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I've always preferred the idea that Scoots just develops Dash as a surrogate sister and that's it; I don't care for any of her family back story to be given, personally. I imagine that's where the show is heading at this point. Season three, and they have yet to install any of Scoots' family, and have furthermore given her a sister/mentor figure that might continue on in future episodes as cameos at the very least. Won't be surprised if they just avoid it altogether.


As for Dash and Fluttershy, I'll be lazy and refer to something I said in a past topic:



As far as in-show reasons why we haven't seen them, I imagine it's all about storyline, as usual. Just haven't found a need or place for them. Yet.


I really can't argue with that...those are good reasons.  And in addition to being childhood friends, RD and Fluttershy may be unusually close because they don't have strong ties to their respective families.  Nonetheless, it's just strikes me as peculiar that only the pegasi have no visible relatives. 

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I have thought about this as well. While I don't think Scootaloo's an orphan(come on, that's ridiculous), it is somewhat odd that we haven't seen her parents yet, I was hoping for at least her house or something in the new episode but it didn't happen. As for the other two, Dash probably has a decent relationship with her parents, we just never see them. Fluttershy probably doesn't though, seeing as sadly no one seemed to care when she almost plummeted to her doom, I'd love to be proven wrong though. :(


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I read a great theory on this on a fanfic, it said Pegasi died at a much earlier age (60 years at most)


I don't know why, but it'd seem like a pretty reasonable explinateion, although I'm sure the show's producers won't admit this fearing all 6 year old girls and Dimitri who'll have their favorite pony'll die earlier than others o3o




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  • 2 weeks later...

I disagree that orphans and death are too dark for a kid's show. Kids are not stupid and a lot of them have a great variety of experiences, including death of parents. I mean look at us, 99% of disney movies featured Orphans and we turned out fine! 


I think that children's tv shows and movies are a safe place to discuss some really scary things. In MLP we've already examined fear, anger, power, etc. I think it's wrong to shelter kids from things like mental handicaps, death, etc. It shouldn't be the feature of the show by any means and they shouldn't have a dark episode or a seriously serious episode but pretending it doesn't exist is lame. Ponies in Equestria have to die, don't they? There's nothing wrong with that. Of course, tv shows should trust that PARENTS are discussing these more serious issues with their children and that it isn't their place to necessarily teach them about it, but acknowledging bad things and just showing that life is still good and friends help you when life isn't fair is enough.


Back to the OP... -_- Maybe there was some huge natural disaster, like a Pegasi-Storm that got out of control and eliminated the entire middle-generation of Pegasi, leaving all the Pegasi orphans. But it still wouldn't explain why Scootaloo is also an orphan. Maybe they rear all their children together, placing emphasis on community rather than individual families? It would explain their very team and military oriented subculture (all pegasi are expected to help with local weather regardless of individual jobs, wonderbolts, etc)

Edited by bunnybuzki
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i found psychological analyses on most of the mane 6, and found the papers to be extremely interesting, but for the sake of the topic, ill post Fluttershys paper. its quite long, but gives alot of excellent insight on her possible background. sorry for the length, but its worth a read. enjoy!


* original paper by the owner of http://kyronea.tumblr.com so all credit goes to them*





In my original analysis of Fluttershy, I spoke of her being the pony I most identify with after Twilight. While I am not quite so sure I would so readily say that now, we still definitely share many traits in common, particularly her most obvious trait, her shy attitude towards life. Fluttershy is often mistaken for being flat, boring, uninteresting. Some say she has no depth, others say she’s better off as a background character. While it’s true that her passive personality often lends her better used as a support character than as a central focus, to call Fluttershy flat and lacking in depth is to watch the show with blind eyes.


Fluttershy’s early foalhood was a tough one. I speculated before that she was an easy target for bullies, and as we have since learned through Hurricane Fluttershy, she definitely was bullied, and rather harshly at that. Her weak flying skills not only made it difficult for her to get around Cloudsdale, but also left her as easy prey for bullying even outside of just having the skills mocked, because she couldn’t easily run away. I speculated before that this could lead to serious repressed anger issues, and as we saw in Putting Your Hoof Down that was clearly the case, but I shall touch on that later. For now I want to talk  about one of the most crucial events in her life: the Pegasus race and her fall from Cloudsdale.


