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Thoughts on Spike x Rarity (Sparity)


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Finally someone who doesn't like Sparity. Some shipers think it's canon because they hugged or something. I agree on the whole dragon age thing. I could've sworn it was said that a nap for a dragon is like, a hundred years. *sighs* The pony I ship with Rarity is…………………………… Prince Blueblood. I have a very good reason for it too! I also like Fancypants with Rarity too and (Big ole Macintosh) I ship some very weird ships. *prepares to be killed*


Lol, well don't keep us waiting for your reasons. Please inform us why you think Rarity would be paired with PB? I'd like to know, considering I never saw Prince Blueblood make another appearance save for the gala.


Rarity wouldn't make a good shipping with Spike because unless there's more to expand on their relationship, Spike's infatuation with Rarity is only in the 'puppy love' stage, hence the physical metaphor of Spike being a dog and Rarity, a human. It's not a mature, passionate love that would make a good example meant for children (IE how someone meets their other, gets to know them, falls in love, and makes that real next step in commitment). If the writers could do it somehow by having Spike truly accept Rarity for all her strengths and flaws then I would say that love could definitely blossom for them.


Otherwise, just pair him up with another pony his age whether it's one of the CMC or even a new character. That way there's more to expand on his character development, going from having to get over his crush, to finding somepony else, to learning to know what real love is, etc. There's potential but it just seems that Hasbro or the show's director doesn't want Spike to grow up, at least not that quickly.

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OK. I am going to say it loud and proud. And some of you may be upset at me for that. But.


I hate and absolutely despise Sparity.


HATE it. I hate this pairing even more than all if the crazy fanon and same-sex relationships that people come up with.


I hate this ship SO much.


"Wow RockinRarity. Why the burning hatred for an innocent ship?"


Well, here is why.


I never was really wild about this ship in the first place. Yeah Spike's crush on Rarity is cute and it is sweet that she treats him well and deeply cares about him. But as others said, practically, it just wouldn't work. By the time dragons age well enough to be ready for relationships, the ponies they knew as adults will die. And now, Spike is a baby dragon. Aren't we supposed to believe that pedophilia is bad?


But none of what I said above deserves the hate I feel for the ship.


My hate actually has more to do with the fandom shipping them than anything else. Despite the evidence that we have that it will never happen in the show, fans are still convinced that it can happen.


And that's where I draw the line. It is one thing to like a ship that will never be canon. It is another thing entirely to love a ship that will never be canon but you are deluding yourself and other fans into believing that it WILL happen.


I have this hatred for Sparity because the exact same sort of thing happened in the last decade with Teen Titans and the Beast Boy/Raven ship (BBRae).


Every fan of BBRae would take every little positive interaction that the two would have for each other and then turn it into shipping fuel, convinced that they were gonna be canon in the show because of these interactions. "OMG Raven hugged BB they are in love!" "OMG BB and Raven are having a serious talk LOVE!!!!"


No. Just stop.


Why can't people take interactions with one another for what they actually are rather than trying to twist their own ideologies into these interactions? Why does every Spike and Rarity interaction need to be shipping fuel? Why can't fanfic writers ever make a Spike and Rarity type fic that DOESN'T involve shipping them?


It just seems so OOC of Rarity to have feelings for Spike. She is a high-class pony. And she would never fall in love with a child and expect the relationship between the two of them to work as an adult and respectable relationship. Do you know how bad PR would be for her to be dating a baby dragon? That isn't socially acceptable, and no, it would NOT make a good "love conquers all" episode because, for one, love does NOT conquer all so it would be a bad lesson, and some things are socially unacceptable for a damn good reason. Is it socially acceptable for a teacher to be in love with one of her second graders? No? Well, should that ever change? I don't think so.


And that's how Equestria was made.

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Spike's little crush on Rarity is absolutely adorable and it's a great ongoing thing in the show, but I think them getting together would be a little odd.

