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mega thread The state of the Brony fandom (Numbers, Popularly, Future)


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An object's dynamic force experiences a decline. This subsiding inertia represents the current state of its cycle.

Additional sustenance might be added, when the magnetic pull is a detriment towards the object's insufficient force. For example, starlight glimmer or flurry heart.

Said factors suggest a near conclusion. Since despite having no specific end, some ideas have fulfilled their set trajectories, becoming static.

This lack of motion translates as stagnation, which take us back to the issue of dynamism, and how it relates to magnetism.

Do you see the magnetic pull, and how it can either benefit or hindrance said object?

It's a persistent, yet changing force. As it our perception. The objective reflects the subjective.

So you can see in the show the reflection of its viewership. Certain changes suggest its dynamic force has diminished. In other words it isn't as magnetic as it used to be.

Ideas travel creating an orbit, something out of balance can't sustain itself forever inside magnetic range, the frequency at which we think or relate to something, that does change so as well.

I wonder if the show has become less relatable over time? Or is it that we also live inside an ever changing environment, where cyclic renovation is the signature of life?

Don't worry about such things, everything comes to an end.

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For seven years going already, there are going to be some slow times where the fandom slows down. Nothing wrong with that really because it's normal. Interests change, people leave and people join. Surely the huge hype is gone but I like the fandom currently because we're more of a niche community now after all of that commotion. 

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We need to agree this... This is very hard to understand for Bronies and also (for me too because i'm a brony too since 2013 june), sadly the MLP:FIM fandom is going to dying but, this fandom not completely dead... Still alive and some Bronies and Pegasisters available but sadly, Especially so many girls leaves MLP:FIM fandom because they are thinks; "I grow up and i'm done with MLP." they thinks like that... Because my old friends said like that and so many people said same thing... Sadly. This is nightmare for me and for other Bronies... But sadly there's nothing we can do anymore... We just feel the pain... 

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2 hours ago, erdemalsirt said:

We need to agree this... This is very hard to understand for Bronies and also (for me too because i'm a brony too since 2013 june), sadly the MLP:FIM fandom is going to dying but, this fandom not completely dead... Still alive and some Bronies and Pegasisters available but sadly, Especially so many girls leaves MLP:FIM fandom because they are thinks; "I grow up and i'm done with MLP." they thinks like that... Because my old friends said like that and so many people said same thing... Sadly. This is nightmare for me and for other Bronies... But sadly there's nothing we can do anymore... We just feel the pain... 


Like, what? You're making it seem like there's not like dozens of brony sites that are VERY active, and MLPForums isn't one of them lol. How exactly is the brony fandom "dying"? There are still LOTS of users active and come on here and multiple other sites everyday to discuss/share their thoughts/art/opinions etc. about the show. I don't think that's what you'd call dying.

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Hey, I just became a bronie like 3 months ago - I'm new growth!


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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31 minutes ago, Crystal Peppermint said:

Well if you consider that this forum is an international forum, and the highest count of members everyday is 70-100. Then yes, this fandom is dead.


I wouldn't say that. Media are changing. There are huge groups on discord and stuff. Lot of them don't use a forum anymore. Maybe this kind of communication is dying due to more "modern" (faster living) media...

I still like this kind of posting here... but compared to most of the others I'm an oldtimer myself...


  • Brohoof 1
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Doesn't change the fact, that the fandom is shrinking/dead.

I don't know much about the cons in the Usa, but i know that our brony cons in Europe are slowly disappearing.

For example: Europe once had 3-5 (real) Bronycons.

-Buck in Manchester

-Galacon in Germany

-Czequestria in Czech Republic

-Crystal Fair in Finland

-Bronydays in France.

3 are gone and for what i know, Galacon couldn't sell all tickets this year. And this is worrying, if you know that Galacon is the biggest Bronycon in Europe and the one who can afford to invite guests. (This year ashleigh ball and Kazumi Evans).


Edited by Crystal Peppermint
  • Brohoof 1
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You got a point there.

There are many theories, why the cons are less well visited. And you might be right that the fandom is shrinking. We discussed that already. Much different theories there either.

But there still is a core and there are new fans (as seen above). I consider myself a brony since roundabout last October. That's less than a year.

Maybe it's nothing new... nothing hip anymore. I like to think that. I still think "dying" is the wrong word, at least for the time beeing...

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14 hours ago, Phisica. said:

I think the fandom has been 'dormant', for awhile, but with the Movie and season seven (The best season so far) I think the fandom is going to wake back up, and start growing again.

I actually hope so. I always enjoy seeing new faces here. :)

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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  • 3 months later...

