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Favorite Names (or what would you name your children)

Doctor XFizzle

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For girls, I quite like the names Annie, Primrose and Jenna

But for boys.. I dunno, I've never really thought about that..
I'd probably call them 'Table' or 'Plaster' or sumthin

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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Me and my girlfriend talk about this a lot and we've settled on two names for girls and one for a boy (we really want two girls though).


First Girl - Ephena (Ef-Ee-Nah), which is actually a name formed from Eros and Aphrodite which are the Greek and Roman gods of love and Athena who was the Patroness of Athens.

Second Girl - Elisabet (El-Ee-Sah-Bet) but would also be shortened to Elsi. From what I recall when I researched this name, it is Nordic and this would pay homage to the great video game Skyrim.


First Boy - Siegfried, this is a name from a German legend about slaying a dragon which once again pays homage to Skyrim but Siegfried is also the name of a Soul Calibur character which is my favorite character.

Edited by Kaz

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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I thought of boy names many years before, which were Joel and Ernest, though I much prefer gender-neutral names. I know most people probably would disagree with me with this, but I prefer them because I specifically have a name that is was too gender-based for my own personality that makes me feel uncomfortable and I wouldn't want the same to happen, which is why I go by AJ. With that being said, I strictly have no interest in raising children. It's not that I hate children, I just can't see myself with them. I want to get married someday and I feel pressured by society a lot of the time that I have to have children if I get married. I don't like that at all. If I had to, I would rather have an adopted son. I much prefer little boys.

Edited by Nagisa
  • Brohoof 1
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well, i named my son Hunter hes only 9 months old and this was prebrony. now though me and my wife are looking into round 2 if you will and i think if its a boy i might go with rocco and if its a girl then lyra. rocco isnt a show name or anything, but its my nick name because i like rockos modern life! 

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If a boy: Raymond (Ray for short), John Highwind (Highwind his middle name and named after Cid Highwind from Final Fantasy VII)


If a girl: Luna, Melody Pond (Pond being her middle name, and yes it's after Doctor Who)



That's all I can think of at the moment, but I've always been particularly fond of the names Ray and Luna.

"I know you got problems... Hell, we all do. But you gotta understand that there ain't no gettin' offa this train we're on, till we get to the end of the line."

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I'll never have kids, but....



Boy: Macenzie (Mac), Mufasa, Spike, Luke, Anakin, Mordecai


Girl: Cadence, Twilight, Lyra, Emily, Maya, Luna,, Rose


most are silly but I'll never have kids anyways, lol

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I really like the idea of having a boy named Luke or Mordecai thats awesome and Cadance is such a gorgeous name but for me personally


If its a boy: David, Conner, Jack, Kirk

If its a girl: Euphemia (Euphie from short [pronounced yuffie]), Nia, Serah, Danyreas, Rose, Aqua, Lyra

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I'm not entirely sure, maybe I could go down the crazy route and name them Dovahkiin and/or DragonBorn to get free games out of them :P

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My firstborn son's name would be Jack Benjamin. I find Jack to be a very strong name, and since it's tradition in my family to have the firstborn son's middle name the father's first, his middle name would be Benjamin. As for a second son, I'd say Leon Scott.

With girls, Amanda Jane. This way, I'll be able to call her AJ, and I'll be able to tell her that the song "Amanda" by Boston is her song. A second girl name would be Klarysa Lee. But really, it depends upon what my wife and I decide when we have children, and that's a long way off(especially since I'm not married, nor am I legally able as of yet.)


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My first Born son: Issac Merry-weather De Young

My first Born Daughter: Courtney Rhythm De Young


I love naming kids. My ma actually actually asked me to help name my first younger sister. 


                    "Isn't it wonderful that we all exist at the same time?"


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Can't say I ever thought about this. Well, if by the extremely very rare chance I actually somehow someway have kids, I suppose I would go with these names.


Boy: Damon, Vince, Blaze


Girl: Tara, Veronica, Melody


Very boring names. I'm pretty sure by the time I have to name my kid (like that's ever going to happen) I'll have thought of more names.

  • Brohoof 1



IF is best girl.

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This is actually kinda complicated... For the first born, their name has to start with a K and for the second born it has to start with a J. It's weird, but it is how things have been for a few generations...


First born Girl : Kerra 

First born Boy : Kevin

Second Born Boy : Jareth (From Labyrinth.. I love that name!)

Second born Girl : Janie

Any other girls : Vanellope 

Any other boys : Seth


I'm a dork...

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm going to have 4 children, each one named after the ninja turtles. If there happens to be more than 1 girl I will just add a Le to the end to make it sound girly.


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I'm not quite sure, but here are some ideas I can come up with at the moment. What I would possibly name my children if I have them someday (I hope I do) is not limited to the following lists.


Boy: John, James, Jacob, Richard, Matthew, Mark, or Luke. 


Girl: Crystal, Autumn, or Grace.



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Ooh, I love this topic! ^^


For girls, I've always liked Daphne, Felicity, Simone, Penelope, Alicia, Anne, Lucy, Cleo, and Bethany. My first choice would probably be Daphne, or Simone Alica. (I could call her Mona Lisa as a nickname, xD. I'm odd like that.) For boys, I like Glen, Theodore, Luke, Matthias, William, Jack, Chad, and Spencer. :) First choice would probably be Theodore, and then Jack Spencer. xD

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Boys: Nathaniel, Nicholas


Girls: Natalie, Nichole


I did say, though, that if I ever had an albino child and it was a boy, I'd name him Soul.  I never gave it much thought if it was a girl, but I'd probably name her Dany.

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I personally would name my kids Shi Ni, Ringo, and/or Semento. In english, those names are Death, Apple, and Cement. I expect to have all females.

I'm sure your decedents would be great comrades to my children, Lanin, Stalim, Kim Jong- Fel, and of course Mao. These chidren will be our future, our keys to a red tomorrow. 

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I'm sure your decedents would be great comrades to my children, Lanin, Stalim, Kim Jong- Fel, and of course Mao. These chidren will be our future, our keys to a red tomorrow. 

I believe they would, too, PonyCommunist. Though, sadly, I cannot have children, as I am married to Sticky Apple and we are both men. Though, we do plan on adopting, and putting their names as such.

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I believe they would, too, PonyCommunist. Though, sadly, I cannot have children, as I am married to Sticky Apple and we are both men. Though, we do plan on adopting, and putting their names as such.

As long as you two do not spread the sheer lies and demonism of "Free Market" to all the poor, ignorant nations of the world, but to spread our red ideals to the now poor countries so they may strive in the future. 

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As long as you two do not spread the sheer lies and demonism of "Free Market" to all the poor, ignorant nations of the world, but to spread our red ideals to the now poor countries so they may strive in the future. 

I personally do not agree with "Free Market", either, so you won't have to worry about that, PonyCommunist. As I said in a different thread, I'm pretty sure that a lot, if not all, of our views are the same.

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