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Why do people hate Gilda so much?

Winona the Dog

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Back in season 1, we were introduced to Gilda in Griffon the Brush-Off. Gilda is a Griffon (as kinda stated by the title of the episode). She used to be in Junior Flight School along with Rainbow Dash. Her personality is also very reminiscent of a typical "80's biker-girl" stereo type while it can be a bit annoying it's a unique trait about her. (Just like Trixie speaking in first person which is both unique and annoying.)




Yet, we've had even more annoying characters than this in the show. The Great And Powerful Trixie, The Flim Flam Brothers, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, to name a few. However, these characters are well liked and  some of the characters who receive the most fan works in the fandom. So, why not Gilda?


When we first meet her, she is hanging out with Rainbow Dash trying to catch up from the last time they met. Pinkie wanted to hang out with Rainbow and doesn't understand that Gilda wanted to have some alone time with her old friend. She uses balloons, a trampoline, and a weird flying bike device to keep having time with them despite the fact Gilda not wanting her there.Gilda_lags_behind_S01E05.png


I think that the main reason that everyone hates her is because of how she was presented in the show and how it focuses completely on her bad traits throughout the episode. We don't get a chance to see her good side due to the fact Pinkie Pie was basically harassing her and Rainbow Dash the whole time she was around. Here is where we see Gilda's character flaw, it's obvious she's easily angered and frustrated. This is very similar to Trixie's and The Flim Flam brother's overconfidence. It takes a few seconds before Gilda finally break and yell at Pinkie to leave.



She also yells at Pinkie after a bunch of pranks are pulled on her later in the episode.  Sure she is a little over the top in her mood, obviously has a temper problem, but who wouldn't be annoyed in that situation. If you just came in from out of town to meet an old friend you haven't seen in years and said friend's other friends kept butting in, it would be a bit annoying. Pinkie, as a good friend, really should have understood that Rainbow might want to catch up with her old friend. It's common courtesy, in my opinion Pinkie seems just the tiniest bit selfish; she can hang out with Dash whenever, they live in the same town. I think Gilda is wrong for getting as angry as she did, but it's understandable that she would be upset. As far as the pranks go and especially if you think it's from Pinkie Pie, I'm sure that would tick off just about anyone. Public humiliation in front of strangers is upsetting, especially when you're "Cool". That's why I think Pinkie Pie was more in the wrong in that situation.


Gilda isn't the only one who snaps at Pinkie Pie's antics.


Now before you guys go ahead and start saying "SHE MADE FLUTTERSHY CRY!!!!!!!1!!1" Yes,  there was also one other time that she yells at Fluttershy when she runs into her. But, like I said before, she's has anger issues so she's easily angered. I don't think that she's the type of pony... er griffon to accept apologies easily. It's simply part of her character. It's a flaw that makes her less boring and gives her something to work with. Besides, there's a lot of things/people that make Fluttershy cry, (Angel, The Pegasi of Cloudsdale, The CMC, Philomena, etc) are you mad at them too?



We've seen yelling in episodes before, but people tend to dislike these moments. I mean, Fluttershy yelled at Pinkie Pie and Rarity in Putting Your Hoof down and hurt there feelings pretty bad and people think that's A-OK ,but when Gilda yells at Fluttershy people pick up their pitchforks and torches!?! That's a bit hypocritical dotcha think?



If any of you still have a grudge on Gilda, please let me know why. I would like to know.

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Yes Gilda wanted to hang out with RD, but she should of just said kindly to Pinkie Pie "Will you please just let us two have a night or two out alone?" But instead, she was being a bully and wanted to hog RD for herself. Though Pinkie Pie shouldn't of gotten as jealous as she did, and realize they should have some time alone.


So in the end, it was really both party's fault. 

  • Brohoof 7


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Yes Gilda wanted to hang out with RD, but she should of just said kindly to Pinkie Pie "Will you please just let us two have a night or two out alone?" But instead, she was being a bully and wanted to hog RD for herself.


Well I can see what your getting at but sadly I think the first few times Gilda told Pinkie Pie to buzz off and leave them alone was as kind as she was going to be. I really think Pinkie Pie should've taken the hint at that point anyway. As Twilight said later in the episode; Pinkie Pie was simply too jealous to do so.

