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Rainbow Dash and the LGBT fan perception


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OKay, this has to have come up and I'm only just now reading on it. Anytime people see anything "Rainbow" they seem to always think about the LGBT community. But as its been put in articles I read, Rainbow Dash being a Tomboy, having a more boyish, etc etc yada yada some how makes RD a Lesbian or at the very least an nod to the LGBT community. This brings back flash backs of the "gay" teletubby.


Frankly, I don't care one way or the other. RD hasn't had really any romantic interest or attraction. I think the only one that has is Rarity with Prince Blueblood. I don't think any of them have a special somepony so I think its a bit far to single out RD just because she has a Rainbow Mane. More so, I think RD is a shoutout to those girls who are Tomboys and like more boyish interests. I mean Applejack is just as much a Tomboy as RD but I haven't read near as much about her as I have RD. Thoughts?



  • Brohoof 2

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If anything Rainbow Dash is more of a nod to tomboys than anything else, unless Lauren Faust or anyone else from the show says "yeah Rainbow Dash is a lesbian" I am not going to take it as anything other than that.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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If anything Rainbow Dash is more of a nod to tomboys than anything else, unless Lauren Faust or anyone else from the show says "yeah Rainbow Dash is a lesbian" I am not going to take is anything other than that.


RD is a tomboy. The fact that she has rainbow colored hair was most likely an aesthetic decision to make her character standout and/or mesh well with the other main characters. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Here we go again, I think that we probably won't be seeing any rainbows in future cartoons due to claims that they're pushing " THE GAY AGENDA!"





Sorry, but I can't stand when people imply that Rainbow Dash is a lesbian just because of her rainbow hair and tomboyish attitude.

My whole thing with it is WHO CARES?! It just seems like another way for people to attack the show. In total honestly, I don't think you would really have that problem in Equestria. I think the ponies there would rise above that and figure love is love, regardless who its with.

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I don't really care, I never read shipping as I already am not a fan of Romance that much, and I really don;t think the show wants to base around romance too much... I am pretty sure RD is like that only because they needed a "Naruto" character type, and they decided all the mane six were going to be girls anyway.



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honestly i find anyone making the claim that rainbow dash is a lesbian rather sad. and extremely annoying. seriously, its a childrens cartoon, theyre not going to try promoting the lgbt agenda, and if they did id probably stop watching it

its funny how some of these people say the show is tearing down social barriers for how guys should act and then make a huge deal and pervert the show when one of the girl characters acts more (what is thought to be) like a guy

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I might actually like Rainbow more if she was a canon lesbian. Diversity. However, I don`t want it to be written in. Ever. That would be terrible.


Since it`s a stereotype I really have nothing to say about it.

  • Brohoof 1



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I don't see Rainbow Dash as an symbol for pro-LGBT activism within the show at all. Yes, you can see it that way, and perhaps some of the show's creators are LGBT, but:


1. Rainbow Dash was a name of an older gen pony.

2. There are zero references to ponies of alternative sexual orientation. Almost all of the interactions (Mr. and Mrs. Cake, etc.) we see are largely heterosexual. 

  • Brohoof 1
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The reason why this belief is so prevalent is largely because she fits the pattern of a lesbian jock so well, in addition to the tomboy and rainbow motifs. Still offensive as hell, but there's more to it then just "lol rainbows she must be a FAG!" mentality.


This topic has been debated to hell and back since the show started, and general fan consensus is that she's not a lesbian, she's just a tomboy.


If there were to be a homosexual character in the show, I'd prefer it to be somepony other then Rainbow Dash and Steven Magnet. Both of whom imply some pretty terrible stereotypes that the LGBT group is trying to tear down.

Edited by Jadefire
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Rainbow Dash's special somepony is the sky.


It's all about priorities in their lives, I think. RD cares most about her flying abilities and perfecting her craft, romance might just not be a high priority, same for most of the rest of the Mane 6 besides Rarity, like you said. She definitely is tomboy-ish, but should we imply anything else about her beyond that? Or try to fit her into a stereotype? Of course not. Once people start with labels and stereotyping, you could end up with a similar situation as to what happened to poor Derpy Hooves.

Edited by Captain Cirrus
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Honestly does it matter? In any Fandom, no matter whether the person acts totally strait and is very anti-gay, as long as they are popular they will inevitably be gay in a large number of Fanfictions. 


