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How much did you hate middle school?

Metallic Strings

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All I can remember from middle school, was that if you stopped and just listened.......you could hear the twelvies from a mile off chanting their twelvie war cries..."Yoloswag...Yoloswag...Yoloswag... Yoloswag...Yoloswag.. Yoloswag...Yoloswag..."


...So yea...I hated it...ALOT

  • Brohoof 4


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For me it was always not an easy task to go to school.


No real friends at all ( except for a few that defended me once or twice but i was still alone most of the time ), i was bullied, i was getting beaten up...and the teachers most of the time, did nothing.


It was the most horrible experience i ever had. Sometimes i was to scared to go to school, so that i even got sick.

  • Brohoof 1


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I hated Middle School. My classmates and teachers were all assholes to me. Which isn't really different than elementary school or high school actually. I've always had a horrible time in school, as my schoolmates always were assholes, and constantly pestered me, which is I'm homeschooled now.

  • Brohoof 1

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Middle School wasn't that bad for me actually. Yeah, I got bullied to the point I stopped taking the bus, but that had been going on since the year or two before so it wasn't anything new. I can't really think of any particular moments that stood out, good or bad.


Besides, compared to the years before and later High School, it may as well been a pleasant experience. 

  • Brohoof 1

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6th grade was easily the worst year. I barely had any friends. I remember not even eating lunch because I was embarrassed due to not having anyone to sit with. Not only that, but my teachers hated me, I got bullied often, and I had home problems all at the same time. I hated school at the time. I eventually became more comfortable with my school though. 7th grade was much better, I opened up more and made a lot of nice friends and even had some friends who were in the "cool" crowd. 8th was pretty fun too.


But academically wise.. oh god. Most teachers were terrible at their jobs. They had trouble keeping the class under control and we barely learned anything. Oh well, not my fault. :DD

"Your mom"

"Deez Nuts"

"Twenty one"

Yeah I didn't like it.

lmao this sadly happens in high school too



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Middle school was arguably the best time of my life. I literally knew everyone in the school of all grades by name; all the administration and the teachers as well. It was a small school of ~100 people. Middle school was when I really got into shakespeare and saw my first professional play (the Merchant of Venice), when I had my highest school grades ever, when I actually partook in extracurricular stuff like after school floor hockey, decorating the door for halloween and the entire classroom with my pal (with teacher permission) for Christmas or delivering pizza on pizza day, when I camped away from my parents for the first time ever (for 3 whole days!)...


And then high school beat the optimism out of me.

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Let's add it up.


• No friends. (Barely.)

• Always been bullied.

• Always been picked on.

• Been made a fool in front of the whole class.

• Always got an ugly look.

• Always claim that I'm boring and "not interesting". (I kind of agree...)

• Rumors spread around school that I was a Homosexual.


...Yupp. I hated Middle School.

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My middle school experience was exactly the same as my high school one (makes sense, considering they were both in the same building with the same teachers)


Y'know, what, I'll just copy paste my feelings on the matter. Just swap out the words High with Middle and you'll get me feelings on the matter. 


F##k no! Never! To hell with that place! High School was the biggest waste of my time and the biggest drain on my consciousness Iv'e ever had to deal with. I still have nightmares about being suddenly stuck in high school after all this time.


4 years of being treated like a prisoner. All those classes are pretty much worthless now. So little of what I learned there has stuck with me. The same monotonous routine, 5 days a week, 9 months a year, for 6 years (middle school included).  It was soul crushing. I used to be an optimistic kid till I entered middle school. Now I'm a jaded cynic who can find fault with just about anything. Sitting in a desk for the better part of 6 hours, being talked down to like I was an idiot, in the furthest thing from an engaging class course.


I used to draw. I used to be an artist. But school went and crushed that. The spare time that I would draw? I had to use that to finish my homework so that i could go home and not think about my day. I wasn't even getting paid. I would've liked some monetary rewards for all my work!


And so many kids. Some good. My class and the one ahead of us had great kids. Some bad. From what I've heard and observed, every class after ours has acted so much worse. But I didn't want to be around any of them. I just wanted to be alone. Not forced into a building with a bunch of strangers. I'm asocial. I don't mind groups. But I don't actively seek them. And being around that many people repeatedly for 6 years, quickly drives you to the antisocial end of the spectrum for a while. 


I was so miserable during those years. I was always told "Enjoy school while you can, cause real life is gonna be so much harder."


Real life is going to be harder? More than this? If I can't stand being in high school, then how the hell am I supposed to make it outside these walls!?


That statement, brought me my first suicidal thoughts. I didn't know how or when, but some time after high school was over, I was gonna kill myself, if life was going to be that much worse. 


Thankfully, I managed to regain my sanity during summer vacation, and then I attended college. A very different experience. I chose what I learned, and the material was fascinating. 


Point is, my time outside of HS has proved that those 6 years were a waste of time, time I could've spent bettering myself, rather then my grades, and that life does get better outside of high school. 

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It sucked; I was bullied, had no friends, was extremely shy, extreme anxiety and the fear of actually talking to people, had rumors spread about me, yeah I wouldn't call it my best time ever.


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Middle School was pretty bad, but at least I had a nice sized group of friends (5 of them). There was drama and really crappy memes, sure, but my friends and I always stuck together.

And then 9th grade happened. Now, 8th grade has to be one of the worst years to stay back, as you can't see your 9th grade friends during lunch or ANY of the classes. Well, this is exactly what happened with my group of friends except me and one of them. All of my friends who stayed back started homeschooling except for one, so I saw them even less often. The group's back together now, but 9th grade was far worse for me then all of Middle School combined.  :adorkable:

Edited by Mr Unknown
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I absolutely hated middle school. All year long I was bullied just because I was the shyest person in the whole school.

I did like 8th grade though since there was a lot of people who wanted to be my friend even though I had trouble talking face to face with them.


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