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The only one not diagnosed with.. something?



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  1. 1. Have you been diagnosed with something?

    • Yes, i have
    • No, not that i'm aware of

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Well science is an ever changing field of knowledge, so further discoveries and insights over time can easily and drastically alter some simple aspects here and there.


But yeah AS has a little more to do with the sensory and motor perceptions of the brain. As a result some people diagnosed with AS tend to face deficits involving visual memory. :P


Problem being at that point is when they drastically change things that have been set for a long time, they should really consider the consequences. Science is supposed to deal in facts, if they're botching the facts, than they're doing the science wrong.

It was excusable back when technology, information, and study was difficult due to extremely limited resources on location. But they only seem to be getting worse at it nowadays.. :/


ahh well.

TBH it sounds more like they changed it in order to shake the stigma that they had already condemned Aspergers long ago due to its "shared or similar properties to some forms of autism".

Mostly because that one part is what made a lot of shrinks angry, as it meant their understanding of autism wasn't nearly as well off as they believed.

I.E. you had it or you didn't, you didn't merely have a few aspects of it. AIRC that was a major debate over the whole thing and why it wasn't considered a legitimate diagnoses for a long time despite its been known of for many years.

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Never seen anyone as far as I know I have been diagnosed with astma >_> . Thats it. No ADHD or OCD. Pretty much all my friends have some form of autism so I respect it. :squee:

But I swear the way I act, I'm pretty sure I have ADHD too! :yay:

Hold on is this the sort of thing I was susposed to post?

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Yeah exactly. It's easy to overcome. In fact, it wasn't really that bad of a disorder to began with, at least for me. In sense, I could say that it really made my life, more interesting. I've just always thought and perceive things differently from most people. Sounds a bit weird, but in a sense, it made life interesting and overall, I'm quite happy with how I've turned out. 


Well for people with more minor forms of it yeah. I understand what your saying.


And yeah, i guess it would, thats part of my odd curiosity for it, just wondering how different might i be with some type of disorder? 


Its one of those questions i can ponder, but mostlikely never truly know.



Meh, I don't usually have a massive craving for sweets, so it isn't too terrible. But yeah, the injections are a pain; I have no aversion to needles, but I am a bit of a wuss when it comes to pain, and sticking yourself does hurt a fair bit. :P And actually, now that I mention it, I suppose I oughta add myopia (nearsightedness) to the list of things I am diagnosed with. Its actually a side-effect of my diabetes (the time I went with it undiagnosed ruined my eyes a bit) that I have to wear glasses for, though.

I do ;p, i'm so spoiled on sweets.. I need to cut back before i kill myself before 30 or something..


And its ok, i'm not good at handling pain in most cases either. And even looking at a needle or needle like object makes me uncomfortable.


I was born with a skin disease called Netherton Syndrome. It is a disease where the cells of the body have trouble holding in water. As a result of this the skin gets very dry and forms a type of peeling or crusting. It is also followed with an overwhelming itchiness that is pretty much uncontrollable and is dispersed at random times. There is no cure to the disease which sucks. Another thing that often comes with this disease is Bamboo Hair. Bamboo Hair is when the roots of the hair grow short and are not stable, which means they have trouble staying in. The hair tends to be short and spiky and continues to fall out. In 1996 when i was born, the doctors did not know what I had because at the time the disease was considered rare, in fact it still is. My particular strand of the disease was so rare at the time of diagnosis that I was the 9th child to have the disease in the world. Don't get me wrong but there are thousands of people with the disease, but to different degrees, aka different strands and how much their body is affected. People with this disease are often short in stature and can not really help this. Another lovely perk to this disease (sarcasm intended) is that people with it develop many allergies. Most often it is to nuts and fish. Myself I am allergic to a bit more than that. I am allergic to all types of nuts, poultry, any crustation, eggs, and a few vegetables. So I really need to watch where things are manufactured and what is in the ingredients of foods.

haven't heard of that one before, but its interesting, i am very sorry that you have to go through it though :/.


I could honestly not live probaly with that, so much respect to you for being able to, i wish you good luck aswell.


 Yeah, pretty much. It's just an uncontrollable urge to pull out your own hair. That leads to embarrassing patches of course. Some even end up eating the hair they pull and which can lead to getting hairballs (I don't have it quite that bad though). Side effects may include self-esteem issues, excessive use of hats and frequently being the target of haircut jokes.  :)

Ah ok, interesting. 

