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Mint Petal

What month did you join the herd?  

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It was 2013 when I started looking at Pony stuff. I was on a TF2 Deathrun Map, and it happened to have a pony on it. I wondered why it had a pony on it, but I started watching some of it on youtube. When I was doing this, I didn't know what a brony was, neither did I know this whole fandom existed. I soon discovered about the brony fandom. I thought was weird at first, but I slowly became a brony. One thing that stopped me from becoming a brony is that I saw how much hate they get. Plus I didn't know what my parents would think. But it was probably late February 2014, when I finally admitted to myself that I was a brony. And I'm glad I joined the herd! :D

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Me and my best friend saw the various pony images on 4chan (before they had the separate pony board) and wanted to see at least one episode so we could understand the references. One episode became five. Watched every episode we could find on youtube.  I believe it was around the beginning of season 2.

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It was 2012 when I got into MLP. I don't remember what month or day though. So in freshmen year, in Algebra 1, I had a friend who liked MLP. During class one day, we were talking about Creepypasta and she told me about Cupcakes and to read it. At the time, I didn't know what was MLP at the time and so I did. I reed Cupcakes. I didn't know who Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie at the time. Then the next day, I told her I liked the Creepypasta, since I was more hateful to people and only had a few friends who liked the same stuff I liked and was more psycho back then, but changed after a Florida trip with a youth group(This happened in 10th grade). I felt loved in my life for once by others(Minus my family). Anyway back to the story.


So after I after I got home, I talked to another friend that liked MLP. I told her about Cupcakes. She then told me about Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. She then told me to try one episode of MLP. But like the fandom, I got hooked to the show after one episode. I then became a Brony(Half a brony now). I was watching Death Note before watching MLP. So yeah. Cupcakes got me into MLP.

Edited by Shadowbolt192

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I joined the herd just last September after hearing about it from several people, then watching an episode just for the hell of it, then there was the whole "id better watch another episode so i can get a clear analyses" excuse, and before i knew it, i had gone through seasons 1 and 2 in a week.

I joined the herd just last September after hearing about it from several people, then watching an episode just for the hell of it, then there was the whole "id better watch another episode so i can get a clear analyses" excuse, and before i knew it, i had gone through seasons 1 and 2 in a week.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Fun story, my sisters started watching the show before I did, and it was nothing I hadn't seen before, cause they were always watching the dumbest, most girly things, but then I saw my sister Shylah (10), watching a YouTube video of Fluttershy saying "YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME" and it was a "this is Sparta" remix, and I was confused because "wait, isn't this a kid's show? Are they having a prom? Why is thins children's cartoon pony in a prom dress shouting for somebody else to love her? There are romantic relationships?" And I hadn't then understood the scene, so I watched it myself, and then clicked on a few others, and then more, and then I went "wait, woah woah woah, are these adult and teenage GUYS making these videos? What is this? There's a lot of dedication put behind some of these!" So, being the kind of person that really doesn't care what something looks like as long as it's enjoyable, and also the kind of person who wants to see what's up, I watched the first episode. The theme song was and is and always will be something that I skip, but otherwise it wasn't half bad! I then proceeded to watch the entire season that night, and throughout the course of a week- which was actually the week of the Season 2 finale, so I was seeing all sorts of ads on the hub for some sort of wedding thing- I finished the first half of season 2, and watched the rest after the finale had aired. It's been so long since then that I can hardly remember the short amount of time that I had barely been trying to keep it a secret, since my dad's kind of a homophobe, but he's also cool, so when he found out shortly, along with everyone else, he got over it quickly. Still makes jokes, but we're a joking family. I bought some T-shirts and wore them to school, and nobody really cared, though some were a bit surprised, and I didn't care if anybody did happen to care. Compared to some of you other guys, I suppose I have it pretty lucky that I just happen to be that person that everybody likes, even if I wind up as a "brony". I still have many friends, and I talk about the show or fandom sometimes in front of or with them, and nobody minds. It's great. Speaking of which, after finishing Season 2, the whole "fandom" thing happened. I wanted to know all that i could about these other people who watch My Little Pony, these "bronies", and what they do, and how many there are, and what they're like, and it went soooooo much deeper than I expected. And being the curious one that will not rest without answers, the one that spent three months looking for the song "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" after hearing it at the end of a video and loving it, the one that spent hours trying to understand how the vocalic content was all fan-made, yet they still had concerts, the one that was slightly confused by the difference between "classic Who" and "New Who" and caught myself up, I did the only thing I knew how to do, the one thing that keeps my personality closely anchored to that of Twilight Sparkle: I researched. I researched the brony community for hours, doing everything from listening to all of Tombstone's music, almost every mashup of the seasons 1-2 songs, listening to AwkwardMarina's music, watching Friendship is Witchcraft and Rainbow Dash Presents, reading Cupcakes, Rainbow Factory, and most importantly, PAST SINS, finding out what the word "clop" meant, being astonished by how many other amazing roles Tara Strong has been in, finding out why I should praise Lauren Faust, looking up all the cons, the merchandise from Vinyl collectibles to wallets, researching and getting frustrated at the Derpy Dillema, rewatching the changeling fight scene over and over again, following Tiarawhy's and Pokehidden's Tumblr blogs to see why they get attention, unfollowing Tiarawhy's and Pokehidden's Tumblr blogs after realizing why they get attention, finding and playing Banned From Equestria (Daily) TWICE. I had to beat it guys. I had to catch them all. I subscribed to Saberspark for the Top Ten pony vids of each month, I downloaded Everfree Radio for a constant update on music, and I got myself all caught up just in time for Foozogz's Make It Special Reflection Remix. After that, I considered myself a fully-fledged member of this community, after doing a few key things like: getting an account here- which I found after googling "Winter Wrap-Up Date"- getting a fimfiction account and writing stories, and drawing fan art. Two fan arts, in fact. They were simple pencil drawings of character screenshots from the show, as I can't draw.

