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Blitz Boom

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@Widdershins @Blitz Boom


Phoenix sighed and rolled her eyes as she heard the draconicuus appear behind her. she lifted up her head and sighed as she turned to face him. 


of course, with both her and Smokey leaving him alone, it wasn't going to be long before he came to find them. it seemed to Phoenix that he was the type that thrived when there was somepony around him to annoy. in any case, it seemed as though she needed to do something to make him understand


she slowly walked over to the draconicuus. her body language was very tense, and her eyes were staring him down with an intense glare. the curly ends of her mane began to float up and wave in a way that resembled flames. she got right up to the draconicus, their noses almost touching


she opened up her muzzle to speak, but her voice was eerily calm "i keep these secrets, because they remind me of an old life i'd rather leave behind. any reminder is simply torture. i know my situation and i certainly don't need the likes of you nosing into anything" she explained to him. 


if she weren't so concerned with the situation at hand, she might wonder why the hell someone would even be able to tell all of those details in the first place. is it possible that he had something to do with it? had he been watching her ever since? either way, it seemed like this vile creature was a threat to her. and if need be she would certainly deal with him in the manner she sees fit. 


her horn began to glow with a cyan aura, as if she was getting ready to defend herself. all of this prodding and probing from him certainly made her feel exposed, and vulnerable. such was a difficult thing to do. and it was only typically in situations like this that prompted such a response from her. 

Edited by ~Phoenix~
forgot the @
  • Brohoof 1
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Maple was concerned she didn't know anypony in the town. She needed to ask around to find out where Discord was, but she was too shy around new people. She always had problems talking to new people she was always so afraid that they would be afraid of her.

Oh wait maybe Pinke pie knows She thought I'll go see her. She won't recognize me but it's a start I guess.

Maple headed towards sugarcube corner quite a bit more confident about talking to someone she could recognize at the least. She walked in to find out if pinkie was there.



My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@~Phoenix~ & @Blitz Boom

    With a cheerful poke on the end of her nose with his tentacle limb, Widdershins lets loose a clear giggle.

  Hah! I keep forgetting you ponies can do that with your hair! It's adorable! Just like...

  ...well, that's not important who that's like!

      What's important is that you refuted my riddling of your riddle with more riddles!  Half the fun in life is the pain! Ain't that right, Tokey?

  Widdershins's head flicks over to the stallion, once more oblivious to whatever Phoenix's intent may be.

  That's what the adventure is! Falling into pits, making deals with thugs they clearly don't trust you to keep, or any numerous things this chap gets up to in darkened back alleys!

   The Draconequus's head flicks back to the mare, his wide grin still unchanging.

  Everybeing should always be grateful for the pain they go through! If it doesn't make you stronger, at least be glad you still have the capacity! Some of us have lost feeling further back than we can even tell!

   We all leave things behind you know! Just look at me! I've lost positively scads! Even notable chunks of my body! You didn't think I could reach levels like this naturally, did ya?

 Widdershins chuckles loudly to himself.

  And I don't get "nosy", honey! That would require me having a nose!

 With that, he clamps his lobster claw around his long snout and with a quick twist & a soft, crinkling snap like breaking hoofulls of dry spaghetti, breaks his own snout to where it slumps downward at an awkward angle. Widdershins continues on unconcerned or impeded by the apparent loss of his jaws.

   Hee-hee! If you got things you want to know, Orangicorn, go ahead and ask! Like the big yellow bird says, asking questions are the best way to get answers!  ...though I've been told i'm not good at giving answers... but questions are the funner part!

  ... though you could say that "watching" is one way to put it!

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom

Pinkie grinned, "Paper stuffs, fun!" She pulled a new piece of paper from... Somewhere.. and quickly made a few paper fish that she tossed into her mane. The paper fish sank into her mane a little over halfway before they began to 'swim' around. "There we go, some food for the cute little crane" She giggled.


@Maple Bat

Pinkie noticed the new pony walking in, "Ooo, new pony!" She quickly zipped over to the new pony, paper critters in her mane and all, "Hiya! I'm Pinkie Pie, but you can just call me Pinkie, Welcome to Ponyville!" She glanced around, "I'd throw you a party, but now's not really a good time.. Well, I mean, any time's a great time to party, but sometimes you can't because everypony else isn't really ready or up to it, ya know? But we'll have one as soon as the town is fixed, it'll be like a big happy 'yaythetownisfixedandwehavenewponiesintownandnewfriendswhohelpedusfixitandstuffs' party!" She pulled in a big breath of air before asking the question she'd meant to ask. " So what's your name?" :) 

Edited by Shineling

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Destroyed! Guess I should have noticed that. she thought well that could be useful info.

"My names Maple, Maple Bat, Nice to meet you Pinkie." She answered "but how did this town get destroyed? And who is that?" Referring to @Blitz Boom


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Blitz Boom, @Shineling, @Maple Bat

*As the two were getting along, Cacora decided it was time to leave. She isn't much for final goodbyes and attempts to leave without another word. She begins to head for the Everfree Forest.*


@Blitz Boom,

Silverwing is currently unconscious. However, any attempts to rouse him fail and a small static bolt passes from him to any who touches him. It is probably the remnants of a recent magic surge. However, his pulse is weak as if almost all of his energy has been drained or used. He won't last long without some way to recover that lost energy.*

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@Blitz Boom


Once on the other side of the portal, Zhu would find himself stripped of all his magical trinkets.  Skye and Brooke were standing there, waiting for him to come through.  Zhu's trinkets were now part of the pile Brooke was now carrying.  Skye held her dagger, but she seemed relaxed with her blade arm hanging at her side and her other paw rested on her hip.  "You're not the brightest of the bunch, are you?" she teased.  For a hairless cat, she didn't look half bad.  In fact, some might even call her attractive.  "Let me guess: you were supposed to be on the night watch, but you decided to take a leak instead?  Now how close am I?"  The two of them were smart, keeping a distance from each other and from Zhu.  That way, if he made a move on one, the other would have time to respond.  There was one benefit of the trapped portal however: Brooke now had Skye's pendant.  The portal collects all magical objects and gives them to the wearer of the ring, something that the history books never mentioned simply because nobody ever knew.  Without her pendant, Skye's future could now be seen.  In her future, a very light green Earth Pony with a long flowing green mane with flowers in it and a cutie mark that was half feather, half flower petal, lay beaten at her feet.  Some time later the egg would hatch, and Zhu's sister would be raised as a thief.  She would want for nothing, having riches beyond compare.  Was it really such a terrible future?

