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Any Dreams?  

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  1. 1. None/Good/Nightmares?

    • None recently..
    • Been having great dreams!
    • *Shiver* Had some nightmares..

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I've been having these violent dreams lately. It either involves me getting beat up or me beating up someone else. There was one dream were I was in the Hunger Games and I got shot in the arm with an arrow and it seemed like I died. But I woke up in my dream a few seconds later and noticed a hole in my arm. Even more strange was that I felt pain, like someone shot me with a really blunt bullet.


Another strange dream I had was when I got out of bed, I felt like zombie and everything was dark, even though I always slept with the lights on. Then the dream ended but I find myself in another dream. In this dream, there was someone or something outside of my room. I don't know what happened next but I entered yet another dream and this time, it was me on a really steep hill and there was someone else there. She looked familiar but, I didn't recognize her. Then my dream completely ended.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had an interesting one just last night, in 1st person view.


I was in a kind of train with the Doctor, the new one (11th I think).

We stopped at a station surrounded by Slendermen, not the Silence (which I had found out about some time ago) but the creepypasta versions. The wagon somehow went down, deep underground, where we got off at some kind of Slender town.

I could actually feel them trying to get into my head, which creeped me out even though I resisted. Strangely enough, though I felt mildly nervous, they didn't seem to do anything threatening. They looked more indifferent than hostile, I would say.

Even more peculiar though, for some reason, I thought of taking out a Bible. But I was told it'd be rude; apparently, religion hurts Slendermen.


I don't recall the rest of my dream. I must've used some superhuman powers or something, and may have helped us back to the TARDIS.


My following of Doctor Who (and Whooves) blogs on Tumblr, as well as Slender gameplay videos I've recently watched, must've been important factors.

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I tend to have strange dreams a lot though I forget most of them. In one odd one I was taking art lessons from some lady and I forgot to bring a pencil so I borrowed one that had a neon pink eraser on it. When I got home and went to get something out of my backpack , it was there. For some reason, though it was just a stupid pencil, in my dream I felt it was important I return it, so I did. However many times I returned the pencil, it kept showing up in my pocket or backpack. Then apparently the pencil was a magic wand in disguise so I got sent off to magic school. There were two schools though, one for boys and one for girls, and I missed the carriage going to the girls' school, so I disguised myself as a guy and got in the boys' one. Then I had several weird adventures at the school I don't really remember but I think involved the mysterious headmaster who only communicates through loudspeaker being evil.

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This night, I dreamt I was riding a bike while riding a horse.

That was awesome.



Other than this, I have tons of dreams (at least five per night), so I can't detail them all. It often includes some elements from video games and rock climing. Cause rock climbing's awesome too.

And I'm too lazy to keep a decent journal of my dreams... *sigh*

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I had a dream that I was backstage at a Justin Bieber concert with Noodles from The Offspring and Noodles had a guitar that was really an axe and we ran on stage and beheaded Justin Bieber.


                                                                  "Never give up"

                                                                                               ~Noodles, The Offspring

                                                                        Photo made by Gone ϟ Airbourne         

                                                             Peppermint Cream (Me),  Lucky Charm (My mum)

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Lately, each night before my parents lend me the car, I always have a dream where I crash it. First night, I'm in a parking lot and I keep ramming into parked cars. Second night, I try to make a turn but end up sliding into a building and I escape unharmed.


There's also the usual dream where I'm either able to propel myself by force of will or where I feel like I'm pushing an elephant by simply moving around.

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Recently most of my dreams have been pretty funny actualy, which is a nice change of pace from my looooong nightmare spree (not so pleasent memories from Iraq & Afghanistan). However the ones  I have been having latley are just plain ridiculous but usualy in a end on a bright note so its a positive. For quite awhile i used to pray that I wouldnt have dreams at all because i knew how they were going to turn out. Im just glad to have happy dreams back again, even if they make no sense lol.

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  On 2012-12-11 at 9:30 PM, Xidphel said:
There's also the usual dream where I'm either able to propel myself by force of will or where I feel like I'm pushing an elephant by simply moving around.