At least currently.

Wait a few years, Spikey boy.

But I'm iffy about it mostly for the reason that I just can't imagine MLP with canon romance added in.

Flash Sentry doesn't count since it didn't actually go anywhere.

  • Brohoof 1


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

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Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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I'm usually against the show pursuing something like a romantic relationship, because i don't know if it can add anything to the show that can't be added by oter means, making the situation feel out of place.


This is different than the couples showing affection in the Hearts and Hooves episode because it happened with characters that don't require a bigger development of the relationship and what brought it to exist. These couples existed only to show that ponies have these relationships.


If this was to happen between major characters, it would require development and it can be a difficult subject to tackle in the allotted time of an episode. This is why I think that this is better explored in fan fiction, and even more in Sparity. Spike is a child at the time the episodes happen. For him to actually have a relationship with Rarity, it would require a whole story as to why he is no longer a child, explaining how it happened and this feels like an episode already. With that in mind, a two-parter about this is very unlikely...


This is why it can happen in fan fiction: there is no time limit to develop the story and make it believable. But not in the show.


Of course, there may come an episode that proves me wrong, but I doubt it.

  • Brohoof 1


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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I'm usually against the show pursuing something like a romantic relationship, because i don't know if it can add anything to the show that can't be added by oter means, making the situation feel out of place.


This is different than the couples showing affection in the Hearts and Hooves episode because it happened with characters that don't require a bigger development of the relationship and what brought it to exist. These couples existed only to show that ponies have these relationships.


If this was to happen between major characters, it would require development and it can be a difficult subject to tackle in the allotted time of an episode. This is why I think that this is better explored in fan fiction, and even more in Sparity. Spike is a child at the time the episodes happen. For him to actually have a relationship with Rarity, it would require a whole story as to why he is no longer a child, explaining how it happened and this feels like an episode already. With that in mind, a two-parter about this is very unlikely...


This is why it can happen in fan fiction: there is no time limit to develop the story and make it believable. But not in the show.


Of course, there may come an episode that proves me wrong, but I doubt it.

If that episode ever comes to be, I highly doubt that it will be Sparity.


(hahahahaha that rhymed)


But I think you are right in the fanfiction regard, especially concerning a pairing like Sparity just because if how much time it would take for Spike and for Rarity to overcome why they can't be in a relationship together before it can actually happen. The show wouldn't take the time to do that, because the show is about friendship and all.


I mean don't get me wrong. It would be nice to have some canon shipping in the show among some of the main characters. But the obstacles between Spike and Rarity far outweigh Spike's infatuation for her.


It is astounding to me how so many people are against having romance in the show (ie Twilight and Flash Sentry) because it would get in the way of the friendship lessons. Yet some of these people ship Spike and Rarity... and think that it is possible for it to happen in the show, and because they like the ship, it is something that they would like to see in the show.


Just... OK, if someone says that they are against all romance happening in the show, then they need to mean what they say and not make any exceptions. Otherwise their argument against Twilight and Flash Sentry is meaningless.

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If that episode ever comes to be, I highly doubt that it will be Sparity.


(hahahahaha that rhymed)


But I think you are right in the fanfiction regard, especially concerning a pairing like Sparity just because if how much time it would take for Spike and for Rarity to overcome why they can't be in a relationship together before it can actually happen. The show wouldn't take the time to do that, because the show is about friendship and all.


I mean don't get me wrong. It would be nice to have some canon shipping in the show among some of the main characters. But the obstacles between Spike and Rarity far outweigh Spike's infatuation for her.


It is astounding to me how so many people are against having romance in the show (ie Twilight and Flash Sentry) because it would get in the way of the friendship lessons. Yet some of these people ship Spike and Rarity... and think that it is possible for it to happen in the show, and because they like the ship, it is something that they would like to see in the show.


