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web Websites you used to frequent but don't anymore


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When I first got internet years ago I constantly went to GamesRadar and I loved it! Now o forget it still exists :P Another site was ForumPromotion.net which I was actually staff on for a while and I was even voted member of the month once, I loved that site but after a while I had no real reason to be there. There are so many other websites I cannot even remember nowadays :P



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Minecraft Forum. I rarely post there anymore. Here, the people are nicer, even the mods. In the Minecraft Forum, the mods would lock a thread and act.. I wouldn't say mean, but just.. you don't have to act like that. The mods here lock a thread and put smiley faces and stuff. And that's not the only reason. This is a forum about MLP. I'm not that much of a Minecraft person, so I rarely post there.

Pennutoh has a gun

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I used to be AnimeFreak.TV and AnimeUltima.TV a lot back then when I was watching anime. When it came time to working and other things I started going on the sites less frequently and rarely went on them anymore. Now I go on Crunchyroll more and I have started to watch more anime again.  

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I used to go to VocaloidOtaku because my friend do RP there, particularly Persona RP. I joined the ups and downs and joined some other RPs there, but my friend quit RP'ing and then so am I. I tried RP-ing here but it's just not the same D:



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Miniclip and Equestria Daily


I don't care much for miniclip anymore and I'm just too lazy to keep up with everything on eqd, I haven't even finished fim season 4


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Reddit and Deviantart ,I'll post things on dA ,but I avoid the community like the plaque because its just way too toxic. I used to frequent a sims 2 forum until I came to terms with the fact that I had gotten actually addicted to the game and  left the forum shortly after that.                                      

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The Thomas and Friends website. I used to have tons of fun with all the games and looking at new information for upcoming stoof, but then when I turned 9 I realized I was growing earlier and stopped having fun on it.


Also, Myspace, seriously. I used to post tons of terrible MS Paint and WMM videos I made on it when I was 7-9, and I used to play this game called SuperPoke Pets on it all the time.. but then I found out about Facebook and left Myspace, deleting my account and everything.

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Club Penguin.... I got too old :'( R.i.p my penguin whose name I can't remember, you will be missed.


Also used to play flash games before I found Steam. I used to use Miniclip a lot, I still kinda do when I remember it still exists.

Same with Postopia.com, my entire childhood was contained within that site. Then they shut it down. So sad. :(

Edited by Dr. Frasier Crane


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My Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/shikarilukari

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 Nitrome, Minecraft Forums, and Equestria Daily. Nitrome is an original flash game site that I quit going to due to Steam. Minecraft Forums because the minecraft subreddit is better for news. Equestria Daily because, well, idk really.


 Also Millsbury until they shut it down. ;~;

Edited by Magic Rasin



I have a Tumblr for art. Clicky below if you're curious.


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I used to go on Tumblr frequently, but I rapidly got to where I couldn't stand the place or anyone in it. Especially the radical feminists.


The term "feminazi" describes them very well, since they'll call you racist, sexist, and/or homophobic if you believe anything other than what they believe. They'll also say that all straight, white men are bigoted by default, and refuse to believe that making such generalizations is racist and sexist in its own right. Most of the issues they claim women face are personal issues, not legal issues. There is not a single legal right men have in the US that women don't. Furthermore, they completely ignore the shitholes in the Middle East where women are actually treated like cattle. "Some woman in Iran got raped, and was then executed for adultery? Who cares?! I got kicked out of McDonalds for taking my shirt off! #ThisIsWhyINeedFeminism"


I also couldn't stand all the made up genders and sexualities. They really scrape the bottom of the barrel for things that make them feel special. And an absurd amount of them pretend they have legitimate mental disorders, and are very vocal about it. It's as if they think being mentally ill is a fashion statement. For example: someone will say they have anxiety disorder because they're nervous about a big exam coming up in high school. It waters down peoples' idea of that mental disorder, and makes things more difficult for people who have actual problems. If they were really depressed, or had anxiety issues, I guarantee you they would not want to talk about it, much less brag about it on their blog.


I got a little carried away there.

  • Brohoof 1

...But that's just my opinion.

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Good topic! I actually have quite a few, now that I think about it.


Mugglenet.com, Survivor Sucks, Television Without Pity, Gosselins Without Pity (anyone remember Jon and Kate + 8 from several years back? The protests against that show and how it exploited the kids was fascinating to me), and Anti-Shurigen (Okay, I don't remember the name exactly. It was a writing forum devoted to a mutual dislike of the Eragon book series) were the main ones. Some of these are long gone, but others I just lost interest in.


