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Getting To Know You Better Results

Blue Moon

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Hello! :)


Recently, I have been sending questionnaires to some of the members here to get to know them better. It has been pretty successful, and I've learned a lot of new things about some of the members here. Anyway, one of the members I gave a questionnaire to, Pink Mist, came up with the idea for me to post the results in a thread (thanks for the idea, by the way), so here it is. I'll put the actual questionnaire below first (feel free to fill out the questionnaire yourself, and post yours in this thread), and then I'll leave the results from the other users (don't worry, I asked each of them for their approval before posting.) Also, the members put "N/A" for questions they couldn't or didn't want to answer.


Bye! :)





Favorite Color:
Favorite Pony:
Favorite TV Show:
What country do you live in?
Favorite Pokemon:
Favorite Musical Artist: 
Favorite MLP Episode:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Fanfiction:
Favorite Song:
Favorite Superhero:
Favorite Animal:
Favorite Board Game:
Favorite Video Game:
Favorite Video Game Console:
Favorite Book:
Favorite Fictional Character:
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Instrument:



Member Responses:





Favorite Color: Blue (if I had to specify, I'd say Navy Blue)

Favorite Pony: None in canon, love the Mane 6 equally, but I guess Derpy in fanon

Favorite TV Show: Currently, "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic", all time, "Batman: The Animated Series"

What country do you live in?: The United States of America

Favorite Pokemon: Never watched, so I guess I'll go with Pikachu

Favorite Musical Artist: Johnny Cash

Favorite MLP Episode: This is a VERY tough one, but if I had to pick, I'd probably say "The Best Night Ever".  Perfect way to close the first season of MLP as far as I'm concerned!

Favorite Movie: If I had to pick one movie that I thought was absolutely perfect in every way, one entry alone, it would be Peter Jackson's "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King".  Yes, movies like Christopher Nolan's "Dark Knight" trilogy or "The Lion King" rank up among my all time favorites, but "The Return of the King" is simply one of the greatest cinematic experiences of all time for anybody no matter what your tastes.  It really has something for everyone and tells one of the greatest stories of all time of good triumphing over evil in the face of the utmost insurmountable odds.

Favorite Fanfiction: Chengar Qordath's "The Life and Times of a Winning Pony"

Favorite Song: Johnny Cash's "God's Gonna Cut You Down"

Favorite Superhero: Batman

Favorite Animal: Lion

Favorite Board Game: Chess

Favorite Video Game: Halo (mostly for nostalgic purposes, but to this day it's still a great game to play)

Favorite Video Game Console: The Xbox 360

Favorite Book: Michael Shaara's "The Killer Angels"

Favorite Fictional Character: Batman (what can I say, I like Batman)

Favorite Sport: Football

Favorite Instrument: The Pipe Organ



@Chigens and Kay


Favorite Color: Purple and Red | Kay likes Orange

Favorite Pony: Tie between Rarity and Pinkie Pie | Kay likes Applejack

Favorite TV Show: Whatever is on and catches my interest  :P

What country do you live in? Massachusetts, USA (it's on my profile x_x)

Favorite Pokemon: Swampert, Zapdos, Frosslass, Lugia

Favorite Musical Artist: Don't pick favorites in this area. I do quite like Black Sabbath, Metallica, and Disturbed though.

Favorite MLP Episode: Sisterhooves Social.

Favorite Movie: Chronicles of Riddick / Riddick / Kill Bill Vol. 1 + 2

Favorite Fanfiction: N/A

Favorite Song: Don't have a favorite song.

Favorite Superhero: I hate all superheroes except for Gambit.

Favorite Animal: Snake.

Favorite Board Game: Munchkin.

Favorite Video Game: Don't pick favorite games. I play too many to decide.

Favorite Video Game Console: PC

Favorite Book: I don't read books.

Favorite Fictional Character: Unsure.

Favorite Sport: Video Games.

Favorite Instrument: Violin / Otomatone / Theremin





Favorite Color: Desaturated blue, whatever that's called.

Favorite Pony: Rarity

Favorite TV Show: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Country: The U.S.

Favorite Pokemon: I never really got into Pokemon, but if I had to pick one, it'd probably be Psyduck.

Favorite Musical Artist: Not sure if I have a favorite.

Favorite Episode: Hurricane Fluttershy

Favorite Movie: Tie between Alien/Aliens and Toy Story.

Favorite Fanfic: I don't really read fanfic, so I'm just going to say My Immortal, the absolute worst fanic ever written in any fandom.

Favorite Song: "Bohemian Rhapsody"

Favorite Superhero: Spider-Man

Favorite animal: Probably alligators, though recently I've gained an appreciation for the fox.

Favorite Board Game: Guess Who (?)

Favorite Video Game: Psychonauts.

Favorite Console: SNES and Gamecube,

Favorite Book: Watchmen

Favorite Fictional Character: Again, Spidey.

Favorite Sport: Football or Quidditch.

Favorite Instrument: Kazoo.