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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On 5/13/2017 at 1:57 AM, Maple Bat said:


Maple was concerned she didn't know anypony in the town. She needed to ask around to find out where Discord was, but she was too shy around new people. She always had problems talking to new people she was always so afraid that they would be afraid of her.

Oh wait maybe Pinke pie knows She thought I'll go see her. She won't recognize me but it's a start I guess.

Maple headed towards sugarcube corner quite a bit more confident about talking to someone she could recognize at the least. She walked in to find out if pinkie was there.



 Did you wanna stop roleplaying? ;;

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@Widdershins @Blitz Boom

Ancalagon looked at the dragoness with a sad look. "It did exist but not anymore," he hummed to himself. "It was called Avalon," he stated as he tail drooped slightly. Those were good times. " Long ago, when ponies was young and the dragon already old, the wisest of our race took pity on ponies. He gathered together all the dragons, making them vow to watch over ponies, always. And at the moment of his death, the night became alive with those stars." he said as he pointed to the Draco constellation "And thus was born the Dragons' Heaven. But when we die, not all dragons are admitted to this shining place. No, we have to earn it. And if we don't, our spirit disappears as if we never were," he said sadly as he shook his head slightly. "But as time went on the dragons forgot their purpose, Along with their pure hearts. Greed fills them now,"

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Pop was surprised when she heard that the mare actually lived here, since she thought that she knew everypony in town, and she hadn't seen this one before. Strange oversight, but this was Ponyville after all, stranger things had happened.

"The store will be rebuild in time, and my inventory barely got hurt, so no big deal really. Honestly I'm more surprised that you live here but we haven't met before. Didn't think there was a pony left in town I hadn't met, but I guess I was wrong. I'm sorry for thinking you were one of the tourists Miss Streak."

She smiled at the pony who still seemed sad, but at least were trying to connect a little.

"How come you haven't tried candy? You're not diabetic, are you? That would be horrible. To imagine going through life without even a little taste of something sugary and sweet sounds bad enough, but tag a disease on it as well and everything just gets far worse.

If you're not, we really have to get you something later on. I have a ton of pop-sickles so that's a place to start, but one thing at a time. Have to have a real meal first, and if chilli is what you want,t hen hey, let's have a taste. Remember to pour some of the milk too, just in case."

With a big smile, Pop wandered over to the chilli and sniffed the air a little, taking in the aroma of the dish that were in front of them, and which were bound to tear a hole through 'em she supposed. Dragon chilli was some really powerful stuff that couldn't be eaten in big bites unless you wanted to writhe on the ground in pain, or were Stormy. Though to be fair, he did start to breathe fire when he did, plus he was strange in it. Couldn't compare him with normal ponies really.

But enough of that, time to pour a bowl and a drink, then go over to a table and wait for her new potential friend. And then... Eating contest she supposed? They'd see, but she were game if it were. She'd likely loose, but she were still game.




Null shook her head at what she were told.

"I suppose any place that doesn't have an issue with Void and I are kind of bound to be crazy. Lot's of other weird ones we've seen too that should've been a dead give-away I guess."

Changelings, large, talking foxes, plants, draconequui, dragons, big and small, etc. Plenty of weird in this place really, though she had hoped it was kind of the odd day out. Like a once in a lifetime series of events, but from the sound of it, Lance had heard better, and at this point, Null really wouldn't be too surprised.

Perhaps it would work for the better really. Weird place could mean there wasn't as much focus on Void and her, and if a lot f the weird were magical, they might actually be welcomed instead, as they could solve some of that sort of thing. Perhaps for once making this horrendous curse of theirs into something good.

"We didn't hear anything about this town before we got here, so I have no idea what sort of crazy stories runs around about this place. Mind sharing a few pointers?"



@~Phoenix~ @Widdershins

Smokey chuckled a little at what Phoenix responded with when he jested about challenging Widdershins to a duel.

"Worry not, I meant it purely in jest to see if I could lure a smile unto your face after this less than desirable outcome of our previous encounter. I have little doubt that if you wished to hurt somepony, that they would know it regardless of how well it might work to set them ablaze."

He were pondering whatever or not to say something more on this or just let it pass, when out of thin air, the draconequus just... Were. He had shown up out of nowhere, without any sound or sign. A blink of an eye and he had stood where there had just been nothing before, as if he had always done so, but they just hadn't realized. Quite the sneaky little mismatch of creatures this one, wasn't he?

He certainly wasn't subtle with his words though, as he started to talk and Smokey found himself silently praying that he would quit himself soon before Phoenix would finally get enough and set him - and potentially a few houses nearby - on fire. She might have had good control when he last saw her use her powers, but there was a difference between using them in the midst of a small attack, and using them along with your emotions. Emotions tended to make things like fire more reckless and all consuming rather than controlled and handled properly.

Yet for all his worries, she seemed to take it disturbingly calmly actually. Sure, her mane started to flow and she looked like one minor thing against her would make her blow a casket, but she were still controlling herself and confronting Widdershins about why he should keep his words to himself rather than spout her secrets all over the place. He had to admit that in the same situation, he didn't think that he would be able to keep his cool all the same way, not with the sort of thing that had been shared. Once more Phoenix had proven herself an admirable pony, on top of all of her other good sides, and he would be lying if that didn't just make him more enchanted by her.

And then it suddenly shifted over to him for some reason, and included some things that he hadn't divulged yet, even though they were still somewhat vague. Not too many informations of the more... Moral grey areas of his adventuring, which included what he did with the objects he tended to get hold of afterwards.

With a big smile and a small chuckle of his own, he waited until the draconequus were done talking before he opened his own muzzle to say something a bout this little titbit about him. It dragged on a few seconds because he had to get used to what Widdershins had done to his own jaw, but it still came somewhat fast.

"Actually, I don't do deal in alleys. Only places with a roof. I do have some standards, you know?

And whatever you have to say of what my adventures entails bothers me little. I am perfectly comfortable about my position as a supplier of the grey and black markets, depending on what I find. The most historical and powerful things goes to the right authorities, so I don't see much of an issue really. Heh, and if you knew what some beings out there were willing to pay for long forgotten statues and the like, you would be surprised. Quite a pretty penny, even if it can be more risqué to deal than to acquire."

Smokey did fashion himself an adventurer, but that didn't mean that whatever he found had to be bound for a museum. They had so many statues from varying parts in history, so giving them all up were just plain silly, unless it was from a period that were largely unknown about, or as he said, something of immense power, like something holding malevolent influences. In that case he gave it to some he believed would take well enough care of it, or at least arranged for it to end at those beings. He wouldn't have it pinned to his name that he were responsible for putting something immensely powerful and evil into the hands/hooves/claws/tentacles of a private fool who would cause havoc.