Edited by Lady Rainicorn
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I see Gilda as that one girl in every school/workplace/anything that thinks she's better then everyone else. I hate people like that for 2 reasons. First of all, those people just get on my nerves, people that have an ego 20x bigger than the goodyear blimp are just annoying and could do with getting nocked down a few thousand notches considering most people like that aren't even special. Secondly, its people like that that got me suspended in school so i just have a grudge against everyone like that.


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For me, it's more disliking her character. She really had no likable traits. Discord is.. well Discord, Nightmare and Crystals were the living embodiments of "Evil is Cool", and Trixie hammed it up, but Gilda was just a complete jerk with no enjoyable characteristics. She's just miserable pain in the ass. 


Also, it wasn't Pinkie butting in that was the problem. She just plain didn't like the fact Dash had befriended the kind of ponies she liked to bully. I think that was the root of the problem.    

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


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Honestly? I think it was just the Fluttershy crying bit. Yeah, she acted like a jerk, but so did Trixie, Malfoy, and Loki, and they've got little fanbases surrounding them with sympathy and love. I guess the Fluttershy incident was the Moral Event Horizon.


Not to say people who dislike her for legitimate reasons are wrong or apply here, but I'm guessing more people would liker her if it wasn't for that scene.


I dunno, I'm about to rewatch the episode for a review, we'll see then.

Edited by CITRUS KING46
  • Brohoof 2


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Well I can see what your getting at but sadly I think the first few times Gilda told Pinkie Pie to buzz off and leave them alone was as kind as she was going to be. I really think Pinkie Pie should've taken the hint at that point anyway. As Twilight said later in the episode; Pinkie Pie was simply too jealous to do so.


But that's not the case, the whole reason Pinkie had the party was to try and befriend her and get her to loosen up. You have to see it like this, Pinkie's not jealous, she just see's everyone as a potential friend and doesn't understand why she's being driven away. She's not jealous, she was just mad because Gilda was being mean and cruel about the whole situation, which she assumes out of her sheer good nature is because Gilda needs to be cheered up. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I see Gilda as that one girl in every school/workplace/anything that thinks she's better then everyone else.


Rainbow Dash also acts like that at some times. Do you dislike her too or do you just dislike that part of her personality? (Also I think someone else acts like that but I can't remember)




Also, it wasn't Pinkie butting in that was the problem. She just plain didn't like the fact Dash had befriended the kind of ponies she liked to bully. I think that was the root of the problem.    


Like I said earlier both parties are to fault here. While Gilda was wrong in acting like she did; I do think Pinkie Pie was also wrong for not letting them hang out together in peace. (And that was before she found out that she was a thief and yelled at Fluttershy)

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Rainbow Dash also acts like that at some times. Do you dislike her too or do you just dislike that part of her personality

just that part of her personality, but the main fault with that that Rainbow Dash doesnt have is that it is Gilda's entire personality, Ranbow is dynamic and that is just part of her personality (plus it isnt as exaggerated as it is with Gilda).

  • Brohoof 2


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We've seen yelling in episodes before, but people tend to dislike these moments. I mean, Fluttershy yelled at Pinkie Pie and Rarity in Putting Your Hoof down and hurt there feelings pretty bad and people think that's A-OK ,but when Gilda yells at Fluttershy people pick up their pitchforks and torches!?! That's a bit hypocritical dotcha think?


Well, Fluttershy realized right afterwards that she had been a jerk, then went and locked herself in her home for fear of hurting anyone else. Gilda, by contrast, didn't care that she had made Fluttershy cry, or that Fluttershy had only hit her accidentally. That accounts for part of the difference. Another part can probably be accounted for by the difference in how much we've seen of each character--fundamentally, we know Fluttershy is a good pony from the rest of the show. But with Gilda we only have what we see in her episode, which is mostly negative.


That being said, I think you are correct to point out Pinkie is rather possessive of Dash and inconsiderate of Gilda's feelings during the mid-episode. Gilda herself is somewhat over the top and rude about it, but as you say that's part of her character and it's difficult to imagine her politely asking Pinkie if she wouldn't mind doing something else (or that Pinkie would actually listen...)

