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Has Applejack had the least character development


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Simple enough question really. Has applejack had the least growth.

Fluttershy - went from timid pony from the season 1 to someone who can speak her mind easier and goes out to places. (not sure she would have gone to see the breezes with out her friends help) Not to mention reforming Discord to neutral choatic

Pinkie pie: While i'm not sure but she had learned lessons and grown
Twilight Sparkle: Well self explanatory

Rainbow Dash: became a Wonderbolt, and is not so high strong as she used to be.

Applejack: um...she learned to ask for help?...see I can't think of how she actually grown as a character since her season 1 self..heck I think the writers write her stupider more often.


Fell free to correct me though.

  • Brohoof 3
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I can guarantee you Applejack has grown since season 1. Because in season 1, she was one of my least favorite characters, whereas now she's my favorite pony by a country mile. 


I think the biggest area she's received development is in her high level of competence. Not only is she one of the first to offer support for her friends, she's become quite the badass and is clearly adept at fighting off dangerous beasts. 


That said, I do wish she had been given a goal to work towards. 




heck I think the writers write her stupider more often.



That's really nothing more than the writers giving her flaws just for the sake of it. Do you ever remember a time where Applejack was bogged down due to overworking the simplest of chores before Applejack's "Day" Off? 


Yeah, me neither.  

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I can guarantee you Applejack has grown since season 1. Because in season 1, she was one of my least favorite characters, whereas now she's my favorite pony by a country mile. 


I think the biggest area she's received development is in her high level of competence. Not only is she one of the first to offer support for her friends, she's become quite the badass and is clearly adept at fighting off dangerous beasts. 


That said, I do wish she had been given a goal to work towards. 






That's really nothing more than the writers giving her flaws just for the sake of it. Do you ever remember a time where Applejack was bogged down due to overworking the simplest of chores before Applejack's "Day" Off? 


Yeah, me neither.  


What about when she was overprotective of AppleBloom in StWOM?

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Nope, I'd still say it's Fluttershy. It took until Flutter Brutter for her to finally do more than "I'm shy and meek  :blush: "


S6 hasn't been kind to AJ, writing her horribly in both TCBTP and ADO, but otherwise she's developed nicely

  • Brohoof 4
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I think with the exception of two episodes, Somepony To Watch Over Me and Applejack's "Day" Off, she has generally been written better as the show has gone on.

  • Brohoof 2


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   Although all of the mane six has had significant development, over the course of six seasons, Applejack and Fluttershy seem to be passe and forgettable. We still have the shy, timid Fluttershy, who is still insufferably cute, and Applejack who cares for her family, it's like the writers can not decide to do more with them, in the same way Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle, who have had adventures, travelled, and achieving goals, even the cutie mark crusaders have had more memorable character development. I would not say that Applejack has had the least character development, but I will say she has had the least memorable development, including Fluttershy, both of these characters seem too subtle, sometimes they get the fewest lines in an episode, or less screen time, they are at risk at becoming background characters of the main cast, as each passing episode gives the other ponies more to do.    

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Maybe but she's BUILT to be a more stable type of character, and just generally less flawed than most of the rest, that's why when they try to throw new flaws at her in some of her episodes it feels weird. Pinkie is fairly similar though not quite as much. So I can excuse it a lot more than I can Fluttershy who isn't built to be a stable character.... yet took till S6's Flutter Brutter to really be more than "the Moeblob character".

Rainbow, Rarity and Twilight are all well developed, though frankly I kinda feel like Twilight's development has led to her losing some of her original charm, thankfully it's only made Rarity and Rainbow more lovable. 

Edited by M'gann M'orzz
  • Brohoof 3


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AJ is unfortunately what you'd call a "Flat character". Basically a character who's there and doesn't develop or change over time: She just IS.

This is good for a supporting character, and she does well in mane six episodes. but she struggles in Starring episodes because the staff have given her NOTHING to work with. She has no goals in life. She has no real struggles or character flaws. She has nothing dynamic to change.



She's ALREADY at where she plans to end up in life: working on her farm till she grows old, supporting her family. Contrast Rarity having her dreams of opening a boutique, Rainbow working towards being the best flyer in equestria, or Twilight's journey.

