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I don't live a lifestyle where I can afford things like videogames, so my favorite fandoms have swayed around.


The Underland Chronicles, the literary debut of TV writer and novelist Suzanne Collins is pretty much the only thing that I am guaranteed to think about every day or three, along with My Little Pony, largely because it is a shockingly good "children's book series" with mature thematic content.


and then there's The Hunger Games. And I'm just your typical "read all the books, seen all the movies" Harry Potter appreciator.

I have followed Littlest Pet Shop on The Hub since it premiered and legitimately like it for what it is. I want that show to get a sizeable fandom so I can find more people to discuss it with!


Other fandoms that I have been into recently, as in the past three or four years include:


AKIRA, the Katsuhiro Otomo anime movie.

Death Note

Bakuman, up to the first five volumes, but I want to continue

Hikaru No Go, and just Takeshi Obata's art style in general. I just really don't like manga and comic books, but Takeshi Obata draws characters in a cute and refreshingly-proportioned way.

many Legend of Zelda games

Artemis Fowl (I still want to read the last book!)

Studio Ghibli movies

some Valve games (Half-Life 2, Portal and Portal 2) from playing on a relative's Xbox 360 (as in, I am not an active Valve fanboy, TF2tard or PC gamer).


and stuff I've checked out and enjoyed over the years includes:

The Amazing World of Gumball

every iteration of Linkin Park

Super Smash Bros.


Viewtiful Joe

I also think that the Jimmy Neutron series has quickly become under-appreciated for how funny it was.

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Well, I'm a potterhead


Lol, I thought you said pothead.


I am a fan of the movies and that's it. I have never read any of the books. Same with Lord of the Rings, but I plan on reading The Hobbit at some point.


I also forgot to mention that I am a fan of Weird Al.

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I'm into Adventure Time, and I like reading fanfics and looking at fanart, but I don't really interact with the fandom nor am I as into it as MLP. I just really, really love the cartoon. Quality wise, it's by far my favorite currently airing cartoon. There is some neat fan content, but it also helps that I have friends off of the internet which share my love for the show and we talk about it, rather than with MLP I have to go online to interact with other fans. 


I kind of am getting into the Littlest Pet Shop fandom. The show is enjoyable enough, but I particularly like seeing people's fanart's and reactions to episodes. And of course, critiquing it. Again, it also helps that there are loads of Bronies in the fandom who had only heard about the show because it was compared to MLP. 


Before MLP, I was really into the Disney fandom. Heck, it was because of the Disney fandom I was actually introduced to MLP in the first place. By Disney, I'm primarily talking about the animated movies here. I used to be on a forum for them and everything. I still talk about their movies, follow Disney Tumblrs and get excited for their upcoming movies (Wreck it Ralph basically renewed my love once again), but I'm not into it as much as I was in 2009-2010. Actually, if there was a general "animation" fandom, I'd probably be part of that.


Aside from anything already mentioned, I don't think I'm really in any other fandom. I guess anything Nintendo, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and Gravity Falls would count. I'm currently watching Community on Netflix. I'm only three episodes in and I can tell I'm going to be in this fandom. 

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As crude as this admission is: I'm a fandom whore. 


I'm constantly in multiple fandoms at one time, fawning over one then just as quickly switching to coo over the other. MLP constantly amazes me with the very profound sense of comradely amongst its fans, so its the only fandom I have very actively participated in. My other obsessions fandoms that I'm actively participating in are:



Legend of Zelda

Adventure Time

Death Note

Rise of the Guardian's

Wreck-it Ralph

Harry Potter

The Hunger Games Trilogy


Please, everypony, feel free to totally seek me out to rant if you love any of the aforementioned fandoms. I love talking with everyone, you're all so nice.  ^_^

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Mine are:




Doctor Who

Adventure Time

Regular Show

Invader Zim

Animal Crossing


Those are all my fandoms that I can think of at the moment expect MLP of course. :P

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Invader Zim

Invader Zim didn't get as much praise as it deserved. It's one of my favorite cartoons to this day, but there are only 21 episodes to enjoy.     I mostly enjoyed the show due to it's hilarity, unique art style, and the twisted and dark plots. It's a funny, scary, awesome show. Too bad the humor passed right over the target audience's heads.

