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What's your pet peeve?

Tom The Diamond

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And this is what my backyard looks like. And it has since early February. We didn't even get a winter. D:


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The people who can't make a sentence properly without incorporating LOL into it. I mean, I can understand the sentences were perhaps a LOL is needed but I despise the people who put it in EVERY.FREAKIN.SENTENCE! :angry:


I'm afraid I'm sometimes guilty of this. I just think that sometimes my posts sound too serious without it. It's hard to explain.

Edited by Envy

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I'm afraid I'm sometimes guilty of this. I just think that sometimes my posts sound too serious without it. It's hard to explain.

I am too. That or emoticons. Just seems too empty sometimes without them, and they actually help convey what I mean :L Like just then.

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Things that annoy me hmmm... Well for starters, people who don't know how to drive (california has A LOT of them!!) almost got hit the other day... /rant. Also whining/complaining gets on my nerves sometimes along with people who just don't understand what your saying, no matter how many times you explain it to them, and then go "oh i get it" about 5 minutes later. Oh and when my sound system blows building fuses, resetting breakers gets annoying real quick... Edited by 83awsm

Awesomeness = at least 20% Cooler.

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I'm afraid I'm sometimes guilty of this. I just think that sometimes my posts sound too serious without it. It's hard to explain.


I am too. That or emoticons. Just seems too empty sometimes without them, and they actually help convey what I mean :L Like just then.


Grrrrr, I hate this! I had a friend who did it. It was not lol actually but XD, wich is what we use in Chile. It's equally anoying.


But you know, it's not just the xd or lol or whatever, it's the context.


If they say:


"The punch has been spiked! xd" It's okay...


but this friend said it in every single sentence. EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE I TELL YOU. No matter what the hell he was talking about, I mean seriously.


It was like this:

"I've been seriously thinking of killing myself. xd"

"I hate my self, everything sucks

Nobody loves me or ever will.

You suck too.

I hate you.




(Yeah, sometimes it was at the end of a text of ranting, but always there, ALWAYS THERE!)


I mean, it was like he used it to relieve the pressure, it was like we couldn't keep talking if he didn't put an xd. But man did I hate it. And then my girlfriend caught it too! Ugh, so fricking anoying.


About that, another thing that I hate, and I managed to turn into a meme sort of thing in my class to make fun of it, it's when people say something mean, and end it with lol jk (This is in real life and in a spanish speaking country, so it's actually either, "A ya que pesao", or simply, "a ya")


It's damn idiotic! They do mean the mean things they say, however they add that statement at the end to "disguise it" and make them supposedly sound cool and funny! I HATE IT SO DAMN MUCH! So yeah, I started making fun of people who said it, and kept saying the Lol jk thing whenever somebody said something mean (or just at the end of any phrase). It's even better when said person does say the lol jk thing, because then everybody gets that i'm making fun of them.


Anyways, I know you won't understand anything, but it feels good to rant

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Here is some of the things that annoy me:


- Those who put down others

- Hypocrites

- Math

- Ignorance

- Wearing two faces

- Hurting others for amusement

- Not listening to reason

- My own procrastination

- Plagiarism

- Black and White thinking

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Here's a list of my main annoyances:


- Getting a counterproductive block in Tetris

- TF2 Crashing

- People who ignore the obvious solution for their own gain (I'm looking at you Congress)

- Ignorance

- Vicious Stereotyping

- M1+W Pyro's

- Anti-Bronies

- Those who think they are above punishment

- Unoriginal Fools

- People who focus on their image in order to appear "cool" or "hip"

- People base their decisions on the popular opinion, rather than their own, in an attempt to be accepted

- People who just want to ruin others' fun

- Excessive misuse of grammar and excessive misspellings

- Time Paradoxes

Edited by King of Magikarps


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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Bread that gets stuck in your teeth, some types of music, lots of noise (i prefer low hum/peace and quiet), stubbornness, people who think they're funny but aren't (i don't judge people though, i try to overlook things i don't particularly like about someone and try not to create an image of someone from one meeting), various other little things.