My goodness, those are the best!

I can sometimes do even more than that, like changing my environment. But that requires me to do more than willing, like snapping my fingers or spinning around.


  On 2012-12-11 at 9:16 PM, Akihiro said:

I was riding a bike while riding a horse.


  On 2012-12-11 at 9:24 PM, YesIAmTori said:

we ran on stage and beheaded Justin Bieber.


  On 2012-12-11 at 9:36 PM, Ember Gleam said:

my looooong nightmare spree (not so pleasent memories from Iraq & Afghanistan). [...] For quite awhile i used to pray that I wouldnt have dreams at all because i knew how they were going to turn out.


Glad they ended though.

When I was depressed and feeling useless, I used to have dreams of being tortured to death in various ways. Creepiest part was the complete absence of pain, while other sensations (not gonna detail) were present.

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I have been having some pretty weird dreams lately, no nightmares, just dreams that don't make much sense, I wish I could remember them though, it seems as though as soon as I wake up, all memories of the dream just vanish, all I know is that it made no sense whatsoever

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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I recently had a dream that was a retro gaming, pokemon, kingdom hearts, pony, and greek god mix up. I had NO idea where it was going but it ended up somewhere in a war between nintendo outcasts and  greek clad ponies...

  • Brohoof 1

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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I recently posted about the first pony dream I had. Now here's a good non-pony dream. Anyhwo, I was in some public location being chased by this perverted young woman who kept trying to fondle my ass. I just couldn't get away. A minute later, I woke up and it turns out one of my cats was kneading my butt!  :lol:

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I often see myself floqting above large cities or landscapes nowadays. Not flying or gliding, since there's not much movement, just floating there and looking down.

I also had another dream last night, like the one with Feld0, where I was exploring caves under someone's direction. This time though, I didn't get the impression of knowing my superior personally.


Funny thing, I sleep with my eyes covered by a blindfold of sorts, but I've been able to see through it (and my closed eyelids) lately. I can see my bedroom shrouded in semi-darkness from my bed, even though I can still feel the blindfold.

Hallucination, lucid dream, or... out-of-body experience? I may never know.


  On 2012-12-16 at 8:50 PM, Wingnut said:
I recently posted about the first pony dream I had. Now here's a good non-pony dream. Anyhwo, I was in some public location being chased by this perverted young woman who kept trying to fondle my ass. I just couldn't get away. A minute later, I woke up and it turns out one of my cats was kneading my butt!  :lol:

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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Well, I kind of had a weird one.


I was at this clothes store with 2 of my friends. We found these jackets that we all really liked, then for some reason put them on without paying for them, and continued walking around the store.



So here's what the store looked like: there was the entrance. The checkout table was to the right right next to the entrance. There was these 5 round hangers, then aisles.


So anyway, we went to the end of the store, then turned to walk down the first aisle. We came back to the entrance, and all the clothes were gone, but we were still wearing the jackets.


What had replaced it was sporting goods. There were basketball goals everywhere, and balls all over the floor. We walked down the same way we had, and turned into the same aisle. Now it was like a DVD shop. There were DVDs everywhere.


This was when my alarm went off, and I can never go back to a dream after I've woken up. The dream was kind of pointless, but it's the most clear and vivid one I've had in a while. The fact that I can still remember it is kind of weird.



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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   I don't know about you guys but this week has been really weird emotional wise, energy wise, weather wise you name it. I even this weird dream:


I woke up as a humanoid Twilight Sparkle with wings in the very apartment i live in now. The place was quiet, everything was quiet. My body for some reason was normal to me and for some reason so was being naked. (shrug) lol I looked around the apartment and the lights didn't work. I spotted my computer which was still on. I turned the monitor which for some reason i knew how to do and what popped up on the screen was this forum.

   For some reason the forum still worked but it started off in my profile. As I was reading my profile I didn't know whom it was that i was reading about. (i'm me, reading about TC) Then I heard noise right outside the front door. I slowly walked towards the door to investigate when whatever it was started banging on the door. I gasped like the little girl that i was and then suddenly the door burst open and a zombie lunged for me. I stepped back and ran towards my bedroom and locked the door behind me. I opened the door to the balcony just as the zombie burst through last door.