"Ah, the late night strolls through the woods. Is there ever a better thing to do in these troubled times?"

The voice would sound close to the unknown stallion, though the originator wouldn't be within sight. From the sound of things, he would be within a few meters to his left though, which should be even easier to figure out as the stallion began to whistle a happy little melody and skipping along the dark forest.

Not too many spend their time out here at night, and this one didn't either at first, but ever since the little filly Blitz had started to show in the area, there were some places near town where the timberwolves didn't go that often anymore as it put them between the crazy filly and the town where they would be more exposed, so there were some forest trails that could be wandered with some degree of peace, such as this. Well, mostly anyway, it was never assured that you didn't need to run for your life.

A minute or so would pass of whistling and skipping along before the stallion would take a turn and end up on the path that the newcomer were wandering as well, and he was... Well, quite an interesting sight compared to most ponies around here.


Big earth ponies like this were not too uncommon in farming communities, but usually those were still somewhat plain rather than flashy such as this, as well as less well groomed, despite the leaves here and there and dirt on his hooves.

He was in the process of removing on said leaf from his neck beard when he turned his head and took notice of the other stallion in the woods, which at first made him widen his eyes and  jump a little in surprise, but once the small shock had died down, went on to greet with a big smile.

"Ah, there are somepony else whom can enjoy the forest in all its tentative splendour this time of night? Excellent!"

His voice and way of speaking was like somepony who miiiight be a bit full of themselves, but so far at least not in a bad way.

"I, am the great Alonsus, and who are you friend? I don't think I have seen you before."



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

Ziggy got big, happy lights in her eyes as Serenade starts telling about how everypony haves their own kind of smell that apparently not too many could sniff out. Her siren friend could though, and in her ears, this just sounded amazing.

"Oooh, that's so cool! I've never thought about that, and what you said about the princesses smells makes total sense. Fits them a lot from what I've heard, though i figured Discord would smell stranger, since he's apparently all special and wonky.

But wait, how do you smell moonlight? I mean, it's light, how can that smell? Magic moonlight scent? Hehe, sounds like a perfume of some kind."

She giggled a little under her breath before a light popped up over her head and she wandered closer to her friend with a big, impish grin on her face.

"I wanna know what I smell like! Pleeease? I bet candy or hospital stuff, hehe."




Scarcity looked somewhat grim when she were told what had happened to Chow.

"So Athriel is out then? *sigh* If only they had tried that a few days later, she wouldn't have been in there to be released anymore, but the dice have been thrown now. I should just be thankful he is alive then.

Ruined plans and averted death aside though, we have work to do now that there are two of them out there. Follow. You too, Astral. I have the answers I needed for you, so I have no reason to hold a false mistrust over your head. Considering what you can do, I know that I can hurt you far more with information than you would be able to if you decide to open your muzzle."

"Wait, how did you know the name of what escaped his head? Astral did not mention it."

"I know a lot of things Golden, and Chow have been a friend of sorts for a good deal of time. Plenty enough for me to connect some dots between his imprisoned little curseborn, and the apparent carrier of one of the elements of disharmony. I didn't find out which one, as that information seems heavily guarded, but I did find something on her. Now then, follow me before we die of old age."

It irked Golden how well informed that unicorn were at times, especially since he prided himself somewhat in being ahead of others and ready to set things into action, but she were right. There wasn't any more time to ask questions, they had to get going.

Before going after her though, as she set herself in motion, he did take a small bit of time to answer his changeling companion, which Scarcity apparently hadn't found needed.

"I believe we are following to be handed something of hers, as well as discuss this in a more private setting. She does not like to speak of delicate subjects in a room where civilians or guards might enter out of nowhere, even if the store is closed."

Following then after Scarcity, he hoped the others did so too as he passed through a seemingly boring hall of paintings and such, where the only thing happening were him being given the book that Chow had brought along to begin with , with a short notice about how he were going to need this to understand what he were about to be up against.

Eventually, they would reach a door that lead to a small room, though they didn't go there. Instead Scarcity stopped at the door and turned around.

"Stand close, and don't ask why."

She would wait until they would do this, not moving a muscle or answer anything until they would have eventually done so, before briefly going into the small room and return with a small knife that seemed to be carved out of bone. Which she then promptly stuck into a painting three pictures back and cut down through what looked like a painting of a high value. Like, they were talking a half million bits if this were authentic, which were likely a strong detergent to make anypony not do what she were currently doing.

The knife ran down swiftly and barely seemed to do anything but destroy until she had reached the frame and took the knife out, at which point the picture seemed to slowly glow out as a complicated set of illusion spells and general wards going over the section of wall started to go through the motions, which shortly thereafter let out a strong light, which would seem to almost engulf the wall, before Scarcity plunged the knife into the middle of it again after a set time , which made the light go down and reveal a door, which the knife had seemingly opened for.

Some of the light were drawn in and eaten by the amulet around her neck, but the majority of the magic had been over when she got close, so it wasn't much it were fed. It should serve as an interesting example though.

"It's going to be a pain to recast everything here now, but such is the price to wear this ward. Let us proceed, shall we?"

With that she turned the knife and the door opened whilst she took a step back, revealing a huge room lit by what seemed like illuminating crystals on the ceiling and with things packed in there to such a degree that it was clear that this place was not in Canterlot, but were instead a sophisticated portal to a holding cell of hers. A step up from the hidden room Astral had seen, but considering what items she held, this was hardly surprising.

Scarcity didn't go through herself before she had taken off the amulet and put it in a velvet bag she withdrew from her delicate saddlebag though. A place where it's magic wouldn't work, which meant she were possible to touch with magic again if it were. it just didn't seem like a smart idea.

if others would get into the room before her, they would see mostly containers where the content were hidden, though some statues, jewellery, ancient nicknacks and so forth were shown here and there. Not everything here were antiques, that was for sure, otherwise there wouldn't be a need for this holding cell, so to speak.Plus, if it were just objects, how come everything in here seemed to be warded?




Athriel grabbed the book that was thrown at her, put it in front of her, and started to flick through it, looking for a particular map area of Equestria.

"I don't know if ponies would remember you. I have little idea how long any of us have been away from the world, though I doubt any information on you in particular would be kept around. Considering all the horrible things I heard you did, I have little doubt that they'd want you to remain forgotten as much as possible. Ponies can be so predictable sometimes.

Still, they can be made to learn, if not remember. Make a few examples and the word should start to spread fast amongst these chatty little balls of fur. Surely you should know better than me how effectively you can affect ponies with thee spreading of the right words and the right actions? The majority are like she- Ah, here we go."

