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You Just Got Kissed By The Person You Like, your reaction?


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Ummmm, I'd take them in my arms as really beautiful, yet campy music began to play out of no where. We'd confess our love to each other and and be married later that same day...*siiiigh*....then I would wake up from my day dream and say something stupid like "What'd you do that for?!" simply out of pure shock......../epicfail

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Being the awkward person I am i'd probably be speechless and maybe blush my face would get really red because it does that when I'm nervous. Then I'd maybe just walk away awkwardly, I guess it depends on the circumstances though. However I dunno if the Girl I like would really ever kiss me under any real circumstances.


Oh well. Maybe one day :P.

  • Brohoof 3


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I used to like this girl a lot, so I could tell you how I'd feel before I got over her. Well one thing's for sure is that I would embrace her even stronger and let my passions fire up. I would instantly play a romantic piece as some sort of tribute to her and my life would be complete. Why would I be so fired up? well let's say I've been imagining her kissing me when I still had a crush on her... yeah that's how infatuated I was then ^_^

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After the initial "what the hell?" I would probably get quite the smile on my face and of course start kissing back and ask if she wants to have some dinner or catch a movie later.


Ha, that's probably my initial reaction. I would have a smile bigger than Pinkie Pie's . *Fills in space to fit the 100 characters requirement*

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Latest pony I made: http://mlpforums.com/topic/60337-happy-mothers-day-everypony/

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I would... I blush very deeply and look at the ground. A smile would slowly creep across my face and I would start giggling to myself.

I'd look up into their face and whisper, "You aren't real..." before turning away, taking a quick chuckle at my own expense, and returning to my book.



I feast on the words of great authors,

Drink the emotions and thoughts of the characters,
And sleep only once I am through with all of the stories.
It's not the ideas that make books relevant,
It's the READERS.

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But I don't like no one in real life...


Anyway I probably squeal like a little girl and write about in my diary.


*sighs* I feel 15 again!

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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  • 7 months later...

Reviving this thread. It looks cool.
If I got kissed by the person I liked in real life, my reaction could be outlined into stages as the following.
Stage 1:

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

But if I were to give a srs answer, I would blush, freak out, try to kiss her back, and be happy.

  • Brohoof 1



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I like no one. The only people are either A. Not real or B. Probably dislike me and would never kiss me.

But, hypothetically, I would blush, and then walk away in silence.

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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I would probably get a grin on my face that would put the Cheshire cat from Alice In Wonderland to shame and would kiss her back I mean really french it up good.


Edit: Woah, I responded to this thread before sheesh where does the time go?

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
  • Brohoof 1
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Well the girl I like has a boyfriend :( Buuut we went to the movies and held hands, sat really close, and she kissed me on the cheek ;D We are suppose to go again soon. I want to make a move, she likes me ;) 8)

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I'd be speechless, blush really damn hard, and I guess walk with her(unless she got into my house somehow, Yuno Gasai?). Did forget the part where I pee myself? Jk, but my heart would be pounding harder than a zombie pounding on a door thats for sure. I probably would only say like three sentences, its very noticable when I'm nervous.

