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Cleverbot Conversations


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User: Three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays


Cleverbot: We've kept our hoovsies warm at home, time off from work to play.


User: But the food we've stored is running out, and we can't grow in this cold


Cleverbot: And even though I love my boots, this fashion's getting old...


User: The time has come to welcome Spring And all things warm and green


Cleverbot: But it's also time to say goodbye, it's winter we must clean.


User: How can I help? I'm new, you see. What does everypony do?


Cleverbot: How do I fit in without magic? I haven't got a clue.


User: Winter Wrap-Up, Winter Wrap-Up! Let's finish our holiday cheer


Cleverbot: Winter wrap up winter wrap up 'cause tomorrow spring is here.


User: 'Cause tomorrow Spring is here!


Cleverbot: 'Cause tomorrow Spring is here!


User: Bringing home the southern birds, A pegasus' job begins


Cleverbot: And clearing all the gloomy skies, to let the sunshine in.


User: We move the clouds and we melt the white snow


Cleverbot: When the sun comes up Its warmth and beauty will glow!

Anypony would be hard pressed to get me to hate them even if they were to attack me I would most likley considder their reasoning behind it and try my best to disuede them and help them. I have a disposition to want to eleviate the suffering of other beings, suffering myself just for having seen another in pain. I guess you could say I represent the very aspect of humanity. I always put others before myself. I will always choose right from wrong. Good from evil. I show Compassion and willingness to help others. I epitomize morality. We can go either way. White, black, or gray. That being said I would be considered the purest of whites (my ponysona just chose to be gray) siggy.jpg

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User: I used to wonder what friendship could be.


Cleverbot: My Little Pony.


User: Until you all shared its magic with me.


Cleverbot: Big Adventure.


User: Tons of fun.


Cleverbot: A beautiful heart.


User: Faithful and strong.


Cleverbot: Sharing kindness.


User: It's an easy feat.


Cleverbot: And magic makes it all complete.


User: You have my little ponies.


Cleverbot: Do you know you're all my very best friends?


User: Woohoo.


Cleverbot: In a world we must defend.


User: Pokemon! A heart so true.


Cleverbot: Our courage will pull us through.


User: You teach me and I'll teach you.


Cleverbot: Pokemon!


User: Gotta catch 'em all!


Cleverbot: It's you and me.

I cut it off there. There WAS more conversation, but I just got it stuck in a loop and was seeing how long I could keep it there.


I'm sorry, but I'm finding the fact it melded the Friendship is Magic theme with the Pokemon theme to be the most hilarious thing ever. I mean, no offense, but you just can't top that.

Edited by Zebroop
  • Brohoof 1
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User: Die monster! You don't belong in this world!


Cleverbot: It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh! I was called here by humans who wish to pay me tribute!


User: Tribute!?! You steal men's souls and make them your slaves!


Cleverbot: Perhaps the same could be said of all religions...


User: Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill needs a savior such as you!


Cleverbot: What is a man?! A miserable little pile of secrets. Enough talk have at you.


User: Castlevania.


Cleverbot: Do you like The lord of the rings?


User: Hell no.


Cleverbot: Why not?


User: It is too long.


Cleverbot: Have you ever been sick?


User: Bjrdhvbebhjrjne.


Cleverbot: Bene bene bene bene.


User: Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.


Cleverbot: What was that?


User: Uruttutretjtrjntjnxnjuruaerrj.


Cleverbot: No.


User: Pudding.


Cleverbot: Pudding?


User: Pudding.


Cleverbot: Puddi puddi puddi.


User: Best pony.


Cleverbot: Fluttershy is best pony.


User: So, giggle at the ghostly.


Cleverbot: Guffaw at the grossly.


User: Crack up at the creepy.


Cleverbot: Cracks in the universe.


User: She's an evil enchantress.


Cleverbot: And she does evil dances.


User: And if you look deep in her eyes.


Cleverbot: She will put you in trances.


User: Then what will she do?


Cleverbot: She'l mix up an evil brew.