Edited by ~Vallo~
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Your breath stinks.

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Well, I've only fully immersed myself in are the Roblox and MLP fandoms, but here are some I've participated in:

Star Wars



Lego Universe


Invader Zim(The actual fandom, not the "ogm GIR ish so cut xoxoxo lol xd")

Hey Arnold


I do like Minecraft, but I refuse to associate myself with those.....people.

Edited by VaultBoy'sAssistant23
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Invader Zim didn't get as much praise as it deserved. It's one of my favorite cartoons to this day, but there are only 21 episodes to enjoy. :( I mostly enjoyed the show due to it's hilarity, unique art style, and the twisted and dark plots. It's a funny, scary, awesome show.

I know right. :( I wish the creators made more episodes for us to enjoy. The show only had about two or three seasons to it, which is pretty short. The show had so many great fans, I just wish the show could of gone a bit longer. The only way I can watch it now is on Netflix. :(

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I know right. :( I wish the creators made more episodes for us to enjoy. The show only had about two or three seasons to it, which is pretty short. The show had so many great fans, I just wish the show could of gone a bit longer. The only way I can watch it now is on Netflix. :(

The good thing is that the creator (Jhonen Vasquez) created a comic series called Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. It's not Invader Zim, but it's still a fantastic piece of work, you should check it out

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Your breath stinks.

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The good thing is that the creator (Jhonen Vasquez) created a comic series called Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. It's not Invader Zim, but it's still a fantastic piece of work, you should check it out

It sounds funny, I'll check it out tonight. Thanks for telling me about it. And since it was created my the same guy, I'm sure that it is going to be hilarious. :)

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Lessee here, I love the anime fandoms. I'm a huge sonic fan (although even I will admit that the classic fans are hypocrites and need to shut their damned mouths).


WHAT HAPPENED TO SONIC THE HEDGEHOG??? I was probably the biggest sonic fan back when it was semi-popular- everyone knew me as that hardcore sonic fan. I've never really been into a fandom other than MLP and Sonic

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Other than MLP, the only other fandom I have ever been this deep into has been the fandon of James Cameron's Avatar. There's actually a lot of similarities between us and them, such as the messages and morals our fandoms try to live by. In fact a lot of Avatar fans ended up becoming bronies when the show aired (that's where I first heard about MLP was in that community).


Other than that, I'm a fan of a lot of things, but I wouldn't consider myself a member of any of their fandoms.

- Call of Duty

- Battlefield

- Portal

- Fallout

- Half Life

- Star Wars

- The Big Bag Theory

- Invader Zim

- Serenity

- Pokemon (used to)

- Sonic the Hedgehog (used to)


To name a few...

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Well I'm not sure about some things. I consider myself a fan of the things I will mention, but I'm not sure I'm as into it as the brony fandom. I will mention that I am a huge fan to the ones I leave comments on.


In no particular order:

•MLP: FIM (duh)

•The Legende of Zelda (I have most of the games)

•Gremlins (1 and 2. You like one or the other.)

•Banjo-Kazooie (still waitin for an actual sequel to Banjo-Tooie, not the whole nuts and bolts we got)

•Pokemon (still fun today, for me)

•Dragon Ball Z


•Ed Edd n Eddy (who else tried to do "that's my horse".)

•Powerpuff Girls

•Courage the Cowerdly dog (okay who else got scared sometimes? Just me? Oh well.)

•Dexters Laboratory

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My favorites would be (in no order)


-Any movie made by Studio Ghibli

-Soul Eater

-Lord of the Rings

-Elder Scrolls


-Star Wars (Im also a member of the 501st legion.)



and some other things as well.