Just... OK, if someone says that they are against all romance happening in the show, then they need to mean what they say and not make any exceptions. Otherwise their argument against Twilight and Flash Sentry is meaningless.







Erm...that's all I wanted to say. Um, since character limit is still standing, let us destroy it! xD I personally didn't much like Flash Sentry and Twilight in EQG, but I think they could be a decent match together if given the time to explore the relationship instead of going, "Yup...Twily's got a boyfriend. U mad?" 


((Plus, I've been on Flash Sentry's side ever since I saw the huge amount of people calling him a waifu stealer. *flinch* That kind of creeps me out))


And on the Sparity side of things, the way the relationship is right now is decent. But if it stays like this, with Rarity obviously maturing and Spike doing the same, and they keep the same puppy dog love, I think my head may just explode. Don't develop the relationship into something deeper, but have Spike mature past it. We all get past our embarrassing first crushes. 


That would make an excellent episode, actually - Spike matures, and Rarity jokingly reminds him of how he used to have a crush on her. He gets utterly embarrassed because he can't believe he ever did that, and goes to extreme lengths to stay away from Rarity. Moral of the episode, you can still be friends after something weird and/or embarrassing happens. xD

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I think especially because they are not the same species, it would make a great episode, if they would ever come together. Lesson of the episode : something like "Love conquers all". Easy as that!

Curse you and your unexpected butinevitable ninja'ing!


Anyway, yes, I'd love an episode like that.


I do agree however that it would probably be better to mature Spike's body a bit beforehand, ideally after confessing his love openly (think Scott Pilgrim Power of Love). 


Also, I don't get why people insist on Spike's feelings being childish: His feelings for Rarity allowed him to overcome his very nature, for which there seems to be no precedence at all . That's a bit much for a crush.


As for the age, some calculations based on Cutie Mark Chronicles suggest he's about 5-6 years younger than Rarity, which would would make him about 16. Apart from that its pretty obvious, that Spike's mental development is far ahead of his physical growth.


So yeah, I REALLY hope we get an episode of the two getting together.

  • Brohoof 1



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It is astounding to me how so many people are against having romance in the show (ie Twilight and Flash Sentry) because it would get in the way of the friendship lessons.


I mentioned it in another thread as well. I don't see how romance in the show would get in the way of friendship morals especially considering romance and friendship can go hand in hand with each other and not be mutually exclusive. There's nothing wrong with Twilight, or any of the other mane 6 for that matter, to have a romantic interest. The reason I expect a lot of people to not want to see romance is they can't deal with the fact their waifus are being taken. If not that, then the typical argument is that it gets in the way of friendship when that doesn't have to be the case at all.


As far as Sparity goes, I can't say I particularly care either way if, and only if, the writers somehow manage to pull it off but so far, I've not seen any good reason to develop the relationship beyond the puppy dog love Spike has for her and Rarity having an affection toward Spike the way someone would toward another much younger person them herself. As others mentioned, it's not really possible due to the large age gap and level of maturity displayed by both characters. And besides, RarityxFancy Pants seems a lot more plausible.

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There are a few reasons in which I believe that Spike and Rarity will never get along. Firstly, and I'm shocked no-one else commented on it, is that fact that dragons are prone to greed in the series, and Rarity is the element of generosity. It's like two sides of a coin-you need both for the coin to work, but they can never meet.


Secondly, it does still have to stay under the 'kids-show' aspect, and having a relationship in a show may not be the best thing to show little kids that watch the show because they are kids. While I personally think it doesn't matter, I have other brony friends that think along those lines.


Thirdly, dragon/pony relationship just won't work. I mean, I know it would be an interesting match up, but it's like having a relationship with your dog. Mind you, that hasn't stopped people in this world from doing that anyway.


Fourthly, age difference. If Rarity does try to hook up with Spike, one word is enough to describe her-PAEDOPHILE.


I would personally like to see it work, but life's a bitch, what can you do?