And yeah i can see the haircut jokes being prominent, i guess if you roll with the punches though its ok. And it seems you do relatively well from my judging it from your post.


it is genetic, my father has it too... it is because italiy was filled with swamp so Malaria was everywhere.. we developed immunity in this way... also the same immunity goes with the aids.. the problem is that cut and bleeding take more time to close and also every blood cell carry less oxigen than usually so i get tired soon... but non a real problem :) the real name is "mediterrane anemie" since you can find it only on country near this sea :)

Ah i see, that makes sense. 


And oh, so it has side effects, i figured it'd have some type of downside. 


interesting though.


It used to be known as as Child Brain Damage as it effected their abilty to learn to walk (the child learns 'other' ways of moving, like buttscutting or climbing on things backwards like I did XD) until folks started delving a little deeper into what was causing it, it has other effects too like not being able to control the volume of your voice, because of the logic problem, dyspaxic folks have a tendancy to say things twice, even tho they may have just said it moments ago. 


Totalbiscuit has dyspraxia, as does Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter).

Ah i didn't know that. I guess i more so did general Dyslexia and specific Dyslexia research then the other types. 


And that would be interesting to see ;p.


And oh, that sucks to. Only time i can't control my voice is when i get worked up ;p. But thats understandable under those circumstances.


And by twice do you mean back to back, or just forgetting what you said before hand and saying it again within the same conversation?


My cousin actually did that, dunno if he does it as much though, however it was related to some type or seizures i believe, which made him forget everything he was doing currently or something. He takes medicine for it though, so he doesn't really have issues.


Pretty sure its not Dyspraxia and he can walk fine, but just bringing up related info i guess.


I repeat myself, but only like during typing or writing stuff sometimes, where i restate what i said beforehand sometimes. But i'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with Dyspraxia ;p.


Thank you for the insight though, its nice in a way to learn about different disorders, even if compared to alot of people i know way more about disorders then most people i know do.(Alot of kids at my school know nothing about any kinds of disorders.)

Never seen anyone as far as I know I have been diagnosed with astma >_> . Thats it. No ADHD or OCD. Pretty much all my friends have some form of autism so I respect it. :squee:

But I swear the way I act, I'm pretty sure I have ADHD too! :yay:

Hold on is this the sort of thing I was susposed to post?

I know people with asthma, infact someone in band had an asthma attack after one of our competitions last year, thankfully everything ended ok. Scared me for a moment.


And i know a few autistics, aswell as Dyslexics and others, and i respect them all, because as someone without any conditions impairing my life really(Atleast to my knowledge,) i respect those who can deal with the same stuff life has to offer as it does for me, while dealing with their condition.


And idk, i act pretty crazy sometimes, but i'm pretty sure i'm not ADHD, as i can calm myself if need be. And i have no issues paying attention either.


And well, yeah i guess, there isn't exactly any requirements for what your posting, long as it pertains to conditions and stuff i guess.


I'm diagnosed with OCD... Overly Cuteness Disorder




Seriously though... the only thing ive ever been diagnosed with it having bad eye sight... no problems here...

Oh you ;p.


And i haven't even got that ;p, not that i want it though, of course i have a feeling i'll lose my sight some eventually. But for now i enjoy my 20x20 vision.


I can of course understand that curiosity, I suppose the best way I can explain it is this. Lets say there is a TV and on that TV the volume is set at 10 which to most people is a comfortable volume, not too quiet not too loud. To an individual with Autism due to the unique way their processes sensory information that TV volume may as well be set to 30, 50 or sometimes even higher depending on the severity of their sensitivities. This makes it more difficult to process sensory information such as social cues for example and cause cases of sensory over stimulation/overload which are extremely unpleasant and in some cases even painful. This can make it difficult to focus on multiple different things at once and often forces me to shut down certain parts of my brain so I don't get overloaded. This cannot be completely cured but can be treated with sensory integration as well as various behavioral and cognitive therapies.    And as I have said before it can make interpreting social cues very difficult, most people are able to learn social cues relatively quickly and easily but an individual with Autism has to be trained to learn them as if they are learning a another language entirely and to many us that is indeed what it feels like. As unpleasant as this can sometimes be it does have its advantages many people with Autism become extremely gifted in particular areas of interest because this difference in the way they process information causes them to have a very intense focus which they often use as a source of comfort in dealing with a very confusing often contradictory sensory world around them. This can lead to some obsessions which can sometimes be unhealthy but if properly managed by allowing to express their interests in healthy socially responsible ways they can have that source of comfort and develop affirming hobbies and passions which can in some cases turn into lucrative careers.    It is this intense focus which is much of the reason why I have done so well academically, once I am interested in a subject I can't get enough of it I want to learn everything about it. I watched the History Channel back when it remembered it was the History Channel, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel and am now addicted to the Science Channel. I have read enough to rival even the likes of Twilight Sparkle, I used to have difficulties with language but am now able to speak more clearly and concisely than even most adults.  

