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gaming What's your favorite pokemon and why?


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Well, I'm tied at first place for two pokemon.

   Mewtwo has always been the face of the franchise for me ever since the first movie. Heck, think that first movie was what got me into the franchise! Just an absolute badass, the storms & winds are whipped up at his slightest whims and he's pretty much an out right mutant god. Made all the more epic because of just how much he clashes with the happy tone the anime has always had. I swear he looks like something that would fit more into a show like Dragonball Z!

But all the power in the world, and he's made almost helpless by how much he agonizes over how he'll be accepted by others or what his place is and the just reams of entirely warranted angst he's stored up over his traumatic "childhood." Just been a huge impact on my life & a role model ever since his line of "I see now it is not how one starts life, but what one does with the gift of life that truly matters" or somesuch.


   Heh, likely tells you alot about me that my three role models are a mutant psychopath, a whiny magical girl, and a dismembered & antagonistic corpse from a Monty Python skit!


   My second number one, heh, is Delphox! I've played each generation and most every gameboy console game in Pokemon but I've never cared much for the starters. Can't even remember who I first got back in Blue. Likely because first thing my sis & I did was restart my game over so we could swap around & get all the starters, so I tend to see them as replaceable & just characters. But....Fennekin was different. I adore foxes, just so much. And at the time I was living alone & working my first job & in an extremely stressed funk. Saw that cute, adorable, lil' fluffybutt and thought to myself, that that was something I cared about, that was something that'd make me happy and that I could look forward too! Saved up & spent my first ever paycheck on that gameboy & X version. First thing I had ever bought with my own earned money.

   And on starting that game, knew right away who I wanted! Made a point of getting a male fennekin since it seemed to have a bit of a reputation for seeming a bit effeminate though that didn't really help in the long run. I quickly grew attached to the spoiled little snarky guy; named him Spark. Both so I could have the little mental image of him getting all snotty over it being "Spark, not sparky" & in reference that, to me, he was sort of my last spark of hope that I could be happy.

   Spark definitely taught me how to hope again. I'll never forget that moment. Was in battle with some random hiker in some ice cave that I can no longer remember who had some Scrafty with the Moxie ability. Went and goofed, and got my first three of my team plowed under by it, by the time Spark came out (I always kept him last as my favorite and in a vain attempt to keep me from just using his overleveled tail for literally everything, lol) I had already resigned to watching my friends just get pulped under an oncoming wave of punches that that KO'd everything in their path.

   First hit makes contact with Spark & knocks out two thirds of his health. I'm like, fine, whatever, he's a psychic up against a fighting move, it'd stand to reason he could take a hit but its not going to help. I'm doomed anyway and I can't run with my back up against this cold cave wall. I hit a random fire attack, and take out a third of its health, as half of Spark's moves are psychic and can't even touch him.

   Second hit lands. I get this little m-message..."Spark toughens it out to the last, to show its best side to its trainer." And I say, likely out loud, well nice sentiment Spark, but it doesn't matter. One HP left against a guy that can take out about 120 hp out in one hit. It's not even worth bothering to heal. One more piddly fire attack for another third health and I tense up waiting for the last explosive hit to ram us and make me black out.

                 " Spark toughens it out to the last, to show its best side to its trainer."

....and there I sit. With Spark with enough speed to land the final blow, completely unhindered, against that punk that ripped apart the friends I cared about. Sitting in a cold cave, with only one pokemon left at 1 point of health and he's just in front of me tired, but grinning....

  Sure, I know now that that's an effect of spending time with your pokemon in the new Amie thing. Spark having been the only one I ever played with in that. Where they'll stick by your side more, added combat bonuses, whatever, but I've never gotten that to happen twice in a row like that again.

   Spark taught me, that you could be on fire, have your head in the cannon & hear the fuse burning closer.

But you still have hope.

      You might, but Hope never dies.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Mewtwo, because to my opinion, I still think of him as being the strongest legendary pokemon.  Old school pokemon rule!

Edited by Satrox



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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  • 5 months later...

*Bump* (It's been 6 months since someone posted in here? Wow!)

If you looked at my signature, and my profile, My favorite is Dusknoir. That hasn't changed.

Dusknoir has a special place in my heart for being the ONLY Pokémon I have ever trained up to level 100 all by myself! Also, I almost beat the Sinnoh Elite Four with just a Dusknoir (I really needed the Sucker Punch. Trick Room would have also worked wonders.). I also find it very underrated (The internet hates that word... -_-) in the competitive scene (Though I think it could use buffing nonetheless. Needs some more HP and Attack.). I don't understand why nobody has run a Dusknoir with Trick Room, an Elemental Punch, Sucker Punch (For when Trick Room expires, mainly), and Shadow Punch (Stab, guaranteed hit unless it's against a Normal Type!). I have yet to try it, because Pokémon Showdown doesn't have Sun and Moon NU up yet (I know Dusknoir is tiered PU... No idea why, to be honest...). Also, I absolutely love the design, and I find the idea of being, basically, the Grim Reaper cool. Plus Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2 made an amazing villain out of him.

