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MLP Series Finale - How will it all end?

Akemi Homura

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It'll have to end someday. There's a vicious cycle out there. A franchise will end up being short and sweet, and remembered fondly in the hearts of all of its fans. Then, these fans will beg the producers to bring it back, and complain about how stupid they were to ever end it. The producers cave in, and bring it back. The fans then complain about how it isn't as good as it used to be, and how the producers should have never brought it back. It's happened countless times among various media franchises. As quoted from Adult Swim about Chappelle's Show one year, "It's better to go out with a bang and be remembered fondly, than to trudge on in mediocrity."



In the end, I think they'll make a two-part episode for the finale. It'll start with Twilight Sparkle receiving a letter from Princess Celestia, stating that the latter thinks Twilight's friendship lessons are complete, and that she needs to return to Canterlot to finish the rest of her education. Twilight will be shocked by the letter, and realize that she doesn't want to go back. She'll walk around Ponyville, visiting all of her friends, and reminisce on good memories. She'll tell everyone that she needs to go. Of course, Pinkie Pie will throw her a going away party, complete with a gown made by Rarity, appetizers made by Applejack, a chorus by Fluttershy's birds, and a Sonic Rainboom finale by Rainbow Dash. She will thank everyone. There will be tears. Twilight will then realize that her friends are more important than her education, and resolve to send a letter to Princess Celestia, telling her that her scholarly education is finished, and that she wishes to stay in Ponyville.

Edited by BetaWolf
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, we all wish it will stay just like it is now and never end, don't we? Personally, my worst fear is also Hasbro trying to doctor it up for "our age group". The beauty about the show is that nobody expected a bunch of teenagers and grown men and women to become the main fanbase. We like it just the way it is. I just hope Hasbro realizes that.

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It will end up like some adventure and then there comes a title 'ten years later' and ah well.. I have bad fantasy

So you're telling me, that whatever I write here will be shown on EVERY post I make unless I disable it?


What an honour ;~; 

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The world will not end with a bang but rather a whimper. I expect due to the current fandom at only season 2 corporations will eventually try to wrap their greedy hands around it. Luckily Faust is there so we have some time before they get to it. Honestly i suspect half of the current bronies won't see the final episode because the corporation will try to squeeze it dry driving many away.

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OK, I got the lowdown. Lauren had it all planned from the start.


Invasion. A human corporation lands on Equestria in pursuit of the element that instills the world with magic: unobtanium.

The Equestrians fight back against the evil corporation. Magic vs science.


Realizing there is intelligent life on this world and fearful of legal consequences, the corporation takes a few volunteers and gives them a new equestrian body to infiltrate and influence the ponies. These new bodies, called Bronies, do their job: starting schools and trying to teach the ponies that there is no such thing as magic.


But one brony falls in love and leads a rebellion against the corporation. In the end the ponies win and Celestia make him a real pony. and they all live happily ever after.


My Little Avatar?



I would bet the CMC get their cutie marks.


This will probably happen.


In the end it will be a happy ending as Hasbro couldn't end a show that is predominantly aimed at little girls with sadness.

  • Brohoof 1

top lel

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I, Dr.Eggmare, will take over Equestria, kill both princesses and the elements of harmony, and turn all the remaining ponies into my robot slaves.


Meh I don't know maybe the ponies go on some adventure and learn the ultimate lesson. Rainbow dash will join the Wonderbolts and the CMC will get their cutie marks.

Edited by E.G.G.M.A.R.E.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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But for real, I want an ending where Equestria's on the brink of collapse from some invasion (maybe creatures corrupted by whatever corrupted Luna) or natural disaster. An hour and a half special where the Mane 6 rush to try and combat the disaster or invading force. Along the way, the Mane 6 breaks apart.


So if it was an invasion from another kingdom, Rainbow Dash might think to fight them outright while Rarity wants diplomacy and they split off that way. Or if it was a natural disaster, Fluttershy wants to spend resources evacuating the animals while another pony wants to cut their losses and just go.


Then they get together and beat back the threat. With a moral that says, "Friendship and love can hold together the closest of friends and the biggest of countries."


With a bittersweet ending. The Mane 6 leave behind the Elements of Harmony for the next generation and go off to live their lives as normal ponies. Final scenes would be what happened to the Mane Six from after they split up to when they're old.

  • Brohoof 1


Alea Jacta Est

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The Cuite Mark Crusaders will get their cutie marks.

And the main six... go on an epic adventure?


Maybe the return of Discord.

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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Maybe they could do something similar to the Kim Possible finale, instead of the mane 6 delivering the final blow to the villain, it is Spike who pulls a crowning moment of badass and saves Equestria singlehandlely.