Favorite Color: I'll have to say Black
Favorite Pony: Applejack
Favorite TV Show: So many, Count Avatar:TLAB, MLP, BoyMeets World, The Adventures of Pete & Pete in that list
What country do you live in? Mexico, the real one not the one you have in mind
Favorite Pokemon: Charizard, Sandslash, Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Scyther, Dragonite
Favorite Musical Artist: Queen 
Favorite MLP Episode: Lesson Zero
Favorite Movie: Cant decide =( tooo many
Favorite Fanfiction: For MLP fanfiction Flitter
Favorite Superhero: I just realized i have none
Favorite Animal: Dragon's or Wolfs if you are limited to reality
Favorite Board Game: Marathon (Mexican General knowlege trivia game)
Favorite Video Game: Final Fantasy Tactics
Favorite Video Game Console: PlayStation
Favorite Book: The Republic (Plato)
Favorite Fictional Character: There are just too many
Favorite Sport: Football during World Cup (thats the real football not the american one that uses hands)
Favorite Instrument: Electric Bass


Favorite Color: Red or sky blue(tough to decide)
Favorite Pony: Pinkie Pie(don't let my avatar fool you  ;) )
Favorite TV Show: MLP 
What country do you live in? : United States of America
Favorite Pokemon: Not really a huge fan, but I loved watching the animated series as a kid. I loved Pikachu the most. :3
Favorite Musical Artist: N/A
Favorite MLP Episode: A Friend in Deed

Favorite Movie: N/A
Favorite Fanfiction: Either Hero of War or In Our World- Kindness(Can give links if you interested.  )
Favorite Song: N/A
Favorite Superhero: Wolverine(Marvel Comics)
Favorite Animal: Gray Wolf
Favorite Board Game: Sorry
Favorite Video Game: Halo series
Favorite Video Game Console: XBOX 360
Favorite Book: N/A
Favorite Fictional Character: Other than Pinkie Pie...Either the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who, or Marvel Comic's Wolverine. 
Favorite Sport: Cross Country, Soccer, or Basketball
Favorite Instrument: Piano/Keyboard







Favorite Color: Greeeeen
Favorite Pony: Rarity 
Favorite TV Show: Gravity Falls
What country do you live in?: USA
Favorite Pokemon: Espeon
Favorite Musical Artist: My Chemical Romance or Paramore
Favorite MLP Episode: Boast Busters
Favorite Movie: Batman: The Dark Knight
Favorite Fanfiction: I don't read fan fiction xD
Favorite Song: Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
Favorite Superhero: Batman
Favorite Animal: Llama  :lol:
Favorite Board Game: Name 5
Favorite Video Game: N/A
Favorite Video Game Console: Wii
Favorite Book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Favorite Fictional Character: Luna Lovegood or my haifu...George Weasley *swoon*
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Favorite Instrument: Trumpet or Guitar






Favorite Color: Don't have one. I have favourite colour combos (e.g pink and blue) but not individual colours 
Favorite Pony: Pinkie Pie  :)
Favorite TV Show: FiM!
What country do you live in? United Kingdom
Favorite Pokemon: Grovyle n.n
Favorite Musical Artist: Foo Fighters
Favorite MLP Episode: Too Many Pinkie Pies
Favorite Movie: Children of Men (if you haven't seen this you are missing out)
Favorite Fanfiction: The Elements of Gaming n.n
Favorite Song: Come Alive
Favorite Superhero: Thor
Favorite Animal: Penguin (I have 80 penguin figurines at home)
Favorite Board Game: Gomoku (or simply Connect Five)
Favorite Video Game: Three-way tie between Paper Mario 2, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2, and Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Favorite Video Game Console: PC
Favorite Book: George Orwell - 1984
Favorite Fictional Character: Pinkie Pie
Favorite Sport: Table tennis
Favorite Instrument: Piano (to play) and drums (to listen to)






Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Pony: Rainbow Dash
Favorite TV Show: Firefly
What country do you live in? United States
Favorite Pokemon: Squirtle
Favorite Musical Artist: Eddy Vedder
Favorite MLP Episode: One does not simply pick a favorite episode 
Favorite Movie: Gallipoli 
Favorite Fanfiction: N/A
Favorite Song: Permanent Daylight
Favorite Superhero: Batman/Superman
Favorite Animal: Ocelot
Favorite Board Game: Chess
Favorite Video Game: Journey
Favorite Video Game Console: Xbox 360
Favorite Book: The Road
Favorite Fictional Character: Nathan Drake
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Favorite Instrument: Guitar/Saxophone






Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Pony: Pinkie Pie
Favorite TV Show: I gotta say MLP since these days nothing much really attracts me anymore.
What country do you live in? El Salvador
Favorite Pokemon: Piplup
Favorite Musical Artist: N/A I can't choose
Favorite MLP Episode: Party of One
Favorite Movie: Between Wreck-It-Ralph, Despicable Me and White Chicks.
Favorite Fanfiction: Pony:Growth Through The Thorn, Other:Things Change
Favorite Song: N/A Can't choose
Favorite Superhero: Ooh I'll divide this. Marvel:Hulk, DC:Batman
Favorite Animal: Between baby chickens and cats
Favorite Board Game: Monopoly
Favorite Video Game: Mario Party DS
Favorite Video Game Console: Xbox 360
Favorite Book: Wimpy Kid Series, can't choose which book though 
Favorite Fictional Character:
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Favorite Instrument: Violin




