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gaming Your Favorite Video Game(s)?


Favorite video game?  

166 users have voted

  1. 1. Whats your favorite Video Game?

    • The Legend of Zelda
    • Pokemon
    • Minecraft
    • Skyrim
    • Call of Duty
    • Bioshock
    • Mario
    • Sonic
    • Super Smash Bros.
    • Animal Crossing
    • Kirby
    • Okami
    • Other

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Favorite game huh? well i liked all nintedo games but not all  like street fighter , assassin creed (great history lesson that i ever learn), Portal 1 and 2 , Age of Empire . But the best of all is POKEMON !!! but pokemon isn't my first game , my first game is zuma actually , that's free gamehouse game after all , right? 

  • Brohoof 1


                     My OC : Zith Slighter http://askdigiral.tumblr.com/

                                   Random Known http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/random-known-r3837

                                   Jetty Dash http://digiral.deviantart.com/art/Jetty-Dash-Good-morning-382524507

                                              Check out my comic :3 http://digiralcomic.tumblr.com/

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Favorite game of all time hmm.. Just so hard to decide so i will categorize it a little bit biggrin.png 
Xbox coop game : Gears of war series (just so much fun when playing with my brother).
Most time spent on playing: World of warcraft + Diablo(Diablo 2 is the best) series.
Other favorite games for Xbox single player: Mass effect series (I enjoyed most the second Mass Effect), Portal, Assasins creed
Now playing: League of legends on EUNE (nick is : GLaDOS47 if you want to play with me smile.png )
Also i feel like i should mention Call of Duty but I find it getting worse every year since COD:MW2

Edited by MuffinMuzzle
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Well my top three are-

                                      1: Kingdom Hearts (1&2)

                                      2:Legend of Zelda (Four swords, Twilight princess, Ect.)


In order of course.

I can't express how much I love these games!

I even have the Master sword Legend of Zelda, A limited edition Creeper figure, and two Necklaces From Kingdom Hearts ( One of Sora, One of the Keyblade Oblivion. Here are links to the necklaces:

Oblivion: http://www.etsy.com/listing/122090254/kingdom-hearts-oblivion-keyblade?utm_source=google&utm_medium=product_listing_promoted&utm_campaign=jewelry_low&gclid=CKGqnMHL-rUCFQuxnQodHmgAkg

Sora: http://www.etsy.com/listing/109676702/kingdom-hearts-sora-silhouette-necklace?utm_source=google&utm_medium=product_listing_promoted&utm_campaign=jewelry_low&gclid=CLndqvnL-rUCFQ7znAodgRYA5w


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So many choices... So I'll go off of console. My favorite Nintendo game would be Mario Strikers Charged, Xbox would be SSX,  BF3 for the PC, and Resistance: Fall of Man for PS3.


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Sweet Celestia, this is a tough one. @_@


Let's see...Majora's Mask is definitely hovering around the top, because I was obsessed with it for such a long time. If I could go by company, I'd probably say...Majora, Sonic 2, Legend of Mana, and Halo 2. It's so difficult to list them when you have so many that you grew up with and still love looking back on. Definitely Majora's Mask then for my all-time.


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


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My favorite games:

1. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3

2. Silent Hill 2

3. Silent Hill

4. Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando

5. Ratchet and Clank

6. Spider-Man 2

7. Spider-Man ps1

8. Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions

9. Resident Evil 4

10. Final Fantasy VII

Edited by Dr. Eggnog

I love you.

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Well My favorite franchise in the Mass Effect Franchise and i have to say my favorite out of them was Mass Effect 2, i must have played it through 7 times now, i just love the Mass Effect universe and the characters within it.

I also love Halo 3 just because of all the memories i have about playing it with all of my friends, the campaign was great as well but me and my mates mostly played Custom games



This Signature was created by Surprise, Thanks for the great work Ashley keep it up!


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If I have to pick just one--and it's pretty clear that I do--I'll say, Soul Calibur II.


Back in 1999 when a system called the Dreamcast launched here, among its spectacular launch titles was a killer app of a fighting game called Soul Calibur. It had its roots in Soul Blade, a little-known gem on the Saturn, and it revolutionized modern fighters--especially 3D fighters. Virtua Fighter and Tekken had made strides in this area, but it was like comparing baseball to football. Soul Calibur was far more exciting. It was all action, all the time and it took the gaming world by storm. There were literally no flaws in that game. Every character looked different, moved different and fought different with weapons and moves of their very own.


