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What's so bad about 'Slice of Life'?


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Honestly, I see Slice of Life on A LOT of "least favorite episode" lists. The fans who write those lists sometimes don't explain why, but from what I've seen, it's mostly just "too much fan-pandering". I personally don't mind, I think we need a breather episode every now and then. I agree with @@Fawkes The Phoenix,  in that I think people were expecting some huge plot-character development going on when it was just a fun, celebratory episode that wasn't supposed to be profound at all. I'm wondering why some people feel as if every episode needs to have some big adventure or profound character moments.

  • Brohoof 1

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The reason I  dislike it is because it was nothing but fan pandering. But the worst part is that everyone is like "it doesn't matter if the episode was bad because it was a love letter to the fandom" and "nobody should dislike this episode because it's a love letter to the fandom". 

  • Brohoof 6
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Hey everypony! I've heard a lot of trash talk about episode 100 lately and was wondering if someone could explain to me why they dislike it so much. Personally, I liked it. Secret agent Bon Bon was adorable, and don't even get me started on how much I fangirled over Doctor Whooves. If I disliked anything, it was Vinyl and Octavia's rampage through town, but I really liked the song. So why didn't you like the episode?


I found this episode to be non-funny, not at all emotionally investing and it felt like a fan made episode rather than the creators of the show. There were some funny moments, but the story was incoherent and nothing really belonged. I know it's supposed funny and not taken seriously, but I was bored throughout. Edited by geartree
  • Brohoof 3

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I stumbled into this episode early into my bronydom, and I remember my wife, daughter and me after watching it all looked at each other dumbfounded throughout, with my wife's response being "what the hell was that!?" She refers to it now as "the awful 100th episode." 


I enjoy it more after getting the in-jokes, but to the casual viewer, or the younger viewer, or even a regular viewer who doesn't get into the fandom aspect of it all - the episode is pretty confusing, and seems just off compared to the rest of the series. 


Muffins saying "muffin" the way she does is adorable, and all three of us catch ourselves saying that whenever passing by a muffin in a supermarket....yeah. We're that kind of family. 

  • Brohoof 1


Courtesy of @Sparklefan1234

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I loved the episode personally, but that comes in with the mindset I have. "Slice of Life" was a different sort of episode from the start, and I appreciate it TO DEATH for that. Seeing the interactions of the various background characters was a treat, and it was just FUN. It really did my heart good to see that.


However I can see where people would have a problem with that. There wasn't a solid narrative, the jokes could be hit or miss, some parts of the episode were hits or misses, and some people just do not care for these characters; and that's all fine. We all like what we like, and the opposite holds true as well. :)

  • Brohoof 1

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The reason I  dislike it is because it was nothing but fan pandering. But the worst part is that everyone is like "it doesn't matter if the episode was bad because it was a love letter to the fandom" and "nobody should dislike this episode because it's a love letter to the fandom". 

That's one of the main reasons why I hated it. "Nobody should dislike this episode because it's a love letter to the fandom?" They do say that. How about don't tell people what to do, I will dislike it all I want if it's for the reason that it's pandering and bringing 4chan into public television. 


Here's the thing I stayed silent or more like resisted the urge to hate on people that liked their made up background characters because I didn't want to be mean, I just wanted to pretend these established fanon background characters didn't exist but Slice of Life just gave me a smack across the face. 


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Its funny how everyone says that all MLP episodes are for the younger viewer, and then when a episode like Slice of Life for the bronies come they all nitpick, lol.


Anyways, I didn't see anything wrong with it, just that the younger public would't understand.

Edited by Flinp
  • Brohoof 1


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Its funny how everyone says that all MLP episodes are for the younger viewer, and then when a episode like Slice of Life for the bronies come they all nitpick, lol.


Anyways, I didn't see anything wrong with it, just that the younger public would't understand.

That is the problem. It seemed like they were just doing everythibg the fandom wanted. Your comment that this is the episode that we nitpick and it should be instead like is flawed. Just because a movie/show was made for a certain audience doesn't mean it is good or excused if it is bad. I know this sounds harsh, but I find the episode to be really boring and ridiculous.


The characters were only there to pander to bronies, and I did not find them interesting at all. When you want to talk about whether a character/episode is good or bad you must look at it from the context of the show itself, not look at what the fans thought was funny.


The thing is I would have been completely fine with the episode if the characters actually had a reason to be in a coherent plot, but the plot was a jumbled mess and the characters added nothing to it, and we just jokes.