Flipping a page,she found what she was searching for and opened the book fully towards Warlock.

"Western coast of Equestria, near the old town of Silver Bay, just off the coast. We'll find the temple there. How far away from it are we?"




"Yep, no-leg and brainfart themselves are the dynamic duo, out to cause one heck of a blowout sale on safe bunkers."

Chow wasn't really surprised that Iron hadn't caught on about what he had been saying, since quite frankly, it wasn't too many that did when he started speaking like this. Misty and Astral had done well in understanding his little quirky speaking now and again, but that wasn't the norm to be fair.

"And for the record, I'm 22. Ain't exactly an old chap, capiche?"

Stretching his legs a bit he silently cursed that his head were still pounding on right now, even with Athriel out of there, but that was headaches for you, and well fitting with the rest of this trip down a particular creek of a day.

"Anyway, what're we gonna do to help Astral? Come on there Braniac and Pipsqueak, I'm sure you two have some sort of idea, right? I mean, this whole magic mumbo jumbo is just your scene. My best offer is to throw a spear into Warlock's skull, but that doesn't seem like it'd do any good, so I got nothin'."




"Alright, it sounds like you two are ready to get to work then. I'll see you around Screecher, and Iron? Keep your head high, and never forget where you came from. The soldiers will not listen to somepony who lets their position get to their heads."

He expected the new general to know this already, as it were a specific demand he had for his successor, but it didn't hurt to mention it again before he left the room, just to be safe.

Screecher would salute Dew until the door closed behind him, feeling slight remorse and sadness over her friend's retirement, but not having too much time to think over it as she lowered her hoof and looked at Iron Wing.

"26 minutes ago, a being escaped one of the statues in the royal garden, he have yet to be identified, but I have searchers out among the librarians. In case there is a historical answer to who this were, it will be found."

She wandered determined over to the table and spread out the battle plans Dew and her had made across the table with one of her large, leathery wings.

"The plan firstly includes a complete sweep of the town, using guards from both our armies to comb through and pay extra attention to the places where it tends to be easiest to hide. You can see a mapping of the normal places marked in green, with potential new ones in white. Those have special attention, though checks are being made on all of the places. Of our flyers, the Solar Guardswill be mostly in the air and Night Guard on the ground, as the Night Guard tends to hear and smell better, but the Solar Guard haves a greater vision field. You will notice messages we will give to the citizens as well if they ask what is going on, which Dew had set up. Some degree of personalized version will be used by individuals to make it seem less trained and cause to think that we are hiding something.

After the town have been cleared, the guards around and inside the palace will increase, whilst the news will be given out to every law enforcement in the country, along with descriptions and any additional details we will find out as this goes along. It is likely that they have left the capitol via a portal, they can be several places.

Look over the plans, see what you think, and add your own suggestions if you see a more sufficient way to handle things."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Seamore Sandwich "Moonlight actually does have a magical scent. And it's very hard to describe, but the closet would be the what you smell after a lightning strike." Serenade shrugs, "as for you, well. neither actually. Your magic has the typical Pegasi scent to it, which is like faint rainclouds. There is what I ASSUME is Zebra  magic and well...my magic." Serenade shrugs and flips shut her saddlebags.

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@Blitz Boom

"I get the tourist stuff all the time. I'm not exactly known for socialising," Dawn replied and looked around the town square a bit before redirecting her attention to Pop. "I haven't had candy because I haven't exactly had the chance to try. My lifestyle doesn't allow for those kinds of sweets and junk food," she answered Pop's question and nodded every now and then to the rest of the conversation before going over to the chilli. A sign denoted the chilli as Dragon Chilli. 'Must be really hot then. Perfect.Dawn grinned to herself and waited in line before grabbing a bowl with a wing. She didn't care if the chilli was powerful, her core felt cold. She knew that the chilli would hit the spot, no matter how hot. Although, if it was too hot for her liking, no doubt she'd end up on the sidewalk, her chilli coming back up to greet the light of day. Dawn paid for some milk as well just in case and found Candy Pop at a vacant table.


"Okay, got the chilli and milk just like you I see," Dawn noted. "Up to you now. Eating contest or just general slobbery goodness?"

Edited by Dji



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

Astral waited outside like they asked of her. She tapped her hooves, she watched them disappear into the room. She turned around, her job was done, she told them about Chow, Warlock the thing in Chow's head. So far she knew they were on her side, but she had the nagging feeling something was off about Scarcity, she looked down and sighed, around her was a circle of fire, it flew up through her body, teleporting her to where Iron Star was.  "Well, Iron Star I got some-" Unfortunately she came in at the wrong time, turning to Chow slowly upon hearing his age. Then fainting with a loud thud.

Iron Star turned to source of the sound. "What fell?"

"Astral, in fact she just came here, probably heard Chow's age." She looked to Chow.

Astral rolled over, opening her eyes and staring at the roof, rubbing her face. "Ugh..." She let out a groan, then got up. "Sorry, I got some things to think about, not battle plans though." She walked past Chow, putting a hoof on his chest, softly pushing into it. "Mostly you." She let out a sigh, turning away, putting her hoof down. Then walking into Iron Star's room, those outside could hear her falling onto the bed.

Misty walked over to the room, closing her eyes. She teleported inside, sitting on the bed with a messed up Astral, putting a hoof on her shoulder. "Sorry, about all that, Can-" Astral hugged her. "Uh, can we focus on defeating Warlock first? Your dreams of having the perfect stallion aren't that important." Astral giggled. "Plus it's not like it's going to be the first one you see, if that was the case, well... It'd be weird." Astral pulled away, her facial expression asking 'why?' "Because it'd be your dad."

Astral glanced around, as if she was thinking to get the idea. "Oh." She let out a giggle, but then her expression turned into one of seriousness. "Okay, I do like Chow though, I want to keep him, as a friend at least. Probably better." Another sigh escaped her lips. She stood up, walking out the room. "Where is Warlock?"

Iron Star's ears perked up he lifted his head looking to Astral, almost surprised at the sudden change in topic. "I don't know, Athriel mentioned the rough location, and some temple, we can look for them there." He turned to Chow.

"Don't hold-"

They looked at each other, Astral and him had spoken at the same time, by accident, they both shared a laugh for a moment. "Don't hold what just happened against me." She said, looking at Chow. "It just, changes things. We can be friends instead."