   I screamed like a girl again and leaped off the balcony. Momentarily forgetting I had wings I started falling was about to scream again when a humanoid Rainbow Dash caught me mid air and landed on the roof of another building. After introducing each other and asking each other what happened  I mention the computer again. After devising a plan to rid the zombie on the balcony, the dream fast forwards.

  All of a sudden me and Rainbow Dash are out exploring the city which is a wasteland almost. We meet up with another group were only red, had no wings and wore black and red vests that were open in the front.

End of dream.


Okay.. so my analasys..
Humanoid TS and RD... Don't know...

The people in red vests... don't know...

The zombies... we've had threads on those

the wasteland... obviously from the zombie apacalypse

my computer being on with the forums right there.... i usually leave my computer that way


So, how's your week and holidays and what has happened to your dreams lately? LOL Cause mine... i tell yah... wow....

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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I had a dream a few days back that a very nasty and aggressive snake was coiled up on the floor beside my bed. I moved something and tried to attack me but instead it flew under the bed like a bolt of lightning. It was tense.

Edited by DeltaTangent
  • Brohoof 1
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I had a dream where there was a bee and we saw that it was a really bad kind of bee that stings are the most painful and it lands on my eye and I wake up. (in real life): I go to school and we sea a bee in gym class.

Edited by *derpy*
  • Brohoof 1


from:someone's deviant art

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This dream was weird and scary in the moment...


So I was walking with my friend at night in my friends backyard (only God knows why we were in there) and suddenly the people's parents knew I was there. Their backyard exits were littered with traps and tripwires, and somehow I knew how to get out, but I didn't know about my friend. I forgot about him for a moment and left the house and started walking outside. Then I realized that he was back there. I looked back, and something really weird happened.


I heard screaming, and the lights of fire lit up behind the house. I got super scared and ran inside my house. Apparently, my old P.E. teacher back in 7th grade (who's actually really cool IRL, I don't even know how he got related to this character) is a serial killer in my local area that burns his victims after capturing them. After hearing this, I got even more scared and ran upstairs. I heard noises downstairs and the sound of a torch lighting up, and I just decided "you know what, fuck it, I don't want to burn to death, I might as well kill myself."


So I went into my parents room (we have a magnum in there, it's my grandfather's) and I was asking "MOM, MOM, wheres the ammo to this?!" She, being a mother, didn't want me to kill myself, but I pushed her aside and ran into my brother's room where we have a gun (we do IRL, but they're legally licensed to use) and I picked up a gun. I asked my brother where the mag was, and he just told me to shut up and go to sleep. I finally found the mag of the gun in the closet, put it in, shot the wall a couple times to make sure it worked, and eventually shot myself.


Weirdly enough, I didn't wake up.


I vividly remembered seeing blood in my eyes and the blackness surrounding me as I fell to the ground. When I woke up (woke up in a dream, I'm still dreaming) I was in some sort of battlefield, and the mountains and floor was teal colored grass. It was a mix between God of War (Poseidon was in the middle fighting a bunch of guys) and Black Ops II (all the guys had M8A1's). I slightly remembering seeing a few soldiers, but after that I woke up.


It may seem unlikely that I remember a dream THAT much, but for some reason this time around was an exception. I have more weird/scary dreams I've had, but I'm too lazy to post them :P

  • Brohoof 2
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Weirdest ever.. Koume and Kotake from Ocarina of Time dipping baby rats in caramel and eating them.

Weirdest as of late.. Can't think of any lately.

Oldest weird dream I remember.. Megaman helping me clean my room.

Edited by Jammo
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Well, last night i had a dream where i was in Hogwartz but it was really different and looked a lot more like the temple in Shadow of the Colossus (it was really boring in my opinion), so i was this kid and i swear i was extremely concentrated but i couldn't even do a mada***ing Expeliermus! At least i woke up before i stabbed someone wand!

