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Would You Go to Equestria? How Long Would You Stay? What Would You Do?

Riverleaf Breeze

If you had the chance to go to Equestria, would you?  

254 users have voted

  1. 1. Would You Go?

    • Yes (Please Explain)
    • No (Please Explain)
  2. 2. How Long Would You Stay?

    • I wouldn't go at all
    • Only a day
    • Maybe a week
    • A month or two
    • A year
    • Many years, but I'd eventually return
    • I'd never come back

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I would find Trixie and do her bidding... Then my life would be complete. <3


This, but with Twilight...


Also I'd be a happy pony if I woke up in her bed beside her! And if I'm lucky...

Edited by Crystal Sparkle

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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I'd ask the princess to turn me into into a pony, (requesting alicorn x3) then go learn magic from Twilight, see Rarity's designs, fly with Rainbow Dash, help Fluttershy with her animals, party with Pinkie Pie, and go abblebucking with Applejack.

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I would go hug Fluttershy. At least that's the first thing I would do.

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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What if it wasn't an alternate reality that I awakened to, but the TRUE world, one millennium in the future? Perhaps I would encounter a random misfit pegasus pony theif kind enough to take me in for a while, only to lose my way and find myself at the opposite end of Equestria. There I would meet an ignorant earth pony who had a knack for throwing balls, dissatisfied with his life, but ready to throw it away and begin a new one of adventure, and a smart, sharp-tongued yet honest magic-wielding unicorn pony.


We would find our way back to Ponyville, and once there, would meet Twilight Sparkle. Twilight and I would stay awake late into the night, her enthralled with the stories of my strange, futuristic world, and me desperate to learn what place I had stumbled into. While that night would be truly enchanting, something would disturb me. She would eventually cross upon the subject of the Elements of Harmony, fervently explaining to me what they symbolize, who created them, what purpose they serve, and how she and her friends were bound to them, gifted with a unique power, yet bound by it until death.


This wouldn't sit right with me. How could they subject themselves to the will of another being? That, once they passed on, another group of ponies would replace them, continuing the cycle for eternity? But of course, I wouldn't be able to convince her that I might have a point, and that there might be more to the Elements of Harmony than she knew about.


Our band of three would continue our journey to pony lands we had never seen before. We would make it to the city, just in time for the annual GallopBall tournament. Between my odd looks (being a human) and the rowdiness of the spectators, we would get into a fight. Outnumbered, we would be in the midst of accepting defeat, until a badass, super strong earth pony would come to our rescue and drive off the ruffians. We'd learn that he was disenchanted with the ways of Celestia and Luna as well as the idea of subjecting ponies to fulfill their commands. The badass pony wanted to figure out a way to end the cycle of the Elements of Harmony. Maybe we would find our answer at the heart of the problem, Canterlot Caslte. Their library was said to hold the most information in all of Equestria; we might find something.


Making our way to Canterlot Castle, we would cross by a beautiful river, but isn't that a cry for help I hear? Lo' and behold, it would be the misfit pony, struggling to make her way out of the river! We would help her, and, thankful for saving her life, she would assist us as much as she could for the time being. Still, she would seem to have something else on her mind...


Aaaaaand, this story is getting too long. I don't feel like typing much more, so I'll make a summary...


We would reach the Canterlot Caslte library and learn of Celestia and Luna, of the Elements of Harmony, and find the truth to the cycle of the Elements of Harmony. Their purpose revolved around the reawakening of Discord. Why must there be disaster, and why must ponies subject their livelihood to erase the problems that Celestia created? It would have to stop! We would have to end the cycle!


Blah blah blah, and then we would defeat the mane six, who must defend the Elements of Harmony without question. We would then defeat Luna. Weakened by the destruction of the Elements, as well as the imbalance of nature due to Luna's death, Celestia would be able to be defeated. With both the Elements and the Mega Sisters out of the way, we would only have a small amount of time to prepare before Discord's seal broke. At last, Discord, the true final boss, would break free, but we would be ready to stop him and completely end the cycle of his reawakening. Everypony would be free at last.


BUT WAIT!!! What about the "reality" of the world I had lived in, prior to being thrown into the land of ponies?


My 1000-year-ago reality would really be a lifelike dream, preserved by both Celestia and Luna to serve as a constant reminder of what the ponies must never become: a society that rewards cruelty, lies and violence. With Celestia and Luna dead, there would be no more dream, and without the dream, no more me. I would say goodbye one last time to the friends I gained during my travels: the ignorant, but now open minded pony, the sharp-tongued, honest, but mother-like pony, the super strong, friekin' badass pony who now has friends to protect, and the misfit pony, who now has friends to cherish. I would say goodbye, and finally disappear into emptiness, into a forever-nothing dream.


Now to get some sleep. (literally) ;)

Edited by StingeMuffin
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I'd run to Twilight's library and ask her for help to get back to world.She'd probably contact Celestia and I'd meet her friends (the rest of the mane 6).I wouldn't want to be seen outside the library because that would freak out the rest of the ponies living there.The Mane 6, Celestia and Spike too would probably find a way for me to get back to my world.But of course, I would ask them if there was any way I could visit them from time time when I wanted to.


