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Anything You DON'T Want to See in Season 9?

TS Lightner

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So, there's plenty of threads that as what people do want in Season 9, but I'm always thinking about what I don't want, so I thought, how about a thread for discussing what you wouldn't want for Season 9.

Due to me always coming up with episode ideas (I've got over 50), I tend to get nervous that the show is going to crush my headcanon, so I've got a pretty large list of things I'd rather not see:

What I Don't Want to See Because I Already Have My Own Ideas:

  • Scootaloo's Parent(s)/Family
  • Trixie's Past
  • Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon reconciling with each-other (though I'm not opposed to a return for either individually)
  • Chrysalis getting Vanquished/Reformed
  • Any of the Mane 6, Glimmer Gang, CMC, or Spike's ages getting revealed (that doesn't make sense with the existing information presented).
  • Celestia and Luna's Past

What I Don't Want to See in General:

  • The Student 6 completely replacing The Mane 6 as the element bearers (I'd be fine if was like a dual-bearer sort of deal, where, say, both Yona or Fluttershy could wield kindness.
  • Extreme Progressive Crap.  I probably wouldn't be so annoyed about it if it weren't shoehorned into almost every other modern show I watch.  Can we continue to keep it politically clean/morally pure for the last season?  Please?
  • A series finale that would otherwise majorly change the status quo (like essentially saying a full goodbye to the Mane 6), or any other kind of ending that would kind of kill a lot of potential for the story to be continued by fans in any way.

So what's your own Do Not Want list?

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Do you want to see more of Twilight and her friends after Season 9? Then consider helping Friendship is More Than Magic, the unofficial FiM successor!

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Just now, Califorum said:

What I don't want to see is more mane 6, more student 6


So, just Spike standing alone for twenty minutes? :orly:

I don't want to see any more CMC episodes since, I feel like their story is pretty much done.

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* ANY central character (each Mane 6, Spike, CMCs either altogether or separate, Starlight, Student 6) getting less than 3 episodes

* Spike getting cheated outta development, not ever again do I wanna see that!

* An episode that makes any character look bad for the sake of comedy (Non-Compete Clause, Yakity-Sax, Princess Spike, etc.)

* Another Flim Flam bros episode

* Lazy or rushed finale

* A rushed or unrealistic villain reform (I'm all with redeeming villains, just make the redemption understandable and realistic, don't just reform the villain outta nowhere like in Equestria Girls)

These seem reasonable enough! Doncha think?

Edited by FlareGun45
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An overwheming number of Rainbow Dash or Rarity episodes.

And also, no more Pinkie Pie episodes that always involve "her friends"; I'm getting tired of those.

I know this is gonna annoy most other fans by now, but I'm just super anxious about Season 9, over the fact that I’ve first seen all the Season 8 synopsizes for at least a year now.

Just now, FlareGun45 said:

* ANY central character (each Mane 6, Spike, CMCs either altogether or separate, Starlight, Student 6) getting less than 3 episodes

* Spike getting cheated of development, not ever again do I wanna see that!

* An episode that makes any character look bad for the sake of comedy (Non-Compete Clause, Yakity-Sax, Princess Spike, etc.)

* Another Flim Flam bros episode

* Lazy or rushed finale

* A rushed or unrealistic villain reform (I'm all with redeeming villains, just make the redemption understandable and realistic, don't just reform the villain outta nowhere like in Equestria Girls)

These seem reasonable enough! Doncha think?

The first one I don't want to see apply to at least two of the Mane Six; just for them, at least 3 episodes.

Edited by FirePuppy
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If the rumors of Sombra's return are true, then I don't want him reduced to a Snoke-esque jobber just to put Grogar over.

Also, I don't want his return done in a way that just s***cans all his interesting development/lore from the comics (Princess Amore, Radiant Hope, the Umbrum, etc.). Maybe they could reincorporate it like how Horse Play reincorporated some of Celestia and Luna's backstory from The Journal Of The Two Sisters? Color my fingers crossed.

Edited by Anti-Villain
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2 minutes ago, FirePuppy said:

An overwheming number of Rainbow Dash or Rarity episodes.

And also, no more Pinkie Pie episodes that always involve "her friends"; I'm getting tired of those.

I know this is gonna annoy most other fans by now, but I'm just super anxious about Season 9, over the fact that I’ve first seen all the Season 8 synopsizes for at least a year now.