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I'd probably be so shocked that I would immediately deny to myself that it happened. My brain has to reboot and the appropriate mental councils must meet together to discuss the W5H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How). After an a prolonged mental discussion, I'll decide if I was kissed or not. Afterwards, I must decide how to respond. A committee is formed and a department of sorts gathers all the intelligence I have on the person to decide what would be the appropriate response. So let's say that the person who kissed me is a very attractive girl my age that I might have undecided feelings for. After combing my mental intelligence on said girl, I find her "mental", "psychological", "physical", and "niceness" ratings on said scales. Things are weighed together to decide if this girl is a reasonable choice for a guy like me. If there is a lack of information, she isn't supposed to be given the benefit of the doubt and that lack of information is flagged for investigation later. Next, I reexamine the W5H to see the current situation. Is she trying to get back at some one? Is she hiding? Was I rambling on about Mongolia and she wanted to shut me up? Is she mistaken and meant to kiss the much more manly dude next to me? Motives and such are analyzed to be sure I'm ahead of the game. If the girl was a friend (specifically one in DNC ((long story))), the situation is scrutinized to see if this causes any problems with the friendship's integrity, which is the number one priority. If, however, this is just a girl I like but don't know too well, I then take this information I have so far gathered right now and see if there is a possibility of a relationship, or if this was a "One Time Thing" for her. If a relationship is a possibility, intelligence checks to see if I have her number (which I probably don't). If not, I come up with a way to casually ask that at the end of the conversation I hope to have with her after the kiss. After all this information is gathered and extrapolated, the committee formed a while ago constructs the conversation, trying to see which questions and which answers should be asked and told, along with body language and such. By the time this is all done, the girl is probably done waiting for my response. She sighs and walks away angrily while I'm still frozen, trying to figure out how to fix this situation....



TL;DR I go through complicated mental politics to figure out the situation, and by the time it's done the girl has lost her patience and leaves.



Hasn't happened to me before, so this is all hypothetical, of course XD

Edited by AnonyPoni


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I don't know, I would probably be so in shock that I wouldn't be able to take it and my brain would snap and I would die or something. Either that or I would have a heart attack or something. I don't know, really.



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:blush:  Do fictional characters count? 'Cos if they don't I got nuthin'.


Oh, wait, how about celebrities? :D I wouldn't mind getting a smooch from Tom Hardy. ^^


Edit: If I did actually get a peck from Tom Hardy, I would die of internal combustion. My cheeks would toast marshmallows. And then I would probably make someone take a photograph. XD

Edited by Earl Grey
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I think I'd probably just stand there, awkwardly say "Ok, that was interesting", gaze into space for half an hour, lose consciousness and wake up in hospital a few months later to find that she had found a different boyfriend or something..

Or maybe that would be exaggerating it a bit

  • Brohoof 3

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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My body would cease to function while my brain tries to collect my thoughts. I would start questioning what just happened in my mind and how on earth could it happen. I would start blushing very heavily. I would be breathing rapidly. My heart would start beating very quickly. Then, I would remember that no human being could ever like me and that this is some horrible joke. My body would return to normal and I would then proceed to walk away. I would make my way home and then let out my emotions.



IF is best girl.

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I'd probably say something along the lines of: "Well, it looks like you beat me to it." Then I'd kiss her back.

I really can't post an accurate answer, because my response could be different in the heat of the moment. I guess I'll just have to wait and see if this ever happens.


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 I think I would say something along the lines of "David Tennant, why are you in California and not traveling in the Tardis?" Then after regarding my current relationship I would turn all Dona Noble on him

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It happens every now and then and well, I obviously like it xD

I hope she does too... :P

Hugs are sometimes better, depends on my mood.



Signatures by Kyoshi, Cider Barrel and Lugia


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It happens every now and then and well, I obviously like it xD

I hope she does too... :P

Hugs are sometimes better, depends on my mood.

You are an idiot, you know that? xD

Well, yeah, I do like it. :P


If I think back, the first time i got kissed by the person I like, I was really happy and thought "Finally!" :P 

  • Brohoof 1
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Pretty much it wouldn't surprise me, it seems to happen to me a lot.


I would kiss them back because that's what I do and I like kissing. 

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There are no humans I like that way, but let's just say that I would. If I know myself correctly, I would probably just freeze in disbelief, stare at that person for a minute not showing any emotions and then just quietly walk away. For most people I'm sure it would break their hearts if they really liked me. That's one way I would handle it, another would just be me suddenly staring at the ground. I often do that when I feel shy.


I would of course talk to that person later, since it's just my weird way of dealing with strange things like this, I just stare at people and then leave. If that person would like me, I'm sure she would understand my weirdness.

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