“Have you ever heard about Doctor Who's past? In the late 1980's, the show had fallen quite a lot in the ratings, reaching as low as 3.65 million when it was frequently hitting the 9 million mark 7 seasons ago.”

i know.. I don’t understand how... the shows seasons are fantastic and truly make me feel like I’m with the doctor and it’s companion.

ps. Sorry for jumping to doctor who, I cannot resist sometimes


Edited by Mlppotterwhoovian
  • Brohoof 1
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LOL, I love how some things will never stop being a thing in this fandom.

"Is the brony fandom dying?" - Every year since Season 3

"Will Sunset be in the main show?" - Every week since EQG aired

"MUH SHIP IS TOTES CANON U GAIS!!1" - Every day in the minds and mouths of hundreds

Never change, brony fandom...

  • Brohoof 3



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If the Battlestar Galactica fandom can survive from that show only lasting one season in 1978 to the debut of the recent series; the Brony fandom should be just fine. Yeah, it will be smaller, but that should be expected.

  • Brohoof 3

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
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On 8/4/2017 at 2:45 PM, Phisica. said:

I think the fandom has been 'dormant', for awhile, but with the Movie and season seven (The best season so far) I think the fandom is going to wake back up, and start growing again.

My thoughts exactly. I was brought into this show by ex-bronies and while they make fun of me for still liking it, when I sit down and actually ask them why they disliked it now was because it just all became the exact same thing, and while I could see their point for a few things here and there, the show's hit a major turning point and I think it will explode once again after a small while. And as others have said, I certainly don't see myself going anywhere anytime soon, hell, I plan on getting tattoos and more recently I just spent $2500 for a convention ticket! I have a strong feeling that even if it doesn't blow up like it first did, it will gradually expand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm new here.  I was a fan of all the old generations (G1, G2 and G3) and the movie helped me really get back into it.  (that and having an almost 4 year old son playing with my old mlp stuff)

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Its not dying, but its showing signs of decline, as other veteran bronies had left the fandom, including popular song artists who have strayed away from the fandom for new things, some expressing lack of interest to said fandom anymore, along with Cons that are closed down because of the decline of guests, including high ticket prices (even airline tickets are expensive too so most people are struggling financially-wise) that led to closures.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So back in 2014, Hasbro said they'll be doing My Little Pony for another 4 years. Which makes 2018 as the last year of the show running a possibility, but would the fandom meet the same fate? Well, bronies would certainly exist but would they stop being active online on DeviantArt, posting fan videos on YouTube, going on fimfiction, talking here on MLP Forums, holding conventions, etc? Or would they be just as active as when the show was ongoing and have the same passion for what they know and love for the past decade? Of course, I would prefer the latter, I certainly hope that we would stay a strong community and still support each other in need after everything the show has brought for us. But what do all of you think? Personally, the thought of the show ending is quite saddening for me because I have been into the show for only exactly one year as of Dec. 29, 2017. I would like to see how many of you would stick around and how many would move on. Thank you! :adorkable:

  • Brohoof 3


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I do worry that too many people will abandon the fandom once the show is gone. Sure, there are people like me who just can't see themselves abandoning it. I mean, I've liked cartoons and all in the past, but 3 and 1/2 years ago, in the spring of 2014, this one captured my heart like no other cartoon has. It has become a part of me. But many people will probably lose interest and many years from now it'll only be a distant memory for them. It's disheartening, sure. But such is life, I guess. Nothing lasts forever. All good things must eventually come to an end.

I will give G5 a chance, because I know from certain leaked content that Hasbro is already in the preliminary stage of that show's development, though it won't become a reality for a few more years. So at least at first, I will continue to watch My Little Pony. And no matter what, I will try to be a part of the G4 fandom for as long as it continues to exist.

  • Brohoof 6


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Well we're already guaranteed to get a season 9, which definitely will be in 2019.

But, to get on-topic, I think it will "die out" a bit. Many people will leave, but quite a few will stick around.

We also have G5. We don't really know exactly what to expect from that, so I can't say what'll happen around then. Either way, fans will leave after G4 because things will not be the same.

All we can do is wait and see what happens. See what G5 brings. Maybe we'll get new fans, maybe we'll just lose some. We won't know until it happens.

  • Brohoof 1


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Has the Star Trek fandom ever completely died out between series?

Did Doctor Who fandom die out between 1989 and 2005?

Has Firefly fandom ever really died out? After only one season?

Hell, I'm still a fan of Battlestar Galactica. No, not that one. The one with Lorne Greene !

The fandom will never die out. Sure, there will be less obvious signs of it, There won't be as much fan art or videos or music as there is now. But those who loved it will likely still do so decades from now, and look on it fondly. And they will remember.

  • Brohoof 5

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Not likely. Maybe notthe attention G4 gave it but as for die? Nothing really dies if it had an impact on you good or bad.

  • Brohoof 2

Signature by Kiyoshi, Avatar by Ruhisu. We rise only to fall to rise again.

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