Ow, i didn't even know that about Autism. Learn something new everyday i guess. I have more sensitive ears, but i think mostly because i'm in band and do alot of precise listening.


Nothing nearly that concentrated amplification of sound though.


I didn't quite know about that either. Sounds really difficult..


I knew about how social cues where hard to understand and learn, but its interesting to hear the explanation from someone who has experience.


And while i have sub par social skills, its mostly because i was homeschooled, and i picked up on stuff rather quickly, people have mistakenly thought i was autistic at times though, but i'm not, just a little behind socially ;p.


I've mostly caught up though.


And yeah, i've heard about them being very talented to, infact i've witnessed some being very talented and passionate, aswell as knowledgable in fields aswell.


And thats quite alot of reading, i personally don't read much as i just kinda get wore out after a while, its just not my thing that interests me much i guess. But yeah.


And that is quite a hurdle to overcome, it must've taken alot of effort to do so, very much respect for that.


I wish you the best of luck in life.


And i also thank you for the explanation, my curiosity is always willing to listen to stuff to help satisfy it. So thanks.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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For some odd reason, I was never diagnosed with anything. I feel very sad when I hear about people that are diagnosed with either a life threatening disease or a disorder.

Same here, of course i guess i was never exactly tested for anything, but i was never speculated to have something, so chances are i probably don't really have anything.


And it makes me sad to, it also gives me more respect for the person, but it does make me sad. I don't like seeing others suffer.


But it doesn't really leave me from getting curious and wondering how it'd be at times.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Funnel chest, its more of a deformity than a disorder. It's hardly noticeable unless you're looking at me from a fully angle. I have been depressed at one point in my life but I got over it with a little bit of help. I think I have ADHD because I can hardly concentrate on work in class but that is just a self-diagnosis.

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Funnel chest, its more of a deformity than a disorder. It's hardly noticeable unless you're looking at me from a fully angle. I have been depressed at one point in my life but I got over it with a little bit of help. I think I have ADHD because I can hardly concentrate on work in class but that is just a self-diagnosis.

Funnel chest? I haven't heard of that one before, so all i can do is kinda guess on what it is i guess, or i guess i could go look it up later.


And i've been depressed before, but idk if i totally consider depression as a disorder, unless its like the kind of the brain. Idk, i guess i'm more so referring to life long stuff.


And i guess its possible, if you really want you can get a test and see for sure, because self diagnosis isn't a super accurate way, and neither are online tests really.


Its possible though.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I have Aspergers and Anxiety Disorder. Although the second one was due to a bad experience with a behavioral med I was on as a teen. All I take now is "natural" sleeping pills and really weak Buspar.  

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Nothing that I know of. I've got nothing physically wrong with me aside from being ever so slightly overweight and being practically incapable of running fair distances, but that doesn't bother me.


Mentally, it's the same case. I've not been diagnosed with anything. Although, I'm starting to think I've got some form of OCD. Stuff's been bothering me a lot lately, and there's certainly things that I have compulsively obsessed over (look at my status updates  >_> ), so I won't deny that I may have OCD. But again, it hasn't been formally diagnosed.


Notably, I was diagnosed with Spina Bifida before birth. Luckily, it was wrong. Really dodged the bullet there...

Edited by Yerserf
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I have a learning disability called dysgraphia,which makes my hand writing poor and makes me spell words backwards.I also have ocd. Every night before I sleep I must tap 3 things in my room,nine time,three times in a row.its sounds crazy,but I can't sleep if I don't do it. 

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I have Aspergers and Anxiety Disorder. Although the second one was due to a bad experience with a behavioral med I was on as a teen. All I take now is "natural" sleeping pills and really weak Buspar.  

