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Currently a Veterinary Assistant. Sort of fell into it because they were going to be short handed for a bit after one of the previous ones left for college. Before my girlfriend became a veterinarian she was the manager of a petting zoo and I worked under and met her there, so it's kind of like being a staff member there again only way busier and more serious. I love it, it's something I can be proud of, but it has its days.


Duties include holding animals, aiding in procedures and examinations, general care for the animals and facility, and a fair share of cleaning. Most in depth things I've done are help with giving vaccines, administering minor medication, and stepping on a pedal to take x-rays.

The pay is the most I've ever gotten consistently but it's still minimum wage which I'm fine with. I didn't really have any previous experience, I don't know anything regarding this field and don't aspire to work my way up within it.


My previous job had competitive pay and special hourly wages though that was more of a holiday/weekend/nights thing that I didn't participate in on top of minimum wage, and a job before that had me work 4 different positions within the company at different pay rates and never told me the time when I was exactly in one position versus another so I didn't know how much I was earning at one point after my innitial start.

Because I've worked only starting positions at multiple places I've never really progressed passed minimum wage, but since it's gone up twice I think, I make more now.


Not really a discussion for here but it's kind of sad in a way because it's still not really sustainable, and still below what would've been considered so when I first started working 5ish years ago.



Edited by SharpWit
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6 hours ago, SpookyBrony42 said:

Right now, power plant operator, and it pays a lot. Getting my electrical license. In the past I was a physicist, delivery driver, fracker, electrician. I want to go back to electrical work. 

Im kinda jealous

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8 hours ago, SpookyBrony42 said:

Right now, power plant operator, and it pays a lot. Getting my electrical license. In the past I was a physicist, delivery driver, fracker, electrician. I want to go back to electrical work. 

What’s a fracker?

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I work multiple positions in a restaurant (waitress, hostess, and takeout specialist). It's a fun job but it also has it's URRGGHH moments, as all food service jobs do. :ButtercupLaugh: I work only part-time at the moment because I am in college but I'm making good money, especially after signing on to work more than one position. Overall I love where I work and I love who I work with, they're my family away from home. 

I'm studying veterinary technology in college at the moment, that being said my future career is going to look a lot different. ^_^

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I work in warehouses for a living driving forklifts. Granted I don't always drive one all day as there is a lot of other tasks that needs doing as well, though I am thoroughly enjoying it. No day is similar to a previous one.

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I work at a bakery and I don't like it to be honest. It was never my life's ambition and I only took the job because it was available, close to where I live and they were willing to hire me. It's also a nice bonus that I can work quietly by myself without having to socialize with customers. 

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But in all seriousness, I'm a programmer. Not a particularly good one, nor can I say I actually enjoy it all that much as a profession. I like the 'building stuff and seeing it work'  part, but the whole 'maintainability' and 'separation of concerns' bit can go fuck itself, basically.

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I used to work in dining at a restaurant and mainly just kept the place clean, but I haven't been able to return to work there due to the pandemic. Now, though, I work as a package handler for FedEx Ground.

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