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Bladed / Exotic Weapons Thread

Chigens and Kay

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:unsure: then I don't have any intention of posting anything, I'm just gonna look around at all the awesome gear everypony else has that I wish I did... :(

Zjz73.pngsiggy by CloudChaser http://i560.photobuc...x/Other/gif.gif I'm a Blank Flank (CMC ARMY) with Freakazoid Attributes (Pinkazoid Army) in the New Lunar Republic while being a spy for the Discordian Empire and in worship for the Faith of the Fausticorn (Discord Army)... RD best pony, she started it ALL...Pinkie god tier Pony...Fluttershy cutest/hottest (depending on pic) Pony...Discord best villain...Changelings best minions...Tank best pet...Tara Strong is best troll...and Derpy is best mascot

I'm the S.U.E.A.G.P.O.N.I.S. (Super Ultra Extreme Awesomazing General Proven On Non Interstellar Space) [pronounced SwagPonys]   Oranges have navals, and so do ponies, join the revolution NOW!

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  • 2 months later...

Damn, I got to get to a Renaissance Fair and buy me a backsword or arming sword! While I'm there, learn to use it. Seriously, if anypony knows where one can learn the German school of sword-fighting in Pennsylvania, call me.

Edited by Steel Accord
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Well here is part of it, I couldn't find my other sai and 2 machetes.


Plus I have a crap ton of knives I didn't bother pulling out from under the bed.


EDIT: I've done 10 years of martial arts training so I think I can use these lol :P

Edited by Rainbow Dashey
  • Brohoof 1


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I've only owned 1 weapon my entire life, and here she is:

Posted Image

I bought it from a pawn shop about 5 years ago... About 2.5 years ago, it got bent while I was moving states, I was planning on grinding the blades down to an even length, and then resharpening them again, but I never got around to it. She's been sitting in the workshop ever since.

To be honest I forgot it even existed until I saw this thread, now that I'm older, maybe I'll clean up all the calcium and rust, sharpen her back up, and restore her to her former glory.

EDIT: @Black Star, I am living your dream.

Edited by Urdnot Shepard
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I've only owned 1 weapon my entire life, and here she is:

Posted Image

I bought it from a pawn shop about 5 years ago... About 2.5 years ago, it got bent while I was moving states, I was planning on grinding the blades down to an even length, and then resharpening them again, but I never got around to it. She's been sitting in the workshop ever since.

To be honest I forgot it even existed until I saw this thread, now that I'm older, maybe I'll clean up all the calcium and rust, sharpen her back up, and restore her to her former glory.

T-That may be the most badass thing I've ever seen. The only semi-cool bladed "weapon" I have is a gutting knife, but that's boring...
  • Brohoof 2



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Here we go, I don't think this exactly counts in the exotic blade category since it's made for actual hard use. I've always ben a fan of Cold Steel's products. Their AK-47 folder has served me well for a few years now.


The Cold Steel Trailmaster. Basically a BFK. Pinkie is for size reference.


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At the moment I only have a few cheap balisongs and a small wooden mallet that my sister picked out for Christmas. My first balisong was of incredibly poor quality (the paint chipped off and the pins holding the blade began to separate), but it was by far my favorite one for flipping. I have a new one, but it's quite heavy and likes to stick when I try to flip it. The wooden mallet is just that, nothing special. I wish I could have a longer two-handed one though, and a giant wrench would be nice as well.


I'd really like to get my hands on a rapier, even though they don't seem as practical as a regular blade.

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  • 1 month later...

I've always admired bladed weapons for their simplicity, elegance, and beauty. Though now it is very hard to find a weapon like that that is sharp, I have to do with ones that aren't. Though if I had money to burn, I would like to get my hands on an authentic, battle ready blade.


So the first blade I ever got was a ceremonial Freemason sword, a replica.  I don't have any pictures of it anymore, but it's a pretty sword. It has an ivory handle, minute details all over the sheath, cross guard, and pommel shaped like a knight's helmet. It's also got designs up and down the blade. The construction is made of stainless steel. If you search "Masonic Sword" on google, you will find similar matches, although not the exact one.