Warlock grinned, he didn't know what to expect when he threw that book, of course he stupidly expected she'd just turn the pages slowly. "Well, we can cause some havoc in the town there. Oh, I don't think the distance matters." He smirked. "I am incredibly powerful, all that time allowed my magic to idly build up." In a sudden spark, and fire around him, the two of them found themselves at the location Athriel had spoke of. "I do believe it was nearly 200 years actually, maybe 300." He rubbed the back of his head. "It's hard to remember." He looked around, not knowing what the temple looked like he turned to Athriel, assume she hadn't already burst towards it, he'd ask; "Care to point it out? Despite my magical prowess and longevity, I don't know what a temple looks like."


It took a bit of energy from Nectar and Francis not to woo at the magic stuff, Nectar tried not getting to close to Scarcity, but constantly curious if the necklace drained love magic, so was Francis, their disguises would surely vanish, but currently their disguises were only armor, but Francis... He wasn't technically reformed. He was good, but still feed off of love, he wasn't greedy about it. He'd turn into a normal changeling though, likely making them all think he was bad, so Nectar pulled him close when Scarcity asked for them to hold together. Didn't want Golden to hurt him thinking he was evil. She followed Scarcity inside when she allowed it, looking around, Nectar's horn glowed, she narrowed her eyes, looking to Scarcity. "How does the necklace not drain the  magic for the portal?" She clearly knew she was transported, it wasn't just the way it was set up, but she had learned to sense portal based transportation. Only worked when she was the walking through it though.


"I've never let my rank get to my head." Iron Wind said, also saluting Dew as he left. After that he listened to the plan as Screecher spoke for it's entirety, but as he heard the plan he realised something. "Can the being teleport? If he can, we have to assume he could be elsewhere in Equestria, not just Ponyville, Canterlot, or any singular town." He knew one thing about powerful beings, they could use magic. "Unless you do plan to expand the search to other towns after a while. But a being capable of teleportation might move back to a location if they know we won't search there twice, so searching shouldn't stop even if the place is clear." He had done his research on Discord, the changelings and all magical threats. He had to keep in mind anything trapped in stone was worthy of it, likely intelligent too, very intelligent.

Edited by Lloyd

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Widdershins @Blitz Boom


it was becoming increasingly clear to Phoenix that this mis-matched monster wasn't getting the point. even going as far as to reveal something about Smokey, or so she assumed. at this point, she saw the thing as a threat. it was unclear as to whether or not more was going to be revealed about her, and she wasn't going to wait and find out


unfortunate it was that Widdershins was oblivious to Phoenix's combative stance, because she was mere seconds away from releasing the tension onto him. she scrunched up her nose in anger, and she grit her teeth as the aura on her horn began to glow more intensely. 


while her voice may have seemed clear, and calm, it was merely because she was trying with all of her might to come across clearly. but since she realized some sort of filter within the creatures own head prevented that, she had to take matters further. 


she planted her hooves firmly into the soil, and it wasn't before long that a flurry of fireballs began to fly forth. there were about half a dozen of them, give or take, and their aim was not at all precise. she merely hoped in her anger, that at least one would hit the creature.

  • Brohoof 1
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@Blitz Boom

Will was surprised to see a talking, Technicolor pony of this size and stature compared to him. Then again, he himself was is a strange, new, world in a unicorn body, which he swore was the kind of creature that shouldn't exist, and yet, here he was. In a situation like this, anything can be possible, so Will felt he didn't need to question it!

As Will looked over this stallion who called himself Alonsus, something came over him! Despite a few leaves in his neck beard, Alonsus' beautiful coat covered in yellow stripes, his strong-looking hooves, as well as his well-kept mane and tail, made Will's jaw dropped in awe. Will caught himself from staring too long into his enchanting, friendly, golden eyes. And that voice that just radiates confidence made Will consider telling the guy everything, including his most intimate thoughts! He felt like a Disney Princess  who'd just met a kind, handsome prince who might one day save him from danger.

Caution got the better of Will, though! He didn't know this stallion well enough to be too forward. He should take it slowly. Get some answers first, then make possible friends with him. Then and only then should he allowed to be this open and honest with a strong and attractive-looking horse, er, pony! Perhaps this pony will guide Will to answers. *Will Guide. That has a nice ring to it!* As he pushed his glasses back in place on his muzzle with a hoof, he finally opened his mouth to speak.

"I don't know exactly who I am, but I guess you can call me Will Guide. I seemed to have lost my memories of why and how I got here, where I'm from, and what I was doing before I woke up in these woods! Your name's Alonsus, isn't it? Can you help me find my answers?" He questioned the bigger pony as they continued to walk down the forest path.


  • Brohoof 1


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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@Twilight-Shimmer @Foxy Socks

At the register, Void let out a small sigh of release when the mare went ovee to handle the guard that had scrambled backwards. She had no idea how to handle this herself, and she felt bad for just ignoring what might be something serious.

Could be she just had a meltdown though, but that wasn't too good either really.

"Well w-with taken care of I'll get your food, okay? Also uh.... Does your pet need something?"

Meanwhile, once Foxy got over to Amazon, the guardsmare slowly moved her head to acknowledge that she had heard Foxy getting near her, though her eyes were still transfixed on Anomaly.

"I didn't think... it's just not possible."

Taking in a few deep breaths, she took a better cover at the table whilst the draconequus seemingly played with paper on Pinkie Pie's head. Something she knee she should stop, but she just couldn't. Not with this particular monster.

"Two weeks ago, a draconequus came to my town. It seemed harmless, just wandering around and looking at shops, but we knew they could make havoc out of nowhere, like Discord.

The others were afraid, so I started to walk there, but then this filly got near that it started walk towards... I had to protect her first, then ask later.

So I ran there and loudly told the draconequus to halt, which is when its head swung around and it looked at me with these swirling, colorshifting eyes. And the look in them... I can barely describe how full of promise it held. Of untold pain, destruction and worlds torn asunder from little more than a thought.

A second feeling like I was being looked down by a god who could find only joy in watching everything suffer, and then..."

Amazon whimpered and looked down on her legs. A place were some of the many stitches she were covered in were placed, that went all around like she was some kind of frankensteined monstrosity.

"I don't know why it put me together again, but I know it did it wrong. I had to spend ten days in a hospital, getting put back again properly, before I went here to get away from things. But instead... It is here too. The draconequus that destroyed me is now in this town too."

Foxy was the first who would know that Anomaly had been the one to tear her apart, perhaps except for Widdershins, who seemed to know most things that went through her head, though what she'd do with it, Amazon had no idea. She just needed to tell somepony, so they could understand why she were hiding and terrified at seeing the strange draconequus.

Question too were if she would even believe the Coast Guard, since Anomaly frankly looked like she were just goofing around with Pinkie. Nothing destructive going on there.




Mother had hoped for a less horrifying and more informative answer from Sen, but she supposed that it would have been far too easy this way, as the mortals tended to say. Usually something she thought were too pessimistic of a thought, but were fitting in a few cases, such as this.