Rainbow Hash



Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Pony: Rainbow Dash
Favorite TV Show: Ed, Edd, n' Eddy (Would feel kind of silly to put MLP here... so yeah)
What country do you live in? United States of America
Favorite Pokemon: Beedrill
Favorite Musical Artist: Chevelle
Favorite MLP Episode: Return of Harmony One and Two
Favorite Movie: John Carpenter's The Thing (1982)
Favorite Fanfiction: N/A (Haven't read much)
Favorite Song: Master of Puppets - Metallica
Favorite Superhero: Static Shock
Favorite Animal: King Cobra
Favorite Board Game: Mansions of Madness
Favorite Video Game: Unreal Tournament 2004
Favorite Video Game Console: PC
Favorite Book: I Am Legend
Favorite Fictional Character: Samurai Jack
Favorite Sport: Football
Favorite Instrument: Bass Guitar






Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Pony: Pinkie Pie
Favorite TV Show: Dexter / MLP
What country do you live in? America
Favorite Pokemon: Blastoise
Favorite Musical Artist: Avenged Sevenfold (...I guess)
Favorite MLP Episode: Hurricane Fluttershy
Favorite Movie: Borat
Favorite Fanfiction: Fallout: Equestria
Favorite Song: Danny Kaye & the Andrews Sisters - Civilization 

Favorite Superhero: Batman
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Board Game: Sorry!
Favorite Video Game: Team Fortress 2
Favorite Video Game Console: Xbox 360 (but I prefer PC)
Favorite Book: The Youngest Templar: Orphan of Destiny (I tend to read fanfiction more, and I know this series isn't really popular.)
Favorite Fictional Character: Littlepip
Favorite Sport: American Football
Favorite Instrument: Mayonnaise (Cello)




@Sterling Crimson



Favorite Color: Either Blue or Red. It really depends on my mood. Typically, I go with Blue though.
Favorite Pony: Fluttershy, because my crush is a real Fluttershy. I also have a big place in my heart for Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle because I'm similar to them in so many ways.
Favorite TV Show: Ooh... This is a toughie. I personally haven't watched too many TV shows to give a favourite. BUT, MLP:FiM is definitely there along with Arthur.
What country do you live in? Canada, but I was born in Indonesia.
Favorite Pokemon: I don't watch Pokemon, so I know little to nothing about that sorry.
Favorite Musical Artist: I have a huge liking for Herbert Von Karajan and Daniel Barrenboim. They are true musicians. Conductors who bring out classical music at its best.
Favorite MLP Episode: I've recently begun to rewatch many of the MLP Episodes lately. I found "The Best Night Ever" to be hilarious, making it up there. "The Last Roundup" also has a big place in my heart because it's an Applejack episode and because Derpy is featured.
Favorite Movie: I have many awesome movies I like, but I've never considered picking a favourite. However, for now, I can safely say "Ratatouille" because of the theme of food and how original Pixar made it. The twist involving the food critic was also very symbolic. Simply stunning and it kept me watching its entirety. Easily among Pixar's best. 
Favorite Fanfiction: I don't know a lot of fanfictions because I haven't had much time to take note of their titles. Some of the "Hey Arnold" and "Phineas and Ferb" fanfics were great though. Then there's j-cag's "The Amazing Race" Paper Mario editions. They were so deep and really reflected the race well.
Favorite Song: I'd go for classical music in this case, and they're called "pieces". My favourite piece would be the entirety of Dvorak's "From the New World". No not just the going home theme. The whole symphony. It combines the Negro Spiritual with European themes so beautifully. It leaves my heart in tears every time I listen to it.
Favorite Superhero: I don't have a favourite Superhero. I don't know that many in depth to begin with.
Favorite Animal: I don't have a favourite animal either. I'm not much of an animal person sorry. However, I have a soft side for fat bunnies and guinea pigs because we used to own one of each.
Favorite Board Game: It's got to be chess. My friend introduced me to chess and it was a very intelligent game. I had just realized how intense it was to make sure you didn't make any stupid moves and to plan better so that you can trap your opponent. It's an amazing board game.  
Favorite Video Game: DAMN... This is tough... I can't think of any. I can only think of a whole list of games I truly love. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Football Manager 2009, Simcity 4, Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2012), and Burnout Paradise. Mario Kart: Double Dash and Mario Party 5 are also up there on my list.
Favorite Video Game Console: Nintendo Gamecube. I cannot stress enough how underrated that system is. People often bash it, but one must realize that were so many wonderful games that were addicting, yet family friendly. That's a wonderful balance for any kid at that age like me.
Favorite Book: I'm not much of a reader, so I can't really pick a favourite book at the moment. 
Favorite Fictional Character: I don't have one. I've never really shown partiality to a fictional character.
Favorite Sport: Soccer. Definitely up there on my list. It's such a beautiful game. For one to truly love it, you must understand that sports isn't about amassing huge points. You have to earn them. That's why low scoring games are often the jewels. When that goal is scored by your favourite team, it becomes magical.
Favorite Instrument: The Piano. I play it all the time. It's such a versatile instrument and I've played it for so long. It wouldn't be surprising for me to have lots of love towards it.






Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Pony: Rarity
Favorite TV Show: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
What country do you live in? United States of America
Favorite Pokemon: Lucario
Favorite Musical Artist: Band-wise - Poets of the Fall ....Singer-wise - Michael Buble and Adele
Favorite MLP Episode: Wonderbolts Academy
Favorite Movie: I don't really do movies, so... N/A
Favorite Fanfiction: Silent Ponyville
Favorite Song: Mad World - Gary Jules
Favorite Superhero: N/A
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Board Game: N/A
Favorite Video Game: Portal 2
Favorite Video Game Console: Xbox 360 at the moment, since all of my favorite games are available on it. 
Favorite Book: A Monster Calls
Favorite Fictional Character: Homura Akemi and Tomoko Kuroki (WataMote)
Favorite Sport: Tennis
Favorite Instrument: Violin







Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Pony: Fluttershy
Favorite TV Show: MLP:FiM
What country do you live in? USA
Favorite Pokemon: Charmander
Favorite Musical Artist: Jon Bon Jovi but there are a dozen others too.
Favorite MLP Episode: Hurricane Fluttershy
Favorite Movie: Citizen Kane
Favorite Fanfiction: Nightwind, a Transformers fanfiction.
Favorite Song: St. Elmo's Fire.
Favorite Superhero: Spider-Man.
Favorite Animal: Cats.
Favorite Board Game: Monopoly.
Favorite Video Game: Ms. Pac-Man.
Favorite Video Game Console: Atari 2600.
Favorite Book: The Catcher in the Rye.
Favorite Fictional Character: Too many...don't make me choose!
Favorite Sport: American Football
Favorite Instrument: Guitar.


Wuvable Woona



Favorite Color: either blue or pink
Favorite Pony: Princess Luna, of course 
Favorite TV Show:various assortment of late sixties to early seventies shows, Star Trek, and My Little Pony
What country do you live in? 'MURRICA
Favorite Pokemon: it's a tie between the turbine-butt pokemon and Lugia
Favorite Musical Artist: Assertive Fluttershy, Foozogz, General Mumble, etc...
Favorite MLP Episode: Sleepless in Ponyville, Luna Eclipsed, Royal Wedding, Wonderbolt Academy
Favorite Movie: the Matrix movies, Twister, etc...
Favorite Fanfiction: I haven't read very many, sadly :L
Favorite Song: Flying Spaghetti Monster
Favorite Superhero: either Thor or Ghost Rider
Favorite Animal: Giraffe
Favorite Board Game: chess
Favorite Video Game: Ratchet and Clank series (including Deadlocked)
Favorite Video Game Console: Xbox 360 for playing Co-op and PS3 for playing Solo
Favorite Book: anything by Jack McDevitt
Favorite Fictional Character: Ratchet (from Ratchet and Clank) or Spyro the Dragon
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Instrument: Harp





Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Pony: Fluttershy with Twilight a close second
Favorite TV Show: MLP, being one of the only ones i watch besides the pokemon anime. And well its awesome anyways. It use to be Danny Phantom back a while ago, until i stopped watching it really and it got cancled. I still think its a good show, but i haven't really dedicated time to rewatching it or anything.
What country do you live in? U.S.A
Favorite Pokemon: Umbreon
Favorite Musical Artist: I like alot of artists honestly, but I guess Skillet, since i like basically all their songs. And have listened to them and liked them for a while.
Favorite MLP Episode: Hm.. another hard one, I normally just say "Hurricane Fluttershy" because its a great episode and showcases my favorite character, however there are lots of really good characters  and being someone who likes all of the mane 6 alot there are quite alot of episodes i enjoy for one reason or another.


Favorite Movie: I can't say I have one frankly.
Favorite Fanfiction: Hm... Not really sure on this one either. I need to read more fanfics frankly ;p, i've not read alot of them.
Favorite Song: This changes way to much for me to even try to answer, combinded with my love of music in general=impossible question.
Favorite Superhero: Can't say I have a favorite really at the moment as far as I can think of.
Favorite Animal: Depending on if we can use mythical ones or not. Probaly either a Dragon, or I guess a Dog, but my dad being a vet and me just liking animals I like quite alot of animals.
Favorite Board Game: I don't really play alot of board games frankly ;p, i suck at most of them.
Favorite Video Game: Hm, i like alot of video games, I use to just say Star wars, knights of the old republic, and while that game is still an awesome game i've played countless times, i dunno. I don't have a better answer, but frankly i haven't played that game in a while. Maybe because i played it so much ;p. 

Pokemon as a series is probably my favorite, or at least one of my favorites, probably my favorite though ;p. At least right now.
Favorite Video Game Console: Hard to say really, i like lots of different games on completely different consoles. And I own a good bit of different consoles ;p.
Favorite Book: I don't honestly read hardly much if at all, but Hunger games was pretty good.
Favorite Fictional Character: Not really sure frankly.
Favorite Sport: I'm not a big sports person, so unless marching band counts i'm not totally strong on feelings for any.


I guess Basket ball is cool, I played soccer for like 5 years, but sucked at it, never tried basketball.


I'd never give up band for either though, i <3 band.
Favorite Instrument: Well, being a trumpet player I really like Trumpet, but as far as just sound, well idk, there are alot of great instruments, and together they make beautiful music.


So I can't decide due to my love of music i guess ;p.