Thing is, as much as I like My little Pony, I wouldn't want to be stuck in their world.Not enough explosions and guns you know and, if I could visit them when I wanted to from time to time I'd be pretty happy because that way you'd get to


a)Stay in your own world


b)Visit the Mane 6,Spike,Celestia,Luna and just about every other pony I have always wanted to meet.



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Apply for citizenship. Not sure who to go to first. The mayor maybe? Get the paperwork going. Probably have to talk to Celestia at some point, though more likely I'd send a letter to her, sure she is too busy. Considering everyone in this thread is apparently showing up, wouldn't be the only human around, so that's cool. I'd definitely defer leadership to the ponies, they seem to have a firmer handle on things than we do. After that, dunno, help out however I can. A job at Sweet Apple Acres probably makes the most sense. Being a primate, can scramble up trees and such. Build a ladder maybe. Dunno. Course, they seem to just buck the trees but I suspect that causes SOME bruising so could help avoid that.


And yeah, just adapt to life in Ponyville I suppose. Visit Canterlot at some point, check out Manehattan, maybe Fillydelphia...I really should stop thinking this way. They must make that Animal Crossing clone I keep wishing for. Somepony somewhere, develop that. I will help out however I can.

According to some survey somewhere, most like Rainbow Dash. Was not expecting that result but I suppose it makes sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I look forward to fulfilling my life here on this planet. >:3

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Would I go to Equestria in exchange for abandoning my friends and family without explanation? Would I go to Equestria at the cost of the career which I pursue in a field which I genuinely enjoy and find interesting (and I doubt the ponies would have a very well developed theology)? Would I go to Equestria without anyone to go to as a friend once I arrived? Would I go to Equestria, knowing that I would effectively prevent myself from ever conceivably entering into a romantic relationship?


I have to give a resounding no as my answer to this question.


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Yeah, I'd check the place out. Just a word of warning though. I've got a feeling that anyone stepping through the portal would becoma a pony until they left that world. Otherwise, Princess Celestia would probably seal the portal the second she found it.

A Winner Is You!!!
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I would go talk to some ponies, try to contact Celestia so she could explain to me. Oh and i would ask nicely if i could stay and send a message to my family that i am alright. And i would go say hello to Fluttershy and the mane 6. Oh and i would like it if twilight helped me create a some sort of flying device!

Taring reality apart with tardis completion: 100%

Trying to find dimension where Equestria is located: -

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Go to Sweet Apple acres, creep in the bushes after AJ and Applebloom, and sit in wait, waiting for the chance to squee at sisterly playfullness. Like a bawss.


Go visit the Royal Cantertlot Gardens if at all possible. I'll befriend Twilight and get her to get me in if I have to (we'll I'd befriend her anyway). Just to go around, and perhaps find some unsuspecting pony to have a severe argument with. Conveniently in front of Discord's statue.


Long story short become Discord's right-hand pony when he breaks out, and thanks me for letting him loose once again, and finds out I'm his biggest fan.

  • Brohoof 1


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I'd go find Twilight Sparkle and ask for help. Then once she contacted Celestia we would try and figure out a way to send me home. If that doesn't work then I would ask to be turned into my OC.

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I'd go find Twilight Sparkle and ask for help. Then once she contacted Celestia we would try and figure out a way to send me home. If that doesn't work then I would ask to be turned into my OC.


Why would you EVER want to go home? O.O Yeah sure, family friends blah, but...You would get to live. IN. PONYVILLE. Why would you want to go and ruin such an amazing and improbable thing? :(


Firstly, addressing the family and friends thing, seeing as I don't really have "friends" at least, any that would appreciate being turned into ponies, I would locate Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia and have them investigate bringing my hubby and adorable little son to Ponyville with me. Because I'll be honest, even living in Ponyville, if they're not there with me, it's totally not worth it. Even Pinkie Pie singing Smile Smile Smile to me constantly, handing me cupcakes and giving me hugs would not fix that hole. Assuming that they were of course awesome and successful in bringing them to Ponyville as well, I'd set up shop as a local chef (learning to cook with hooves would be interesting) and live happily ever after.

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Why would you EVER want to go home? O.O Yeah sure, family friends blah, but...You would get to live. IN. PONYVILLE. Why would you want to go and ruin such an amazing and improbable thing? :(


Firstly, addressing the family and friends thing, seeing as I don't really have "friends" at least, any that would appreciate being turned into ponies, I would locate Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia and have them investigate bringing my hubby and adorable little son to Ponyville with me. Because I'll be honest, even living in Ponyville, if they're not there with me, it's totally not worth it. Even Pinkie Pie singing Smile Smile Smile to me constantly, handing me cupcakes and giving me hugs would not fix that hole. Assuming that they were of course awesome and successful in bringing them to Ponyville as well, I'd set up shop as a local chef (learning to cook with hooves would be interesting) and live happily ever after.


Looks like some pony has thought this out well an long.
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