Its sequel, Soul Calibur II, should have been one of the Dreamcast's biggest titles ever. But the Dreamcast went the way of the dodo long before that. So instead, in the summer of 2003, SCII was released on all three remaining platforms--PS2, Xbox and GameCube--at the same time. And it was exactly what fans had been waiting for. More of the same awesome game, with more characters, better graphics and extras, more replay value, weapons, and side quests. Out of all the characters there was only one dud (Necrid, an abortion by Todd MacFarlane who just ripped off a handful of other characters' moves). Oh, and the GameCube version had Link. xD


It was the only video game I ever bought brand-new at a retail store, because I just couldn't wait to play it.It was everything I hoped for and more.  9 1/2 years later, I'm still playing Soul Calibur II. The newer titles? Meh, they don't interest me. SCIII was a big disappointment, with a totally unbalanced fighting engine, characters breaking the floor when they fell down, oversized boobs popping out of the screen. It just looked silly. These days with IV and V, it's just another game series. But in the time of SCII, it was something really special.

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
  • Brohoof 2

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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My favourite game I have ever played, hands down is the legendary Burnout Paradise. The last time I checked, I had played that game for 2000+ hours within 5 years and driven 30,000 miles. I just couldn't get enough of that game! I just hope that criterion are working on the next burnout right now and not another need for speed (I still love need for speed as much as burnout, but I think they should give it a break for now)


Next gen maybe...

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Sonic the Hedgehog Three + Knuckles. It's been my favorite game for years an I doubt it'll change.


It has my second all time favorite soundtrack of all time [Doomsday Zone], about twice as challenging as the games today, music that blew me away, save files, get to play as Knuckles for more difficulty, getting to know the Special Stages by heart, and epic Apocalypse level [Doomsday Zone. Yes, it's my favorite level in a game ever. Why? I fly through space to beat up an epic hovercraft, while dodging missles and meteors.]. I've spent over 100 hours on this single game. A good 20 hours messing around with a glitch called debug mode.


Did I mention Micheal Jackson helped make the soundtracks? He never actually said it because he thought the soundtracks were too bland and didn't want any involvement known, and Sega denies it. But we know it's true :3


Close second is Sonic the Hedgehog Two. Yes, I love Sonic the Hedgehog 1-3. They blew me away, but StH 2 has my favorite soundtrack of all time [sky Chase Zone]. Oh, and a part of the game where being super sonic actually is a death sentence, not an auto-win. [Wing Fortress. I had to learn that the hard way...]. Oh, I also messed around with debug mode on this game too.

Edited by Velvet Remedy

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Hmm favourite games of all time? Let me go by consoles that I've played:

Nintendo 64:

- Donkey Kong 64 (LONGEST. GAME. OF. LIFE. 15 years later since that fateful Christmas and I still haven't beaten it)

- Super Mario 64


- Kingdom Hearts 2, I adore the loving message of that game plus it includes some of my favourite Disney characters/levels


- Jet Set Radio Future

- Blinx 2: Masters of time and space (this one is a guilty pleasure of mine)

- GTA: San Andreas (probably the game I played the most of)


- The whole Assassin's Creed series

- Heavenly Sword

- Skyrim

  • Brohoof 1
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As much as i want to say one of the Ace Attorney games, Wind Waker takes 1st place. Not only is the music in the game amazing, but how open the world is and how many small things you could miss if you just exactly what you were told. I recently(within a year) came back to this game after i had given up several years before. Beatong the game to me just felt so rewarding, bringing my total of beaten zelda games to 5. Here are my rankings

  1. Wind Waker
  2. Ocarina of Time 3D
  3. Twilight Princess
  4. Phantom Hourglass
  5. Spirit Tracks

I have yet to play Majora's Mask and I am planning to but it on the Wii Eshop to playthrough.

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  • 1 month later...

Someone just reminded me of Ocarina of Time. Without a doubt the most epic N64 game I've ever put hours and hours into.


GTA 3 was another big one. Sooooo many hours spent driving around with absolutely no goal in mind.