Why do I not have any pictures of it? Well, first off, I sold it, so I can't take any pictures of it. And the computer which had the pictures, the hard drive got wiped. Anyways, I bought it for 30 dollars at a swap meet, and sold it for 60 dollars to a guy who told me he had ancestors who were Freemasons, and he was a collector. Better in his hands then, I would say.


My next blade is your average balisong. I got it for a bargain 10 dollars from an old woman in Chinatown. I won't deny the quality is kinda crappy. I used to be able to do all sorts of tricks with it, but the hinges got so loose. So here's a pic for ya guys.





So that's it for me. Though if you asked my brother, he would show you his whole collection of his Chinese straight sword, katana, wakazashi, and tanto, runeblade, fighting knives, assortment of daggers, and knives. And he got most of them at either a swap meet or Chinatown. Those are good places to get weapons for real cheap.



If I had to choose one weapon that isn't elegant, but practical, I would have to say a good ole' kukri.




Enough of my rambling.

  • Brohoof 2
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Ok heres my Balisong knife(right)and my Folding pocket knife with grenade handle(left)

I got My balisong knife all they way from the phillipines when I was visiting family,and my Mtech folding pocket knife I got on amazon.Both knives are sharpened.

They let you pass it through an airport? :o I never knew that haha I've been afraid to transport knives from others countries... :\

  • Brohoof 1


Special Special thanks to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the sig!!!

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I'm making a kukri. Might post pics when I get it finished.


1ft long stainless steel blade, feels good man. Just needs a handle and sharpening.

Insert quote here.

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I'll soon begin training in classical swordsmanship. The weapon specifically, is a long sword.




It may not be able to open and flip around, and it's not that quad-bladed monster up there; but this is perhaps the most versatile close combat weapon ever forged. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I present to you my Bat'leth, the Sword of Honor!





Kahless forged the first of these swords to kill the tyrant Molor. He cut off a lock of his hair and plunged it into the Kri'stak volcano, then into the lake of Lusor, and twisted it into this blade.



Mine was stamped out in a Chinese factory.

  • Brohoof 3


Kyoshi made this ^^



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This isn't so much exotic as it is old and a blade.


This thing belonged/belongs to my father, he purchased it from a store about 50 years ago.  Leather, wood and metal.  Looks pretty nice, and I'm a fan of the functionality.  I've brought it along a few times with me on a camping expedition or whatnot.  It's a little dull though.


20 dollar bill for size reference.





The inscription on the sheath has ornate patterns along with the text 'Made in Finland'.

I'm rather fond of its rustic looks.



I'm not much of a bladed weapons' collector at all really, but I've always been fairly interested in obtaining an SS Honour Dagger.  Sadly, they're priced rather high, as one can imagine.  If I ever stumble upon something worth sharing, I'll be sure to swing by this thread again.

  • Brohoof 5

Ob's stürmt oder schneit. | Whether it storms or snows.


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I don't really have many exotic weapons. I do have quite a few knives and I have a large tomahawk my dad made me and a SOG tomahawk too. I'd like to get a sword or two(A Scimitar, A Katana, or maybe a Khopesh), a Halbard, and maybe some kind of replica video game or movie weapon.





                                ^ DO WANT ^

Edited by D1scordant
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I normally just keep a couple pocket knives right now I have a cheap M-tech for General use and my good knife is a ka-bar that I keep sharp enough to shave with. The M-tech is made with 440-c stainless stell and the ka-bar is 1028 high carbon steel. 