As for RD. 

Rainbows have been around for a long long time and are caused by light being being refracted and split. The most common rainbows are from water vapor at the bottom of waterfalls and in light rain when the sun manages to make it through the clouds and shine through the drizzle. 

Rainbows do not automatically = Gay. And as I have seen from the people who live in the same area as me, neither does Tomboyishness.

  • Brohoof 1
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The reason why this belief is so prevalent is largely because she fits the pattern of a lesbian jock so well, in addition to the tomboy and rainbow motifs. Still offensive as hell, but there's more to it then just "lol rainbows she must be a FAG!" mentality.


This topic has been debated to hell and back since the show started, and general fan consensus is that she's not a lesbian, she's just a tomboy.


If there were to be a homosexual character in the show, I'd prefer it to be somepony other then Rainbow Dash and Steven Magnet. Both of whom imply some pretty terrible stereotypes that the LGBT group is trying to tear down.

I don't think the show will ever hit on that. But then again the show deals with things indirectly with more of the serious issues. People can take from it what they want. I think its more of a "haters gonna hate" thing.


Again I want to point out that I am not saying these are MY opinions, but just some stuff I read and wanted to get  feedback from the community. I personally feel that IF RD ever had time for romance it would be with who ever she damn well wanted, Stallion or Mare. Shes just that awesome

  • Brohoof 2

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Cause all tomboys are lesbians right? I highly doubt it. I couldn't care less if Dash was a lesbian, if she was she would be the most awesome lesbian of all time, just as if she were straight she would be the most amazing straight person of all time. I just kinda doubt the show is trying to be political at all, even in subtext.

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Nah, she's not a lesbian.  She's just a tomboy, and there's nothing wrong with that.  I'd still love Dashie even if she was a lesbian, with her being best pony and all.  A children's show would not be that controversial, so they'd prefer to leave out the sexual orientation stuff.  

Edited by TrixieLover97

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I really just think Rainbow Dash is just a Tomboy. I mean none of the other mane 6 besides Rairty have been seen being in love with anybody. I think Rainbow Dash is really meant to show that girls can be tough too. Im  currently not looking for a relationship and I'm trying to focus on my studies and future dream job but does that have to mean I'm Homosexual or Bi-sexual?

  • Brohoof 1

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The MLP staff have done an incredibly good job at keeping touchy/highly volatile topics out of the show (save the Derpy debate, but we all know that she wasn't designed to make fun of anyone). I'd be highly surprised if they suddenly decided to drop Rainbow Dash into the middle of such a topic.

Besides, why would they do that? There's a huge number of people who have issues with such an idea, and should that ever become canon, Hasbro would see a massive loss of viewers.

For me personally, the beautifully uncontroversial nature of the show is what draws me to it. I'd probably stop watching if they decided to start promoting such things.

Edited by CloudFyre
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You know, although I don't care if she would be lesbian or not, I think the fanbase can get a little too imaginitive at times.


Nothing in the show suggests that she would be lesbian. She is just a sporty, tough tomboy with an awesome color scheme. And rainbow doesn't necessarily mean gay.


No problem witrh lesbians, I am just saying that RD clearly isn't representing the LGBT community, just to show that a girl can be tough.

  • Brohoof 2


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  • 1 year later...

The irony of all this, at least partly, is what the original character concept for this character was. Lauren Faust wanted her favorite pony Firefly to return to the show, who had a pink coat with blue mane and tail, but for copyright reasons she could not do so. As such Lauren decided to put her view on Firefly's personality into the G3 pony Rainbow Dash, a very girly pony it should be noted that liked dresses, meaning people using Friendship is Magic Rainbow Dash's appearance to justify her being lesbian is amusing.


Hmm... seems I again commited necromany

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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This has been gone over, Lauren hates the "tomboy=lesbian" stereotype and even chided a feminist magazine that tore into her character based on assuming that fact for buying into stereotypes and making assumptions. 

  • Brohoof 2



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Just because her mane is Rainbow color, you think shes gay? What is wrong with you? LOL


No, as someone else said, shes more of a nod to tomboys than anything else. She acts tough, but can be girly from time to time.


Also, i have a good friend, who is strighter than the pole anyones mother dances on and she dyed her hair rainbow once just because she could.. shes also a huge anti gay supporter.. meaning, she hates the supporters, not the people

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