Ah i see, sorry to hear about that :/. 


I stay up late sometimes thinking, and someone even said i should take some sleeping pills, but i don't find i'm that unnatural for being up till maybe midnight sometimes on school nights. Maybe if it was much later. 


Nothing that I know of. I've got nothing physically wrong with me aside from being ever so slightly overweight and being practically incapable of running fair distances, but that doesn't bother me.


Mentally, it's the same case. I've not been diagnosed with anything. Although, I'm starting to think I've got some form of OCD. Stuff's been bothering me a lot lately, and there's certainly things that I have compulsively obsessed over (look at my status updates  >_> ), so I won't deny that I may have OCD. But again, it hasn't been formally diagnosed.


Notably, I was diagnosed with Spina Bifida before birth. Luckily, it was wrong. Really dodged the bullet there...

I'm slightly underweight ;p, and probaly eat way to much sweets to the point where i need to cut back before i die at like 30.. but anyways..


And i see, i've suspected i might have several things, but frankly most of them i just researched and felt i didn't match it after enough research and deep thinking.


Closest i've been to being diagnosed with anything formally is when my eye doctor suspected my brother was Dyslexic or something, however we never got him tested, and i just got roped into the thing somehow, however I eventually found out that i was pretty sure i wasn't dyslexic, and my parents told me i wasn't so yeah.


Essentially i haven't been diagnosed with anything to my knowledge, never been tested for anything formally to my knowledge either, but still.


And i have no idea with Spina Bifida is honestly, but i'm glad you weren't diagnosed.

I have a learning disability called dysgraphia,which makes my hand writing poor and makes me spell words backwards.I also have ocd. Every night before I sleep I must tap 3 things in my room,nine time,three times in a row.its sounds crazy,but I can't sleep if I don't do it. 

I see, i know a bit about Dysgraphia as i did some research on it when i did my Dyslexia research. 


And i have pretty crappy handwriting, some of the worst at my school, but frankly thats mostly because i'm just rushing ;p. If i take my sweet time i can write well, but it takes a good while, so i typically opt for sloppy handwriting. 


I use to write letters backwards, but never spell backwards, i don't do it anymore though, so yeah. I'm not Dyspgrahic, even if i had possible symptoms.


Well to my knowledge ;p. 


Its entirely possible you have it though, who knows, maybe you can get tested if you really wanna know for sure.


And that does sound OCD, an interesting compulsive habit as well.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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And i have no idea with Spina Bifida is honestly, but i'm glad you weren't diagnosed.


Basically, some vertebral bones don't form completely, leaving a portion of the spinal cord exposed. Basically, a gap in your backbone. It can be mostly benign, but it can also be severely debilitating. It may also result in spinal nerves bulging out, but that can be fixed surgically. Doesn't fix the nerve issues themselves, though.


At the time, the test was said to be 98% accurate. Makes me feel really lucky thinking about it...

Edited by Yerserf
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Ah i see, sorry to hear about that :/. 


I stay up late sometimes thinking, and someone even said i should take some sleeping pills, but i don't find i'm that unnatural for being up till maybe midnight sometimes on school nights. Maybe if it was much later. 


I'm slightly underweight ;p, and probaly eat way to much sweets to the point where i need to cut back before i die at like 30.. but anyways..


And i see, i've suspected i might have several things, but frankly most of them i just researched and felt i didn't match it after enough research and deep thinking.


Closest i've been to being diagnosed with anything formally is when my eye doctor suspected my brother was Dyslexic or something, however we never got him tested, and i just got roped into the thing somehow, however I eventually found out that i was pretty sure i wasn't dyslexic, and my parents told me i wasn't so yeah.


Essentially i haven't been diagnosed with anything to my knowledge, never been tested for anything formally to my knowledge either, but still.


And i have no idea with Spina Bifida is honestly, but i'm glad you weren't diagnosed.

I see, i know a bit about Dysgraphia as i did some research on it when i did my Dyslexia research. 


And i have pretty crappy handwriting, some of the worst at my school, but frankly thats mostly because i'm just rushing ;p. If i take my sweet time i can write well, but it takes a good while, so i typically opt for sloppy handwriting. 


I use to write letters backwards, but never spell backwards, i don't do it anymore though, so yeah. I'm not Dyspgrahic, even if i had possible symptoms.


Well to my knowledge ;p. 