The first one I don't want to see apply to at least two of the Mane Six; just for them, at least 3 episodes.

Brah, I don't think you need to worry about Pinkie and Flutters during the final season - cause the finale is probably focusing on each Mane 6 and Spike! I'd only be nervous about Starlight and CMCs if I were you! I mean especially since CMCs were pretty much cheated last season and Starlight's starting to get less and less appearances!

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48 minutes ago, Superplay64 said:

Extreme Progressive Crap.  I probably wouldn't be so annoyed about it if it weren't shoehorned into almost every other modern show I watch.  Can we continue to keep it politically clean/morally pure for the last season?  Please?

Just this. Back in S8 Neighsay felt like the token racist guy, and I found it on the pretentious side of things. I'm all for progression but I don't want too much of it just for the sake of it, ya know? The idea of different creatures enrolling in The School of Friendship was perfectly fine as is. 

Otherwise I'm pretty open to whatever will happen in S9. 

EDIT: oh and I don't want another Flim Flam Bros. episode either. 

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  • I kinda do want to see Scootaloo's parents, but the way I want that to happen is specific enough that I'm not sure I could view it objectively. I already had this problem with Lightning Dust last season. 
  • In general, I don't want to see conflicts about the mane six failing to understand each other anymore. If this means Rarity and Applejack just stop interacting, then so be it. 
  • I don't want to see Discord harassing anyone anymore. I find him funny, but I also want to be able to justify the ponies keeping him around. 
  • I'd prefer not to see Chrysalis reformed. 
  • I'm a little tired of the big dramatic finales. I'd prefer for villains to be more comedic and for the stakes to be lower. And I don't want to see Sombra or Tirek or Cozy Glow return in a prominent role, either. 
  • No characters from the Movie, please. 
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Poor Fan's Dark Lord Grogar who does things cause evil.

Redeemed Cozy.

Chrysalis being anything else but a minion to a greater evil.

Starlight doing anything important.

Pinkie Pie being dense as a rock

Twilight being all passive and princess-y

Rainbow Dash learning humility for a gazillionth time.

Family lessons with Applejack. Nope.

CMC. Unless it's about griffins.

Princesses being useless

Discord in general

Student Six saving the day. It's the last one and you're practically killing these off, so spare me the torch routine.

Edited by Goat-kun
Too much thaumetic sulphite
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I don't want to see anything that is cringey enough to make my eyes bleed.

(Basically I don't want Hasbro to "add" something "new and weird" to the show to "attempt" a "spike" in the season.


Tell me this isn't the cutest thing you've seen all day?

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- Flim Flam Bros need to fuck off and die a horrible death and never come back. I have absolutely no idea why they love using them so much, every appearance of theirs is awful
- Student 6 replacing the mane 6. S8 did a shit job at handling them and if their role is to replace the mane 6 as the elements of harmony then they already ruined season 9. On that tangent:
- Screwing over the mane 6. If this is really the last season, let this be a big last hurrah for them. Don't fuck them over because you care more about your stupid OCs
- "Uh oh, Rainbow Dash is acting in a way we don't like, time to teach her humility by treating her like garbage and humiliating her in front of the entire world!" They know damn well everyone hates it when they do these episodes, even back in S6. It just feels like they're picking on her, anymore episodes like it and at that point they're blatantly making them to be jerks
- No more Discord. He's not funny anymore, he's just an obnoxious douchebag because he doesn't get his way, you just want to punch in the throat, but always gets away with it for some unholy reason(and in A Matter of Principal's case he gets rewarded for throwing a tantrum). Unless you actually try to make him an actual friend like in Breakup Breakdown and Discordant Harmony, keep him the fuck out
 - No reforming Chrysalis

Edited by This Whomps
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- No more AJ - Dash "rivalry". They can get along pretty well without that crap.

- Significantly lower focus on the student six. Having them as support only and a single focused episode would be the best.

- No time skip/next gen epilog. It would only serve to hinder a possible future sequel and killing fanons.

- No new background ponies episode. Episode 100 is great being one-of-a-kind and there's really no need to shift the focus to the background again.