*sigh* At least she could console herself a little by remembering the silver line here, which were that Sen had not been burdened with a lot of horrible memories. The dear boy had been through too much as it were recently, and could use any win he could get, big or small.

Another might have this burden instead though, which she were still not too happy about, even if it could give them valuable information. Lin, whom they did not need to look for as she more or less instantly popped out of a gate after Sen had spoken.

Mother looked over the things that her daughter had brought along with interest, but having other things in her mind until she said that she had brought something for the Ki'nathar matriarch, which made Mother somewhat surprised. She was used to small gifts from her other children, but that were often things they didn't know what were anyway, and usually amounted to a situation akin to a dog bringing its owner a stick. Her older and more experienced children didn't often give her things, and Sen and Lin were certainly in that category she'd say. Why, the gesture brought a tear to her tired eyes, as she gently reached down for the papers.

"The siblings will find amusement in this Lin, and Omen will be helped the times she will have to learn from these. A very useful gift for them all "

The siblings would not likely get a use of these unless they would end up in the Equine world, but it was always good to have ready, and she were sure it could be meddled around a little to make it suitable for other languages, when she had the time.

"As for the philosophy, I barely know what to say Lin. It is a beautiful gift that will teach me well, and not just about Legion, I'm certain. Philosophy tends to show a better picture of the world than regular texts in my experience at least, and in good ones, several layers with each reading. Thank you for the thoughtful gift."

Bowing down, she embraced the small Lin in a hug, which would essentially cover her from view for a minute or so before the large form of Mother let go of her daughter. Just in time for Omen to step through Lin's gate, somewhat confused at what she saw and heard, but not asking questions.

"I will spend some time reading through these, and see if I can find anything on Legion. Though what do you plan to as I do this? Please not something that would put you at risk for possession again I hope.

Ah, and whilst I remember it Lin, I'm sorry to have to ask this, but when Legion were... Invading you, did it leave any memories behind? We are trying to find information that might prove useful against your foe."

Edited by Blitz Boom
Added colors.
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Twilight-Shimmer

After Amazon finished her panicked explanation, Foxy calmly looked toward them. They seemed to be fine right now, but to hurt somepony in that way...
"It you only came out about four days ago? I imagine it must be... horrible. Why would they do that? Even Widdershins has no intention of harming anypony. Are you sure it was them who did that? I don't mean I don't believe you, but I imagine so much has happened..."

Foxy didn't know for sure how dangerous they were, but if Amazon remembered correctly, it sounded quite horrific. "I am sorry for asking you to remember something like this, but I just don't want that to happen again. I won't tell anypony if you don't want me to. I can't imagine what you have been through."

Foxy contemplated talking to them, innocently, just to see who they are, but first she needs to make sure it is somewhat safe. However, there would be some risk. Would they harm her too, or attack Amazon again, next time not being so merciful? It was strange to Foxy, as she was aware of the potential danger, but worried less about herself, and more about Amazon, who is clearly terrified. In fact, she wasn't scared at all, strange considering how like Vulpines, she cowers from danger.

Edited by Foxy Socks
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@Shineling @Maple Bat @MaryxMelody

Anomaly was giggling nonstop as she saw what more Pinkie did, which her little creation took in as it started to fish for the paper fish.

"Hehe, lots of fish. And where there's fish, there's bitey stuff."

Burping loudly, a paper wolf jumped out of her mouth and jumped up on Pinkie's head, where it was supposed to go after the fishes, but...

"Hey, bad wolfie! Stay away from the crane."

She were about to add something to deal with the wolf chasing the crane in circles, when the voice from behind them made her loose focus on this, as well as Pinkie zooming off which made her spin in place for a bit.

Eventually getting her head to stand still, she looked the direction where Pinkie had gone off to, which seemed to be over and talking with a new pony. Well, if she could make friends, Anomaly could too, right?

Standing still, she quickly fell apart and her pieces sunk into the ground, except for the pumpkin head which started to roll over towards the two, whilst she was whistling, and didn't stop until she had gotten there and... Oh, who am I kidding? She didn't even stop as she hit between the two and her parts south of the pumpkin started to rapidly grow from the underside, like she were some sort of hyper-growth plant.

The tail didn't grow, which seemed to confuse her a bit, before a pear appeared over her head and she...Started to eat it. But after that, she held her breath and pushed, which made the tail pop out. On her forehead granted, but after getting tickled on the nose a few times she tore it off and put it back where it should be.

"One day, I will make this work right off the bat. Anyway, hello Pinkie's new friend. Want a hug? I can grow extra arms for extra huggle power, hehe. Oh, or do you want some pumpkin juice?"

Anomaly raised her hoof and popped open the top of her pumpkin head, the rummaged around for a bit before pulling out a mug of delicious goody pumpkin juice. Granted, straight from her head, but still delicious.

Some way from them, the excited yips of a filly could be heard getting closer to the food parlor, but they were still out of sight. Eventually the trio would get there though, which Pinkie would likely like, as her special somepony were one of the members.




So the city had been real then? Fascinating, though Nerzhei hadn't expected that it had included the dragons taking pity on the ponies. Not the entire story, she were certain of that, but she would find her answers herself in that book, and she were certain it would be important. Being guardians didn't explain why there were mixed children in the book after all, nor why the symbol of the town seemed to be one of dragon and pony harmony. Granted, the dragon were larger and could be seen as protecting with its wings, but something still told her there were a wealth of information still to be discovered.

"I've never heard of the dragon heaven you speak about at home, but I'm not overly surprised. Even the wisest among us tends to be... Limited in their perspective. Focusing on the now, not the before and after, which is one more reason why I barely tolerated being around any of them. Protection in numbers and some want tfor company was the only thing keeping me within any city's limit, until I was sent away to Equestria.

I prefer this place. The ponies don't mock their heritage, or destroy important ruins for fun. At least not to the same degree."

It wasn't certain if she should ask something more here, but the saddened tone of Ancalagon made her think it best to ask into a minor thing, then hope it didn't step on his toes in some way.

"If I may ask, have you considered telling the old ways to the new dragon lord? She is still young to the throne, and could be taught the ways we were supposed to go from someone older and wiser, such as yourself."

"Well, they said it should be here. How about you- Oh, there are dragons here. I think we found the place Bulk."


The smallish spa stallion and the bulky pegasi wandered into sight and had immediately seen the two dragons over at the ponies, just where they had been told they might be able to find them. Ancalagon would likely be able to see his jester on the big one's back even if they did wander in a shadow and were still a bit away from them. Hopefully, this would not cause trouble.