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Thirdly, dragon/pony relationship just won't work. I mean, I know it would be an interesting match up, but it's like having a relationship with your dog. Mind you, that hasn't stopped people in this world from doing that anyway.


I, for one, never actually thought this is so important. The main reason for that is Discord. He's half dragon half pony, and despite being one of the main villains, I could never really see his as evil. He's always been chaotic neutral to me. If Spike and Rarity, by some strange and rather unlikely circumstances, actually did get together and have offsprings, I figure they'd be somewhat like Discord themselves and likely fall within the good alignment.


I agree with everything else you've said.

Edited by Freedan
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There are a few reasons in which I believe that Spike and Rarity will never get along...

First: It has been established that Spike can control his greed.

Second: There are plenty of kid's shows that include characters in relationships

Third: Its certainly nothing like having a relationship with a dog, seeing as Spike is both sentient and perfectly capable of communicating with the others. There is simply no precedence for a dragon-pony relationship.

Fourth: You know that it is possible to have a relationship without sex right?

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard
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Howdy all!


I think Spike/Rarity is cute ^_^


Hopefully season 4 will have more on both of them.

(Though I wouldnt mind seeing Rarity smooching Spikey-Wikey again :lol: his reaction was priceless in S2 when he gave her the Fire Ruby)


I know theres a bunch of Fanfics with those 2.


Some are pretty good, a few that made me :(  and others I was like :blink:  ohhhkay.


I like to see it continue into something more but we'll see.


Thats my 2 bits.


See ya!


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It is astounding to me how so many people are against having romance in the show (ie Twilight and Flash Sentry) because it would get in the way of the friendship lessons. Yet some of these people ship Spike and Rarity... and think that it is possible for it to happen in the show, and because they like the ship, it is something that they would like to see in the show.


I'm not against FlashLight becasue "it'll get in the way of friendship", which I agree is a dumb argument against romance. I'm against it because it was a badly done, cliche, cringe-inducing relationship that offered the worst kind of romance in something like this: one done "just because".


Say what you will about Sparity, but it's an interesting relationship that provides a lot of funny and cute moments for both characters and could, at the very least, lend itself to mature lessons about heartbreak or young love if they don't complete the ship, which I don't expect to happen.


First: It has been established that Spike can control his greed.

Second: There are plenty of kid's shows that include characters in relationships

Third: Its certainly nothing like having a relationship with a dog, seeing as Spike is both sentient and perfectly capable of communicating with the others. There is simply no precedence for a dragon-pony relationship.

Fourth: You know that it is possible to have a relationship without sex right?



Edited by CITRUS KING46
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I'm not against FlashLight becasue "it'll get in the way of friendship", which I agree is a dumb argument against romance. I'm against it because it was a badly done, cliche, cringe-inducing relationship that offered the worst kind of romance in something like this: one done "just because".


Say what you will about Sparity, but it's an interesting relationship that provides a lot of funny and cute moments for both characters and could, at the very least, lend itself to mature lessons about heartbreak or young love if they don't complete the ship, which I don't expect to happen.

I acknowledge that you feel that the relationship was cliche and not well-done. I do somewhat disagree, but to each their own. And I am glad that we agree that romance would not ruin the show, and that fear of that happening is a stupid reason to dislike FlashLight.


As for your second point, please don't get me wrong. I think that Spike learning a lesson about heartbreak would be a GREAT idea. I even have a fanfic idea about that. Let's see if it will ever get written...


What I dislike - at least partly because I do not understand the appeal for the ship as a mutual relationship and also because I don't think that Sparity fans understand Rarity as a character all that much - is how people can believe that Rarity could be in love with Spike and find a way for a relationship between the two of them to work. Write all the fanfiction you want, but all I ask is that fans of the ship not expect the pairing to become official in the show.


