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Which pony or character are you most like? Why?

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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Rainbow, for sure. I hate losing, am extremely competitive and am a jerk sometimes.


Which is probably why she is my least favorite pony.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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When I took the test I think every answer must have moved me towards fluttershy, because it was pathetically unbalanced. I knew from the beginning that I was going to be fluttershy anyway, but I didn't think it would be so one-sided. 


Kindness FTW!

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Well this kinda surprised me O_o Okay I can't deny that I'm most like Fluttershy but I HATE loosing and LOVE going fast so dunno why I'm almost nothing like RD. And I also dunno why I'm not more like Pinkie because I'm always happy and totally random :P Oh well...at least it got the main pony right :)

Fluttershy is nicest pony ^^





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Hey check this out: It's a Pony Personality Quiz. What do you know? I am most like Rainbow Dash (which I saw coming). I'm pretty athletic so it's fitting. I'm second most like Rarity :3 They were like dead equal, but I guess it just chose Rainbow over Rarity which is fine by me (x


It was kind of interesting. One doesn't care about appearance, but the other one is all about appearance. Again, I'm very athletic and kind of competitive [Rainbow Dash]. But I sometimes do tend to care about my appearance and how I look to others [Rarity]. I am rather generous as well. I try to stay as loyal to my friends as possible, but I also have OCD so I care about little things... GOOD GOD WHAT KIND OF SORCERY IS THIS?! 




Like I said, it gave me Rainbow Dash, but Rarity was a close second... Soo:



Almost exactly the same here. On the one hand I care for my fitness and I like sports a lot, on the other I care also very much for my appearance and always get a bit grumpy when my hockey helmet or sweat destroys my haircut ^_^


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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Most compare me most to either Twilight or Fluttershy.  I'm actually really shy/nervous and very quiet unless spoken to.. I speak so low that most are annoyed and would ask me to speak up. xD But like Twilight, I love to learn (Well, as long as I'm into it at least >:D lol) and adore reading.  I have a fairly fresh appetite for knowledge. <3 lol


When I took the quiz however, I ended up getting Twilight.  Fluttershy seemed close but ended up getting Twi in the end! ^^ Not that I mind, honestly.


Thank you for the amazing signature, @Sparklefan1234❤w❤

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Totally Rainbow Dash :D I am brave, energetic, cool, and totally AWESOME!!! I do like showing off, but I find the time to help my friends out and be nice to everypony :3


And to prove, here is one of my OCs...being like RD :D


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Twilight. I'm a studious bookworm  ^_^  Love reading and I'm very thoughtful. Although there's a touch of excentric pinkie going on also  :lol:

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When I took the Quiz I got A mix between Twilight and Fluttershy. I believe it's true. I'm really scared of people in real life if I didn't talk to them, and I'm an egghead. I'm more like Fluttershy my friends say.  I love animals and is super super shy.

PSN ID: Flootershy

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I would have to say fluttershy with a little bit of Twilight. I'm really quiet and don't talk much until i really get to know you and usually i run from many fights (unless it invlolves my friends, then I become Rainbow-Dash <_< ). I'm like twilight because I'm a real bookworm i just love reading! I would love to be more Like rainbow-Dash who speaks her mind and doesn't care what anypony as to say about it


When I took the quiz it said I'm like Rairty the most but I don't try to follow everybody's sense of fashion nor do I think I have to be the center of attention.


I'm a very friendly person and i always try to be there for people and make them smile no matter how long and how hard i have to try so when anyone's feeling down send me PM, Nothing makes me happier then being there for someone


This is my OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rolling-thunder-r2250


This is my Mare OC looks like my profile pic http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flower-dust-r3660

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Weeeeelp.... I'm both Dashie and Pinkie.  :P


I'm athletic-- to an extent.


I'm generally not a fan of not getting what I want.


I'm naturally awesome. (For god's sake, I used to tie my favorite blue blankie around my neck like a cape and call myself Awesome Austin!)


I have a quirky and fun-loving 'tude.


And I can't help but blast some partying music during the day.  :lol:




That pretty much sums me up.  :)


Although I don't know how Rarity got in there....  :huh:


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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I remember the quiz put me closest to Pinkie Pie and Rarity. I put myself closest to Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, though.


Pinkie Pie, because that randomness and silliness does match me at times. Most particularly in real life. Although obviously I can't act too much like Pinkie Pie... Especially not at my age. lol. You'd see it more with a certain group of friends. Although I can't always hide it at other places. =P


Rainbow Dash... It's kind of hard to explain. Take the part of her that's oftentimes rude and impatient, that's totally me. Aside from that, I could definitely relate to her in the episode where she had that competition and was feeling unconfident and very scared to perform.


Also, if I was one of the show's elements, I would definitely be loyalty.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Not like any of them usually. A bit like Rainbow Dash sometimes (Nothing is better than being the best, bragging about stuff I've done. And I like to play fast and "show-offy" pieces on the piano.)

But in everyday life you can't see any of them in me.

Insert quote here.

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This is one topic that everypony can vote or get involved in, so vote if you dare.  This poll can prove which one is your favorite pony if you wish. ^_^ so enjoy!

Your topic, 'Which Mane Six are you mostly like?' has been merged with 'What pony are you most like?' as they both entail the same question.


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I guess I'm the most like Twilight Sparkle. Nerdy, cute, used to be lonely and then got friends, and awesome hair. Also, adorableness!

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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I am not always proud of it, but I am a Rainbow Dash all the way. I am the captain of the swim team at my college and have decided if I make the 2016 Olympics I am getting her cutey mark tattooed on my Thigh alongside the Olympic tattoo. I am brutally competitive, love reading and can be forgetful of others feelings :/ but I am working on it though!

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I'm not specifically anypony, I'm a mix of rainbow dash and fluttershy, with a tiny bit of pinkie. Rainbow because I'm a major tomboy, I like to take l take naps, temper problems, insentive (at times), arrogant, and I don't really care how I look. Fluttershy because I'm shy and great wih animals. And pinkie because I have that 'how did she… it's pinkie pie' feel and I'm just as random at times (namely can I still wear the mustache).

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I am Twilight with a big chunk of Fluttershy added to the mix. I have a terrible problem with confidence, I ALWAYS doubt myself quite a big problem unfortunately.

4chan beat the FBI,

MLP beat 4chan,

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To be honest, I think since I took the Personality Test it said I'm more like Rainbow Dash. I think its because of only three reasons.


Personality Test:

  • Loyal to friends
  • Able to showoff in 10 seconds flat
  • Very athletic and agile

My Heart thinks, I am more like fluttershy because of the shy personality.

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I took the first personality test that came up on google and I got Fluttershy.


"While you tend to be a bit of a "delicate flower", you have inner strength just waiting to blossom. First of all though, you need to build up your confidence- because you can be far too insecure with yourself. But there are many positive elements to your sensitive side too; for starters, you're a real sweetheart! Without fail you'll do your best to look after a friend in need and care for them with all the love you have, and with your softness, gentle nurturing and peace-making ways you can help relax anyone in a crisis. Some would say you're as sweet as honey!"

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Hmm... I think I'm probably a Fluttershy. I'm very self reserved and wimpy. I am scared of more things than not. I also LOVE animals with a deep rooted passion.


I wish I could be more like Applejack. She is the ideal person in my eyes. Warm, kind, humble, honest, trustworthy, hardworking, wonderful big sister... I want all those traits!  :(


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