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1.dash gets faster


2.more episodes about luna, like her past or something.




Those are my demands, get crackin hasbro.

Please, Lauren, please. Seeing Scootaloo fly would make the season. I completely forgot about the fact that Scootaloo flying is what I wanted to see.

  • Brohoof 1


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Signature made by Kyoshi

MLP Forums 2nd Most Random Member


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1. Zecora's roots. I want to see more of this shamanic stuff that Zecora brings to the table, and hopefully see more zebras. Maybe we will learn why Zecora lives in the Everfree forest all alone.


2. Starswirl the Bearded. I also hope they make him a villain as well, some how, possibly jealous of Twilight. 


3. Rarity gets an episode that isn't based on fashion but instead on her gem-finding abilities. Maybe have her go on an adventure or something rather than stay cooped up and sewing. I know that's a large part of her character, but it's already been done too many times.

  • Brohoof 3
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Hmm top 3 eh.


1) More Luna and Celestia, including back stories, the relationship between to two and showing the differences in how they 'rule'.


2) I want another character other than Twilight to have something important happening with them either throughout the season or in a multi-part finale.


3) Either Sweetie learning to use magic or Rarity being a bit more badass (as she has show hints of throughout the previous seasons). Perhaps Rarity turning to magic for an episode. I'd like to see her grow in it a bit even if it's not her specialty. Letting Twilight have all the magic episodes gets boring.

We were meant to rule together, little sister......

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1. Mane 6 families revealed

2. Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash sisterly love c:
3. Sombra resurrected or new villain to face against Mane 6, All the Princesses and Discord.

Not in order, but I'd definitely love to see these three in season four c:


  • Brohoof 1


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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1.Something that will mkae the fandom have a better opinion on Twilicorn.

 2.Epicness, but not epic to the point that it gets lame.

 3.History on Starswhirl, Luna, Celestia, Cadence, and The Elements of Harmony.

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Hmm where do i start;

  1. History on Applejack parents.
  2. History on Applejack parents.
  3. History on Applejack parents.

That's all i can think of right now. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I agree with alot of what I've seen here. I really want to see Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis again. They were the very best villains IMO.

The White Shinigami

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3) Royal Sister origin story

2) Rarity episodes or Spike episodes that does his character justice

3) Mecha fight We get to see the Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Scootaloo's families

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I'd like to see more Luna/Celestia backstory, and definitely more Derpy.

I'm also hoping for Twilight to leave her friends and decide to go to Canterlot somehow, for royal duties. Since you know, it will make it more dramatic.


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1. More explosions, sonic rainbooms etc.

2. More Princess Luna action.

3. This isn't really a hope, but I would REALLY love to see a Discord, Shining Armor, Twilight and the gang vs some evil epic giant monster thingy.

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The title really says it all, but if the duration of season 4 were in your hands, what would be the 3 most important things that you would do?


My 3:

1. CMC get their cutie marks

2. Discord proves his worth as a reformed villain

3. Cadence and Shining Armor get character development

I agree with all this.


And mine are:


1. Bring back Nightmare Moon at least one more time.

2. Bring back Queen Chrysalis.

3. Show at least 1 male Alicorn. (I'm curious to see what one would be like)

Edited by Asbel Lhant

The White Shinigami

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I don't hope for anything anymore. I like to be surprised. But I'd like some characters to show up..






Especially Screwy.

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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1. Vinyl Scracth appears again

2. Luna 's Backstory

3. Rarity Song


Honorable Mentions (The ones that did'nt make the list)


• Big Macintosh Episode

• Discord Episode

• Return of Chrysalis

EPRBoM Official Threads




P.S Want an avatar like mine, send me a pic of anypony in a PM and I will make an awesome avatar for you!

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1) Luna does something for once, preferably evil... It would tie into my conspiracy theory that she was Chrysalis and has been biding her time for revenge


2) Shining Armour and Cadence have a baby and Chrysalis kidnaps, er, ponynaps it. Then we could have a Shining and Cadence episode to develop them more, AND a good plot.


3) (This should happen in the 2 episode season opener) Twilight is a Princess, and the royal duties get to her, and since she doesn't have time to be with her friends, she has a snap that makes Lesson Zero look like a perfectly sane moment, and has her princess rank and wings stripped until she can mature a little more.

  • Brohoof 1
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1.- The CMC get their cutiemarks


2.- More amazing songs


3.- Story behind Luna and Celestia


And for other things that i would actually like to see its like a new character or something, a good changeling that takes a form of a pony and he doesn't like showing his actual identity because others would be scared of him/her and please more Octavia because there were only a few times she appeared in S2 and S3.


Oh and i forgot to mention...



The Damn


Edited by Wheatley
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  1. At least one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders getting her cutie mark. The CMCs have taken three seasons to get to where they are now, and having their "find-their-cutie-marks" gag any longer would make it really stale. I hope an episode features one of the characters feeling committed to step forward and spend their hard-earned time in their main, innate interests.