To me its like making a show of Jar Jar Binks. All the characters are there for is to be a joke by defenition, rather than adding comedy to the episode in a more "natural manner".


Sorry for the rant. I can see why someone might like the episode, but just watch the episode like you never knew what the fandom thought the personality of the background characters are, and you might see what I am saying.

  • Brohoof 6

Hearts, as strong as horses.

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I don't think of it as pandering to the Bronies. I think of it as a GIFT to the Bronies. Frankly, the episode shouldn't even be taken as canon. Think of it as the "Hot Spring" episode found in many anime. It was purely just for fun, and did nothing to advance any plot lines. I don't see why so many feel the need to rip it apart. I thought it was mighty nice of the writers and animators to give us this 22 minute treat. I am not talking about any specific Bronie or member of this site when I say the following.


It just strikes me as odd that for the past few years many Bronies insisted the show should cater to them, and then call it "Pandering" when one episode is devoted entirely to the adult fandom. Why not just accept the gift in the spirit it was given?

Edited by cuteycindyhoney
  • Brohoof 4


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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The problem is that all the "jokes" are really just shallow references, with no humor value of their own.


In the opening scene, the "joke" is that Derpy says "muffin". Sorry, but that's not a real joke. All this is is acknowledging that this kind of joke exists in the fandom, without making a joke of its own out of it.


Apparently (I didn't watch the whole episode because it was too painful), there's another scene later on where the "joke" is that Steven Magnet says his name. Once again, this is not a real joke, it's just acknowledging that bronies call him that.


In this episode, either you don't get the jokes (and therefore get no entertainment value from them) or you do, but you've already seen it done better in fanart.


Some might say it's meant to be a "love letter to the fans", but if so, it's a pretty lame letter. If it was an actual love letter, it would probably be just a list of the physical characteristics of the recipient: "You have brown hair. You have blue eyes. You are 1.7 meters tall." Not very romantic.

  • Brohoof 6


Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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It just strikes me as odd that for the past few years many Bronies insisted the show should cater to them, and then call it "Pandering" when one episode is devoted entirely to the adult fandom. Why not just accept the gift in the spirit it was given?

You gotta remember that not everyone likes all that fanon stuff, and I'd argue that it isn't a "vocal minority" like some would say, but a noticeable split among fans.


The episode was gonna be incredibly divisive ever since it was announced it was gonna be about BG ponies, not everyone likes a lot of the fanon/brony memes this fandom makes. For me, it just felt like a brony meme wankfest that just left a sour taste in my mouth. To me a 100th episode should be an episode that's a celebration of the show but Slice of Life was anything but

  • Brohoof 6
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The problem is that it lacks creativity and passion. I get the feeling that they just googled MLP memes and half-assed wrote them into the script. One of the " jokes " is that a character says muffins for gods sake. That hardly qualify as a joke, and the only reason for that "joke" to be there is that it was a popular meme.

  • Brohoof 5


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Slice was indeed one of the more fandom dividing episodes of the series.  It created a rift, a massive chasm with half the fandom standing on each side, shouting across at the other.  To be ironic and use a meme, here's the fandom after every one of these kind of controversial episodes:





I loved it, but I get the perspective of the other side.  Really, I do.  I would say that, in the vast majority of cases, the last thing you want is for fandoms to directly influence the original creative work.  Could you imagine how much it would suck if fan based internet memes started popping up in Game of Thrones?  The example of this phenomenon that I like to point out the most is The Matrix.  Obviously, the first one was one of the best sci-fi movies of all time, and the other two sucked.  To me, the sequels, particularly Reloaded, had a vibe to them that felt like they were (I'm going to use a word that usually annoys me when I see it on these forums) pandering to fans, and almost breaking the fourth wall in their acknowledgement of memes, and how much people liked certain aspects of the franchise.  It was a subtle thing, but when Agent Smith said, "Mr. Anderson" in 2, it really felt like the filmmakers were talking directly to us, with a nudge nudge, wink wink, and look on their faces like this:





I saw that movie in the theatre, and the audience erupted with cheers and laughter and hooting and hollering when Smith said that.  It really annoyed me.  It felt like the franchise stopped taking itself seriously, and just started saying, "The Matrix is so friggin awesome, isn't it?  Heh heh."  I won't even watch Terminator Genesis because the whole movie looks like one giant meme gif.