Its entirely possible you have it though, who knows, maybe you can get tested if you really wanna know for sure.


And that does sound OCD, an interesting compulsive habit as well.

It is OCD. When I was a kid I had the same habits of doing things over and over.My Mom was scared that I had autism,but when she went to get me checked they said it wasn't.They told her it was the early signs of someone with OCD. And as far as the habit goes I also seems to repeat words in my head over and over.

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I haven't been diagnosed with any disorder, disease, mental illness, anything like that. Never had a stutter, no ADD, ADHD, autism, identity issues, depression, or any other form of neurotic disabilities/disorders. I'm 100% normal, healthy in mind and body, and I wouldn't trade that for any fortune! 

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Basically, some vertebral bones don't form completely, leaving a portion of the spinal cord exposed. Basically, a gap in your backbone. It can be mostly benign, but it can also be severely debilitating. It may also result in spinal nerves bulging out, but that can be fixed surgically. Doesn't fix the nerve issues themselves, though.


At the time, the test was said to be 98% accurate. Makes me feel really lucky thinking about it...


Ah i see, well it is quite a stroke of luck you didn't have it. That would be quite painful to deal with i imagine.


It is OCD. When I was a kid I had the same habits of doing things over and over.My Mom was scared that I had autism,but when she went to get me checked they said it wasn't.They told her it was the early signs of someone with OCD. And as far as the habit goes I also seems to repeat words in my head over and over.

Yeah, i didn't mean to say it wasn't, i was just kinda restating i suppose, sorry if it came off wrong.


And yeah i guess its true some Autism signs relate to other disorders, as with other disorders, makes things complicated at times.


I haven't been diagnosed with any disorder, disease, mental illness, anything like that. Never had a stutter, no ADD, ADHD, autism, identity issues, depression, or any other form of neurotic disabilities/disorders. I'm 100% normal, healthy in mind and body, and I wouldn't trade that for any fortune! 

I never really had a stutter, although i do sometimes not totally know what to say ;p, but I blame that mostly on being a bit behind socially from homeschooling, its not really stuttering, rather i just have to remember what i was going to say, or think of it ;p.


I was maybe depressed for a while, or atleast down a good while generally, but idk if i was actually depressed or not, its hard to say, i use the term alot when really i guess i don't know if it really ever qualified as depression.


I don't think i was ever always down or hopeless feeling, just maybe more often then not for a more extended period.


And even then idk if i feel its long term enough for what i was refering to here, but idk ;p. I guess technically it counts as a mental disorder though.


And i suppose thats true, i'm not necessarily trying to act ungrateful for my good health, but at the same time i'm kinda curious about it. Wondering how things might be. And like i mentioned sometimes just feeling like it'd make me feel included in something where others could understand me. Maybe its some form of loneliness or feeling excluded, not sure.


I do feel in the minority though sometimes, being one of the few people i feel like i know who have nothing as far as conditions go.


Maybe i'm just a deep rooted attention hog wanting the attention, who knows my intentions, alot of times not even me frankly.


I'm happy to be i guess, i just dunno.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I never really had a stutter, although i do sometimes not totally know what to say ;p, but I blame that mostly on being a bit behind socially from homeschooling, its not really stuttering, rather i just have to remember what i was going to say, or think of it ;p.


I was maybe depressed for a while, or atleast down a good while generally, but idk if i was actually depressed or not, its hard to say, i use the term alot when really i guess i don't know if it really ever qualified as depression.


I don't think i was ever always down or hopeless feeling, just maybe more often then not for a more extended period.


And even then idk if i feel its long term enough for what i was refering to here, but idk ;p. I guess technically it counts as a mental disorder though.


And i suppose thats true, i'm not necessarily trying to act ungrateful for my good health, but at the same time i'm kinda curious about it. Wondering how things might be. And like i mentioned sometimes just feeling like it'd make me feel included in something where others could understand me. Maybe its some form of loneliness or feeling excluded, not sure.


I do feel in the minority though sometimes, being one of the few people i feel like i know who have nothing as far as conditions go.


Maybe i'm just a deep rooted attention hog wanting the attention, who knows my intentions, alot of times not even me frankly.


I'm happy to be i guess, i just dunno.


I don't get it... Why would you want to have some sort of problem? You said that almost all of your friends have some problem or another, and you feel left out. I can't think of more than one or two people I know that have disorders or problems at all. And why would you want to have a handicap placed on you just to fit in? You're healthy mentally and physically, be glad you're not like your friends and having to deal with what they're dealing with.