I do not expect FlashLight to ever go beyond Equestria Girls. I would LIKE it to as long as the writers could take time to develop Flash and not just stick him in the show to be Twilight's boyfriend (because if done right, the pairing could work). But I don't believe that it is delusional to think that a royal guard with a different personality from her own could be with Princess Twilight in a romantic way. It is not guaranteed to turn out that way, but it is at least possible.

First: It has been established that Spike can control his greed.

Second: There are plenty of kid's shows that include characters in relationships

Third: Its certainly nothing like having a relationship with a dog, seeing as Spike is both sentient and perfectly capable of communicating with the others. There is simply no precedence for a dragon-pony relationship.

Fourth: You know that it is possible to have a relationship without sex right?

I agree with all of your points, except for the last one.


Well, sort of.


It is possible to have a relationship without having sex. But that depends on what kind of relationship you are in.


Because if Spike and Rarity were to ever get... married? Well, sex is used to physically be one flesh with your loved one... ever met anyone with a permanently sexless marriage? They are probably miserable or divorced. Even if there are medical reasons for not having sex and the couple is bearing through it, good for them, but dammit that doesn't mean that it's easy, or it's what they wanted.


While sex isn't exactly the very most important thing in the world, it doesn't mean that it is unimportant in a relationship. The reason why conservative and religious types abstain from sex outside of marriage is BECAUSE it is important. Let's not forget that many hot-button social issues - abortion, gay marriage. contraceptives, polygamy, STDs, prostitution, pedophilia - all have to do with sex! We as people value sex as important. And because ponies and dragons are sentient beings like humans, I can imagine that if the show were not for little kids, this would be something for the show to talk about.


My point is that physical attraction is EXTREMELY important in a romantic relationship. It is important because in order to have good sex, we need to be sexually turned on, and physical attractiveness aids in that. And humans need sex in relationships. It keeps the relationship together and it helps keep the population up.


So if Spike and Rarity were to be in it for the long haul like people say they should be, then they would be having sex. End of story.

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I've never really been a big fan of the ship, mostly due to the disparity see what I did there in their respective levels of maturity. Is Spike more levelheaded than Rarity a chunk of the time? Yeah. Spike can be more mature than a lot of the fandom and certain Season 3 episodes give him credit for. But at the end of the day, Rarity is much older than him and much less interested in him than he is in her. There doesn't seem to be a way to naturally have it happen in the show without a lot of the relationship development happening offscreen. I could see it happening in some kind of ten years later epilogue scene, where Spike's aged up, the elephant in the room is gone, and there's no need to have Rarity suddenly wake up one day and suddenly return his feelings. But if it's for just for a scene, I don't see much point. The heartbreak episode idea CITRUS KING46 mentioned sounds pretty neat to me on the other hand, even if it'd make me feel terrible for Spike :(


Also @MobiusKing97, I've moved your thread to Show Discussion. While EQG might've made the Sparity pairing a bit more uncomfortable for some people, it's more of a general thing, and the discussion is more related to how it'll play out in the show.


Every fan of BBRae would take every little positive interaction that the two would have for each other and then turn it into shipping fuel, convinced that they were gonna be canon in the show because of these interactions. "OMG Raven hugged BB they are in love!" "OMG BB and Raven are having a serious talk LOVE!!!!"


Good thing I never did/do anything like that :ph34r:

Edited by DashForever
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I've never really been a big fan of the ship, mostly due to the disparity see what I did there in their respective levels of maturity. Is Spike more levelheaded than Rarity a chunk of the time? Yeah. Spike can be more mature than a lot of the fandom and certain Season 3 episodes give him credit for. But at the end of the day, Rarity is much older than him and much less interested in him than he is in her. There doesn't seem to be a way to naturally have it happen in the show without a lot of the relationship development happening offscreen. I could see it happening in some kind of ten years later epilogue scene, where Spike's aged up, the elephant in the room is gone, and there's no need to have Rarity suddenly wake up one day and suddenly return his feelings. But if it's for just for a scene, I don't see much point. The heartbreak episode idea CITRUS KING46 mentioned sounds pretty neat to me on the other hand, even if it'd make me feel terrible for Spike :(


I used to be much more gung ho about the ship, but I've mellowed out a bit, probably because there was very little happening on that front in S3 (or Rarity in general). I'd still be delighted if that actually happened, but I can perfectly see this becoming a "nicer-version-of-Adventure-Time" scenario.