Character development for Celestia. She's been around since the pilot and has had no development. Her personality is set in stone to the point of flatness. Luna, Twilight, and Cadance have personalities, strengths, and flaws front and back that give each of them full character. Celestia is portrayed as a deity figure with no emotional or psychological flaws that can make her such a deep character, which is shameful because she has the potential and a very good concept.

Twilight's development to an alicorn princess isn't shafted to where she's merely the "adorkable, crazy alicorn princess with wings slapped on." Her being an alicorn princess signifies a very big change in social status. If nothing about her or her relationship with her friends alters except that she has wings now, then it proves that Magical Mystery Cure was a shallow, insulting excuse for an episode specifically to promote the Pony Princess toyline.

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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1.) Celestia and Luna to get more character development (Maybe both at the same time in some kind of episode focusing on their sister-sister relationship?)


2.) They don't have any episodes that focus entirely on Spike (That never turned out well ever)


3.) That it is more like Season 2 than it is like Season 3.


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Top 3 things I hope for huh? Ok then;


1: The Return of Sombra, this time with more character development, I always felt there was so much that could have been done that they missed out.

2: More about the history of Equestria, specifically the origins of Celestia and Luna (or in fact perhaps on Discord).

3: The mane 6 to go outside of Equestria, like to the Griffon Kingdom or Saddle Arabia. This would potentially allow for a return of a certain griffon in a different setting.


I doubt that I'll get 1 or 3 though.


Another I'd like to throw in though is perhaps seeing the parents of the mane 6, we've seen and heard Rarity's, been almost told Applejacks are dead and have seen Twilights. An episode where all the parents meet would be great and could do some wonders for Applejacks character (ie being sad due to the lack of parents and discovering that Granny Smith fills the role).

Edited by Fridge

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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1. More Scootaloo/Rainbow Dash episodes! I really want to see more of their sisterly bonding!

2. Rainbow Dash needs her own song. She has such a wonderful voice and we haven't heard enough of her singing! :3

3. Romance. I want ROMANCE. I hope there is eventually an episode where one of the Mane Six gets a crush, like Twilight or Rainbow Dash maybe. :)

British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan.


Creativity is life. ♥

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This is a fan fantasy of mine. But I want Twilight to become dictator of Equestria. Pretty much I have played to much Injustice Gods Among Us. Just watch the story on youtube and you will see what I am talking about. Apple Jack and Rarity can keep Twilight on her dark path. While Rainbow Dash and the others rebel

  • Brohoof 1
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This is what I would do


1. Spike to grow up a little

2. Have Rainbow Dash teach some of the little pegasus' to fly

3. Have a little bit of Derp Hooves into the next season


yup thats basically it       

Derpy is gonna derp so better watch out :P

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1. A Luna song


2. A full season


3. Actually good episodes.


And to be honest, I really hope I don't see the CMC get there cutie marks. There would be no point to the CMC club and no point for a Sweetiebelle, Applebloom, or a Scootaloo episode. I see the CMC as an on going gag through out the series the writers can use.


And when the time comes (the last few episodes or the last season), they can get there cutie marks to mark the end of an on going adventure. (To put it laymen terms, the CMC getting there cutie marks is the same as Twilight getting wings.)




And no, most of the episodes in season 3 I didn't like and I'm hoping for better ones in season 4.


>inb4 flamewar



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I think we definitely need another episode about Scootaloo. Then we can finally find out about her parents and stuff.


Also, bring Derpy back. The controversy is long over and I don't see how she can be offensive to anyone. Unless their easily butthurt.


I would also like to see Gilda back so she can redeem herself as that is the trend with this show.


More Rarity. I'd like to see an episode where her parents come visit her. They seemed like interesting characters.



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Hmmm I think mine would be...


Applejack getting another song

More crystle ponies and their story,

Another Luna episode


(Maybe a competition between rock and classical, with vinyl leading one team and Octavia on the other, and the mane six separated into 2 teams, now that would be an amazing episode! :D)



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Here are mine:

1. The ponies invent technology, invade the surrounding areas, and set up a one-world tyranny ruled by Discord.

2. Discord grows a mullet.

3. Twilight Sparkle becomes a Rabbit.




Joking of course. 

These are my real 3:

1. Twilight flips out. You've seen how she get's under pressure (S2 E3), and being a princess sure is a lot of pressure.

2. More of Luna, perhaps delving into their past. I want an episode of reminiscing between Celestia and Luna. It would be adorable.

3. The CMC get their marks, but at different times. This would get into jealousy, accepting differences, etc. Perhaps the CMC could slowly push away one of their members out of jealousy, before finally realizing that it was their friendship, not what eachother had, that made being together worthwhile.

  • Brohoof 1


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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