Edited by Blue Moon
  • Brohoof 11
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Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Pony: Applejack/Twilight Sparkle/Luna
Favorite TV Show: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
What country do you live in?: USA
Favorite Pokemon: Charizard
Favorite Musical Artist: Too many to even count most of them are either old or dead.
Favorite MLP Episode: Apple Family Reunion
Favorite Movie: I don't think I could pick one
Favorite Fanfiction: Flutterbox
Favorite Song: Again I can't decide
Favorite Superhero: Batman/Spiderman
Favorite Animal: Bear
Favorite Board Game: Monopoly
Favorite Video Game: Super Mario Bros 3
Favorite Video Game Console: SNES
Favorite Book: I can probably rival Twilight in the amount I have gone through so I don't know.
Favorite Fictional Character: So many good ones to choose from it is hard to even narrow it down to a top 50.
Favorite Sport: Wrestling
Favorite Instrument: Piano

  • Brohoof 1
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Favorite Color: Anything that is bright while also being soft. Baby blue, for example.
Favorite Pony: Sweetie Belle
Favorite TV Show: If anime is acceptable, Steins;Gate. If not... I have no idea, I don't watch actual cable television.
What country do you live in? United States.
Favorite Pokemon: Pachirisu
Favorite Musical Artist: Helblinde
Favorite MLP Episode: Green Isn't your Colour
Favorite Movie: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Favorite Fanfiction: N/A; I hate fanfiction
Favorite Song: This one is difficult. Probably "Close to Me" by TANUKI or "Reminiscing" by Shoujo / Matra Magic
Favorite Superhero: Batman
Favorite Animal: Any kind of feline will do.
Favorite Board Game: Monopoly.
Favorite Video Game: Stepmania or Osu.
Favorite Video Game Console: Gamecube (PC is best, but it's not a console, of course).
Favorite Book: Jane Eyre.
Favorite Fictional Character: Senjougahara Hiitagi.
Favorite Sport: N/A; I dislike sports.
Favorite Instrument: I prefer electronic tones and whatnot over actual instruments. If I had to pick a real life instrument, it would be a piano.



Snrk, why did I do this?

Edited by Kurisu
  • Brohoof 1


You'll be entranced by me ♥

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PinkMist was involved in this? Then, by law, I must support this as she is awesome.


Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Pony: Vinyl
Favorite TV Show: Currently? King of the Hill
What country do you live in?: USA USA USA
Favorite Pokemon: Ghastly
Favorite Musical Artist: Rob Zombie
Favorite MLP Episode: Return to Harmony
Favorite Movie: Depends on Genre: Star Wars, Evil Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Clue
Favorite Fanfiction: Chaos and Anarchy
Favorite Song: Dont Have One
Favorite Superhero: Batman
Favorite Animal: Wolf
Favorite Board Game: Monopoly
Favorite Video Game: Mortal Kombat, Saints Row 3 & 4, mario 3 
Favorite Video Game Console: SNES
Favorite Book: The Shining
Favorite Fictional Character: LeatherFace
Favorite Sport: Don't have one
Favorite Instrument: Guitar

  • Brohoof 1


Just what is a Nega Brony? Click the Sig to find out!

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Favorite Color: purple, orange, or dusky pink
Favorite Ponies: Rarity, Mayor Mare, and Granny Smith
Favorite TV Show: Game of Thrones/Orphan Black (live action) Neon Genesis: Evangelion/Pandora Hearts/Attack On Titan (anime)
What country do you live in? Canada!~ <3
Favorite Pokemon: Shuppet
Favorite Musical Artist: Too many to list, ahaha. Currently Mother Mother or The Smiths.
Favorite MLP Episode: "Look Before You Sleep" and "Sweet and Elite"
Favorite Movie: Castle in the Sky, Clockwork Orange, and Moonrise Kingdom are tied
Favorite Fanfiction: Tenacity by kabrex (Zelda fic) I don't remember many others, ahaha.
Favorite Song: currently it's "This Charming Man" by the Smiths.
Favorite Superhero: I hate superheroes. Does Rorschach count? ^__^
Favorite Animal: American bison or tamaraws 
Favorite Board Game: Monopoly, because I kick ass
Favorite Video Games: Grim Fandango, Tomb Raider 2013, and Don't Starve
Favorite Video Game Console: PC and xBox 360
Favorite Book: "The World According to Garp" by John Irving
Favorite Fictional Character: Olivia Ofrenda - my Skype name is after her, haha. Love her to bits. Also fond of Mari Makinami, Asuka Langely Soryu, Break/Sharon/Echo (Pandora Hearts), and all the Little Sisters.
Favorite Sport: swimming and downhill skiing 
Favorite Instrument: both to play and listen to is oboe


So boring, LOL. But feel free to PM me any time to discuss any of these if you share interests. ^__^

Edited by PDS.avi
  • Brohoof 1


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Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Pony: Rainbow Dash
Favorite TV Show: MLP:FIM, Wilfred, Perception, Big Bang Theory, Lost, 24, Monk, Modern Family
What country do you live in? USA
Favorite Pokemon: Ninetales
Favorite Musical Artist: Rush, Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed, Metallica
Favorite MLP Episode: A Canterlot Wedding pt. 1&2
Favorite Movie: Lord of the Rings, Shrek 2, Harry Potter, Lion King
Favorite Fanfiction: N/A
Favorite Song: I have way too many favorites...
Favorite Superhero: Spiderman
Favorite Animal: Wolf
Favorite Board Game: Risk, Monopoly
Favorite Video Game: Pokemon Crystal, Paper Mario: TTYD, Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Battlefield 2142, Halo: CE
Favorite Video Game Console: Nintendo 64, Gamecube
Favorite Book: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Favorite Fictional Character: N/A
Favorite Sport: Baseball, Basketball
Favorite Instrument: Electric guitar/drums



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Favorite color: Purple

Favorite Pony: Twilight

Favorite TV Show: N/A

Country: USA

Favorite Pokémon: Reuniclus

Favorite Musical Artist: The Beatles

Favorite MLP Episode: Magical Mystery Cure

Favorite movie: N/A

Favorite Fanfic: Variables (I'm not sure of author. I'll edit when I figure out who.)