As such, when they give her an Episode, it hasn't taken long for them to start to scrape the barrel and she ends up defaulting to just "mah family" for her plots, which end up making the plots about OTHER ponies and not her, like granny or Applebloom.






I like AJ, but I really wish they'd find some ways to give her more dynamics, even if it means altering the status quo or having her come up with new goals she wants to do in life.

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I like AJ, but I really wish they'd find some ways to give her more dynamics, even if it means altering the status quo or having her come up with new goals she wants to do in life.

They have tried this quite a few times, it just pretty much never FEELS right because it's not the AJ were used to basically. 


Ultimate I think with AJ most of the time you know to have great episodes starring her you kinda need to make her a supporting character in her own episodes, like say Mane Attraction or Last Roundup this is sad since frankly AJ is my #2 and I admire the hell out of her but she's just not the kind of character that can star in most types of stories. Applejack works best supporting others, her fans might not be happy about that, hell im not but it's just how she is and if that's how she is the do that with her.

Edited by M'gann M'orzz
  • Brohoof 2


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They have tried this quite a few times, it just pretty much never FEELS right because it's not the AJ were used to basically. 


Ultimate I think with AJ most of the time you know to have great episodes starring her you kinda need to make her a supporting character in her own episodes, like say Mane Attraction or Last Roundup this is sad since frankly AJ is my #2 and I admire the hell out of her but she's just not the kind of character that can star in most types of stories. Applejack works best supporting others, her fans might not be happy about that, hell im not but it's just how she is and if that's how she is the do that with her.

I agree, Applejack has always been a great supporting character. And her humor has only improved down the seasons. People have to understand that a character doesn't need a lot of character development and time in the spotlight to be a great character. Some of my favorite characters from other series have been supporting characters, sure you might not see them as often, but that doesn't mean they can't have great personalities. I think Applejack has been one of the most stable and consistent characters in the entire show, which makes development hard. Its probably for the best that there aren't too many Applejack episodes because in order for her to learn a lessons the writers often have to mess with her characterization. Nevertheless, I do hope to see more Applejack this season.

  • Brohoof 1

signature_by_neonshower-d84yoyy.pnglyrics from "Laughter" by Mandopony, Pinkie Pie from the Desktop Ponies project, background by Bartoz
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Of course, this doesn't make her a bad character because she is still a reflection of people in real life. Some people are like AJ; they are already where they want to be and don't have any further goals to work towards.


An interesting character arc might lie in her solidarity. An obvious weakness she has is that she does not seem to be able to adapt easily to new things (Manehattan, machines, etc). Remove the farm for an issue or two and see how she might react, I suspect she might spiral into a Pinkamena-style breakdown as she attempts to forcibly change the world back to what she was used too.


Heck, this story arc could also be used as a reflection on the stereotyped behaviours of the elder generations dealing with the newer generations and change.

Edited by Ruthborn
  • Brohoof 1


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I would say so.

Either her or Pinkie Pie.

The latter of which ended up staying a plucky comic relief character, and nothing much has changed in her role in the show.

This is what happens when a character has no major goals or ambitions in life to stride for.

It's not a good sign when an episode has Applejack flat out say that she didn't learn anything, and her only episode so far the season to feel like pointless filler.

I would argue that most of Applejack's character development took place before episode 1.


When it regards to development I would say that Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash have obtained the most, with Fluttershy also receiving a decent amount with episodes such as Dragonshy, Hurricane Fluttershy, Keep Calm and Flutter On, Filli Vanilli, It Aint Easy Being Breezies, Scaremaster, and especially Flutter Brutter.

I would say that she has a bit more development than some people give her credit for.

Even in episodes where she isn't the main focus she has shown some major growth from the first few seasons such as Tanks for the Memories and Make New Friends but Keep Discord.

  • Brohoof 2


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Applejack has grown just as much as Pinkie and Rarity has. Not a huge change in character, but they've matured and become more competent and understanding.

Applejack is perfect already. XD Responsible, understanding, kind, generous and independent. PERFECT.

