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  1. 1. What did you think?

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    • I didn't like it.
    • It was...meh.
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It feels great to have a new season start and this episode was pretty good. It's interesting that Starlight is living with Twilight and Spike at the castle, and it was pretty funny how Starlight couldn't navigate through the castle. You think they could add a directory or label the doors so no to confuse anypony.  :lol: Learning about how the crystalling works was pretty interesting and the invitation being sent was awesome and very fitting because of it being a snowflake type of mail. It was nice seeing little Flurry Heart and she was really adorable throughout the episode, especially during her magic and flying moments.  :wub: It was great seeing the princesses and everypony being involved in trying to stop the snow storm while trying to fix the crystal heart. It was also great seeing Starlight reconnecting with Sunburst, but I do wonder why he was staying at the Crystal Empire when first meeting him. I felt that Sunburst's explanation of what he was doing when he went to Celestia's school in a flashback for a better idea of what he going through, but it was still nice to know what happened to Starlight's old friend. I could also connect with Starlight in this episode when it came to being nervous of seeing an old friend and telling them what you've been doing since you last saw them. All in all, it was pretty good episode, a nice start to the newest season, and I look forward to how this season turns out.  :)

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Aside from seeing Flurry Heart, they simply had no reason to be in this premiere. None whatsoever. 


Eh, I can't go that far - they pretty much had their hooves full trying to reign in the new foal from Tartarus. I really don't know who else in the kingdom they would have gotten, considering how clueless a lot of their citizens appear to be!  :scoots:



For Starlight's character arc itself, however, it almost feels like we've skipped a few episodes. It's very, very hard to buy a complete 180 for this character considering where she was when the second part of "The Cutie Re-Mark" began, but it reflects badly on that episode rather than this one.


When you consider it's probably been almost a year since the announcement of the pregnancy, I have to imagine we've had our first significant "time skip" in the series. All those character birthdays and Equestrian holidays - missed with Starlight present. Actually, the more I think of it, it's a bit of a flaw with the continuity in how she's so unfamiliar with the castle. I suppose what makes more sense would be to assume the skip happened sometime between the last map adventure with TwiShy and the season 5 finale.



Am I the only one who would rather have these two be full time kids than grown ups?


To be honest, their adult designs and personalities are more interesting to me. I especially love Sunburst's design, with that white stripe down his muzzle and white fetlocks being more pronounced than they were when he was a foal. I wish he had returned with Starlight to Ponyville, I'd like to see more of his character.



Can we just let Haber touch Spike from now on, and keep Spike out of anyone else's episode? Just send the other writers their layoffs, please


Hopefully with Haber story editing, he will have fixed up any Spike writing sins from other writers before they go to storyboard...



Also, I think I'm already starting to ship Spike with Starlight...


I'm torn between shipping Starlight and Sunburst and Spike and Starlight. I think Starlight and Sunburst need each other to really be successful with magic, if that's their dream in life. In fact I feel he crashed out of magic school because she wasn't around to complement his research abilities anymore.


OTOH, Spike and Starlight really hit it off well together, and there is something charming about this growing dragon who is trying to find his place in life giving another go at making an impression on yet another mare who is probably, like Rarity, too old for him.  :mustache:

  • Brohoof 2

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Well I'm back into the swing of it, as an episode I rather enjoyed it a lot I do say! As a season opener it was in the middle for me not to worry I still loved it.


And as normal my episode review in full come look! (or listen really)


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Alright, time for me to drop some crates about such magnificent event.


First of all, Starlight: if she keeps on like this, there just might be a place for a third best pony in my heart (with 1st and 2nd being Twilie and Sunny respectively). But time will show. For now this freshly-reformed character (Good Lord do I love those!) looks pretty promising. Also, that new mane style! Compared to the previous one (which was okay in my opinion), the new one looks MUCH better. I love it.


When after seeing Flurry Heart Rarity said "But I thought Alicorn wings had to be earned by accomplishing some great, princess-worthy deed!", I personally was like "Yes! So right you are, Darling.". Because I do wonder how will that turn out in the future...


By the way, is it just me or Tia and Luna just keep slowly getting one coffin nail after the other into their credibility as 1000+ years old wise supreme ruling goddesses? 


Minor things: Twilie is still adorkbs  :adorkable:


But overall what a glorious event we have: sixth season of ponies. HAPPY PONIES EVERYPONY!!! ^_^ 


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Is it just me, or has Shining Armor's character really improved since the baby was announced? You have that one scene in S5 E19, and now you have his behaviour throughout this two-parter.


Something about fatherhood must bring it out. Or there's something in the water.

  • Brohoof 1
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Complete double mustache; what does it mean? ;)


Anyway....Random little moment I really loved: during the evacuation, Dash tried to bust the clouds, realized she couldn't when her wings froze, and landed to walk with the group. I love how she just had to give it a small try, but accepted that it was too much for her to take on.


Little character moments like that just add to the amazingness of this show.

Edited by ElegantNerd
  • Brohoof 3
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I'm just going to make my first impressions on the Season 6 opener simple:


I really liked it. It was very relatable. That's one of the key reasons why I really liked this show in the first place. And I'm glad to see that the writing staff of MLP:FiM did not lose their touch on that subject. :)

Edited by Jonny Music
  • Brohoof 3
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Hooray, the new season's here! I liked this premiere, while not as much as the others, it was still entertaining to watch. Lil' Flurry Heart was just too precious~ Also, loved Shining in this one. xD The more he pops up, the more I like his character, hehe.

