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How open are you about ponies?


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I'm very open to people I'm close to like my family and gf. I have to wear pony everywhere I go so everybody already knows I like it at first glance. I refrain from talking about it to my friends since they don't care.

Edited by RainbowPastel

My cider brings all the ponies to the yard and they're like its better than yours, damn right it's better than yours. I can teach you, but I have to charge


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I'm very open about it, though sadly I can't wear any of my pony shirts because I'm so self concious about my looks, hips sticking out...mushroom hips grr... and well alot of my pony shirts are white, and I prefer black cause i feel more slimmed down... So till I lose weight those shirts stay in the closet grr... But I did make my own cutiemark shirt, I've made my own pony ears, horn and wings, trying to make a plushie tail of my OC so I can wear it to the Bronyfair.


I don't exactly talk about it constantly in front of my family, they know I love it, probably not as much as I'd hope them to. But my nephew knows how much I love  it he being a brony. So he and I can talk abut it all dang day!

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Not very open.

Yeah, I talk about it with IRL brony friends and are open about it on the interwebz, but unless someone asks me IRL, you would never know I'm a brony.


^Click for my Deviant Art^

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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Meh, I'm PARTIALLY open about it, but I'm 100% open about it.

The few friends I have in school know about it and they are cool with it. But somehow, all the dumb bastards in my year found out about it and have been hassling me ever since, with one physically assaulting me and a few giving me rather colourful death threats :(


I haven't told any of my family about it... and I never will. When I was 12 years old, I liked Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and my parents were constantly teasing me about it. If that's their reaction to me watching Power Rangers, then I DO NOT want to see how they react to me watching MLP :(

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Meh, I'm PARTIALLY open about it, but I'm 100% open about it.

The few friends I have in school know about it and they are cool with it. But somehow, all the dumb bastards in my year found out about it and have been hassling me ever since, with one physically assaulting me and a few giving me rather colourful death threats :(


I haven't told any of my family about it... and I never will. When I was 12 years old, I liked Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and my parents were constantly teasing me about it. If that's their reaction to me watching Power Rangers, then I DO NOT want to see how they react to me watching MLP :(

I'm sorry you're being bullied. Keep your head up and don't let people get to you, school is temporary and then you get to get away from those people. 


P.S. I own all the original Power Rangers and i'm 24, married with a son. You'll be fine.  :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I told my brother and mom when I came home from university this year, because since they're the people I live with, I kind of have to tell them if I want to buy pony stuff, especially since my brother and I share a room, so it's not like I can really hide my pony stuff from him very well. If someone asked me outright, or brought it up and was talking about it, I'd be fine mentioning that I watch it, but depending on who the person is, I might make it seem as if I'm not as obsessed with the show as I actually am. Like if one of the guys I work with ever mentions it, I'll probably say that I watch it, but I won't start ranting about how good it is. If it's a close friend I'm talking with, then I might be a bit more open about how much I like it. I don't currently own any pony related clothing, but I think the furthest I'd go with that would be t-shirts, which I might get a few of at some point. I'd really like that, actually. I think wearing pony-related clothing like a t-shirt is a good way of getting people who have heard about bronies but don't really know much about it other than some stereotypes to actually check the show out after seeing you wear it. 

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I was just curious how open other bronies are about their brony-ness. Do you walk around proudly displaying it or is it on a strictly need-to-know basis?


Personally I'm completely open about it. I'm wearing a Princess Luna shirt from WeLoveFine right now (it was a gift from my little sister. She's so sweet. img-436-1-tongue.png ). I don't randomly bring it up or try to shove the show down other people's throats or anything, but I'm not afraid to say I like it if it comes up or someone asks. How about you all?

Totally open. Only problem is I don't have any wearable merchandise haha as haha haha

Never give up! If you ever lose faith in yourself believe in me! The Ninyn who believes in you!!

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I used to be more of a closet brony, but, when my friends decorated my locker with loads of my little pony stuff (like wraping paper, pictures, etc.), I became much more open about it and I started wearing my brony T-shirt to school.

- "Um... I was just wondering if it's okay if I hold you down against your will for a little bit?"


:fluttershy:Fluttershy is Best Pony! :kindness: 



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Everyone knows it, everyone tolerates it. So yeah. Got nothing to hide.

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I treat it like the other TV shows in my life - I don't go around telling everyone about it. Although I don't currently have any, I'd have no problem with wearing clothing from the show (but it'd have to be obscure so only bronies would get it). If someone were to ask me where the clothing was from I'm not sure if I would be truthful though.

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I'm not hiding it, everypony who knows me, knows about my love for the show. But I don't scream outside "I'M A BUCKING BRONY! LIVE WITH IT!" XD

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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I am DO NOT EVER announce my interest in ponies, I do however talk about MLP occasionally when the topic is brought up, but nobody has really noticed why I know so much facts and such about it yet... Thank goodness.

I have a very strong feeling that people are beginning to suspect me of being a Brony though....  :okiedokielokie:

That's okay with me. The less people know, the better.

I have a Discord Desktop Wallpaper but nobody seems to know what it is. That is the furthest I have ever been in terms of openness. To be honest I don't know how to explain myself if somebody caught me in the act of... well Watching an ponies, it would be a very awkward conversation (It has almost happened on a couple of occasions!!!).

I usually keep MLP stuff to myself. I don't know what everyone's reaction would be if they found out... Especially since I tend to be seen rather highly among my peers.

Maybe one day I will confide in someone, but who knows. Probably not, although I'm not sure yet.  >_>


Ponies tend not to be that popular over in Australia than US or UK. I have never met a Brony in person though, I'd like to be more open about it, but I have a feeling that it wouldn't end well for me, people already judge me rather harshly and observe my every action nowadays.