@Seamore Sandwich 

Huh, this was something new.

Zhu hadn't noticed anything the first few seconds beyond feeling somewhat lighter, but as he had landed non the ground and seen the pile of the dozen or so trinkets he tended to carry around for either protection, additional magic sources beyond wind, or to hold unto until the day would come when a specific being needed to find these to uphold the balance, he began to think that perhaps he should not have dived in so willingly. By all intents and purposes, this were a trap, and he wand wandered straight into it.

They started to talk and ask him something, but he didn't really focus on it as he now had a clear view of one of the thieves, who seemed to have lost something which hid her from sight. Interesting. He hadn't met those who protected against us sort of sight. Might be a side effect potentially, but that was not as important as what he saw.

"I have watched the ebb and flow of more than you could think, and scoured truth from a sea of uncertainty, wherein paths lies that were never walked."

Not saying something directly were a bad habit of sorts that had come throughout the years, yet wasn't something that was brought up often. In his mind, this described things perfectly, though for others it would likely sound like gibberish.

"I'm watching what is to be now though, and I find myself thinking it should return to the pool of what should never be. Whilst I see a future in which you will raise the serpanther who will hatch from this egg, you will feed her violence, and lead her down a path of crime. A thing like that can have only one outcome, and I am not going to let her end like the earth pony whom resides in your path, beaten and broken on the ground."

Zhu raised his paw slowly and pulled back the hood on his robes, showing the bend serpentine head with the hairlike scales. Not to try and entice this feline being, but to show whom they were speaking with, and get his point further across by seeing them face to face, rather than being hidden by the fabric and only having the glowing, yellow eyes show.

The part about not wanting to entice this female rang further truth since he did not see this beauty as others might. Physically, yes, she were attractive he supposed, but it had been centuries since he had accepted that his life would not be shared with anypony, and stopped looking, and usually also caring. Besides, he looked further than just what were on the outside, and inside, she were mostly rotten. Paths were shown that lead her away from her ways, but they were not as abundant as those who kept her here, and he did not know if he could sway her. Not unless he stayed in this time and directed her.

"Why is it that you steal one of my kin? The trinkets and gold I see, but why would you wish for a child who are nothing like you? Can you not spawn one of your own?"

You could see on his eyes that he were looking, and if they had any idea what he were doing right now, neither of them would likely like being scoured like this, even if it was only the female who were watchable. That or he could just be annoying them in general.

In case they attempted to do something to him, he had enough time thus far to deduce what this one would do, and avoid her attacks as they came, but her companion he had no idea about, and that would likely end up costing him in a fight. Granted, he still had his air magic - though diminished in power due to the lack of one of his trinkets - but that took time, and as it stood right now, he would end up focused on one of them with that, whilst the others could then take the moment to attack him. Plus there were the danger his sister's egg could end up in, which were something which he could not risk. Quite frankly, it did not look promising in a fight, and he didn't need to look into the possible future to see that.




Belladonna attempted a few things to see if she could rouse him after he had been placed on the bench. A few bursts of magic akin to shaking him, poking him - which caused her to gain small shocks - and in the end, preparing one of the vials in her bag before she got to better thoughts and just put her hoof to his neck, ignoring the shocks as much as possible whilst seeking a pulse. Using one of her poisons to cause some pain to wake him up were excessive, even if the thought were interesting, though from what she could feel, it was likely a good thing she had not done so regardless. His pulse were weak, and adding in a toxin could likely have fatal consequences.

She supposed she would do better in bringing him to the hospital rather than this, and let them examine him more specifically. Potentially this was a viral infection messing with him, or it was magic related, in which case the cause of this could be plentiful. She knew of a few that it might be, but they would be able to tell more specifically.

Noting a pony trotting along, whistling and seemingly have a good time, she cleared her throat and got his attention, then waved him closer and pointed at her unconscious find.

"He needs to go to the hospital. Go up there and alert them, and I will meet them on the way."

Short and to the point, the stallion got the message and spurted up towards the hospital, whilst Belladonna calculated a few things in her mind, then floated the bench, rather than it's inhabitant, and went on her way. It would work as a gurney of sorts, and the doctors should meet her before the strain of lifting this became too much in her current state, so it was the seemingly best approach for the time being. Long as the bench were kept stable, but that was hardly an issue.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Lance shrugged.

"I honestly don't know much for sure, I'm assuming most are rumors, most of which are probably not true. The ones that I think are true is that this place has a lot of changelings, and this has had some famous ponies living here. I'm not sure if they still do, though..."

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Widdershins @Blitz Boom

"The new dragon lord?" Ancalagon asked with a raised scaly brow as his tail swayed slightly. "I apologize young one for my melancholy. The one I knew is gone and it makes me feel alone," Ancalagon said with a shake of his head slightly. "To see how dragons have fallen so far from their noble roots to what they are today. Makes me wish that Celestia and her sister slain me," he stated with a mirthless chuckle. "But yes there were dragons who fell in love with ponies creating a dragon pony hybrid. But that was a long time ago,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Blitz Boom

A familiar feeling of warmth washed over Lin, reminding her of times gone by. Her own mother used to do this as well whenever she went to sleep or when there was a big celebration like a birthday. A moment's embrace felt like an hour, comfort and reassurance that there were still good things to look forward to once the threat has been dealt with. Initially believing the worst would likely happen, Lin sought to make good on mother's request as a way to leave something good behind but the hug reminded her of happiness. She held herself back from revealing her reasons when mother asked her about Legion taking control of her. 

"I'm sure Sen already filled you in on the basics but yeah, there is a lot more. I had time to think about this while gathering those scrolls and manuscripts, then looked up an old tome of myths I previously used to track down an artefact. I couldn't believe it myself but Legion... might be a construct of the simulacrum, who in turn is a creation of the original Solasan using a focal orb."

Sen remembered the orb from long ago when he and Omen were searching for Lin. The last time he heard about it, Lin was nearly destroyed by misuse of its magic. "Wait, I thought there was only one? There are more of them?"

"Many more. I used one in order to get back at the clan for what they did to Sen but it never happened. Improper handling of its power led me to looking for the wellspring and to this." Lin looked down on herself and spun around in place. "The magic at work is wildly unstable and prone to being corrupted. I suspect the original Solasan didn't envision this but over time, the living copy of himself decided to do things its own way. We could try finding the orb and undoing all of the magic expunged by it but disposing of the orb is another matter entirely. None of these will be easy."