Favorite song: Too many to decide from.

Favorite superhero: Thor

Favorite animal: Sloth

Favorite board game: N/A

Favorite video game: N/A

Favorite game console: N/A

Favorite book: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Favorite Fictional Character: Twilight Sparkle

Favorite sport: N/A

Favorite instrument: Piano and acoustic guitar

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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sure thang u creepy bronyplayah



Favorite Color: White, Black
Favorite Pony: Rarity, Fluttershy
Favorite TV Show: YuruYuri if anime counts
What country do you live in?: Sweden
Favorite Pokemon: I don't like Pokemon
Favorite Musical Artist: Soundgarden, Boris, Converge, Arcade Fire, mewithoutYou, Nas, Burial, Skream, Pig Destroyer, Brand New, Nails, Carnivore, Charles Bronson,  Mala, Wu-Tang Clan (and all the member's solo carriers) and many more
Favorite MLP Episode: That episode where Pinkie's tail twitches :v
Favorite Movie: The Dark Knight
Favorite Fanfiction: I don't like fanfiction
Favorite Song: Difficult question, but "4th of July" by Soundgarden and "Alicia" by Mala are some of my top favorites, always have been and always will be

Favorite Superhero: Batman, I guess
Favorite Animal: Cats
Favorite Board Game: Monopoly
Favorite Video Game: Megaman 1-6, Super Mario Bros 3
Favorite Video Game Console: NES
Favorite Book: Eragon
Favorite Fictional Character: Toshino Kyouko
Favorite Sport: Football (soccer)
Favorite Instrument: In terms of playing: piano. In terms of listening: guitar

Edited by Kyouko
  • Brohoof 1
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Sounds like fun :P


Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Pony: Luna followed closely by Ms Rarity
Favorite TV Show: At the moment Twin Peaks
What country do you live in? STRAYA (Australia)
Favorite Pokemon: Fennekin, Eevee/Eeveelutions, Vulpix.....Basically any one that looks like a fox
Favorite Musical Artist:  Varies but Hollywood Undead at the moment
Favorite MLP Episode: Luna Eclipsed :3
Favorite Movie: I hate most things so N/A
Favorite Fanfiction: haven't really read any >.>
Favorite Song: *ahem* My Cadence 
Favorite Superhero: If you count Cole Macgrath (he has a comic) him if not Deadpool
Favorite Animal: FOXES :3
Favorite Board Game: Chess
Favorite Video Game: To save time I'll just go with Dust: An Elysian Tail
Favorite Video Game Console: 360 soon to be PS4 :P
Favorite Book: The Dune Series followed closely but the Horus Heresy Series
Favorite Fictional Character: Kane from Command and Conquer (excluding Tiberian Twilight Kane)
Favorite Sport: Don't have one really so N/A
Favorite Instrument: Guitar

Edited by QuirkyUsername
  • Brohoof 2


This adorable ball of glorious fluff that is my avatar is the creation of the glamorous Laika

Hey so Johari

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Favorite Color: Light blue
Favorite Pony: Rainbow Dash
Favorite TV Show: Avatar: The Last Airbender
What country do you live in? U.S.A
Favorite Pokemon: Ninetales
Favorite Musical Artist: No idea :(
Favorite MLP Episode: Hurricane Fluttershy
Favorite Movie: Cinderella Man
Favorite Fanfiction: The Games We Play, by AbsoluteAnonymous
Favorite Song: A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall, by Bob Dylan
Favorite Superhero: The Flash
Favorite Animal: Otter
Favorite Board Game: Risk
Favorite Video Game: Fire Emblem
Favorite Video Game Console: None
Favorite Book: Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
Favorite Fictional Character: Rainbow Dash, Prince Zuko, Jaime Lannister, and Himura Kenshin. Probably Dash if you made me pick just one ;)
Favorite Sport: Tennis
Favorite Instrument: Piano

  • Brohoof 2
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Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Pony: Fluttershy
Favorite TV Show: Tie between MLP: FiM and Firefly
What country do you live in? Canada
Favorite Pokemon: Pikachu
Favorite Musical Artist: Omnia (the neo-celtic omnia, not the techno omnia)
Favorite MLP Episode: I have to pick?
Favorite Movie: N/A
Favorite Fanfiction: N/A
Favorite Song: Tie Saltatio Vita by Omnia & Gravel Walk by The Rogues
Favorite Superhero: Don't read western comics
Favorite Animal: Orca
Favorite Board Game: Chess
Favorite Video Game: Depends on what I'm in the mood for
Favorite Video Game Console: Xbox 360
Favorite Book: The Song of Ice and Fire (a series counts as one, right?)
Favorite Fictional Character: Too many...
Favorite Sport: Hockey
Favorite Instrument: Bagpipes

  • Brohoof 1

Keep flyin'


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Favorite Color: blue. Or black.
Favorite Pony: Variable, but at the moment it's Fluttershy
Favorite TV Show: Again, variable, but at the moment it's Hyperdimension Neptunia the Animation.

