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general Can you handle alcohol?


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I have Scottish heritage in my blood, so I tend to be the last one standing at a drinking party.


I don't actually LIKE the taste of alcohol one bit; I understand why folks do it, though I still shake my head when I see it happen.  The buzzy feeling is kinda neat... but not always worth the amount one has to drink.  Plus, loud and talkative are two things I'm normally not - but I am IN SPADES when I'm drinking.


As far as preferences, I like Screwdrivers (vodka & orange juice), but only when there's enough OJ to drown out the alcohol.  Besides, I process those faster than anything else; after six of them in less than an hour, I blew a 0.00 on a Breathalyzer not quite two hours later... and they were NOT weak Screwdrivers, either.


All in all there are other ways to feel mellow that I approve of... but I do not recommend drinking.  


Especially f you don't like having a fuzzy-feeling tongue in the morning.

=====  ( 0=====


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I get drunk very quickly but I know when to stop drinking. I don't like getting too drunk, I just like being tipsy. It's good, I don't have to pay very much when I drink :')

Edited by Conspiracy.

- Kayleigh

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I usually don't drink much simply because I don't enjoy the taste. There are some special occasions (Such as a New Year party) where I will go out to get a special mix I enjoy to bring, but that's about it. Even then, I can't get drunk off of it.


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I can't say for sure, though I have had times where I drank a cup of a mix or a beer and was fine afterward. I also once had a couple bottles of Mike's hard lemonade at a party this past summer and felt maybe a little buzz (then again it's 5% alcohol). With that said - and the fact that I'm male and have a relatively heavy body - I think I can handle alcohol pretty well.


Despite that, last week while with some college friends, I had a few sips of various alcoholic drinks and it took a cake-flavored vodka to make me feel surprisingly drowsy and I actually laid down for a bit (I was still able to drive back to my dorm, however).


But still, I think I can handle it and it shouldn't bother me even though I do not drink very often.


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For the first 30 years of my life I barely consumed alcohol.  Maybe an occasional wine or beer during holidays and special events and that was it.  Things changed a bit when I actually developed a taste for beer (yes it is an acquired taste).  Now I usually have a couple beers on Friday or Saturday to celebrate the end of the work week.  But a daily drinker?  No way.  I'd get tired of it right quick if I tried.  :P


FYI, while I can handle several drinks without any trouble, I have learned that pub crawls are not for me. 

  • Brohoof 2
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I dunno, and I don;t intend to find out. Most alcoholic beverages taste bad anyway, so don't expect me to see me tipsy, much less drunk  >_> . Actually good tasting alcoholic beverages, I don't mind taking some swings, but I got enough self control to take 2 or 3 at most


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Why yes, yes I can. I hold it very well. This is due to the fact, that nine times out of ten, I stick with hard liquor only. Recent times have seen more enjoying hard apple cider though. That said, I am a Rum and Whiskey man. Those are my go to guys for a good time. Well, a drunk good time anyway. Haha. Also, I really really hate beer. So, yep, that is why I used to only drink hard liquor. XD Now I kinda want a nice tankard of rum. Haha.


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I can but prefer not to drink it too much due to someone in my family with an addiction to it.

Signature by Kiyoshi, Avatar by Ruhisu. We rise only to fall to rise again.

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I'd say no. Of course I don't know for sure as I've only imbibed small amounts. The taste of which reminded me very much of the smell of gasoline which didn't agree with my tastebuds. I don't drink it for this reason. Having someone in the family with a known addiction to such things also helped in making this decision not to drink.

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I'm not sure. Since I have tendency to just chug any drink I happen to have I feel the effects quite quickly, even more so on an empty stomach. Since I absolutely hate that buzzed feeling, I don't drink alcohol anymore. Because of that, I really don't think I have a high tolerance for it.

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I can but not that much, my brain begins to twerk after my first can usually x)


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So, anectote- i took a walk because stress. Wound up buying a 14% alcoholic bev. At a gas starion. Drank itvwhile readingv. Got drunk, and because low alcohol tolerace, somehow (thank god) managed to walk home sucessfully and safely. So insanely tired, thoug

Once the alcohol kicked in, I had to keep slapping my cheek, eating hot Cheetos, listening to music to stay awake as I walked. And I couldn't walk straight to save my life. Tried jogging to kerp from falling asleep, but that was against my better judgment, and I fell. Giant dummy, I am. Once I got home, I just collapsed in the bed, tried sleeping, but spent the time uncontrollably laughing out loud and tossing aound like a loon, before I crashed.

Hpw well can YOu handle alcohol ?



So you edited this post and THIS was the version you felt best presented your message?



Okay, so for me, I don't drink. So my 'tolerance' is probably pretty low. But I'm also kind of a bad flank - which is part of the reason I don't need alcohol - but if I did consume it, I wouldn't just tolerate it. I would destroy it. Straight up. :comeatus:

The truth is always rough.
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