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Rainbow Dash also acts like that at some times. Do you dislike her too or do you just dislike that part of her personality? (Also I think someone else acts like that but I can't remember)





Like I said earlier both parties are to fault here. While Gilda was wrong in acting like she did; I do think Pinkie Pie was also wrong for not letting them hang out together in peace. (And that was before she found out that she was a thief and yelled at Fluttershy)


BUT, you also have to see Dash's POV. She was willing to hang out with both of them and even asked where Pinkie went she sent her off flying. Gilda was the one being possessive. 

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I personally dislike Gilda because not only does she take on some of Rainbow Dash's less admirable qualities (boastfulness, bullheadedness etc) and double how bad they are but she doesn't have Dash's redeeming qualities. Dash is kind and loyal to a fault and I feel that she has all of the EOH qualities in her in some way. Gilda is a bully and a coward. Of course that's my opinion :)

  • Brohoof 1

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Starting Note: I'm sorry if I'm repeating what others have said; moving on. Gilda acts like she's the best, and it very inconsiderate of other's feelings - Ex. her stealing, yelling unnecessarily. I understand Gilda's point of rage of being pranked constantly during the party but even after she finds out it was Rainbow and not Pinkie she still walks out. Pinkie tried to make amends but Gilda in the end still act like a huge grump.


Relating to Flim & Flam, people probably flock to them because of their funny antics and voices. Trixie has a lot of implied depth which led her to having a lot of fans. When the Ursa Minor comes around she drops the third person showing that using the third person is a conscious act. It brings up the questions why she feels the need to act the way she does which made a lot of fans interested in her. Gilda isn't funny and just ends up looking like a jerk.

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I don't really like GIlda, Personality wise. she's too much of a bully. Telling Pinkie to buzz off, making Fluttershy cry, I mean. those are traits of a bully in my books.


I under stand that when she as with Dash, she wanted some bonding time to "catch up" on things. She didn't have to be mean towards Pinkie. she could've jsut said" Hey,I just want to be alone with Dash"(although she might've said that, I don't remember the episode so well, as it's not one of my faves.)


I know I wouldn't want Gilda as a friend.

  • Brohoof 1

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*sigh* I've seen topics similar to this all the time. And it annoys me how everyone hates her guts because of some bad attitude. Especially "yelling at fluttershy", that just made everyone hate her. I personally like gilda, and I don't care what anyone says. And my theory for why she did what she did is... that she wanted dash to herself. Like tried to scare off all of her friends and others so she could spend time with her. But again, that's just my theory.

  • Brohoof 3


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Idk, i guess its like alot of the antagonists in the show, they aren't really made with alot of likable stuff being presented, i think really the only way to get a liking for them is from deeper analysis.


I don't hate her, thats a waste of time, that said shes not exactly high up on my charactors list, i guess because she showed up and thats about it, i just didn't find alot appealing to me to like, but like I said i guess it requires deeper analysis.


That said again I don't hate her, I feel thats kinda a waste of time, sure she yelled at Fluttershy and made her cry, but despite being a Fluttershy fan that doesn't really bother me that much(Besides there wasn't any tears in that scene if anyone pays attention :P.)


I suppose if she showed again with some postitive likable traits i might take more interest in her.

Edited by Zygen


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I felt she was poorly written compared to the other antagonists. Particularly since we now have Lightning Dust. Even with Diamond Tiara, I'm thinking "I know this person, there are people like this", I didn't get that with Gilda, she was just flat.

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The way I see it, she is a character that is designed to be hated. As a tough, cool, and athletic air head, she fills in a pretty generic role that most cartoons have sooner or later, but I like her a lot more than most other characters of that caliber. She just had a lot more spunk and personality than most. I would love to see her again, just done a bit differently of course. Whatever that might be, that is up to the writers, but I have doubts that she will return.


Great point on the beginning, I too believe that Pinkie was in the wrong. She just wanted Rainbow to herself and given that they do live fairly close to each other, that is selfish of her. I guess that is just Pinkie though, completely oblivious on certain regards.