...and the CMC will finally get their cutie marks.

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I would like to see an epilouge where everyone is grown up and living their dreams: Twilight is the grand mage of Canterlot or something, Rainbow Dash is head of the Wonderbolts, Applejack is in charge of Sweet Apple Acres, Rarity is the most famous designer is all of Equestria, Pinkie Pie runs a party business doing birthdays, weddings, cute-ceañeras, etc., and Fluttershy lives a simple life similar to how she's living now - but more assertive


And the CMC get their cutie marks :)

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  • 9 months later...

I wanted everyones opinion on what will happen at the end of the show. Now that twilight is an alicorn will she just let her friends grow old and die? Will they succeed in their goals? Will rainbow dash FINALLY become a wonder bolt? Please post your theories and opinions here.

I personally believe that Twilight will not stay an Alicorn. Her issues will take over, and she will give up her wings, and later teach young unicorns. Rainbow dash will be a wonderbolt, Rairty will be a famous designer, Pinkie will be a party coriander, Applejack will run Sweet Apple Acres, and Fluttershy would be Equestria's top animal trainer. That's what I believe will happen to the mane 6.



  • Brohoof 3



This fantastic signature is made my by awesome friend Rainbow Skywalker! :D

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ITS ALL GONNA BE HAPPY ANY RESOLVED IN THE END!, lol, i really do think that Twilight will eventually rule Equestria, Rainbow Dash will become a Wonderbolt, Rarity will become uber famous ect. the only reason i take this opinion is because according to other T.V shows and movies (childrens mostly) , it is how most of them end anyway

anyone can become an artist, but a true masterpiece can only come from someone who is truly in touch with spirit and mind

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I think it's safe to say that Twilight, and for that matter Cadence, are not immortal. I know there hasn't been any evidence to support this, but that's truly how I think it will go down. Why? Because not only would it be the elephant in the room that'd be impossible to write around, but it'd be way too depressing a turn of events. I'm already sad about Spike having to outlive all his friends, I don't need or want to think about Twilight having to go through that, and i don't think the writers want to either. This is something you'd see in one of the darker episodes of Adventure Time. Not saying FiM can't be dark, but not like this, man.


But pretty much what everyone else is saying (Dash is a Wonderbolt, Rarity is famous, AJ, Fluttershy, and Pinkie are pretty content with where they are). I was wondering, though, does Celestia ever say that Twilight will inherit the thrown of Equestria? My headcanon is that a princess in this universe isn't necessarily a ruler of a country (that sounds stupid when I say it out loud). I'd think Twilight would continue the sorceress/scholar thing she's got going on if the writers insist that she's still living in Ponyville.

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I see the show as exploring what a pony wants (desires) and what they are expected to do (responsabilties) with their life and for the most part those are the same things as is the case with Applejack, Pinkie Pie and, it seems, Fluttershy. Rarity wants to become a famous fashion designer it's true, but she got a taste of that life, and the ponies involved in it, and it seemed to give her second thoughts. A similar thing happend to Rainbow Dash and she has doubts too. Now Twilight is a special case because her main desire was to be the perfect student, Celestia's perfect student, no matter the subject: magic, friendship, etc. Now she's moved beyond that and graduated, literally, to a higher level where she has become the new master. I see the main 5 retain their current roles, but still be growing and changing for the better. As for Twilight, I see her striving to become the perfect princess, not in a superficial way but as source of friendship and insperation for her subjects.

Edited by Nature Spell
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Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship


Princess Luna: Princess of the Night


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Personally, I don't think the show's dependent on having the Mane 6 as the lead characters. It would be nice if the CMC got their cutie marks and the show focused on them, with the Mane 6 having cameos and the occasional episode.


Really, at this point they've expanded on their characters so much there's not much left to show us. I say let them move on with their lives. They don't need to be together constantly for the show to be entertaining.

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I'd like it if, similar to how Twilight has made a huge development in her character arc that likely won't be reverted come season 4, all the characters continued to develop in such ways. Why not let Rainbow join the Wonderbolts? Why not let the CMC get their cutie marks? Why not let Pinkie Pie become a professional baker and run Sugarcube Corner? (Seriously, I will KEEP mentioning that one for all eternity. Mr. and Mrs. Cake? Who better to pass the shop on to than Ms. Pie!?)