  • Brohoof 2

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." - Dr.Seuss


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Well....to start with I'll have to agree with Prospekt that AJ's Day Off and Somepony to Watch Over Me portrayed her badly.  Otherwise, her characterization has been generally very good.  Here's the thing with AJ; I think I do agree with the OP that AJ has had the least development, but that doesn't mean there's necessarily anything wrong with that.  See, AJ already has the perfect life she wants.  When the show opened, she was already the administrator of SAA (though it's probably owned by Granny, but will pass to AJ when she dies.)  She runs the farm, and she's got everything she wants there.  Then you have Rainbow and Rarity, who both had lofty goals and dreams of making it big, and being famous in their respective fields.  AJ didn't have anything like that to work towards, but that's okay.  Not everyone does.  So, in that way, I think AJ has changed the least.  She has matured and learned, though.


Actually, I'd say the six are a fifty fifty split when you look at them.  Rainbow, Rarity, and Twilight are in different places than where they started:  Princess, Wonderbolt, fashion empress.  AJ, Pinkie, and Fluttershy are in the same place as where they started:  SAA admin, Sugarcube Corner employee, and...whatever it is Fluttershy does.  Dr. Doolittle.  What is her actual job?  I think she runs the Ponyville Humane Society or something, but it isn't talked about much.  Anyway, the point is that that's okay.  They don't all need to have lofty goals.  They are happy and content with the lives they have.  But they've all learned and changed.  But I do think that AJ has probably changed the least.


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Honestly I think Applejack has had a good character development.

I mean she was super stubborn in the earlier seasons (like last roundup and Applebuck Season)

but Over time she has made the efforts to get over her mistakes.


I suppose there are other characters that have better development than Applejack though

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends"


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Applejack has grown just as much as Pinkie and Rarity has. Not a huge change in character, but they've matured and become more competent and understanding.

Applejack is perfect already. XD Responsible, understanding, kind, generous and independent. PERFECT.

Yeah I realized that too when I wrote the thread. she least grown character but that not a bad things. she very down to earth(literally) and really her biggest flaw is she stuborn which was quickly given the boot a few times. on an off topic would it kill the staff to at least show what AJ parents looked like.

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I think this quote has the best answer about handling characters in a story.



Can characters be kept the same after going through major events and still seem believable? It depends on the character and the event.


Is character change necessary to make believable characters? Depends on the character and the change.


If a character is changed by everything that happens to him or her, than he or she is less a character than a leaf in the wind. So unless THAT is the type of character you're trying to portray, you haven't succeeded much.


If a character is NEVER changed by anything that happens to him or her, than he or she is less a character than a block of wood. So unless THAT is the type of character you're trying to portray, you haven't succeeded much.


But VERY interesting characters can be created from leaves in the wind and/or blocks of wood too.

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  • 8 months later...

Most of you are unfair to and doesn't understand Applejack. She has so much potential and how hers is used the least just hurts, a LOT! It's so unfair how you talk about her and I feel left out for liking her and seeing her differently than you do. She has as many flaws as the other mane six does and she has as many good traits, there are plenty of ways to write her and I just don't get how she hasn't been yet. She can easily be given something new just like how they've done to the others. How you people accept it with the others and not Applejack just seems like it's ONLY because it's Applejack by the way you're behaving. I hate how people talk about Applejack like this and it makes me really depressed about having her as my favorite, I even tried to change favorite plenty of times even though I know it doesn't work that way. Stop talking about Applejack like she's impossible to write new things for because she's really not. I based a character in both my webcominc and my published comic and they're easy to write and develop. The hardest character type for me is those like Pinkie Pie, but I work hard and improved my lively random type in my newest work. Why can't the writers for MLP:FiM work harder with Applejack? It's just so unfair how they treat her and her fans!!!

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Yes, i think AJ is the least developed character of the mane6, the last time AJ still a character with many potential is Season 2, she's honest, but she is too stubborn, that her biggest flaws, but writers cant write more interesting episode based from those traits alone. That's all about her, Stubbornness and Honesty, uh, Apple ... and her family, that's it, nothing more.

The biggest challenge thal AJ has ever face still belongs to Leap of Faith, where her biggest strength is used against her. Everything is getting worse when AJ attract bad writers or at least they dont do anything more interesting with her.

Write a character based from one virtue is not working, characters like Starlight can have more writting materials, because you cant put her in one category. 


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On 8/13/2016 at 6:40 PM, BlinkZ said:

on an off topic would it kill the staff to at least show what AJ parents looked like.

Apparently not. :)

Can't want for that episode to air. 



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