Rainbow Dash saved Fluttershy from an instance of bullying, though it’s still unclear whether or not they knew each other at the time that she did that—I am willing to say that she did. We see both Dashie and Fluttershy together as fillies in Cloudsdale in Hurricane Fluttershy, and although we see them with their Cutie Marks, I consider that to be an animation error for reasons I will explain. Were Dashie and Fluttershy close friends? Maybe…at the very least Dashie liked to rescue Fluttershy from time to time, as I get the impression from Cutie Mark Chronicles that it wasn’t the first time Rainbow Dash had swooped in as a savior. Whatever the case, the proposed race led to Fluttershy falling quite possibly to her death.


As before in my original analysis, the scene remains just as shocking and implies just as many terrible things about Fluttershy’s life in Cloudsdale and her family. It’s not as if Fluttershy just slipped out of sight through the cloud in a blink and you’ll miss it moment. She spins around for several seconds making a lot of noise until she falls, screaming the whole way down. Granted, a lot of the ponies nearby were distracted by the race, but given the speed those three colts and Rainbow Dash were moving at, by the time Fluttershy fell they were already long gone, meaning someone should have seen her fall. But no one did, and no one went after her. Had it not been for that swarm of butterflies, Fluttershy would have died. Where was her family? Where was her guardian? What about Cloudsdale police forces or someone else to watch out for these kinds of accidents? Given the height of Cloudsdale and given her weak flying skills, someone should have been watching over her at all times, keeping an eye on her, making sure she was safe, seeing to her. But no one did, and no one went after her either, which we can tell because no one shows up during the time she spends on the ground. In fact, the events of the episode go so far as to imply that she moved into Ponyville right after she fell and that she never returned to Cloudsdale at all. Although Hurricane Fluttershy throws that interpretation into question, I would still prefer to interpret events this way as it doesn’t make much sense that she would decide to go back after learning about everything beautiful on the ground. She even declares in So Many Wonders that had she known, she’d have “come here sooner and never leave.” Thus, until there is more evidence to support that Fluttershy continued to live in Cloudsdale for a period of time, I shall maintain my belief that she moved to Ponyville upon obtaining her Cutie Mark.


As stated the fall also implies something significant about her family, specifically that they simply didn’t care about her at all. Or, if I may be allowed to speculate, she doesn’t even have a family. I am sure I will eat these words should we meet her family in a later season, but I believe that Fluttershy grew up as an orphan, cared for in an orphanage along with many other Pegasi foals. Rather than having a caring mother and father, she had neglectful guardians who probably didn’t care much about her one way or the other. That’s not to say that she suffered actual abuse by them, at least not anything other than the abuse that comes about from neglect, but if they cared they would have been watching over her. She probably spent most of her foalhood alone and miserable, constantly picked on by others, with few if any friends save for Rainbow Dash, and even Rainbow Dash wasn’t watching out for her when she fell. No wonder she lacks self-confidence in spades: what’s incredible is that she has any self-confidence at all, that she isn’t just hiding away in her shell all day long, afraid to even so much as whisper to another pony. Alternatively, it’s also amazing that she didn’t become a bitter, hateful pony who constantly lashes out at every other pony she meets. Why didn’t this happen?


Well, I think it has a great deal to do with why she is the Element of Kindness. I believe that, like the rest of the Mane Six, Fluttershy was born to be the spirit of the Element of Kindness. It is central to her character, to her psyche. Instead of a hating, vengeful shell of a pony, she maintains a nearly unshakeable core of strength that allows her to maintain her kind attitude and ways throughout any circumstance, no matter how trying, no matter how horrible. She didn’t quite develop this strength overnight, of course…she had to build on it, over time, especially as she became friends with the rest of the Mane Six, develop it she did, something she can rely on. She needed this strength if she were to survive. It has helped her meet challenge after challenge. Even Discord faltered against her ability to maintain kindness, forcing him to use magic to direct her into cruelty instead of succeeding with a few simple mind games as he did with the rest of the Mane Six. Fluttershy is not to be underestimated.


Her ability to speak with animals in a Doctor Doolittle like way is arguably a magical ability, one linked to her Element. Cutie Mark Chronicles suggests that she was unable to speak with animals prior to the Sonic Rainboom, the event that, as I will reveal in future analyses, unlocked not just her ability but the abilities of several others amongst the Mane Six as well. The animals of Equestria, like the animals of Earth, are in general not as intelligent as the sapient races. Thus in order to communicate with them the way Fluttershy does, the ability MUST be magical. It’s an extension of her Element because her ability is something like a form of empathy…I imagine that, in addition her her animal communication, Fluttershy is able to, if not quite read other ponies emotions, then she is at least a bit better able to read them than others might, because she has so much empathy for others that she opens up her heart to them, letting them in, letting her see signs others might miss.