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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I rarely have dreams, and even when I do, they're mostly apocalyptic. The last one I can remember had me staring at the sky with my mom standing on the balcony, watching as a giant fireball was getting larger and larger...and then a weird cut to us in a post-apocalyptic setting. There were a couple survivors who decided to take the old train that hadn't been used for years and go...somewhere. I remember my Hungarian teacher guiding the people on the train. And it was randomly over.

Edited by Zacharias

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I was told by my parents I was to be in an arranged marriage to a prince.  They proceeded to teach me what to say to him and how to act so that he would choose me from all the other girls who wished to marry him.

When the time came, and I met him.  I couldn't bring myself to speak about anything but nonsense.  He dismissed me off easily.


Then I woke up.

For a moment I was thinking about the dream, then I was like 'Wait!  Why did I do that!  I want to marry him! (God knows why)  I'll go back to sleep and try again!'

And I forced myself back into the dream.


When I got back in, I somehow got another chance to try to please him.  I noticed he had a bright red cat with him.  I impressed him.  I succeeded.  I was to marry him.

Next thing I know, I'm sitting with him and this girl with bright red hair.  I somehow knew the girl was actually the cat in human form.  Someone even asked me about the girl.  I answered like this: 'I don't know.  His maid...butler...caretaker or something like that.  You know what I mean.'

Then, we were for some reason walking behind my house, going to the play ground nearby.  As we were walking, I asked;  'What am I supposed to be protecting you from?' (Why did I ask that?  Is that one of the conditions to get married to him?) He simply asked;  'I'm made out of paper'.  I remember back to his kingdom, I remember seeing lots of trees.  So it makes sense (No it doesn't.  This guy is 3D) I also wonder how I'm supposed to protect him.  What.  Will he burst into flames in the sun or something?  We're in the sun right now.

He reached the playground.  (it looked different from the one by my house.  the swings had seats that hung down, really floppy) I suppose I was bringing him there so he could have some fun.  I was disappointed to see all the swings occupied by boys.  Then I noticed, behind them was another few swing sets.  These swings had backs to them.  They looked to be made of wood.  Some of them looked to be for two occupants.  There were lots of girls here.  Behind these swings was a lake.

I was hoping to sit on this interesting one with him.  But he ran ahead and climbed into one next to it.  I climbed in beside him, hoping thats what I was supposed to do.

We started swinging really fast and really high.  I remember tossing my head back and forth to achieve this (wat)  The boys at the other swings cheered us on.  I guess we broke a record or something because they cheered really loudly.  A girl in a swing nearby looked upset with me.  She must have once been my best friend.  (wait wat)

Suddenly, we were in this toy store (seriously)  The boy's father treated me like his own daughter (did I already get married or what?)  He showed me these collections of toys.  Red and black, really big vehicles.  Bigger then usual toy cars anyway.  He told me lots of stuff about how much he liked me or something.  He said he would get the most expensive one for me.  (but I want ponies)

Then my father came after he had gone and offered to buy me one.  I was a bit afraid he would be jealous of my father-in-law.  So I didn't say anything.  He took one of the car things down and was about to go pay, when my father-in-law came with this miniature black and red scooter thing.  He laughed and threw it to the ground (because he was suddenly holding it) and told me he tricked me and never really liked me.


And...yeah.  That was a weird dream.  But interesting.  I enjoyed it.

And long.  This is my longest post ever.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Last night I almost had a nightmare about some sort of being trying to haunt me. Me and a friend of mine were in my room (which looked similar to a mine shaft of all things :/ ) and he alerted me to some green words coming out of the air conditioner... on the floor... below my dresser (of all places >_>) and no sooner than he did that, my lamp started moving on its own!


At first it was pretty scary but apparently after a while, it just got annoying.


I remember saying in my dream "I wish that fucking lamp would quit moving on its own, I'm trying to sleep!"


And that was when I woke up...



Yeah, most of it did not make any sense whatsoever but you know, most of my dreams never do :/

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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I just had a dream where almost every scene, was related to somehow people finding out i like ponies, for example, turning on the computer projector and going on mlp forums...


Probably the most random was a fluttershy teletubie... :blink:


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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