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3 hours ago, Holly Jolly Ody said:

Just this. Back in S8 Neighsay felt like the token racist guy, and I found it on the pretentious side of things. I'm all for progression but I don't want too much of it just for the sake of it, ya know? The idea of different creatures enrolling in The School of Friendship was perfectly fine as is. 

Otherwise I'm pretty open to whatever will happen in S9. 

EDIT: oh and I don't want another Flim Flam Bros. episode either. 

They gave Neighsay legitimate argumentative points to run with and  challenge Twilight, but stopped at token racist guy.

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A couple more:

  • Anyone other than the mane six saving the day, if we have to have a big dramatic finale. I'll be more forgiving if the tone is lighter, though...
  • At this point in the show, we really shouldn't still be seeing the mane six act badly just so they can be taught a lesson. Even a token motivation isn't really enough for me anymore; make the story about their insecurity or don't even bother. 
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7 hours ago, AlexanderThrond said:
  • Anyone other than the mane six saving the day, if we have to have a big dramatic finale. I'll be more forgiving if the tone is lighter, though...

I agree unless it's Celestia and Luna together getting that last chunk of glory, but even then the mane 6 should get a relevant role in helping to solve the crisis. I definitely don't want to see them being irrelevant or useless.

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17 hours ago, A.V. said:
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If the rumors about Sombra's return are true, then I don't want to see him reduced to some Snoke-like jobber just to make Grogar look good. Remember his letdown portrayal in Fall Of The Crystal Empire (by Silly Filly Studios)? Would be that all over again.

Also, I don't want to see his return done in a way that just s***cans all that interesting development/lore in the comics (Amore, Radiant Hope, the Umbrum, etc.). Maybe they could reincorporate it like how Horse Play reincorporated some of Celestia and Luna's backstory from The Journal Of The Two Sisters? Consider my fingers crossed.


I do wonder how they gonna pull this of. Sombra was reformed in the comics, which would mean he became evil again. 

They need to put the comics beside them, or explain what happened in The siege of the crystal empire.


16 hours ago, AlexanderThrond said:
  • I kinda do want to see Scootaloo's parents, but the way I want that to happen is specific enough that I'm not sure I could view it objectively. I already had this problem with Lightning Dust last season. 
  • In general, I don't want to see conflicts about the mane six failing to understand each other anymore. If this means Rarity and Applejack just stop interacting, then so be it. 
  • I don't want to see Discord harassing anyone anymore. I find him funny, but I also want to be able to justify the ponies keeping him around. 
  • I'd prefer not to see Chrysalis reformed. 
  • I'm a little tired of the big dramatic finales. I'd prefer for villains to be more comedic and for the stakes to be lower. And I don't want to see Sombra or Tirek or Cozy Glow return in a prominent role, either. 
  • No characters from the Movie, please. 

I agree on all, except for Sombra, Tirek, etc. return. I really want to see Sombra another time.

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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Thing i REALLY dont want to see in LAST season:

- ANY focus on school and student 6 - there is no time to develop new characters anymore

- Political messages especaily about racism because it doesnt apply to this universe. It work in our world because humans are similar and only different by skill color and culture. Creatures in Equestria are very different and you cant push bullcrap about Dragons who eat and burn ponies daily to be equal to other ponies. They are different species and you can't just force ants and ant eaters to live in peace.

- mass shipping of Mane6 (i can accept some well developed ones like Rarijack, LyraBon or Fluttercord but lets just not go with "all mane6 get some random stallions" like Twilight did in Equestria Girls

- story of Spikes real parents, its irrelevant and his last "dad" episode only made me sure that we dont really need that answer

- just like with Student6, i really dont want any more new additions to develop. We need to focus on finishing all arcs of Mane6, Spike, Discord, Big Mac and Starlight. As well as Princesses, Tirek, Chrysalis, Starswirl, Pillars and CMC. NO TIME FOR NEW ARCS AND CHARACTERS

- no special pandering episodes, unless its a 200th special then its ok

- no OC's or any fandom references. They are just cringy.

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3 hours ago, Conred said:

- Political messages especaily about racism because it doesnt apply to this universe. It work in our world because humans are similar and only different by skill color and culture. Creatures in Equestria are very different and you cant push bullcrap about Dragons who eat and burn ponies daily to be equal to other ponies. They are different species and you can't just force ants and ant eaters to live in peace.

If both species try hard enough, sure they can. It’s not like Spike eats ponies. 



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