A few questions remain with my interpretation of the Cutie Mark Chronicles events, specifically about how Fluttershy was able to procure her cottage at such a young age—the oldest she could be is fourteen, after all—and what sort of job she really works at in Ponyville. I can’t speak for the cottage but her job is fairly obvious: she’s crucial for managing the wildlife in the area around Ponyville, and probably also runs a pet adoption center and an animal shelter on the side, possibly with a government stipend. After all, in Equestria, the wild animals are managed and cared at a level unthinkable on Earth, making Fluttershy’s job quite a bit more important than it might seem initially. Hence the government stipend, as otherwise Fluttershy might not have the money to purchase food or pay her utility bills. As to how she got the job, I suspect it might’ve involved her apprenticing at first to the pony who used to hold the job, then taking over due to her superior communications skills.


In terms of her life and relationships with others prior to Twilight’s arrival in Ponyville, Fluttershy most likely spent most of her time as a recluse. We can see what happens when she meets Twilight, after all: she’s so quiet and demure that she can’t even say her own name without squeaking it. I could easily see Fluttershy doing her utmost to stay away from everypony, only interacting socially as necessary and otherwise remaining by herself with her animal friends—meaning if she does run pet adoptions, it is a recent thing. As a result, she probably only knew the rest of the Mane Six briefly in passing, barely interacting with them at all apart from Rainbow Dash, who probably chose to move to Ponyville because of Fluttershy’s presence. The only pony other than Rainbow Dash that she may have been friends with is Rarity, and that’s only if she, as I once hypothesized, helped Rarity adopt Opalescence…if Opal was a feral kitten, or was rescued from being dumped by the side of the road or something, it could explain Opal’s overly harsh behavior. But to be honest I think it’s more likely that Opal was adopted elsewhere and that Rarity and Fluttershy had few, if any, ties to each other.


Putting Your Hoof Down revealed a side to Fluttershy that I honestly didn’t think was really there, at least not in the way we saw it. I figured she would have repressed anger issues, but she had far more than I suspected. Her rant towards Rarity and Pinkie Pie is by far the most revealing aspect of that episode…within that one rant is the summation of how Fluttershy must feel in her daily life. Her job as an animal caretaker is important and crucial to Ponyville’s success as a community, while, from her perspective, Rarity and Pinkie Pie contribute very little by comparison. Yet they get far more respect than she does. While hardly the largest issue in her life that causes her stress, it was definitely yet another nail in the coffin for poor Fluttershy’s life. She never gets respect no matter what she does. She’s treated like dirt. She’s run roughshod. Even her own pet bunny doesn’t want to obey her. She’d finally had enough, and she took out that anger on Rarity and Pinkie Pie especially because they represented everything that was wrong with how she was treated versus how she should be treated, at least at that one moment. Did she regret it immediately? Of course she did. As I said before, she has such a strong belief in Kindness that her actions in Putting Your Hoof Down were almost over the top ridiculousness…and yet, psychologically, they make sense.


After all, Fluttershy has proven she can snap. Her behavior at the Gala is indicative of that, a behavior that makes a great deal of sense to me when examined carefully. Fluttershy’s only friends, apart from the rest of the Mane Six, were the animals she cared for. This has been proven again and again, especially in Hurricane Fluttershy where she not only sought them out to console her after her, but then actively recruited them into helping her train her wingpower. When no one else will be her friend, the animals are there, always…until the Gala. For whatever reason, she wasn’t able to woo the animals at the Gala. There are many possible explanations, but the one I favor is drawn from a piece of fan fiction I read called The Best Night Ever, which was essentially a Groundhog Day style fic featuring Princess Blueblood. In it, it was explained that the animals in the Canterlot Gardens were abused, rescued from ponies who had harmed them across Equestria and even beyond Equestria, and thus the animals would have no reason to trust Fluttershy. Could Fluttershy have, in time, won them over? Of course she could have, but that’s assuming she could have kept her patience. Consider how stressed out she was with recent events…she had, within a couple weeks, stolen the Princess’ pet phoenix in an ill-advised attempt to treat her and became a fashion model forced into shows all over Equestria. For Fluttershy, the Gala was supposed to be a chance to finally relax, something she’d looked forward to all year, and suddenly here are the animals refusing to accept her? Her efforts at communication are met with naught but refusal, an endless frustration? They’re refusing to love her? When she, like any person, craves love and affection?! It’s no wonder she completely flipped out and lost it. All she wanted was them to love her. Her most infamous line, “YOU’RE GOING TO LOVE ME!” does not come from nowhere. It’s not just the frustration of one night’s failure. It is the outpouring of an entire LIFE of suffering and woe, a life lacking the love she so dearly craves.


