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Would You Go to Equestria? How Long Would You Stay? What Would You Do?

Riverleaf Breeze

If you had the chance to go to Equestria, would you?  

254 users have voted

  1. 1. Would You Go?

    • Yes (Please Explain)
    • No (Please Explain)
  2. 2. How Long Would You Stay?

    • I wouldn't go at all
    • Only a day
    • Maybe a week
    • A month or two
    • A year
    • Many years, but I'd eventually return
    • I'd never come back

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I Would Be A Pegasus And The Name Is Rain Chaser! You Know... Start A Life In Cloudsdale Be Friends With Rainbow Dash, Visit Sugar Cube Corner Every Now And Then. I Wouldn't Be In A Rush To Leave, Infact No I'm Not Leaving! Maybe Do Some Wonderbolt Training With Dash. I Wouldn't Leave, I'm Starting To Like The Idea Of Going To Equestria Where Nobody Cares To Bully You!

Edited by Ali_Derp


This Awesome Sig Was Made By Kyoshi


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I'd really love to go. think about it.

No famines, no real wars, no horrible dictators, everything's peachy keen, heck you get to control the weather. the worst thing that's happened to Equestria is a dragon snoring. seriously.

I'd probably stay forever. I mean, in a literally perfect world with people that actually care about eachother? a fricking ton to the millionth power more than what can be said about this world.

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Yes, I'd go to Equestria for years as it will be my new home, come back to Earth for a short time to check on everything, then come back to Equestria, and repeat that until I'm old, and stay in Equestria for the rest of my life.

Edited by ÷Zero
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Since I know that I could come home, I would go there for a couple months maybe a year max then I'd come home. Maybe I'd go back after that. Probably... I'd see if I could bring someone back with me for a while too.


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Just like many other people I'd go and never come back because (and this is my opinion) Equestria seems so much more appealing than our world. I'd have countless adorable friends and wouldn't have people judging me everywhere I went. It would be a much happier place for me.... In contrast I can't say the same about Earth - my life holds virtually no value to anyone here. 


Plus I wouldn't have that constant "existential dread" I'm sure you've all heard of. happy.png 

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Yes I would totally go to Equestria and visit all my favorite characters houses and hang out at everyplace I could and even visit the royal city if Canterlot and meet Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!!!It would be a life to remember,oh and I would never come back :)

Twilight:"Light in Equestria shimmers,light in Equestria shine!"



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I would definitely go to Equestria if I had the chance.  That decision would be easy.  The difficult part would be figuring out how to say goodbye to everyone that I care about in this world.  There is a good chance that I would never return from Equestria, unless some unforeseen circumstances cause me to be unhappy with my new life.  I would want to spend time with as many of my friends and family as possible before leaving, and I would only have one day to do it.  I would not be able to tell most of them that I was leaving forever, because I would not be able to explain what was going on without sounding crazy.  I would write several letters to leave behind.


In going to Equestria, I would choose Ponyville as my location and unicorn as my pony form.  I could not pass up the opportunity to use magic.  I would be quite interested to see what my cutie mark would be, and what special talent would be the focus of my magical abilities.  Since I would be wealthy, I would buy a house in Ponyville and not worry about getting a job.  My mane goal would be to meet and befriend as many of the characters from the show as I could.  Pinkie Pie would be the first pony I would try to meet.  And if life could get even more perfect - I would hope to date and eventually marry Pinkie Pie. 

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Yeah, I'd visit. Just wouldn't stay very long. A month or two is about what I'd call a nice vacation. No sense in completely uprooting my life, though. The human world still has something to offer.


I'd really just take in the scenery. Explore Ponyville and Canterlot, shake hooves with the who's who, all that stuff.

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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I'll go to sugarcube corner and ask Pinkie if shes got any green brownies/cookies. Make my exciting trip to Equestria even more interesting XD. Then hang out with the ponies while tripping out

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Id go to Equestria id never come back. Be ideal hardly any issues,there are jobs, ponies friendly faces bad guys to fight (queen chrysalis). I would first of all love and tolerate all the ponies (not sexually) help out with anything they need help with, meet twilight first so she can ponify me and live happily ever after.

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I probably wouldn't go, unless I had some way of getting back.  I'm one of those people that doesn't like one-way trips.  Now if I could get BACK from there whenever I wanted, then everything would be good. 


To do that, I'd become a Unicorn, learn the spell used to make those 'dimensional boxes', improve on it, so the boxes lasted alot longer (say, maybe up to a year or so), and then just hop back and forth whenever I wanted to.


But why stick with boxes?  Eventually, I'd just create a remote or other portable device that allowed me to travel between Earth and Equestria whenever I wanted to.  Technology combined with Magic.  And I'd also make sure to have a couple spares in both Equestria and back at my house on Earth, in case something happened and the one I had broke (my tendancy to watch alot of kid's movies has caused me to take this possibility into account).


I'd have to keep it a secret, of course.  But with smaller remotes, it's easier than with big boxes.

Edited by SBaby

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Oh I am DEFINITELY going.

If I absolutely had to change into something, I would like to be a griffon so I could keep using hands and still eat meat. even if it is just fish.

 To be completely realistic, the first thing I would do is find a place to hide so I can think about how exactly I'm going to go about my interactions with the locals, and count my bits. 

 I don't think that I would be all gung ho and visit the mane six straight away. I would probably ease my way into the community a few ponies at a time. Because lets face it, its a big new place with (although familiar) strange beings.

 In regard to how long I would be staying. Forever.  If my friends and family knew that I was adventuring in another world, they would understand. After all they all taught me that when you have a once in a life time opportunity, you do not pass it up.

Edited by Austintwin
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What do you do? Would you go? How long would you like to stay? And if you went, what would you want to do there?