Lin, however satisfied with how she presented her information, frowned and looked away from everyone else for a moment. Sen turned to his sister and noticed this sudden change hinting at something much more dire or sinister. He knew her well enough to see the cues and while she has exhibited this tendency before, her expression this time warranted more than just a simple reassurance. Sen placed one claw on her shoulder and softly said: "There's more, isn't there?"

The latter looked at her brother, then to mother and Omen. "Legion is always adapting, his magic always getting stronger. Knowing about this place means it will adapt to ensure it doesn't fail the next time we meet. I only had a glimpse of its thoughts before the melding was interrupted... mother's magic might not save us when it happens again. The next time Legion finds us, it will make sure the possession will be permanent. It will force mother to give us up or destroy us." 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom

The lock began to crack.  "Whatever you're doing, it's working.  Keep at it, the answer is definitely behind this door.  I think it might actually be a memory block.  What memories he has hidden away is a mystery to me, but it's what he was sent here for.  I didn't notice this before, but this dream appears to be the work of the Elders.  They are the trees that guard the grove, protecting the saplings.  They are the oldest and wisest of our kind, choosing to stay behind to fulfill a greater purpose rather than pass on like the rest of us."


@Blitz Boom


"I could try marketing my 'see the unseen' chocolates to them, but I'm not sure if they would work on transformative magic.  It's something to consider, but I'll have to spend some time working out the pros and cons.  Marketing can be very delicate work when it comes to magic.  It wouldn't be good to start a conflict."  Penny counted the bits quickly.  Actually, it might be impressive how quickly she counted, and how accurate she was at that speed.  "...six fifty, seven hundred, eight hundred- wait.  This one's a fake.  You can tell by looking through the diamond, the color under it is slightly off.  It's not easy to spot unless you've seen this particular type of counterfeit before.  They use a thicker layer of gold on the outside to fool everyone, and they use gold plating on the diamond before they set it so the color looks close enough, but the metal has to be hot for the diamond to stick, so the gold plating melts a little and a small amount of the color underneath it shows through.  Last I heard they collected all of these, so this shouldn't exist.  Unless..."  Penny paused.  After a moment, she continued, "The ones who made them the first time must be back at it.  I know you don't want to be connected to this place, so if you want to report it yourself, I understand.  I could however leave out this transaction and only tell them of the boxes you bought from me.  I am familiar with the process, since I've seen these before, and I am familiar enough with the case to know who the lead officer was."

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8 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:


Belladonna attempted a few things to see if she could rouse him after he had been placed on the bench. A few bursts of magic akin to shaking him, poking him - which caused her to gain small shocks - and in the end, preparing one of the vials in her bag before she got to better thoughts and just put her hoof to his neck, ignoring the shocks as much as possible whilst seeking a pulse. Using one of her poisons to cause some pain to wake him up were excessive, even if the thought were interesting, though from what she could feel, it was likely a good thing she had not done so regardless. His pulse were weak, and adding in a toxin could likely have fatal consequences.

She supposed she would do better in bringing him to the hospital rather than this, and let them examine him more specifically. Potentially this was a viral infection messing with him, or it was magic related, in which case the cause of this could be plentiful. She knew of a few that it might be, but they would be able to tell more specifically.

Noting a pony trotting along, whistling and seemingly have a good time, she cleared her throat and got his attention, then waved him closer and pointed at her unconscious find.

"He needs to go to the hospital. Go up there and alert them, and I will meet them on the way."

Short and to the point, the stallion got the message and spurted up towards the hospital, whilst Belladonna calculated a few things in her mind, then floated the bench, rather than it's inhabitant, and went on her way. It would work as a gurney of sorts, and the doctors should meet her before the strain of lifting this became too much in her current state, so it was the seemingly best approach for the time being. Long as the bench were kept stable, but that was hardly an issue.

@Blitz Boom,

*Cosmic looks like he wants to rouse but something is preventing him from doing so. He lays on the bench and is glad somepony thought to take him to the doctor. In a very quiet voice he tries to say,* 'Thank you.' *However, it comes out as if he is mumbling something. It still shows he is conscious. However, with his weakened magic state even his physical nature is temporarily paralyzed.*

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6 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

@Shineling @Maple Bat @MaryxMelody

Anomaly was giggling nonstop as she saw what more Pinkie did, which her little creation took in as it started to fish for the paper fish.

"Hehe, lots of fish. And where there's fish, there's bitey stuff."

Burping loudly, a paper wolf jumped out of her mouth and jumped up on Pinkie's head, where it was supposed to go after the fishes, but...

"Hey, bad wolfie! Stay away from the crane."

She were about to add something to deal with the wolf chasing the crane in circles, when the voice from behind them made her loose focus on this, as well as Pinkie zooming off which made her spin in place for a bit.

Eventually getting her head to stand still, she looked the direction where Pinkie had gone off to, which seemed to be over and talking with a new pony. Well, if she could make friends, Anomaly could too, right?

Standing still, she quickly fell apart and her pieces sunk into the ground, except for the pumpkin head which started to roll over towards the two, whilst she was whistling, and didn't stop until she had gotten there and... Oh, who am I kidding? She didn't even stop as she hit between the two and her parts south of the pumpkin started to rapidly grow from the underside, like she were some sort of hyper-growth plant.

The tail didn't grow, which seemed to confuse her a bit, before a pear appeared over her head and she...Started to eat it. But after that, she held her breath and pushed, which made the tail pop out. On her forehead granted, but after getting tickled on the nose a few times she tore it off and put it back where it should be.

"One day, I will make this work right off the bat. Anyway, hello Pinkie's new friend. Want a hug? I can grow extra arms for extra huggle power, hehe. Oh, or do you want some pumpkin juice?"

Anomaly raised her hoof and popped open the top of her pumpkin head, the rummaged around for a bit before pulling out a mug of delicious goody pumpkin juice. Granted, straight from her head, but still delicious.

Some way from them, the excited yips of a filly could be heard getting closer to the food parlor, but they were still out of sight. Eventually the trio would get there though, which Pinkie would likely like, as her special somepony were one of the members.


     Mary trotted up to Anomaly(?) "Hello!" Mary trotted up and smiled. She saw Pinkie Pie and smiled even more. Lighting Strike was right be hind Mary but sense she was shy she stayed back a bit. 

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@Blitz Boom @Shineling @MaryxMelody

As much as Maple wanted that juice she couldn't accept it she didn't know this Draconequus that well and she was unfamiliar with pumpkins

How long have they been making paper animals, She thought, and how where they alive?

"Thanks for offering but I'm ok." She said as she got a better look at @Blitz Boom's character "However it seems you are capable of incredible feats of magic!"

She then turned her attention to Mary "Oh hey! Didn't notice you following me." She told her. "Who's your friend?"


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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