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Here is some of the things that annoy me:


- Those who put down others

- Hypocrites

- Math

- Ignorance

- Wearing two faces

- Hurting others for amusement

- Not listening to reason

- My own procrastination

- Plagiarism

- Black and White thinking


Ugh, hypocrites. I REALLY hate that shit.

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This is gonna take a while.c


-Justin Bieber




- Jersey Shore


-Money problems


-People who cut in line


-People who use words like "Gay" or "Retarded" in a different way then it should be. Like for example : "My Computer is acting really retarded right now"


-People who don't say Thank You or even a smile if you hold a door open for them.


- Annoying people


-People who listen to their radio's too loud


-People who talk during movies




-People who put their feet on the seats at a movie theater


- People who kick the seats

Facebook: Josh B.

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Good God, I've been waiting forever to get all this out:




-Bad grammar


-People who are too nostalgic

-People who are not nostalgic enough

-Corn Chowder

-People who hate on Twilight. I mean, yeah, it's not a very good book series, but everybody knows that now, and you don't have to keep harping on about it


-Small children

-Johnny Depp

-Jehova's Witnesses

-'Apple' people

-People who think it's cool to call themselves 'nerds'

-The same thing as above, but with the word Otaku.

-Green Day

-The Walking Dead (The TV show, not the actual thing. Actually, you know what? Both.)

-Rush Limbaugh



There. That's a lot off my chest.

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Oh lawd, I'm going to be here all night! Let me seee....


· When people KNOW that I'm a complete pushover and use me because of that. I can barely ever say no to my friends and people in the real world, and they know this, so I end up using my money and bus passes on them and whatnot. -.o

· Spiders, and the fact that people make fun of me for being afraid of these creepy bastards! It's not my fault! D; I wish I wasn't afraid of them...

· Being made fun of in general. I have a bad history with this. Most of elementary school I was bullied. To this day, even a small comment about how crappy I look or what I did wrong will make me upset.

· Bragging. JUST NO. Please. I get that you're happy about something, but there's a point when you should stop ):

· Begging. I have a friend who will beg continuously until she gets what she wants. And because of my first annoyance, she gets her wish.

· Haters. With ANYTHING. I understand that haters are gonna hate, but don't hate someone because of what they like or who they are! I don't want to start a debate, but I am open-minded to all genders, orientations, religions, ethnicities, and things like shows, genres, and interests. I'm not one to judge!

· Lack of money and not having a job. It sucks, everypony. Seriously. It's hard as hay to find a job and even harder once all the seasonals were not needed or kept. 3: I cannot afford MLP merch off of $25 a week (when most is used for lunches anyways)! It's impossibru! >:c

· Twilight, Jersey Shore and Glee. I don't even need to comment.

· When you're playing Pokemon and you keep getting the same freaking Pokemon over and over! >:c I get tired of seeing Pidgeys and Hoppips everywhere. THERE ARE 649 POKEMON, I'd love to see more than just a select few ;---;


...and those are a few of my least favourite thingggss~

Edited by FlutterDerp


I waited all my life for this moment & I'm not going to let it slip by!

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Here is what annoys me.

  • Stupid people.
  • Me being shy.
  • Bullies.
  • People who are rude to others.
  • Video games I can't beat.
  • When I get bullied.
  • When I people act like they are tough because they play sports.
  • Sports that are boring to me.
  • When I can't think of anything to say to people.
  • When I can't thing of anything to say here.

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What annoys you?



- bugs

- computer bugs

- deadlines

- nosy folk


Thread has been merged with the Pet Peeves thread due to being very similar to each other.


Also, I've already posted what annoys in lengthy detail earlier in this thread.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I hate it when people who don't know their place on the internet, if you are new to a place, don't jump in head first trying to be up high with the most active users and I really hate people who do anything for attention.

  • Brohoof 1
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I get annoyed by.