So for Fluttershy, who is consistantly trodden on, it can be beneficial to let out the anger once in a while. And while I still think that Putting Your Hoof Down handled the concept poorly, it still painted a portrayal of her psyche that makes sense when compared to all the preexisting evidence. And, given how she embarrassed herself in public through her various rantings during the events of that episode, it’s no wonder she needed an additional confidence boost before she would be willing to help Rainbow Dash with the tornado.


Again, though, it’s not that she’s incapable of dealing with trouble when it comes knocking on her door. Fluttershy has shown time and again that if anyone can handle trouble without having to resort to violence, it’s her. Her kind nature has allowed her to woo a Manticore and heal its paw, to force a FULL SIZED ADULT DRAGON into submission, talk a cockatrice into sparing her friends life WHILE BEING TURNED TO STONE, counter the Spirit of Chaos, and even tame CERBERUS HIMSELF. Her Stare is a useful tool in preventing violence from being required. In fact, I would go so far as to speculate the Stare is an extension of her empathy, that it functions by causing the creature being stared at to experience strong emotions related to the situation at hand, possibly a combination of the fear said creature is causing in others as well as the full force of her disappointment. She has also occasionally proven herself capable of tasks beyond her normal capabilities. For example, the harnessing of her anger to outrace Rainbow Dash while carting a whole balloon behind her, an extraordinarily impressive feat even if Rainbow Dash was, as I suspect, not racing at full strength.(Not just because of her carting two ponies behind her, but also for other reasons I will get into in the analysis on Rainbow Dash.)


All that said, I don’t think Fluttershy would be very willing to engage in violence should the situation demand it. During the battle sequence of A Canterlot Wedding, Fluttershy didn’t even strike back against the Changelings once—instead she cringed. (The Changeling still appeared to be beaten back anyway…somehow…maybe the force of adorableness? I kid.) That’s not to say that I don’t think she could kick some serious flank if she had to. I think she’d be perfectly capable of it. We’ve seen her take down a full size bear after all, and while that was technically her applying chiropractic medicine, I could easily see her integrating that sort of technique into a form of martial arts. If she ever did fight, though, Fluttershy would never kill. She would only fight to incapacitate, take down her foe with a minimum of fuss and probably a great many apologies to boot.  


Since her first appearance in the pilot, Fluttershy has been emerging from her shell, showing off in public more and more, becoming friendlier, more outgoing, and generally more confident. One oddity still sticks out in my mind, however, and that’s her seeking tail extensions in Ponyville Confidential. We know it’s the truth because of how she reacts when it is revealed through the Gabby Gums column. The question is, why? Assuming that tail extensions are something akin to breast implants or some other form of plastic surgery—an interpretation that makes sense given that otherwise it wouldn’t be a scandalous notion at all if it were like, say, hair extensions—Fluttershy may been feeling…inadequate. It would make sense, of course, given her overall lack of self-confidence. But it still strikes me as strange because it makes me wonder why she would try to make herself more visible or appear more attractive…Fluttershy, being the pony she is, doesn’t much like to stand out in social situations. Is it possible she was trying to attract someone in particular? Given the events of Hurricane Fluttershy, it’s enough to make me wonder if she wasn’t trying to get Rainbow Dash’s attention, attract Rainbow Dash to her. That’s probably just the shipper in me talking and I’m seeing more into something than is really there, but it still leaves me wondering what her motivation was behind those tail extensions.


Overall, Fluttershy has far more depth than she might appear to have at first glance. She has plenty of sides to her personality, sides that may often be underplayed but that are definitely there when one looks at the evidence. She continue to grow as a character, a trend I would like to see continue in Season Three. I would especially like to learn more about her history, see how far off base my speculation about her family and her life in Cloudsdale are. Whatever happens to her in Season Three though, I just want to see her treated fairly. She is a character at everyone should respect, a character that deserves just as much love and affection as the rest.