I think the fact that I am not very open about MLP is because of the negative attributes that are given to the fandom by the public.


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm very open.  Pins, keychains, bracelets always on.  One of my favourite tee shirts is plastered with Pinkie Pies and rather loud.  Trying to resist the temptation of getting pony tattoos.

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I'm very open about it, haha. My friends completely 100% judged me for it in the beginning but now I'm drawing them to the herd, one by one. B)

Same right here. Luring them ever closer, and so far, 3 down, and 2 to go.

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I'm not that open. If I discover that someone is a brony, I'll talk to them about the show, but I don't talk to people about it who aren't interested (except my parents). My dad has asked me a couple of times why I like the show. "Is it the songs? Is it the colors?" I just roll my eyes. Maybe I should call him and tell him, "It's the friendship!"


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I'm very open about it... people can't go through my stuff without finding them lol.. though most think it's normal for me to do such a odd thing. I talk about the show, the music, the characters, and pretty much everything the show with people if it's brought up or it's asked about.


Sig by @Boo

"We stick together the pony way!"

Rarijack is best ship! Rarijack Fan Club here!


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I'm open about it depending where I am or who I'm around of. I barely get along with other bronies for obvious reasons so to find a brony friend it's like finding candy inside a rock. (Both in person and on the web) Although I do admit my town is surprisingly very tolerant of bronies (I say surprisingly because people here tend to give you crap for ANYTHING) So expressing that I like MLP is not a big deal. I don't even consider myself a brony anymore I just like the show, the fan stuff, and it's merch. I wanted to be more involved with the community but since 50% of the fandom is just plain rude (whether it's "politely" rude or "aggressive rude) (just because you don't cuss or are not "aggressive" it doesn't mean that you're being genuinely nice, in fact I can not stand dealing with passive aggressive people that "politely" disrespect you) (I believe everyone has the right to express their opinion but bashing someone's opinion for no valid reason and treating them as if they're less or as if they're dumb because you have a high ego thinking you're a "know-it-all" is no way to go starting with the grammar Nazis) That being said it is a PAIN in the ASS when you love a show and a fandom has to ruin it for you, give you all a bad name, and in the end you feel like retracting from it but you're not sure because you still love the show and you feel like you're about to blow up. Yes I have brony friends that are amazing and it feels great to find someone to talk about MLP without turning it into a pointless fight, but the ones that over-do-it really peeve me off like you have NO idea, it's like they live by it and only IT, shit I love Adventure Time even more than MLP and I don't live by it, in fact I haven't been so involved with AT for almost a month because of personal reasons but I do admit I get way more respect in that fandom than I do with the brony community and many of them are bronies themselves so it's a bliss talking to them about both shows, not to mention also the people who are open to anything! there's nothing better than being able to OPEN your mind to try new things. I always love hearing those people with many multiple fandoms and how excited they're over them just how I'm like with my own fandoms and how they're not giving you crap trashing stuff you like or perhaps trashing you as a person (again whether it's "politely" or "aggressive") Also if you're in a website like Facebook for example, where you KNOW that kids use it, do not post things that can scar them for life! that's just a simple basic rule. (Yes "everyone hate's facebook" blah blah but I'm just pointing out some things since some people lack knowledge of the word respect, and obviously I said the "everyone hates Facebook" sarcastically meaning not everyone does since some of us needed for groups in the community, fandoms, and to talk with friends and family)



To summarize this for the people that don't like to read, it's simple:


> Respect me and I'll respect you (respect is earned not given)

> If you are a respectful brony chances are we can become really good friends

> If you can't tolerate someone liking a show I suggest you leave Earth, since I'm pretty sure many people watch TV

> If you give Bronies a bad name I officially dislike you and you better not even contact me

> If you think you're being nice while insulting someone "politely" and not swearing, try again, that doesn't do it and it doesn't justify you being a dick

> Want to be a grammar Nazi? I'll hold the door for you to leave (yeah sure if the person is purposely using bad grammar to be "cool" it can be annoying and you can't understand shit but if you're using a SOCIAL, I repeat SOCIAL/SECULAR/INFORMAL WEBSITE being a grammar Nazi is completely unnecessary. Save that for english class) (and what I mean by grammar Nazi is not when you tell someone that typs lik dis that you don't understand them NO, what I mean by grammar Nazi are people that correct EVERY single thing even a damn dot for fuck's sake; usually people like this are typically the "know-it-alls")

> Don't judge someone based on something you yourself do (in other words look at yourself in the mirror first and this applies to people in the fandom or outside of the fandom

> and lastly, Always remember no one is perfect. Sometimes people make mistakes whether big or small and later feel genuinely sorry for them (I've been there I know) so don't just point fingers all of a sudden and classify someone as a bad person just because. HOWEVER even though no one is perfect it doesn't mean you have the right to be a douchebag


I'm done ranting (sorry I had to get it out there, it was killing me) and this is in all honesty how I feel about the fandom, I know their haters can be even worse in other states gosh I've seen stuff that makes me go like "WHAH!? O_o" but at least if a lot of people here didn't give us a bad name, a lot of that hatred could've been prevented, yes it does not justify their actions but sometimes the result you get is basically the result you caused yourself to get. (although I have to point out when it comes to religious reasons since I heard some parents are against it because of magic I believe it's just silly, since in fact many religious people don't even care, gotta love dogmatic households! at least my parents don't give a damn thank goodness)

  • Brohoof 1


XD Always be Fabulous and love your friends ^-^    :D :huh::wacko: :) :yay: :wub:      

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