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Obscure things I have liked: (as in, things I'd be really excited about if I ever encountered somebody who also liked even one of these obscure things)


The PBS show Zoom



Gunstar Super Heroes

the Game Boy Advance game Tang Tang

ChuChu Rocket! (GBA)

RC de Go! (Sony PlayStation)

Star Wars Demolition (PS1)


Willy the Sparrow

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist



Dragonworld, 1977 by Byron Preiss and Michael Reeves, illustrated by Joseph Zucker

Perloo the Bold, by Avi



Onani Master Kurosawa, a funny short manga.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm curious to know what other fandoms are here other than Bronies,


Personally, i'm really into Pokemon :)

I Love finding people into the same things as me, if i had to rate my top 5 favorite Comunities excluding ponies:




3)Doctor Who




(if you include MLP, it's at the top of the list, You guys are the best community of people i have ever met!)wink.png 

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I do have alot, but I will only list four of my favourites.




1): Kingdom Hearts

2): Spyro the Dragon

3): Sonic the Hedgehog

4): Super Mario Bros.

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If I could think of other communities other then My Little Pony, I would have to say:

1. Pokemon

2. Anime

3. Doctor Who

4. Sonic The Hedgehog

5. Minecraft


Can't think of any other communities, those are my top 5 excluding ponies.


Not hating on ponies, anyway.

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Not really actively involved (don't want accidental spoilers), but what I've seen of the Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend Of Korra fandom has been great. They have a stunning amount of good memes. Bad Comedian Amon is easily one of the funniest memes I've ever seen, and "Everything changed when the fire nation attacked" >>>>>>>> "Arrow to the knee". I haven't seen the shipping wars yet, though...

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The only other FANDOM i'm really a part of is Sonic The Hedgehog, but i'm also a huge fan of the following

1. Supernatural

2. Doctor Who

3. Invader Zim

4. Sly Cooper

5. The Walking Dead

6. Ratchet and Clank

"Please, call me your little snow bunny" ~Mizore

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Honestly, I don't think I have any others. This is like the first bug thing who's fanbase I've really been apart of. I have yet to find anything else who's fandom looks as interesting.



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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I occasionally visit the Sonic and Furry fandoms to, but that's about it.


The Doctor Who fandom seems fun too, but I've haven't gotten fully into the show yet(I still have 5 seasons to go because I went through a computer change as I finished the first season).  



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Invader Zim and Adventure Time. That's pretty much it I would love the Regular Show but some of the people that watch it are one of those, mainstream people who don't like anyone that doesn't like whatever is mainstream at the moment.


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I am a moderator on a Final Fantasy message board. It's pretty slow now, but it used to be pretty big, and if you did a google search, it was like the second or third link for quite a while. Maybe even the first at one point, I dunno. So yeah; I've been big into the Final Fantasy fandom.


I tried the Sonic fandom at one point too, but I find that the Sonic fandom and I don't really mix.


Also post occasionally on a small Star Ocean board. Those people there are really cool and nice :3 I should post there more often. 


Occasionally I lurk around Lord of the Rings message boards too, especially the ones on IMDB. And for that matter, IMDB itself, I post on a little bit. For some reason. Lotsa trolls there. I just don't care anymore though. I write stupid messages back to them a lot, heh. But yeah; the LOTR board on there has some really intelligent members who know a lot about LotR, and I find it really interesting to read what they have to say.


I also used to post on Five Iron Frenzy's message board a lot, and occasionally I'll go back there and see what's going on, but they're rather insular and aren't very friendly. They used to have really trollish tendencies too, although that's settled down a bit. And Five Iron Frenzy is a christian band, so it's pretty awesome that their board got taken over by unwelcoming, trollish people. (They took the domain for the board when FIF broke up for a while, so I don't think FIF could shut them down even if they wanted to) Somewhat related, my first message board was for The W's, another christian band that my brother was in.


So top 5 fandoms for me in order: Lord of the Rings, The W's, Final Fantasy, Star Ocean, Five Iron Frenzy (there are good people in that fandom too.)

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