I'm pretty sure Hasbro will get into it eventually and talk about this. It would be cool to see their parents. I wonder what kind of episodes would come out of that....that would be nice. What would they look like?


Feld0 spelled backwards is illuminati


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Call me a downer, but maybe it has something to do with their life-span.  I know we have no canon truth to this, but we can assume pegasi live short lives compared to the Unicorns and Earth and the alicorns.  At least that's what I assume.  They try to get away from parents as fast as possible in order to make their own way in the world.  

  • Brohoof 1


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Call me a downer, but maybe it has something to do with their life-span.  I know we have no canon truth to this, but we can assume pegasi live short lives compared to the Unicorns and Earth and the alicorns.  At least that's what I assume.  They try to get away from parents as fast as possible in order to make their own way in the world.  

Wouldn't that make them age faster as well? Because Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy seem to age at the same rate as the rest of the Mane Six.


Arcus Wind made this awesome sig, check his art out: http://rocketrewster.deviantart.com/

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I'm starting to think that Pegasus don't keep their families very close. Since AJ's parents are (practically) deceased, Dash and Flutters' probably are working in Cloudsdale, maybe?Hopefully Scootaloo doesn't live all by herself. D:

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well the show can't explore every detail and every characters family and i alway find it unerving how Bronie alway like to think the sadest or darkest things, like Scoots being abandoned for her inability to fly and same deal for Fluttershy and RD who lived in Cloudsdale before 

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I'm pretty sure Hasbro will get into it eventually and talk about this. It would be cool to see their parents. I wonder what kind of episodes would come out of that....that would be nice. What would they look like?


when i first started watching MLP, i found the characters to have a hidden layer of depth to them, and the writers only left subtle hints to their pasts. so, i googled character analysis, and found those papers written by someone on tumblr, and she actually gives an interesting opinion on the possible lives and pasts of the mane 6 based on what the show tells us, and compares it to typical scenarios of humans who come from a similar background and exhibit the same type of personality traits. 


its alot to take it, but its truly worth reading if you have any sort of interest in the characters on that level. i read all her papers and it helped flesh out the characters for me. 

  • Brohoof 1

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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Hmmmmmmmmm..........Why dont they have visible families yet? Im gonna go out on a limb here and say its because we haven't seen them yet :D

It took a whole season and a few eps to see Rarities parents, and two seasons to see Twilight's brother. I dont think it too far of a stretch to say we may see them in the future. The thing is with family members is that they are not mentioned except in the proper context and there hasnt been an episode that would allow for that context with a Pegasi(with the possible exception of Sonic Rainboom or Cutie Mark Chronicles). Its unfortunately almost guaranteed that if and when they do show up people will complain.

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Why is everyone saying that Scootaloo is an orphan? Just because her family hasen't been shown yet doesn't mean she doesn't have one. I think it makes her character more interesting when you don't know anything about her background.


It's the same thing with Double D's hat; it makes the viewers wonder what's under it, thus making them interested.



Your breath stinks.

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Wouldn't that make them age faster as well? Because Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy seem to age at the same rate as the rest of the Mane Six.

I haven't given it much thought until recently, but there may be something to the fan based conjecture that pegasi don't live as long as unicorns or earth ponies.  Maybe they age at the same rate but have a propensity to drop dead sooner?


Have we ever SEEN an elderly pegasus in the cartoon?  :huh:


It seems slightly grimdark, but let's just say that the ability to fly naturally comes with a price.  Flying takes a lot of energy and it probably puts a lot of strain on the heart.  So, why not live longer by not flying?  Because pegasi have been flying for so long, they're born with an enlarged heart to begin with.  A lot of athletes who overtrain and use drugs like human growth hormone have died in their 40s from enlarged heart complications.  Equestria's conventional medicine isn't advanced enough to treat or cure anything like this.  Magic based medicine should be able to treat this condition but it might not be the kind of magic that can be practiced on a widespread basis. 


Again, this is all just speculation on my part.  Is a short life expectancy popular headcanon?  If so, where did it originate?  I've never heard of it before.  FWIW, I don't think I've seen elderly unicorns either, although Starswirl looks like a ponified Merlin. 


Before anyone asks, alicorns are perfectly evolved ponies and are seemingly not affected by this or any other conventional form of disease. 