Second Favorite is Grovyle. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2 helped solidify this Pokémon for me. Always found him to be my favorite middle-stage of a starter by quite a margin, but his role in the game made him easily one of my favorites. His design looks pretty cool (If only Sceptile maintained it... Still like Sceptile, but not quite as much as Grovyle.). He also can stand his own even in the NU tier (I played a little Gen 6 NU), which I believe most middle-stages at all can say for themselves.

Third Favorite is Pikachu. Part of this stems from how adorable I think he looks (Don't you just want to pinch those little red cheeks?), and partially also Pokémon Yellow, which I did play some of as a kid. The game made me grow pretty attached to Pikachu, and ultimately made me absolutely cherish him. I mean the snippets of the anime I have watched didn't help at all either though. I understand he's the mascot, but that makes me love him none less.


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My favorite pokemon is Leafeon. 

Ever since I was a little kid, I always wondered why it was Fire (Flareon), Water (Vaporeon), and Electric (Jolteon), instead of the traditional Fire/Water/Grass as seen in the starter lineup. Especially since there was a freaking LEAF STONE in the G1 games! >.<  I had been craving a Grass type Eveelution for soo damn long. And every new generation I was convinced "Ok, THIS will finally be the Gen to give me my precious Grass type Eveelution" But it sadly never came Q.Q. In Gen 2 I just caved and got myself an Espeon to fill that void, which quickly rose to the top of my favorite Pokemon's list due to its adorable in-game sprite and it's extreme reliability within my team. It wasn't until several years after I had already lost interest in Pokemon that Leafeon manifested itself. Needless to say, its inclusion in the Generation 4 Pokemon roster was a large reason as to why I picked up Pokemon again ^^;

Grass was my favorite type as a little kid. I also had a huge crush on Erika and that cemented my love for the type. (Come to think of it, I believe Erika qualifies as my first ever "waifu" before the term had even been created xD)




^ I really love how natural and plantlike the design is. All those years of anticipation and it totally didn't disappoint =^-^=

Edited by K.Rool Addict
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Hydreigon. Not even close. Ever since I laid eyes upon it as a child I wanted one. In Black and White 2 ( the first Pokemon game I ever played ) I wanted one so badly. It also happens to be a pseudo-legendary, utterly annihilating any other Pokemon that has the GAUL to stand in it's way. Actually, forget what I said earlier about it not being close, as Incineroar is a very close second place. It's easily my favourite starter evolution out of any of the generations. I LOVE CATS!


I'm so surprised and BEYOND glad that I haven't seen Charizard once on this topic.

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Cubone has been my favorite Pokemon for a very long time.


I don't really know why, I've just always found it to be ridiculously cute. Admittedly that's a bit weird coming from me as the sight of bones have always scared me.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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My favorite Pokemon is Magneton. 

Being a combo steel-electric type makes Magneton no sissy.

I love it's high resistance and damage. My strategy is often to inflict confusion and/or paralysis on the opponent, and then split them like an egg with thunderbolt (if I didn't just do that first XD). He gets the job done against most enemies. If I'm ever having trouble in a fight, then you know it's Magneton time ;).

I also like them because you don't need to feed them which is an upside for travel XD.

Celestia does not look happy about this. I wonder what's on her mind ........ (check my 'about me' for more ;))


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Koffing! My favorite pokemon of all time ever since he made his first appearance in the very first episode of Pokemon. I love his goofy face and also talking out his name. XD


"I'm the Messiah the gnashing of teeth, no one meets death until they see me, I am the Alpha and Omega..." -King 810

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Growlithe/Arcanine - First card I ever traded for was a growlithe (back in 1997/8) and i thought it was the best thing ever because its a dog pokemon. but then I saw Arcanine. And holy crap i fell in love with it form then. So its a staple on my pokemon life.

Blitzle/Zebstrika - Love Storm so much, this pokemon I knew I gonna love form the promo art, but i had only seen Blitzle until I evolved it. Of all my horse pokemon, Zebstrika is my fave one. Its so powerful and resilient and useful and is the reason I started using electric types more. 

Ponyta/Rapidash - Love of horses when I was a kid and fire pokemon. Not the best in battle, but its forever got a soft spot in my heart. Think the FLame Pokemon-a-thon episode helped with that.