After that, I was one of you guys, and I have never made a better decision. I laughed with you all, I cried with you all, I participated in Friday Movie Nights, I went to the theaters with my buddy to watch Equestria Girls, I watched the brines react videos, I waited eagerly for Double Rainboom, and for Season 4. I get such happy feeling in me when I think about it, when I think of you guys, and mainly when I watch a video of a bunch of brony stuff. My brain releases so much dopamine when I get to the end credits of "Ponies: the Anthology 1, 2, or 3", or when I see the Brony PMV of "When can we do this again". Not even Tumblr, and the feeling of family I have there, makes me feel as good as you guys do. And I thank you all for making it happen. And I thank you, Mint Petal, for letting me write this, and as I write, reminisce over all of the best moments of my fandom career, and realize that the bond I share with you all goes so, SO very much deeper than a TV show.


TL;DR? I will not summarize that post for you, I slaved over it and you WILL read it, you hear me? Also, it will make you feel so happy.


And now, to finish off those of you on the verge of happy tears,




XD Thanks I feel congratulated indeed

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When: about one year ago.


How: when I first started using the internet to connect with the otaku community I used a role playing twitter account where I was a picachu. I made a lot of friends and it was very fun. that's one of the best parts about the internet in my opinion, the world is literally in your hand. one day I was talking to a friend in the DMs when we started comparing each other to characters in anime, and she said that I reminded her of a mix between Fluttershy and Rarity, and having no clue who they were I was like. O-O wHo? she told me all about mlp fim and its brony fan base and curious I decided to watch one episode to see what it was like. and as you all know. one does not simply watch one episode of mlp fim.




*OC Lucky Star*


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About 1 year and a month ago. I have a little sister and sometimes i watch TV with her, and i saw some episodes and liked them, then my cousins came to visit and we all started to watch the show together, but none of us knew about the community, until one of my cousins and i found a MLP mod for Minecraft, then somehow i started to found ponies everywhere, and i found out about the brony fandom, i thought it was cool so i decided to watch the whole series, and season 4 was released just a week after i finished watching the first 3 seasons. My cousins still like the show, but i'm the only one who's actually in the fandom.



Equestria's best unicorns

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><  I'm 95% sure it was back in 2010 that I became a fan of the show, and that wasn't an option on the poll.


I remember how it happened; I was looking for material for a parody of G-1 on youtube (a parody I never made, sad to say---it would've been unbelievably prophetic if it had, though), and I saw a cartoon about Twilight trying to get introduced to Fluttershy, and FS ended up getting quieter until she could only squeak.  That got me curious enough to watch the first two episodes---and then I was hooked!


Help the main six stop the Weather Factory Meltdown!


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January of 2014. I learned about bronies in 2012 and did some research on em. 2 years later I was noticing an increase in bronies and wanted to see what the buzz was about. So I asked some of my friends that were bronies and they just said watch the show. So I watched 3 episodes and found out that I discovered how good the show was.