There are only so many lessons that can be learned about friendship before they have to start just making up character flaws to create morals at the end. They're pretty much ready to start going on adventures and deal with problems that don't necessarily stem from their own flaws. I mean, yeah, their flaws are part of why the show is so entertaining, but at this point those shouldn't be the main point of the episodes. Those should just be key factors in how they interact with the adventure/problem/conundrum at hoof. This could include something like, oh iunnoh, Alicorn Twilight. There will most likely be SOME rift in the character dynamics. Positive or negative, I can't say, but I think that being friends they'll work through it.


That or season 4 will be awful. I'd rather hope for the bright side cool.png

Get it? Bright side? And...and there's sunglasses...

Edited by Zerobot
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"Hi I'm hipster superman, you probably haven't heard of me I'm pretty obscure."

The center picture is hipster superman. The other four pictures are my favorite webtoon, anime, band, and comic. They're pretty obscure.

They might actually not be but I've never met anyone who's heard of them.

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I think that at the end of the series all major character arcs will be finished. Twilight will still be a pretty princess (she may succeed Celestia to the throne), Rainbow Dash will become a Wonderbolt, Rarity will become a famous fashionista, Pinkie Pie may create her own bakery franchise called Pinkie's Pies, Fluttershy will be in charge of her own animal care center, Applejack will get a bigger farm, and finally the CMC will finally get their cutie marks. But I'm worried about Spike though, what will happen to him, I will be sad if he gets stuck being Twilight's assistant forever.

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Well what almost everyone else has said.

The major story acts for each character will end.

However I do see in the end of the series we have maybe a shft twords th future where we see what has happend after so long

Then we see probably photos to show the many events the mane six still had as freinds.

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At the very, very end of the show, I'm sure we'll see a grand sunrise for a new world where anything could happen.


Just before the end, I think we'll see Twilight as both ambassador and magical researcher, making new friends and travelling the world. Rainbow Dash will fill in the vacant position of Captain of the Royal Guard or become a General, rather than just a Wonderbolt. Applejack I see as either staying on the farm or becoming something like a Police Chief. Pinkie Pie, after a career as a successful entertainer goes on to become an adventuring pirate. Rarity moves beyond dresses and convinces ponies to buy bags more expensive than the bag contents. Fluttershy overcomes her fears and becomes Steve Irwin, rescuing dangerous creatures from around Equestria. Spike moves in with Rarity and becomes the world's greatest chef for any species.


The CMC will finally have their cutie marks and they were nothing like what they or the audience expected, but the marks make sense in hindsight.


Discord thought Fluttershy would look better as a dragon and forgets to change her back.


Princess Luna becomes a vigilante, fighting from the shadows for justice.


Trixie reaches every land before Twilight, making the residents distrustful of ponies when Twilight arrives.

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If you're questioning as to whether Twilight's relationship will be changed because of her transformation to an alicorn, I don't think so. For one thing, Twilight never asked Celestai about how her status will be affected with her friends. If anything, she will stay in Ponyville with her friends. Given all that they've been through, I highly doubt the last thing she will want to do is move back to Canterlot and be away from her friends. Even if she does end up going back to Canterlot, I'm sure Celestia will let her friends and Spike tag along. After all, they are a family and Celestai knows this all too well, so she couldn't possibly allow Twilight to be away from her friends.


Now onto the characters themselves. As it has been established, dragons live a lot longer than ponies, so Spike will more than likely outlive all of his friends. As well, Granny Smith will eventually pass away. I believe that Pinkie Pie will either be a party planner or a caterer. Rainbow Dash, if she doesn't become a Wonderbolt, will become a teacher on flying, training future members of the Wonderbolts. Rarity will probably become a famous fashion designer or either a model. Fluttershy will continue her work in her cottage caring for the cute furry little woodland critters. Twilight will either become a librarian or a teacher. Applejack will continue to run the Apple farm, selling her products at various venues. Finally, the Cutie Mark Crusaders will eventually get their cutie marks, in due time. 


That's all I can think of at the moment. I can't think of anything for any of the secondary characters like Derpy or Trixie. 

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I agree that their character arcs will be resolved as others have mentioned for the most part, so I will go with that, but on top of that I also like the idea that they will spread their wings, so to speak, all across Equestria.  Like their own destinies/character arcs will take them to other places (except maybe Applejack, who I can never see leaving the farm behind).  However, even though they spread themselves across the land, they will *still* continue to be the best of friends.  Far apart geographically, but still close emotionally. 


I think a great final scene for the series would be an epilogue where after several months have passed, and even though they've become much more personally successful, they reunite in Ponyville and it's just like old times.  I think a photo montage suggesting this would be great too. 

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Since it's a happy show, everyone should reach their goals or maybe even change their minds later on and achieve a better goal. I'm sure Twilight should of made more friends by then so she hasn't lost everything, but certainly a big part of her.


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