My favorites these days (besides this one) are Cracked, fmylife.com, Fail Blog, The Onion, Equestria Daily, Rotten Tomatoes, imdb.com, Serebii.net, Depressionforums.org, College Humor and Dorkly. I check Facebook maybe once a week, too.

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Facebook is my main one. I just stopped talking to people overall which made Facebook pretty useless for me. Can't really think of anything else.


Same here.  It used to be a great way to keep up with friends and family - my husband and I are isolated geographically from them, so it was nice to keep in touch and have that feeling of connection.  Now it seems my Facebook feed is all politics or will only show a few friends' feeds.  I feel more disconnected when I go to Facebook.  


I suppose one of the things that brought me to the Poniverse is to feel a sense of connection with people who have the same fandom. 

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I used to go to Fanfic.net a lot in the 2009-10 era of the Internet, searching for all kinds of fanfics from all my favorite franchises, but mostly Avatar, Star Wars, and W.i.t.c.h. I still peruse on occasion, but since I found FIMfiction, I don't frequent it nearly as much as I should. A shame, I should really go back there. Now I feel like dusting off my old account and checking out some of my favorite stories.


AddictingGames was a hot spot for me in middle school and Jr. high, and I even made the high score a few times on Kitten Cannon. Good times.


Finally, I was one of the founding members of the James Cameron Avatar Wiki, and was a regular around the place. First learned to use HTML on there, back when Wikias we're practically almost all HTML.

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Love is a most potent magic

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Anyone remember Neopets? :adorkable:


Yeah, talk about an obsession. I had a ridiculous amount of the merchandise back when Neopets was all the rage and in its prime. I had multiple accounts each with different pets, and I remember logging in to each of them daily just to make sure my pets were well fed and that I got all the daily freebies that I knew of.


Then the Neocash Mall happened, and a once free and fun site became increasingly more of a pay to play. The site rarely releases anything new these days, and the activity levels have plummeted. And finding Neopets merch is a complete and total thing of the past. Virtual pet sites/simulators get old quick, and Neopets was certainly the definition of a fad. Still have my fond memories of it though. :catface:

  • Brohoof 2
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Neopets. It was a virtual pet site where I spent the first 10 years of my internet life. Unfortunately, a little company called Viacom bought it out and revamped everything. So gorgeous pieces of art that were the pets like this:




Because that way, you could customize your pet instead of it being a still image. With clothes. BOUGHT WITH REAL MONEY.
Neopets began rolling in dough and I rage-quit.

it's been over seven years and i'm still pretty upset about it.

  • Brohoof 1


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Serebii.net: A website of Pokemon news, every day. I got bored of Pokemon years ago, and as a result, I've stopped visiting this site also


I used to hang out in a Nintendo forum, in fact, it was my first experience with forums my whole life  ;) . It started good, good threads, level headed userbase most of the time, pretty active..... EVEN THE TROLLS WERE AWESOME, I'VE NEVER STOPPED LAUGHTING WITH THOSE  :squee: . But then, the WII generation came: Less interesting threads, less activity, fanboys everywhere, excuses of trolls who don't know a thing or two about really getting into people's skin......Said forum it's been gone for a while now, dunno how long after I left 


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I used to go on Moshi Monsters and Club Penguin as a kid, but I don't anymore. They've both changed so much.


When I was around 10 I went to this website called Pokefarm. Back then I was crazily obsessed with pokemon (and still am because of the new PMD game coming in November, I WILL AVOID SPOILERS!), so the website appealed to me a lot. I spent tons of time on the forums (So cringeworthy), and after one of the admins was a dick to me, I left after going on for two years. Apparently it got rebooted in 2013 so I NEVER have to see that cringeworthy stuff again!


At the age of 10 (rip chronological order), I went on a pokemon website again called Serebii. It was an okay website, but the userbase... God, the userbase was mostly terrible. Full of assholes. But there qere a few good people there, and the admin was very noce; just the mods were asses, the members were jerks, and after, like, three years or something I left. It's still up, and so is my shame. I will never look at that damn forum again, but hey, maybe they got better?

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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This website, the last time I posted was in mid January, 2013. I haven't been away from the fandom or anything, just started spending all my time on fimfiction.net


I also just visited kongregate for the first time in years, strange what starting college will make you do.

Edited by Ra1nbowCrasH



That's 5% of the last 4.5 years. Send help.

Meanwhile, I can help you by reviewing your stories!


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Facebook and Twitter. Kinda faded from it because I got tired of it. Removed my accounts and never returned since. I'll be honest though, I felt so much better since I removed them.

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