Mudsdale - Newcomer! I was blown away by the sheer power of this guy in Sun and Moon. And again, another one for the horsey team! I love heavy horses!

Litten/Torracat - Litten won me over instantly and then Torracat even more. Im a cat person and I was so happy when they were revealed. Im not an incineroar fan though. its design annoys me so much for a pokemon. 

Pyroar (female) - OMG fire big cat! The male looks stupid with his mane, but I love the female's look. 

Reshiram - the wild card of my team, I dont really get drawn to legendary pokemon (Lugia is the other exception) but Reshi is so pretty and fire type! 

The others I really like as well are; Luxray, Giratina, Lugia, Noivern, Umbreon, Houndoom, Liepard, Nidoking, Raichu and Charizard. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Infernape would be mine. The very first Pokemon game I played was Platinum and I chose Chimchar as my starter. Majority of my playthrough he got me out of a lot of really bad situations... he eventually became so powerful he would one shot almost anything he fought. Though I think the reason he became so powerful is because I neglected my entire team, and relied mostly on Infernape. Which is why I struggled fighting the elite four, I had to back out of the area and go grind my other Pokemon because of it.

  • Brohoof 1


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Silvally (A new legendary Pokemon)


Art by: Logancure

His story is amazing and he's like acreus but a physical version (and better in my opinion)

I use Fire-type mostly and have nicknamed it Discord as it felt fitting

Spoilers for sun and moon below


I didnt like null but when I learned of silvally I wanted a type:Null and as I trained him it just felt like a real bond formed between us



My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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My favorite Pokemon would have to be Infernape. It's design is pretty cool and Infernape is special to me, in my opinion. I remember when the Battle Frontier was on Cartoon Network, I was kind of bored with Pokemon. I played the games, but I began to lose interest in both the game and anime. When I saw the Diamond and Pearl special sneak peek on TV, the anime caught my interest. Seeing the starters for the first time, Chimchar really stood out to me. It looked cool and I decided that would be my starter. When I got Diamond version, I kept playing the game every chance I got. Chimchar and it's evolutions looked amazing from one form to the next. I also remember leveling up both my Infernape and Staraptor to level 100. I had a full team of 6, but I took on and defeated the elite four and Cynthia. I also loved Infernape in the anime as well. Seeing Chimchar's backstory and character development, I felt that I could truly understand it. There were even two times I faced two separate Darkrai's that my friends' were using. Most of the time I would get caught by Darkai's sleep inducing move, Dark Void. However, I avoided the move and defeated Darkrai with Infernape. It is a Pokemon I've truly appreciated over the years. Infernape is truly one of my most favorite Pokemon of all. 

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My favorite pokemon is Dragonite! He's the best of both worlds: cute and cuddly but also strong and powerful with pretty good stats. I'd love to give him a hug or fly around on his back. Dragonite is bae! :squee:

I also like Skarmory, Shedinja, Staraptor, Ho-Oh... most pokemon that can fly, really.

  • Brohoof 3


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On 2017-5-16 at 11:01 PM, SparklingSwirls said:

My favorite pokemon is Dragonite! He's the best of both worlds: cute and cuddly but also strong and powerful with pretty good stats. I'd love to give him a hug or fly around on his back. Dragonite is bae! :squee:

I also like Skarmory, Shedinja, Staraptor, Ho-Oh... most pokemon that can fly, really.

You like Pokemon? I didn't know you were that big of a fan of it. I guess you also like Nintendo stuff as well.

  • Brohoof 1

Rainbow Dash SIG 1.png

Sig by Kyoshi.

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  • 7 months later...

My favourite would have to be Golisopod B) Here are my reasons why:

1. It's an absolute BEAST and it hits like a truck!!!

2. Guzma uses one

3. It learns A TON of priority moves, such as First Impression, Aqua Jet and Sucker Punch



This signature has been created by the almighty KYOSHI :3

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  • 10 months later...

Pikachu, because Pikachu is adorable (and so is Eevee and Jolteon) and was the 1st Pokemon I came across. I mentioned in another thread that I use to have a Pikachu plushie when I was about 10 years old. I'm starting to miss it now. lol

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I guess Haunter is still my favorite, but at this point I think it's only a matter of habit to answer the 'favorite pokemon' question.

Some other pokemon I absolutely love are: Gyarados, Jolteon, Espeon, Crobat, Sableye, Togekiss, Aurorus, Rowlet, Haxorus and Flygon.

This is why I don't change my answer, there are too many to love and just one can be my fave, Haunter was my first favorite so... :maud:

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