But I'm still friendshipping them hard. They're a wonderful and entertaining pair whose interactions always make me smile.


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I know how it ends - he confess her love and she'd say: let's be friends... :P


The "love conquers all" phrase is dumb, because it's abused in sake of such unrealistic cases.

We have here even more controversial things like pedophilia and something similar to zoofilia.

Love without sex can exist - but then it's not that real love (in meaning of two person wanting live together to end of their life). For example parents love their children.


I also don't care about stealing waifus. Fluttershy is close to be my waifu, but I won't be mad if she find love - I even really wish her that she met some cool stallion which would fall in love on each other and live happily. I just don't want any love story in this show - it's not what I expect from MLP Friendship is Magic. That would be good for series ending.

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There's a lot of reasons why this pairing doesn't work

- Rarity is much older than Spike is

- They're both different species

- Spike is going to outlive Rarity and about 7+generations of grandkids

- A high chance that Rarity is interested in other men


And honestly that's probably why I actually love this pairing so much. Spike has a lot going against him, but he seems determined to meet his goal, and Rarity also seems to encourage it as well. I really hope that Spike does achieve his goal in the future, even if there are other pairings I prefer for each

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I don't really see much that makes it impossible for Spike and Rarity to get together, though I am pretty sure that it will never happed in the show. The main reason is because I don't think that Rarity will ever like spike in a romantic way and I don't think that she would be interested in dating a dragon even if she were. What I think? I think we will keep seing Spike as the guy who likes that girl he will never get.


I know cruel world, right?


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Most likely Spike and Rarity well not get togethers. I agree with mostly everyones reasons as why they can't get together. Like everyone said, age is to different, not to mention they are 2 different species, 1 well live longer than the other maybe. But, I gusses my real problem is how the 2 see each other.


For Rarity she see him as a little boy, who is going threw puppy love. Rarity does use Spike to help make her dream come true. I'm fine with him helping her, but Rarity does not see to thank him that much. 


Spike is also kinda bad, as he only seems to like Rarity for her looks and this kinda false profile that he's made for her. The other thing is he doesn't do anything to show he loves her and is kinda fine with her going after other guys. So he may start to change if he got to know her better.


It would be nice if they talked about this in the near future, but I just don't see it happening.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Why would they?

It brings nothing new to the table. No character development no interesting story.

The episode where they get togetyer would be pointless and just a fan pander.

And besides, one of the charms spikes character has (if any) is his constant fruitless attempt at winning rarity over. He is always seen as trying to win a piece of her heart and he always fails. Take that away and he becomes useless in all aspects to the show.

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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  • 3 months later...

I hate this shipping, it takes up part of Spike's role in MLP, she has no interests in him, they have no things in common, Spike is a child and Rarity is an adult, there both of different Species, and prepare for the Grand Reason: Does Rarity even acknowledge the fact he loves her ???? I hope this shipping comes to an end, Stop Torturing me Hasbro and other dislikers of this ship.


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As of now it's the only semi-canon shipping so it's all people have to go on. Personally I see it as the show's way of relating with unrealistic childhood crushes. Spike would go better with just about anyone else in the show.

Edited by n1029
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I think it's simply just a sweet little crush a young boy has for a pretty girl and nothing else 


I think Rarity has probably figured it out but just finds it rather cute, they don't have anything in common but what does that matter? I've had tons of crushes on older people as a kid that I have nothing in common with that wouldn't ever become anything lots of kids do

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