  • Brohoof 1

"It's either Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother!"- Joey"CoCo"Diaz

"I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*ck with me, I'll kill you all." - Gen James 'MadDog' Mattis USMC




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  • 2 weeks later...

looks like i found a forum i can get into i have a  small collection myself, im always happy to see cool blades. here r a few of mine


all  of my bowie style knives



a pair of hook swords



some wooden practice  tonfas



the heaviest of my swords idk what its called



a strait blade katana full tang



i think these r double swords not sure they fit in the same scabbard together



and my blade sword with scabbard



as for one i would absolutely love to get my hands on is a guan dao like this one ive seen fancier looking ones but id like to have one that could b practical in actual combat if need be


Edited by Starwind
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In terms of Martial Arts, I know how to use a Naginata and Sai Swords, though out of the two I only own the Sai Swords (not complaining because they are awesome). I also have family in Africa and they sent me an african dagger which was cool, and my family has a couple axes lying around the house if those count.

  • Brohoof 2

Divinator Of Dreams

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This might be a bit of a dump, but here we go.


1. Polish sabre (actual antique) & Basket-hilted broadsword.



2. Swept-hilt rapier, 2 main-gauches, clam-hilt rapier



3. Danish Two-handed sword, Arming sword



4. Gothic mace, dagger, war sword



5. Roundel dagger, fantasy sickle dagger, Claymore, fantasy dagger, dussak, Persian sickle dagger, stiletto



6. Northern stabbing axe, matched pair short swords, fantasy griffon axe



7. Bollock dagger, Viking sword, migration-period Viking sword



8. Fantasy two-handed mace, swordcane, fantasy paired wakizashi



9.Pollaxe, Slaughtersword, fantasy Lochabre axe 



10. Bishop's flail, short glaive



11. Assegai spear, lugged spear, horseman's spear



12. 80lb siege bow, modern 50lb recurve bow



13. 50lb Magyar horsebow, 100lb crossbow, 30lb Hungarian horsebow



14. Flamberge (piece of junk, being used as a curtain rod)



15. Long spear (also being used as a curtain rod)



16. Even though the request was for no guns, I think this one counts: A handcannon [gonne]



Didn't bother to do all the shields, armor, etc.


In case you're curious as to why, and why all the blades are a bit banged up, my wife and I were live-steel stage combat actors with the Seattle Knights until a few years ago when we retired. I met her actually, while I was TAing the combat course and she was a student. Near the end of the course we were doing daggers, specifically the back kill, and I had forgotten to wear my maille that day. So, since she had already stabbed me in the back, I married her. B)

Edited by Fhaolan
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I have a shillelagh, but even if it counts, it's not exciting enough to merit a picture. I'll have to get pictures of the various swords my friends have sometime, because their pretty cool.

  • Brohoof 1

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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honestly, nothing suits me better than a form of broadsword, scimitar, or katana


mostly because im so used to fast, but accurate, movement styles


but a simple club would do just as well

  • Brohoof 1



oc: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/staticthor-draconus-r126



second oc: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sultrus-r3025





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That has got to be the most badass collection of weapons I've ever seen! Also, the greatest "How I met your mother" story. I mean, I've heard of love at first punch but . . .


There's a couple of pieces I would really like to pick up, but I haven't found good enough examples to justify the prices people are asking. I'm on the lookout for a two-handed saxon axe, a shepard's axe, a falx, and a german hunting hanger with knuckle guard.

  • Brohoof 1


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I need to find out where all of my knives and nunchuks are and take a picture of 'em.


I put them somewhere so my nephews wouldn't find them and I can't remember where that place was. That's probably for the better, too; everytime I try to play with my nunchuks it always ends up with me somehow hitting myself in the crotch, and it hurts ;_;

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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Here are some of mine:


Condor Parang, which is a true beast



Puma, FS dagger, two Cold Steel Voyagers, sgian-dubh



Cheap machete, Old Hickory 14-inch butcher's knife, Marble's Bolo, normal 8-inch knife for comparison



Cold Steel XL Voyager




Kershaw Tremor



CRKT Minimalist and Kershaw One Ton






Douk-douk 200mm



CRKT M16-somethingorother



CRKT M16-14D


Edited by Goose
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I would give that post 100 likes if I could. That is truly an epic collection of weaponry.


I especially like pictures 5, 10, and 11. I have a soft spot for spears and I wish I could find some around where I live.

  • Brohoof 1

My signature broke


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