What country do you live in?: The UK, or In-guh-luuuund, as the football nuts say.
Favorite Pokemon: Lucario. It will always be Lucario.
Favorite Musical Artist: I don't pick favourites
Favorite MLP Episode: Probably either A Friend in Deed or A Canterlot Wedding (both parts)
Favorite Movie: Shaun of the Dead
Favorite Fanfiction: I'm not a big fanfic reader, but I'd say The Light in the Darkness by zaptiftun.
Favorite Song: Kirihirake! Gracie☆Star by nao (Yes, that is the name of the artist).
Favorite Superhero: Batman
Favorite Animal: Can they be nonexistant? If so, dragons. Of not scorpions (do they still count?)
Favorite Board Game: Scene It?
Favorite Video Game: I have many of these.
Favorite Video Game Console: PlayStation 3 
Favorite Book: Artemis Fowl
Favorite Fictional Character: Madoka Kaname
Favorite Sport: Badminton
Favorite Instrument: Electric Guitar

  • Brohoof 1

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Favorite Color: Light Blue

Favorite Pony: Sweetie Belle/Scootaloo/Rainbow Dash

Favorite TV Show: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Batman: The Animated Series, High School DxD, Adventure Time, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, and Regular Show

What country do you live in? United States of America

Favorite Pokemon: Scizor

Favorite Musical Artist: Nas

Favorite MLP Episode: Lesson Zero

Favorite Movie: Batman Begins

Favorite Fan Fiction: Green by Steel Resolve

Favorite Song: Never Too Late by Three Days Grace

Favorite Superhero: Batman

Favorite Animal: Tiger

Favorite Board Game: Monopoly

Favorite Video Game: Far Cry 3, The Last of Us, Battlefield 3, World at War, and many more.

Favorite Video Game Console: Nintendo 64

Favorite Book: Hunger Games

Favorite Fictional Character: Sasuke Uchiha

Favorite Sport: Wrestling

Favorite Instrument: Piano

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Favorite Color: Black

Favorite Pony: Vinyl Scratch

Favorite TV Show: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Panty and Stocking wi Garterbelt

What country do you live in? USA

Favorite Pokemon: Arcanine

Favorite Musical Artist: Bring Me The Horizon, Chunk! No Captain Chunk! Or Knife Party

Favorite MLP Episode: Wonderbolt Academy

Favorite Movie: The Dark Knight or The Dark Knight Rises

Favorite Fanfiction: N/A Sorry everyone, I don't read fan-fics :(

Favorite Song: Chelsea Smile or The Progression of Regression

Favorite Superhero: N/A

Favorite Animal: Shiba Inu

Favorite Board Game: Chess

Favorite Video Game: Pokemon Fire Red/ Leaf Green or Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Favorite Video Game Console: GBA or Gamecube

Favorite Book: The Outsiders

Favorite Fictional Character: Vinyl Scratch, Stocking, Deadpool, Sokka(yup I went there), any minor fish in Spongebob(the funniest things in Spongebob are the minor character lines), or Yang(RWBY. Watch it. And keep away from Yang. She's mine <3)

Favorite Sport: Football(Soccer)

Favorite Instrument: N/A

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Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Pony: Queen Chrysalis
Favorite TV Show: MLP FiM
What country do you live in?:
Favorite Pokemon: Garchomp
Favorite Musical Artist: Bon Jovi
Favorite MLP Episode: S2 E20 It's About Time
Favorite Movie: Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith
Favorite Fanfiction: Twilight's List
Favorite Song: Empty Eyes by Within Temptation
Favorite Superhero: Batman
Favorite Animal: Dog
Favorite Board Game: Chess
Favorite Video Game: Minecraft
Favorite Video Game Console: Playstation 2
Favorite Book: William Shakespeare's Star Wars
Favorite Fictional Character: Auron
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Favorite Instrument: Violin


I don't see why anyone on this forum would care about knowing me at all...

Edited by SmartyPants



IF is best girl.

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Favorite Color: Orange and Green
Favorite Pony: Rainbow Dash
Favorite TV Show: MLP, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Underground
What country do you live in? United States
Favorite Pokemon: Charizard
Favorite Musical Artist: Aviators, Nightwish, Linkin Park
Favorite MLP Episode: Luna Eclisped
Favorite Movie: I am Legend
Favorite Fanfiction: Rainbow Factory
Favorite Song: Pain (Three Days Grace)
Favorite Superhero: Batman
Favorite Animal: Fox
Favorite Board Game: Checkers
Favorite Video Game: Starfox Adventures
Favorite Video Game Console: Nintendo GameCube
Favorite Book: Arabian Nights
Favorite Fictional Character: Krystal (from Starfox)
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Instrument: Piano



Signature made by me.

"You thought you were there to guide me but you were only in my way."

