much. She went to the tree on the side of the path. She sat down trying to let herself get lost in her thoughts again. It didnt work this time. Her thoughts where already ripped from her. She shook her head and laid on her back. 


Someone jump in please XD ))


Mary Melody

Marys New Guide



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As maple was on her way home she was looking around trying to find out what this bad feeling was, Everything looked fine but she couldn't place it. She was just randomly wandering around and she had eventually found herself near the park, around the time she had run into another pony. She looked at her for a second and then she realized what was wrong she had never seen this pony and she had traveled a lot, she remembered that she was pulled into some sort of tear in reality.

"Oh hello there," she said after returning to reality from her thoughts "sorry I was lost in thought, are you alright? I hope that didn't hurt to badly."


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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