  • Brohoof 1

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The premiere was better than expected. I especially found the first part very entertaining.The second half showed a flaw that happens often with MLP episodes, and that was stretching the storyline in order to fill time. But even the second part had a hidden gem, namely the scene between Starlight and Sunburst, with both admitting to each other their lives turned out very different from what they expected/hoped, and both bursting in tears when they admitted their "shame." That was a powerful scene. Sunburst's reaction to Starlight's life story was hilarious though.


I quite liked the role Spike had in this premiere. He's much better as a character when he plays a supporting role, and he and Starlight have a lot of chemistry together. I'm hoping that with Starlight's introduction Spike will get a more meaningful role, in a way that he helps or hangs out with Starlight when she has a new (friendship) lesson/task from Twilight. (Or just hanging out for fun)


Loved that little bit with Spike standing in front of the mirror. Nice throwback to the "Party of One" episode from season 1.


Overall, a good premiere, not the best but still entertaining in general.

Edited by JH24
  • Brohoof 6
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The only problem with the episode, is that there will, once again this season, not be a Story Arc. Which I am not keen on, last year did not have a story arc, and I really wanted a story arc. I'm a bit upset really.

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It was alright. As far as openers to seasons go, it was by far the worst the show has thusly put out. With the most forced plot and conflict ever, it didn't introduce the themes of the season like the last, nor did it really give us any memorable villains. It was a pile of mediocrity, saved only by the interaction of glimmer and Spike, with her and starbursts interaction retreading amending fences. Haber wasn't lying when he said keep your expectations lower, and while it wasn't steven universe levels of bad, it wasn't that great of a premier.

  • Brohoof 1
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But why no story arc? This is the second season in a row where there is no story arc. Is there a theme this season? Last year's was Cutie Mark Magic.

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But why no story arc? This is the second season in a row where there is no story arc. Is there a theme this season? Last year's was Cutie Mark Magic.


Which seasons actually had any story arcs. The keys where mentioned from time to time in S4, the book in S3 was only something that was mentioned in the premiere and finale, there was the gala in S1, which was the closest for me and S2 had nothing. S5 actually made a few hidden cameos for Starlight.


This show was never really one to have story arcs and rather treats the episodes like mostly one shot slice of life stories, which i am ok with.

  • Brohoof 2

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I didn't like this episode.


The biggest flaw I can think of right now is a continuation of the season 5 finale's problem. Starlight's backstory is weak and not a satisfying explanation for how she turned out the way she did. Having said weak backstory play a big role in the episode just serves to further highlight how poorly thought out Starlight's reformation was.


Flurry Heart was... not as bad as I expected, but not that great either. I don't think I'm quite ready to warm up to her just yet, and I might not ever consider her a good character. But she was far from the show-ruining catastrophe that I feared she could be, so at least there's that.


Maybe my dislike of the episode comes from said fears about Flurry Heart making me go into it with negative expectations which tainted my perception. But I also had huge doubts about the season 5 premiere, and it turned out to be one of my favorite episodes in the whole show.


I think there are probably more problems I had with the episode, but I'm having a hard time pinpointing them precisely and putting them into words. I just didn't like this episode.

i normally am pretty quick to get critical about show writing, so i sympathize with how you may feel about this, and yeah, i was kinda thrown off about the S5's finale was a bit rushed with how they handled Starlight's backstory and motivations, but that episode was badass and i've grown accustomed since S2 to expect half assed finales from Hasbro's staff. i just sort of take it with a grain of salt how Starlight was written, and try to pretend the backstory isn't so bad that it ruins my ability to move forward with the plot (i had to do the same thing to enjoy the EqG sequels).


hopefully you will warm up to the rest of the season, i personally liked this episode a lot, but i'm sorry it didn't meet your expectations :(

okay, i took in some insight from others before making my 2 cents...


this will be short, because i have nothing to complain about (and not many people like to read my 12 paragraph rants like on Party Pooped, lol).


9/10 really good episode, the writing, the editing, Josh Haber is a genius, no plot holes (though questions to be answered, but otherwise the plot setup these questions more or less on purpose). yes, it was a bit slow and not as flashy as some premieres.


i will agree that it is odd to see a premiere without a new villain introduced, but really, does there always have to be? i personally think the push for villains all the time makes for sloppy writing, a lot of the MLPstaff are just bad at writing up good and interesting villains. Tirek, as badass as he was, was a simple villain, and aside from the DBZ flashy battles, i didn't like him that much, wasn't really anything to go off of, and what fanon would even make him interesting?


so i don't think it's a bad thing that we didn't get something overly bombastic and a new villain, i find the interactions and intrigue that we got to be well enough. i also have been watching House Of Cards on Netflix, so the whole slow moving plot with intrigue and well thought dialogue within these character interactions is something i find refreshing in MLP, not that they never do so, but the way it was handled this time was very impressive, and i look forward to seeing Josh Haber's writing again in the future  :wub:

  • Brohoof 3
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I thought the two episodes were pretty good. Hopefully they will show more of Flurry Heart throughout the season. Starlight's reunion with Sunburst was pretty well done. Having them both finally tell the other their shameful pasts was a good move for a rekindled friendship.

  • Brohoof 1

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