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Favorite Color: Forest Green
Favorite Pony: Princess Celestia
Favorite TV Show: MLP
What country do you live in? United States of America
Favorite Pokemon: Haunter
Favorite Musical Artist: Daft Punk
Favorite MLP Episode: Sonic Rainboom
Favorite Movie: Johnny Got His gun
Favorite Fanfiction: Zoologist's Dream
Favorite Song: Instant Crush (By Daft Punk)
Favorite Superhero: N/A
Favorite Animal: Praying Mantis
Favorite Board Game: N/A
Favorite Video Game: Halo
Favorite Video Game Console: PC
Favorite Book: Nineteen-Eighty-Four
Favorite Fictional Character: Isaac Clarke
Favorite Sport: N/A
Favorite Instrument: Harpsichord 

  • Brohoof 2


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Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Pony: Rarity
Favorite TV Show: Either MLP: FiM, Adventure Time, or Futurama
What country do you live in? USA
Favorite Pokemon: Blastoise
Favorite Musical Artist: Either Daft Punk, Green Day, or Vampire Weekend
Favorite MLP Episode: Hurricane Fluttershy
Favorite Movie: 9
Favorite Fanfiction: N/A

Favorite Song: Robot Rock/ Oh Yeah (Alive 2007) (Daft Punk)
Favorite Superhero: Spiderman
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Board Game: Risk
Favorite Video Game: The Wind Waker
Favorite Video Game Console: Gamecube
Favorite Book: Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under The Sea  
Favorite Fictional Character: N/A (Too many to list!)
Favorite Sport: Hockey
Favorite Instrument: Clarinet

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Favorite Color: Pink


Favorite Pony: Pinkie Pie


Favorite TV Show: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (But Gravity Falls comes close...)


What country do you live in? United States


Favorite Pokemon: Growlithe


Favorite Musical Artist: Crush 40


Favorite MLP Episode: Hurricane Fluttershy


Favorite Movie: Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva


Favorite Fanfiction: N/A


Favorite Song: At the moment, Tell your World, by Hatsune Miku


Favorite Superhero: I'd have to say... Apollo Justice. Yeah, he's a wimpy lawyer, but he fights crime and DOES have a superhuman power, so he DOES count.


Favorite Animal: N/A


Favorite Board Game: N/A


Favorite Video Game: ... N/A. Too many to choose between. <<;


Favorite Video Game Console: Nintendo 3DS


Favorite Book: Otomen. Yes, it's a manga, what's your point?


Favorite Fictional Character: I'd have to say, at the moment, Pit. Yes, from Kid Icarus: Uprising.


Favorite Sport: N/A


Favorite Instrument: Is mayon- Yeah, I'm not gonna go there.

My favorite instrument would probably be the piano.

Edited by SomariFeyWright
  • Brohoof 1

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599


Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: http://mlpforums.com/topic/86811-the-multiversal-matchmaking-corner-romance/

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... Aaaaaand I died of laughter. Just so you know, I doubt Phoenix will defend you on this one.


By the way, why is Nick in the prosecutor's part of the courtroom?

Edited by SomariFeyWright
  • Brohoof 1

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599


Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: http://mlpforums.com/topic/86811-the-multiversal-matchmaking-corner-romance/

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Well, what the heck.


Favorite Color: Blue, purple
Favorite Pony: Applejack
Favorite TV Show: MLP, Avatar/Legend of Korra
What country do you live in? USA
Favorite Pokemon: Meganium
Favorite Musical Artist: Within Temptation
Favorite MLP Episode: The Return of Harmony Part 1 and 2
Favorite Movie: Anything Hayao Miyazaki, particularly Spirited Away.
Favorite Fanfiction: I don't read any.
Favorite Song: Too many to list.
Favorite Superhero: Goku Superman
Favorite Animal: Cats or dogs. Can't decide.
Favorite Board Game: Taboo
Favorite Video Game: Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Favorite Video Game Console: Nintendo 64 and PS2
Favorite Book: Uhh.... The Dictionary, The Encyclopedia, and The Bible. (Yeah, I'm pathetic)
Favorite Fictional Character: Applejack
Favorite Sport: Baseball and wrestling
Favorite Instrument: Drums

  • Brohoof 2
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Eh, what the heck? ^__^


Favorite Color: Orange, followed by pink.

Favorite Pony: Fluttershy, followed by Derpy.

Favorite TV Show: Digimon: Digital Monsters.

What country do you live in? United States.

Favorite Pokemon: N/A

Favorite Musical Artist: As a big Sonic fan, Crush 40.

Favorite MLP Episode: Magic Duel.

Favorite Movie: Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame followed by Pixar's Up! and Wall-E.

Favorite Fanfiction: NetRaptor's What if Metal Sonic Ran on Windows 95. It's one of the oldest stories on Fanfiction.net, and it's still just as hilarious now as when I first read it nine years ago.

Favorite Song: N/A. My favorite determines on what mood I'm in.

Favorite Superhero: N/A.

Favorite Animal: Cobra.

Favorite Board Game: Chess.

Favorite Video Game: Sonic Adventure.

Favorite Video Game Console: Sega Genesis.

Favorite Book: Yonnondio: From the Thirties, by Tillie Olsen and We, by Yevgeny Zamyatin.

Favorite Fictional Character: Davis Motomiya from Digimon and Carmen Sandiego.

Favorite Sport: Baseball, ice hockey, and tennis.

Favorite Instrument: For nostalgia's sake, cymbals and the musical triangle.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 1

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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