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Telling your parents you're a brony


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HA I bet you all thought I was some kind of loser?! Hell naw Solar dont play that chit!! I have brony friends all over the place IRL and on these forums... One day im gonna be the greatest veterinarian ever then we will see whos alone!!

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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My family doesn't care, but they do think it's immature. I didn't have any problem telling them, nor did I feel the need to "come out". It was just something that became a part of my life, and when they saw me watching it, the conversation was along the lines of "I watch My Little Pony now. My Little Pony is cool", to which they responded "Alrighty then". My little sister is also a Brony, but they think it's more acceptable for her since she's only 16. Occasionally, they'll tell me "You're an adult, act like one", but since I don't live with them, they can't really call me on it.

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I had only been a Brony for about a month by the time I decided to tell my folks. Given I had purchased some of the toys, it was only going to be a matter of time before they saw them lying around on my desk or they'd see the background on my computer which would be a give away.


So at dinner the night before I went back to College I told my folks about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. They were surprised but they were cool with it. My sister was dumb founded when she found out, she just couldn't believe the concept of men liking My Little Pony. XD

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My dad knows I like cartoons. We both love Loony Tunes and Merry Melodies from the early to mid '50s. It wasn't much of a surprise to him that I liked Animaniac's, Futureama, Sailor Moon, a few others, and now MLP:FiM.


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I remember when I told my mom about it. She didn't mind at all (not surprising; my mom loves horses), and she even likes the show now and will watch it with me sometimes when it comes on TV. (And her favorite pony is Applejack.)

Step-dad knows, I think, and doesn't seem to mind it either.

I figure, they probably don't mind because anything that makes me happy would probably be well-recieved, since I'm usually all droopy and depressed all the Celestia-damn time.

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My parents simply accepted it, and after my sister´s initial "Seriously?"-style response, she even turned into a brony herself and went on, to convert her friends.


Get back! All of you! This is my comment. And I´m going to POST IT!

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Lets start with this one, then Ill post my story here.


How i became a brony:



*le me walks in on little brother on laptop. Page quickly switches.

Me: What was that.

Brother: nothing...

Me: No really. It looked like... Ponies or something.

Brother: ... It may have been *giving me weird murder look*

Me: ... I dont even care *turn to leave the room*

Brother: Its pretty good... you should check it out.

Me: No thanks, i dont think I will like it

*Five minutes later I get on my laptop and watch all of season one that night.




Parental reaction:



*Walking through mall with mom. Pass hot topic. Iconic Rainbow Dash "BRONY" T-Shirt. I enter store

Mom: where are you going?

Me: I want that shirt

Mom: what the heck is it?

Me: My little pony

Mom: ok then...

*Parade around in shirt for a week. No questions asked. Life is simple, life is good



  • Brohoof 2

Riley was here

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I have yet to tell my parents that I am a brony, but considering how both of my parents either overanalyze something or they interrogate me into next month, I might wait awhile until I 1. Feel its a good time to do so. And 2. Can figure out a way to convince both of them that it is a gender- and age-neutral show and also how to argue against the common stereotypes (girls, young kids, gay, antisocial, etc. )





  • Brohoof 1


This signature was created by coastercrutchfield. |--(0)--| techno915

Previously: TARDIS915

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My mom walked in on me watching it once and asked what I was watching(I was on my PC so she couldn't see the screen). I told her I watched MLP Friendship is Magic and she got a really confused look on har face, so I followed up by giving her a short rundown of the community and why people like me find it fun, as well as a few pointers to why this "kids show" is much smarter and better written than what most people think.

Had about the same story with my brother. He won't watch the show, but he have respect for me since I am being open about doing it.

I like to do requests. Please, if there is something you want to see me, an amateur, draw for you, just send me a PM with the details and I'll say yay or nay. Most likely yay.

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I haven't really completely told my parents, but they know I like ponies and have showed nothing that would mean they are against it in anyway. Still, I have never been that kind of person who follows the trends and so have them, so I would actually be surprised if they cared xD


My little brother was a little bothered that I was turning into a "normal" girl (true words of his), but I drew him a zombie pony to prove I am still his old, weird, blood-loving sister. :)


Signature made by me, screenshot as base

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I haven't told them yet, but I think they know. I got into MLP about a month in a half ago, and naturally all my avatars on sites and such are now MLP related. I've been away in Canada going to school, since I actually come from Washington state, so they haven't been able to contact me in other way besides Skype. So about 2 weeks ago, they call me on Skype and my video doesn't pop up for whatever reason, leaving them a big picture of Rainbow Dash on their side of the screen XD:


"Hey, we're not seeing you, just this blue horse or....pony?"