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I don't understand why Gilda is so hated (by this I mean I understand the actual reasons, I just don't see why there's such a big deal made about them) I pretty much grew up with a male Gilda. He was a self-obsessed prick in school and anytime he was with his friends, and acted pretty much just like Gilda acts around Dash. He would pick on most kids in the grade (verbal mostly, he was the quarterback in football, me and my friends were Defense (I was noseguard) and we layed his ass out every chance we got, so he avoided physical confrontation- like most bullies) The weirdest part? Outside of school and when he wasn't around his usual crew we were great friends! We rode dirtbikes all the time together; whether jumping/ muddin/ or just plain trail riding we had a great time, but as soon as we were in school the next day it was back to treating everyone, including me, like shit. So rather than hate him I just felt bad that he felt he had to be a "tough guy" for his "friends." I guess that's why I'm fine with Gilda, I figure her attitude is her just trying to be cool since she really isn't. Also, Gilda likely Gilda wouldn't have had to be so mean to Pinkie if Pinkie would have just let the two friends hang out as two old friends, so in part Gilda's nastiness is caused by pinkie's pestering. (by all means Gilda is not excused for her actions, but if she hadn't been pushed she probably wouldn't have been as much of a jerk.)


Warning, Unpopular opinions below.


I think "Because she made Fluttershy cry" is not a reason worthy of even mentioning 'cause let's face it, Fluttershy's a pansy, and any other pony wouldn't have cried and ran off like that; then it wouldn't have been such a big deal to the fandom. (I wish she would have bumped into Applejack!) In other words, if Fluttershy wasn't so overly spineless she wouldn't have ran off crying, and the fandom wouldn't have over-reacted by wanting to protect the sheltered kid.





I grew up with a Gilda, the attitude was just him trying to be cool in front of his friends and was nice when we were hangin out, so I don't see Gilda as strictly a bad person. Plus if Pinkie hadn't annoyed her, Gilda likely wouldn't have been so mean, though she still wouldn't have been a good person.

  • Brohoof 4


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Seems like you aren't able to understand a sensitive heart and the way it works.

A sensitive person/pony feels everything in a deeper way, good things aswell as the bad ones. So, they have a better comprehension of life, but at the same time they get hurt much more often due to this sensitivity.

Any feeling inside a sensitive person is many times stronger than in a normal one. While they feel everything in a better way, they also get hurt much more easily.

As Pinkie and Rainbow said while they were trying to make some fun of Fluttershy, during Griffon the brushoff:

"She is so sensitive, it will hurt her feelings, even our most harmless prank"

"Yeah, you're right"

Regarding Gilda, she spends her time hurting people just to feel better herself, she doesn't worry about how harmful her jokes can end up being.
Gilda is a resentful character, maybe she lived throught some kind of pain along her life to end up being the way she is now, but that doesn't give her any right to hurt others for her own good.

I can not stand such selfish behavior. And I used to hunt down people with such behaviors.

Apologies for my english.

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I can get past Fluttershy crying but, Gilda is just plain rude and really not caring about anypony's feelings. Even for a griffon, she is a pretty mean griffon at best. Pinkie Pie should not have annoyed Gilda, then maybe she would have been a little nicer.

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I actually really, really, really like Gilda. I have a major soft spot for her after seeing this comic, by Joey Darkmeat:




That...is so depressing.


Edit: I think I may need to explain myself a little better, seeing some of the comments in this thread. (Note to self: read thread before posting, saves time + effort.)


Normally I don't like characters like Gilda, because I know too many people like her. I know a lot of people like RD and Prince Blueblood, which is why I have very low tolerance for people like that. But for some reason, Gilda strikes a chord with me because we obviously see she wants to spend time with Dash. It's clear the two of them have not spent a lot of time together for a while, but they were - and up until the point in the episode - best friends. 


I partly agree with @Slaigh, as I don't think Gilda would have reduced anybody else to tears except Fluttershy. And it was very obvious, at least to me, that making Fluttershy cry was a quick way to get the audience to dislike her. Since you could argue Pinkie Pie was also in the wrong, having Gilda do other bad things (like steal an apple, roar at Fluttershy, etc.,) were all ways to build her up quickly as an antagonist.


I don't like that. I really wish we could have seen what happened to Gilda afterwards, as we do see her saying to Rainbow Dash "If you want to stop being lame, come see me again." I don't think that's her way of saying "If you want to choose your friends over me", I think it's Gilda actually telling RD to come after her.


Just like RD, I think Gilda is extremely insecure deep down. I kinda want to give her a hug.

Edited by Miss Earl Grey
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