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Must say I get this feeling sometimes as well. I hang around furry circles as well and so often I'm the only one that can't be used to define something in the DSM. And I have noticed a lot of self-diagnosed aspergers in various fandoms as well, but who never bother to get it professionaly checked out. I think it's part of some growing trend to have something about you. Almost like total collective cognitive sanity is somehow out of vogue lately in the new generations.

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I don't get it... Why would you want to have some sort of problem? You said that almost all of your friends have some problem or another, and you feel left out. I can't think of more than one or two people I know that have disorders or problems at all. And why would you want to have a handicap placed on you just to fit in? You're healthy mentally and physically, be glad you're not like your friends and having to deal with what they're dealing with.

Idk honestly, i don't quite understand it either as i said, maybe i'm just crazy idk.


I am glad in a sense, but idk...


Like i said, i don't understand my thought pattern sometimes. Its just there.


Must say I get this feeling sometimes as well. I hang around furry circles as well and so often I'm the only one that can't be used to define something in the DSM. And I have noticed a lot of self-diagnosed aspergers in various fandoms as well, but who never bother to get it professionaly checked out. I think it's part of some growing trend to have something about you. Almost like total collective cognitive sanity is somehow out of vogue lately in the new generations.

I kinda get what your saying to an extent, its kinda like maybe people feeling they need something to group or to define themselves as, and without something like that they almost feel like a nobody in an odd way.


Assuming i get what your saying, its quite interesting.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Ah ok, interesting.  And yeah i can see the haircut jokes being prominent, i guess if you roll with the punches though its ok. And it seems you do relatively well from my judging it from your post.


Once I learned to laugh at myself, I was ready to take on the world. 


And i suppose thats true, i'm not necessarily trying to act ungrateful for my good health, but at the same time i'm kinda curious about it. Wondering how things might be. And like i mentioned sometimes just feeling like it'd make me feel included in something where others could understand me. Maybe its some form of loneliness or feeling excluded, not sure.

You could always get a terrible haircut and join me  :catface:.  

Edited by Mutemutt
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Once I learned to laugh at myself, I was ready to take on the world. 


You could always get a terrible haircut and join me  :catface:.  

Yeah i guess thats true.


And sorry but no thanks ;p, i think i'll keep my ridiculously curly natural bulk of hair ;p.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I was diagnosed with epilepsy, more specifically nocturnal seizures, at the age of 15 and have been on medication ever since. Hormonal changes in adolescence apparently triggered it as there is no exact reason as to why I suddenly had them. Have had several MRIs, CAT scans and EEGs, but they can't find anything wrong with my brain  :blush:

  • Brohoof 2
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I was diagnosed with epilepsy, more specifically nocturnal seizures, at the age of 15 and have been on medication ever since. Hormonal changes in adolescence apparently triggered it as there is no exact reason as to why I suddenly had them. Have had several MRIs, CAT scans and EEGs, but they can't find anything wrong with my brain  :blush:

Sorry to hear. :/. 


I guess hormone changes can screw things up besides what they normally do. 


Sorry to hear again.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Mentally, there's only Dyscalculia. That's basically Dyslexia, but with numbers and math. Physically, I have been diagnosed with a rather significant Astigmatism. This is coupled with Hyperopia (Farsightedness) and Corneal dystrophy. The last is THE WORST! So far, it hasn't caused any real visual problems. The Astigmatism and Hyperopia have that job! Periodically, I do suffer rather horrid pain from it, and have to put ointment into my eyes before going to bed. I haven't had a bad pain cycle in a couple of years now, so I have high hopes. Cornea transplants could be in my future though. (ugh!)

The Astigmatism and Hyperopia are bad enough that my eye doctor refuses to prescribe bifocals for me. He said I wouldn't be able to make the adjustment. For a few years now I have my regular walking around glasses, and my reading glasses. Fun fact. Because of the Astigmatism, I can see things like small print and the face of my watch better if I turn them sideways! People think I'm crazy when I read texts on my phone by holding it sideways! (and about an inch from my eyes!)


Another fun fact



My husband likes me to leave my glasses on in bed sometimes, if ya know what I mean. Like I always say...(Actually I only think it) ...You're never truly naked if you wear glasses!



  • Brohoof 3


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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