Edited by Red Sage
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I became a Brony from watching the first episode on YouTube. I often visited DeviantArt and saw a lot of artwork, so it got me curious. Then I started collecting MLP merchandise, and I started to draw the characters as well. I'm not sure what happened, I just love the show. It's cute, funny, and a place where love is spread through out a world I often wished existed.

  • Brohoof 1
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It was a few years ago. Canterlot wedding comes to mind I think. Fans came into the site I was in and more importantly a friend who watched it introduced me to it. Basically the story of the moderate from come and meet the bronies, though I do some creative work.

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I became a Brony in the beginning of 2014 after watching the documentary :Bronies:. I had overheard a coworker talking about this documentary and how cool and unexpectedly interesting it was. After viewing, I decided to give the show a try; at this point I was confused as to how such a thing could peak my interest and excite me like My Little Pony. I plugged away at the entire first season without effort and realized how much I enjoyed it. Shortly thereafter I joined the forums here. It has been a wonderful experience!

  • Brohoof 1


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I became a brony back in 2012. I got into it from a friend as he kept recommending the show to me at first I was like, no I will not watch that. One day I decided to watch an episode and since then been in this amazing fandom.

Edited by The Crazy Luna Fan
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I'm old.


I was a fan of the show from the first episode.


I didn't realize that there was a huge fandom for another few months... So, maybe January 2011?


I watched every episode as it aired, so I never had to binge them. ^_^

  • Brohoof 1
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I stumbled across a post on /r/mylittlepony when I was browsing Reddit in April 2013. I replied to it before realizing what subreddit I was on. Then I saw a pic of Rainbow Dash and was totally enthralled. I watched an episode every couple of days or so (college can be brutal as far as time is concerned), finishing with Equestria Girls a few hours before the Season 4 premiere.

Edited by Ponyville728
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15th of September.


I'd been looking at the demographics of bronies from the "Herd census" out of curiosity, having read on Wikipedia that a lot of bronies have an INTJ personality type. I realised that I was at the modal age (18) and that I am an INTJ, so I crunched the numbers and got about a 60% probability that I was a Brony (and that was a conservative estimate). With a probabilty that high I thought that it meant that it was inevitable that I'd like MLP if I watched it, so I tried it, and I loved it.

  • Brohoof 2
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friend was brony so thougth I such wacth a lest one ep the first was applebuck season I told my friend and he said watch the friendship is magic and that was a two parter so I had to watch the second then I ended up watch the 3rd then the 4th and so on falling in love with a beautiful orange pony applejack

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I believe I started between seasons 2 & 3, with the 1st episode and catching up within about 2 weeks. Funny thing is: I grew up despising MLP, and all the adverts, but when I heard about Bronies; I was like: "Why the hell would a guy watch a show like that?". After putting off for a while: I submitted myself to One Episode, and wound up on a 6 episode binge, now: I hope to contribute an eclectic showcase to original pony music, specializing in maybe Metal and EDM (written by me, of course) thanks for taking time to read this

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i have been a brony since i was nine and im 18 now. yes ive the old mlp with the bad character design.

love is like a song to me.

when you love that song you wanna listen to it every day over and over.

there always something more to learn form that song.

but when theres marriage that is a song made by two in matrimony.

a song hand crafted in a harmonious tune only the two will truly understand and love for eternity.  

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Last year. I ws staying at my grandmothers to help out after her surgery. A friend of mine online wanted to do an rp involving mlp. I hadn't even heard of bronies until then, to be honest. Being open minded, I decided to go along with it. So I did some research into the show to help things along, trying to make it feel authentic. As I researched, I grew more curious. I won't lie, the actual rp was AWFUL. Not having to do it, I mean, that I didn't mind. My attempt was so bad, calling them imitations would be an insult to good rping. Even if I had wanted to see the show before this, I didn't get the hub (and I still don't) so I couldn't. While staying there, she had netflix, and I saw they had mlp on there. Watched the first 3 season in under 3 days. And the rest as they say is history.

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I don't know if I posted on this I may have already but i'll just say it again I became a big fan over the summer due to a very kind hearted individual who gave me lots of love and ponies during a time when I was really down in the dumps. We are both on the forums and now that he's become a stronger influence in my life and my heart I feel much better :D



signature by Pucksterv

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