So I get it.  But that said, I just feel differently about FIM.  I feel deeply honored that that community has influenced the show, and I am thankful for the relationship we have with creators.  Nobody twisted their arms; they chose to adopt much fanon as canon, and that's really special to me.  Perhaps I'm a bit hypocritical, because this is probably the only franchise I feel that way about.  Memes and fan acknowledgement would probably annoy me anywhere else, because I want the lore to come from the mind(s) of those who created it, not from those who watch it.  But in FIM, I just think it works.  To the degree they've done it, anyway.  I guess part of the reason I feel this way is that I feel like their acknowledgement of the fandom is a direct acknowledgement and celebration of the defiance of unfair gender and age stereotypes that I'd like to think we represent.  I realize this could probably be achieved in other ways, but when I see a canon character on the show with a fan-given name, I can't help but feel like we've done a small thing to change to the world for the better.  Perhaps many of you will think that I'm just looking at things through extremely rose-tinted glasses, but that's how I feel.


To be fair, I'll concede that, completely objectively speaking, the episode probably wasn't that good, and didn't make much sense or have much place in the FIM universe.

When you want to talk about whether a character/episode is good or bad you must look at it from the context of the show itself, not look at what the fans thought was funny.

I'll agree, I'll agree.  Yes, that's true, and that's essentially the point I was making with those movie comparisons.  I guess I'm really biased, because I am so into the fan stuff.  I've always loved the fandom lore of Lyra and Bon Bon, Vinyl and Octavia, and to see them together on the show just made me flip.  But I know that doesn't really mean it's good.  Like I said, in the vast majority of cases, I want to know what the creator's vision was, not what the fans' vision was.  But in this case, I still love it.

  • Brohoof 2


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I still say that the episode has a direct correlation to the "Hot Spring" episodes found in many anime series. They never actually further the plot. Many are even acknowledged as noncanon. Their sole purpose is to be a joke for the fans. (With "fan service", in many anime)  I don't see what the problem is when the animators and writers decided to emulate that. They cut loose and had fun with ONE episode, using ideas actually started within the Brony fandom itself. I think it's downright silly to argue about what was basically a present from the writers and animators. The episode was strange and silly, but I loved every second of it.

  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I think it's downright silly to argue about what was basically a present from the writers and animators.

And I think it's downright silly to ignore obvious flaws in an episode just because "it's basically a present". I mean, one could argue that the entire show is basically a present from the writers and animators but does that mean that every flaw in episodes like "Princess Spike" magically disappears?

  • Brohoof 3
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I think it's downright silly to argue about what was basically a present from the writers and animators.

Why do you think that? I don't see how arguing about "Slice of Life" is any different then arguing about "Princess Spike".
  • Brohoof 2


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When I first watched episode 100 I had the same opinion, but then I realised why everyone was raving over it, so I then started to respect it more for what it was.

I had no idea that there was ponies involved in it that were produced from the fandom itself.


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Oh I didn't even realise Slice of life was the 100th episode.


I thought it was alright personally I found it a tad bit boring. I did however like Celestia and Luna having a mini argument over the wedding gift. For once we actually saw the sisters act like normal sisters would rather than the formal, serious princess alicorns they're always portrayed as.  


Anywayyyyy, I guess that there will always be people with different opinions and criticisms although I do agree, I was glad that the attention deviated from the mane 6, just this once.


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I guess I better stop here. I envision myself getting banned if I lose my cool over this. I'll just stand by what I said earlier. I found the episode to be delightfully fun and funny. My favorite part was Bon-Bon revealing her code name of Agent Sweetie Drops!


I don't see the episode as being riddled with flaws. I see it as being full of intentional humor and accept it for what it is with a smile.


I, for one, am grateful it was made. 

Edited by cuteycindyhoney
  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I think Slice of Life was awesome because it went completely over the top with fandom references. I find it annoying when memes are referenced within a show (for instance, I really didn't think the '20% cooler' reference needed to be in RR, and certainly not twice) but when an episode is made that focuses on nothing but these things it becomes a refuge in audacity sort of thing. They even acknowledged this by literally jumping the shark in the episode itself while driving to the wedding on the wubmobile. Nothing about that episode was meant to be taken seriously, and that's fine.


It's not like the target audience will care much; if anything they'll probably like seeing ponies they've never heard speaking before suddenly being the main characters, regardless of whether they get the references or not. So what if the jokes aren't up to your standards? It's not like you'd ever get much more than an amused chuckle out of the show to begin with.


Knowing the references made me grin like an idiot throughout, but even rewatching it and pretending I don't know the fandom nods still doesn't make me dislike the episode because it's so bizarre and so different from all the others. I think it's exactly what a 100th episode should be: something very different from the norm, made just to have fun.

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