The most "recent" for me is definitely Metro 2033. Those Ukrainians sure know how to create an immersive and engaging game. People sometimes complain that the aiming is sluggish and such, but IMO that just makes the game that much more realistic, especially with the updates.


When you're fighting against a horde of giant mutant rats and bats in the dark and musty train tunnels beneath post-apocalyptic Moscow, and your allies start getting eaten around you, and your machine gun runs out of ammo as the monsters descend on you, the sense of terror and urgency is very real. The sound effects are amazingly done as well, as is the combat. The story is very well written (as the game is based on the book of the same name), and, again, very engaging. Would reccomend to any fan of story driven FPS PC games.

"No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities." --Christian Nevell Bovee



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The best game I have ever played was Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. I will explain why I love it in a moment, but I would like to say how I discovered the series.


Basicially, I was watching random game trailers and I saw one for a game called Professor Layton and the Last Specter where it showed the previous games. It looked really interesting and I decided to play the first game. Luckily, I was able to borrow it from my friend and I loved it. It has brain puzzles that made you think and the best story I have ever seen in a story. So, I decided to buy the next game and loved it as well. But when I played the third one, Professor Layton and the Unwound Future, I was amazed.


Seriously, this game has beautiful music, unique and interesting characters, beautiful art style, addicting and challenging puzzles, amazing story, and probably the saddest ending I have ever seen in a video game, in my opinion of course. 


This game is perfect.

  • Brohoof 2
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Eh, my most recent one would have to be DARK SOULS, I love the feel of the game and its environment and the story in it is brilliant despite being hard to find.   

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Gears of War 2. That game was something else. Gears of War 1 may have just been your basic badass third person shooter, but Gears of War 2 really stepped it up in the story/emotional department. I will never forget that game. Halo Reach and Dead Space 2 are my next two favorite games.


Spoiler: Do not watch this video if you ever do actually plan on playing the game.


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It is really difficult to pick just one favourite, so I'm going to pick 3 best of categories and choose an overall winner from the three.


Best Story: Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations [Nintendo DS]

Best Gameplay: Pokemon Emerald [GBA]

Best Fun Factor: Paper Mario [N64]


OVERALL WINNER: Paper Mario [N64]



While Phoenix Wright has the best story by far out of all these games, it doesn't really have the gameplay to support it. I love the series to death, but it's pretty weak in the other categories.


The pokemon series as a whole has great gameplay and it can be played both competitively or just for fun. There are actually so many tiny details that you need to pay attention to if you want to raise a strong team. I thought generation 3 was the strongest pokemon generation, which is why emerald was my pick.


Now, I have a bit of a bias for Paper Mario. It was my first RPG ever and I loved the fact that it was all one massive world rather than a level select screen or something of the like. The gameplay was fun, the characters and dialogue were entertaining, the story... well, a little cliche, but I still really love this game.

Edited by Celtore
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Perhaps I should elaborate on the top 5 on my profile:

1. Resident Evil 4- it's just the perfect video game. With balanced gameplay mechanics, excellent combat, and perfect pacing with atmosphere to spare between its intense action set pieces, there will probably never be an action horror shooter quite as well made as RE4. If you haven't played it, do it now, it's on every platform known to man these days so there's no excuse.

2. Metroid Prime 2 Echoes- the darkest, meatiest, most challenging Metroid game ever released, MP2 is just my personal bliss when it comes to first-person games. Cool upgrades(particularly the last few), great boss fights(bucking Dark Samus), a brutal Dark World, and probably the best Metroid area ever in Sanctuary Fortress, MP2 made me laugh, cry, and love it.

3. Xenoblade Chronicles- this game is HUGE. Massive open environments, a multitude a sidequests, a long storyline with a mostly great pace, the game just screams big. Not to mention the strikingly original premise of the game world being set on the bodies of two giant titans, and along with the likeable cast and good battle system, Xenoblade is a keeper in my eyes.

4. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past- my favorite Zelda game, and a true classic. The dungeons, overworld, bosses, and overall game design are truly second to none, LttP is truly a remarkable game.

5. Super Mario Galaxy- probably the best Mario game ever, SMG2 might be a bit better but SMG did everything that game does first- this planet-hopping, star-grabbing platforming king of a game is not to be missed.


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