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The Heartwarming episode (sorry, I never rememeber the names) kinda presented the pegasus society as kind of a military slash spartan society so it would be entirely possible to leave the young in the care of the "society" as a whole as long as they want to stay in Cloudsdale and as for the elderly, they get moved elsewehere since they can't really fly that much / fast.


But as far as the elderly go, I thing they are simply  not the focus of the show apart from one particular pony who serves as a comical relief. I don't think there is any dark implication, it's just that noone really wants to watch a show about elderly ponies talking about where it hurts.


And really guys, Scootallo is a cripple AND orphan AND will die young? That's making even me cry. I think humanity wasn't supposed to think about this. 

Edited by Jessper


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And really guys, Scootallo is a cripple AND orphan AND will die young? That's making even me cry. I think humanity wasn't supposed to think about this. 

For the record, I hope not.  I was merely discussing the implications of a shortened life expectancy others have raised. 


I'll have to watch the Hearthwarming episode again.  I could see pegasi doing that in a semi-barbaric society.  But if they still do that in modern day Eqestria, that would seem very archaic to me. 

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For the record, I hope not.  I was merely discussing the implications of a shortened life expectancy others have raised. 


I'll have to watch the Hearthwarming episode again.  I could see pegasi doing that in a semi-barbaric society.  But if they still do that in modern day Eqestria, that would seem very archaic to me. 

Not barbaric, think ancient Greek city state with military lead. Either way I don't really think that, I just got genuinely sad (to my own surprise) after reading some of those posts and felt the need to offer somewhat rational alternative.


The happy, but less rational one is: There are no graveyards, no crematoriums, no morticians, no morgue - Nopony ever dies!

Nope. I can't make even myself believe that.


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I'd always believed that Fluttershy had been abused, and constantly made to feel worthless. It seems I'm not the only one who thought this, judging by earlier posts.


As for Rainbow Dash, I'd had the idea that her parents raised her well, but she lost her mother at an early age. For whatever reason, she believed herself to be responsible and is constantly trying to amend for it with brave and heroic feats (If she hadn't been stopped by Applejack in Dragonshy, she would've dived straight into the dragon's cave alone, with nopony even close to her.)


Perhaps the fact that she lost her mother explains her aggression. She's a caring individual, no doubt about it, but hides her caring self under a facade of aggression and constant belittling of others. She lost an individual she loved and knows the pain, so as a result does not want to be a figure of attachment. Actually, I realize now that my post makes no sense. I'll post it anyway, but my theory is not a certain one.


And what happened once her mother died? Did her father lose his grip on sanity? Did he fall into constant depression?

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You know i was wandering about this the other day, and found a little fan fiction comic on it. Obviously its not legit but i still found it funny.



Other then that i really hope pegasi parents don't just up and leave home I mean its a kids program, maybe there's somebody out there, its just note scripted.


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We know Fluttershy 'ran away' to live with the little Woodlin Creatures and animals, but we never see any signs of her parents. They have to be located somewhere in Cloudsdale right, but where? What do they look like, are they shy like Fluttershy, does Fluttershy have a brother or a sister? This is something that has really bugged me for a while now.....

Edited by Agent Spike
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Rainbow hasn't had any family screen time either 

What became of AJ's family is JUST being introduced and it's S3 I'm confident that before this series is over we will all be familiar with the entire mane 6's family 

  • Brohoof 2



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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The only parents we've seen from the Mane 6 are Apple Jack's, Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie. I've also been wondering for a while why we haven't seen the other two pegasusususus parents xP

Hopefully S3 will show or at least give us a bit of information about them, it'd make a great episode to make about their parents.

  • Brohoof 1


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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The only parents we've seen from the Mane 6 are Apple Jack's, Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie. I've also been wondering for a while why we haven't seen the other two pegasusususus parents xP


Hopefully S3 will show or at least give us a bit of information about them, it'd make a great episode to make about their parents.


Wait hold up, when did we even see Applejack's parents, I don't remember ever seeing them in the show. Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie's parents of course, but not Applejack.

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Wait hold up, when did we even see Applejack's parents, I don't remember ever seeing them in the show. Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie's parents of course, but not Applejack.

My bad xP I would of thought that her parents would of showed up at the Apple Family Reunion. I'm guessing she's and orphan and Granny Smith had to take care of their children.

  • Brohoof 1


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