"Haha, yeah, hang on"

*makes video pop up*

*discussion on that never went further than that*


I don't really care if they know, but like anything of this nature, it's probably best if they just didn't. My dad, being the strict conservative and slightly closed-minded guy that he is, would probably never let me live it down, and wouldn't understand in the slightest. My step mom would be kinda the same, but she'd just be nicer about it lawl. That said, if they ask about it directly, I won't hestitate to explain myself, but yeah, probably best with the Fluttershy approach of "hush now, quiet now" XD.

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My story is kinda weird because the first person in real life that discovered it was my sister (she's 18) first she laughed and started fooling around with me saying "Aww you like little cute ponies?" and i was like "Emm yeah, they're cool" After she laughed, she said she was going to see an episode, but she only saw a clip from the "A dog and a pony show" episode, she said she didn't understand the point of the show I was really upset, but I'm trying to get her to see an entire episode.


A couple of weeks after that while i was buying some things with my family, she suddenly said "Hey, did you know that Daniel watches My Little Pony" I tought "Ok this is it, they're gonna think i'm gay or something (not saying that is bad, but you know, if i were gay i would be the first one in the ENTIRE family). But i think they really didn't pay attention to her because they answered "Meh"


So maybe i could say i haven't told them, but i know what to answer.


PD: Could anypony recommend me an episode from the first season, so that my sister watches it?

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Enjoying MLP is not something that you need to go around telling people.... its not like your comming out as gay, you dont need to tell your parents you like ponies. Do you tell them every thing you like? if they didnt know you liked the simpsons for example would you go over to them and say "Mom, Dad, I like the simpsons"? no you wouldent because its not important for them to know.


i dont understand why people need to "Come out" as a brony when its something that doesnt need "Comming out". I find the whole idea of it insulting to Homosexuals who actually have a reason to "Come out".


I understand that the major opinion about MLP is that its a show for little girls and older people (mainly guys) shouldent watch or like it but there are many things in life that are "Supposed" to be for children that we continue to enjoy into adulthood but no one says anything about those.


If you feel that telling your parents would be a mistake for one reason or another then dont tell them but if you feel that you need to tell them and that they would accept it just do this: Walk up to them and say: "I like My Little Pony"


And then its done.

  • Brohoof 2

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They're fine with me watching the show. They don't have any strict views on any sort of this stuff and as long as they think it's harmless I'm free from any sort of censorship or others.

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My parents know that I like MLP:FIM, but I haven't explanied why or what a Brony is. I've brought tickets to BUCK (Britian's Brony Covention) for me and my Dad to show him the wonders of Bronydom.

I don't think he knows that BUCK is a brony convention. He'll find out soon enough.......... ;)

Edited by The Sarcastic Spastic
  • Brohoof 3
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my family were trying to look something up on the laptop and caught me watching "fall weather friends", first they said

"wait, is that? you're watching My little pony?" and i said "It's made by Lauren Faust"

"which one is that?"

"Fosters home for imaginary friends."

"OOooh, can i watch?"


hehe, my family's pretty awesome :lol:

  • Brohoof 2


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My mom raised two daughters that were drinking, smoking, and knocked up before they were even out of high-school. So I have the benefit of a mom that doesn't worry about mundane things like tastes in entertainment anymore.



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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When I first mentioned that there were older people that watched MLP to my mum she said "either they're all joking or they're all gay". As for my dad, he thinks that it's probably something sexual. Luckily, neither of them know that I like the show, and they never will.

top lel

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Told my mom I was a brony and she asked what it was, so I said, I fan of the show MLP:Friendship is Magic. I explained that this version was really good and the other generations were terrible. She still was unsure but she wasn't mad or thinking I was gay because of it. I haven't told my step-dad though, he is the single most closeminded bigot of all time. Truly a worthy title. For example, he calls me a queer for wearing "those faggoty-a** shoes" (Vans/Converses), and having "long queer hair", my hair looks like a MANLY version of Justin Bieber's hair (not really supporting my point but still). So yeah, I am going to stick from telling him at all costs. ^_^

Spreading friendship since 01-30-2012!

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Told my mom I was a brony and she asked what it was, so I said, I fan of the show MLP:Friendship is Magic. I explained that this version was really good and the other generations were terrible. She still was unsure but she wasn't mad or thinking I was gay because of it. I haven't told my step-dad though, he is the single most closeminded bigot of all time. Truly a worthy title. For example, he calls me a queer for wearing "those faggoty-a** shoes" (Vans/Converses), and having "long queer hair", my hair looks like a MANLY version of Justin Bieber's hair (not really supporting my point but still). So yeah, I am going to stick from telling him at all costs. ^_^


I'd hate to see what he'd say about me, I haven't cut my hair since 2007. I also walk around in sandles, cargo shorts, and T-shirts.



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I had no issue with telling my parents, it's not the weirdest thing I've been into. I was just like "Hey, I watch my little pony. Let me show you the show, it's fucking amazing."



No sense makes sense

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