  • people who go to any heights to get attention (lying, exaggerating, etc.)
  • people who feel their opinions are superior
  • hypocrites
  • people who behave like kids (ie repeating an irrelevant statement in an argument as if it some way wins the argument for them)
  • people who disrespects beliefs of others
  • people who take any chance they get to insult or in some way speak negatively of a group of people, and most especially when they then surround their insult with silly disclaimers or "complements" to cover up. For example: "[insert group of people] are [insert negative word] and believe/don't believe in [insert poorly developed and non-factual description of group], oh but that's ok because I respect all beliefs!" Nuh-uh I'm sorry, if you truly respected all beliefs you wouldn't have just insulted the group you say you respect.
  • people who make absurd generalizations. (I've done this too in the past). Judging entire groups of people based off the few of them they have met.
  • people who insult other individuals and then surround the insult with fruity bullshit and put it in such a pretty context to make it look like a complement.
  • people who are incapable of bringing themselves to see from someone else's point of view.
  • anyone who compares the belief in God to a belief in Santa Clause, sorry but those beliefs aren't even comparable. One is the belief in a deity, the other is a belief in a character that can be easily proven fake by staying up late on December 24. You can argue that they are both fake but you can only easily disprove Santa Clause's existence, so please don't make that comparison.
  • Anyone who tries to enforce their beliefs/views on others.
  • Religious people who use religion to justify their acts
Edited by Lady Rarity Pony
  • Brohoof 2



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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-People who use words inefficiently, and as a result, don't shut up

-People who haven't mastered the art of swearing, but still swear constantly

-People who don't accept the differences of others

-People who can't appreciate things (for various reasons, including nostalgia goggles)


As you can see, the constant here is people.

  • Brohoof 2


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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People who ask me to repeat the same thing I just said 20 timse cause they can't hear >.> Now I am not talking about a simi deaf person I am talking about people who can hear.



being lectured

and many many more that I can't think of at the moment


I hate being lectured too. Repeat: HATE.

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I hate it when people act like they're an aficionado on a subject when they most clearly aren't. Bugs me for two reasons; one, people will listen to what they have to say and will get led astray and, two, charlatans in general just rile me up.


It's like being really good at fighting games, right? You're on a forum and there's a chat, you know? So someday, some snob kid comes into the chat, talking a big game as always, and your group's token newbie takes a shining to him and asks for some pointers.


And then the snob kid says, "Haha, kiddo, wanna win? Just keep using your fireball, works every time. Sweats anyone and everyone."


Then everyone else in the chat, who knows their metagame like they know how to breathe, is looking at their screens like this.


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See, I was in the process of making a point somewhere but, like, my dog is cute as hell so screw that noise.

  • Brohoof 1

keep it real .

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Ooooooooookay then.




Games that offer you the ability to lower difficulty levels (seriously insulting for me, I will take the hand you goddamn dealt me game, that's what I grew up with)


People with patronising tones


Every single commercial ever made that involves:

- People walking unilaterally between desks while explaining financial bull

- 5-second commercials about perfume that tries to be artsy because they can't say ANYTHING about their product

- People who "claim" to have been very happy with the results of a company but were probably either paid, or work for the company

- People with disturbingly perfect teeth or the smuggest shit-eating grins, ESPECIALLY women.

- Movie trailers cut-up to sentence-mix along with a commercial like "50% off?" "Sounds great!"

- Words being produced on-screen with wacky fonts at the same time someone says them

- Bingo websites (being the lowest denominator of scam sites that I have ever seen advertised)


Being tickled


People who claim to have Asperger's but are just using it as an excuse to cover up the fact that they're actually just plain assholes who were never tested for anything, will never BE tested properly for it, and therefore will always be assholes. And even then, IT'S NOT AN EXCUSE, STOP MAKING US LOOK BAD.


Videogame music songs that have incredibly generic titles such as "Boss Battle Theme" or "Explore 05" (looking at YOU, Fallout 3)


The red squiggly line that spellcheckers use (and in the case of Google Docs, is not even correct half the time when I type actual words CORRECTLY and it doesn't even know the word in the first place).

The green line is okay because that's punctuation.




And finally, hypocrites.




oooooooooookay I think I'm done. If I think anymore I'll probably add more to vent them out XD

Edited by FinalGamer

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People who get overly annoyed by trivial things. :lol:


Oh oh oh-- When people use the word 'ironic' wrong. I try not to be nitpicky (see above) but that one drives me bonkers for some reason. :angry::blush:

Edited by Sugar_Rush
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