I would go and take my mom with me because we both don't really have anything holding us here. I would be a Pegasus because  one day i could become a Alicorn like  Twilight Sparkle and i love flying.


one of the 1st things i would do when i get there is find a bladesmith/blacksmith and i have a weapon made for me because i know i going to be getting into it with monsters. I then would go to Canterlot and look around and meet fancy pants and fleur de lis and tell  fleur de lis how sexy she it. also when i was there ask princess celestia/ luan if she could teach me how to use my magic. I would also tell luna my true feeling for her and see were we would go from there.


after i learned how to use my magic as best as i could i them would treavl around all the  regions of Equestria  like a rōnin useing both my swords and magic to help anypony and also have lots of fun(would love to see what in the Everfree Forest, do some gambling in Las Pegasus, see what happening in Saddle Arabia) and after my travels, open a weapon shop  and see if i could become one of princess luna royal guards. I also would work on building a tardis so i  or my mother could go back to earth or so others could come to Equestria. also i would like to see other worlds too.  I would love to spent my how live in Equestria and have lots of fun.

Edited by swordsman

why do you work for Queen Chrysalis? A samurai duty is to serve his master, regardless of the kind of person she is .


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I would go to Equestria, but I would have no idea how long I would be gone.


For starters, I have no sence of time. Also, I am only 15, and therefore cannot buy a home there.



At first, thogh, I would go to give Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Derpy hugs and when I get enough money, I would then move there.

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Well i would want to live in Equestria forever so there would be time to do whatever I want. I would hang out with the mane 6 and befriend all of them. I would be a Pegasus and go fly with Rainbow Dash. I would help Applejack buck apples. Hang out at Fluttershys cottage. Be a test subject for Twilight s magic spells. Go to the Grand Galloping Gala. Be in the Equestria Games. I would be one of those ponies that will draw peoples self portraits and I would befriend everypony and draw everypony a special portrait for their birthday. Good times... good times


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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I probably wouldn't go, unless I had some way of getting back. I'm one of those people that doesn't like one-way trips. Now if I could get BACK from there whenever I wanted, then everything would be good.


To do that, I'd become a Unicorn, learn the spell used to make those 'dimensional boxes', improve on it, so the boxes lasted alot longer (say, maybe up to a year or so), and then just hop back and forth whenever I wanted to.


But why stick with boxes? Eventually, I'd just create a remote or other portable device that allowed me to travel between Earth and Equestria whenever I wanted to. Technology combined with Magic. And I'd also make sure to have a couple spares in both Equestria and back at my house on Earth, in case something happened and the one I had broke (my tendancy to watch alot of kid's movies has caused me to take this possibility into account).


I'd have to keep it a secret, of course. But with smaller remotes, it's easier than with big boxes.

I wonder what the cutie mark of a dimension-hopper would be? Dr. Whooves' / Time Turner's hourglass? The TARDIS? Pinkie Pie's balloons? Discord's cotton candy? Dimentio's (Super Paper Mario) mask?

Edited by Anti-Villain
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I'd definitely go, but only if I could somehow bring my best friend Slip with me...he's my eternal partner in crime, after all. We probably wouldn't stay in Equestria proper for very long, however; the compulsion to explore the world far and wide would be too great, especially in a world so unlike our own. On Earth, where Google Maps has charted out practically every square inch of the planet's surface via satellite, truly "unexplored" regions are practically nonexistent. There's urban exploration and wilderness expeditions, which are cool, but it's not quite the same as going out in search of lands and folk unknown.


But while we were in Ponyville picking up supplies for our travels, we'd definitely hit up all the main attractions and hang out with the Mane 6 briefly. Probably race with Dash (and lose), party with Pinkie, gorge ourselves on AJ's various baked apple goods, commission some spiffy explorers' garments from Rarity, get a quick rundown of what Twi knows about the world, and say "Hi" to Fluttershy if we happen to see her. Then it'd be off to parts unknown.


I would probably remain in their world for as long as it took me to see most of it...which could take decades, admittedly. If anything, I'd probably reflect on the decision to return to Earth after being there for about 20 years, since if I am to return at all, better it be during my middle-aged years when most of my family will still (presumably) be alive. Although, if I were to meet a special somepony who stole my heart, there's no way I'd be able to just leave her. If I could pull off some kind of EqG nonsense and bring her back as a human, then great. Otherwise, I'd be inclined to stay and start a family, as heartbreaking as the prospect of never again seeing my existing family would be.



  • Brohoof 1
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To start, you don't mention how it would be possible to go back or if it would be possible to return afterwards. If I could go even if it wouldn't be possible to return then I would. I would write a letter explaining why I left and that would be it.


So I would materialize outside of the town as a probably blue or bluish unicorn with a CM of a quill and ink since I love writing and that's not likely to change.


I would be quite similar to Twilight in some respects so I would go meet her first. Then she and Spike could give me the full Ponyville tour so I could meet everypony.


I would miss my friends but I would make more. Since it wouldn't be a vacation, I would live there for a long time and just get accustomed to how things are done. I would love winter wrap up most of all because I could help Twilight with her organizing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would go to sugarcube corner to see pinkie and party  B) and the moon to hug princess Luna :catface:  and i might stay for about 3 weeks.But the one thing i MUST do is ride ALL the pony's every single one of them !!! :derp:

  • Brohoof 1
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I would love to open that box and go to Equestria. I would choose to go to Cloudsdale to met Derpy Hooves. Then after that I would go to SugarCube Corner to hangout with Pinkie Pie and Help her bake some treats. And then I will just wonder around and have fun. I would love to stay there for a long time.

  • Brohoof 1

Derpy is gonna derp so better watch out :P

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