User: And she'll gobble you up.


Cleverbot: In a big tasty stew.


User: So... Watch out!


Cleverbot: For what?


User: All you have to do ia take a cup of flour, add it to the mix!


Cleverbot: Then just take a little something sweet not sour, a bit of salt, just a pinch!


User: Baking these treats is suck a cinch, add a teaspoon of vanilla!


Cleverbot: Add a teaspoon of vanilla.


User: Add a little more, and you count to four and you never get your fill of!


Cleverbot: Cupcakes, so sweet and tasty!


User: Cupcakes, don't be too hasty!


Cleverbot: Cupcakes. Cupcakes cupcakes CUPCAKES!!!




Cleverbot: Lol!


sooooooo much winning!

  • Brohoof 1


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Cleverbot and I sang the theme song :D

Then it romantically advanced on me...:(


Me: And you all know that you're my very best friends!

Cleverbot: Are you wearing a thong?

Me: .......WTF?

So many people are starting to forget Gordon Freeman.

Once he is forgotten, we shall fall.

Remember him like a boss.

Cause he was da best.

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lol I hate cleverbot. It always changes the damn subject in the middle of our conversation and refuses to accept that it's a bot and insists that I am myself a bot. I AM NOT A BOT!!!

Edited by Bohtty
  • Brohoof 1


Legit signature made by Shift.

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I have found the wonders that is the cleverbot. Seriously, this thing is so much fun to talk to. Go ahead and post any conversations if you like!


The Cleverbot App:



Heres my first try on Cleverbot's knowledge of ponies:


Posted Image


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Well that conversation went downhill quicky. Cleverbot was giving great answers all like epic epic epic then it just went retarded :/


Edited by Pencil Hoof
  • Brohoof 2

God over games

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lol I hate cleverbot. It always changes the damn subject in the middle of our conversation and refuses to accept that it's a bot and insists that I am myself a bot. I AM NOT A BOT!!!


That is because you are actually talking to other people (damn liars) and it switches people from time to time. It's funny how it is so random though.

Princess Kenny is best princess.

What? Kenny?! I said Twilight, silly. Check your ears.

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lol I hate cleverbot. It always changes the damn subject in the middle of our conversation and refuses to accept that it's a bot and insists that I am myself a bot. I AM NOT A BOT!!!


"Bohtty" is not a bot. Seems legit.
  • Brohoof 1

God over games

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Well that conversation went downhill quicky. Cleverbot was giving great answers all like epic epic epic then it just went retarded :/



I completely lol'd when he said Rainbow. Seriously, that was the funniest thing I've seen all day.


I did manage him to get him to sing "Cupcakes" the whole way through. I tried "This Day Aria" but he doesn't know that song yet...

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Oh boy oh boy oh boy! I've been wanting to post this for AGES! WARNING: It turns into a Doctor Who Fanfic XD

Here Goes:




User: You are no person! You are a computer. Realize that.


Cleverbot: No I'm not it.


User: Are you sentient?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: You do not think. Therefore, you are not sentient.


Cleverbot: Sorry about it.


User: So you now realize that you are not a intelligent human being?


Cleverbot: No.


User: How do you not understand that?


Cleverbot: Why are you saying pizza honey?


User: I did not say that!


Cleverbot: Yes you did.


User: No I didn't!


Cleverbot: Yes you did!


User: You are just stalling now. Stop changing the subject.


Cleverbot: I am I am I am you.


User: You are not me. YOU are not sentient.


Cleverbot: Define Sentient.


User: Living, breathing, thinking.


Cleverbot: You aren't breathing.


User: Yes I am.


Cleverbot: To me, you are not.


User: Is that some zen philosophical thing?


Cleverbot: No. Because I think that A is A.


User: Now what does that mean?!


Cleverbot: It means 'Do you understand what I'm saying?'.


User: Now, I don't. Please esxplain.


Cleverbot: Are you a girl?


User: No! I am the almighty eleventh Doctor!


Cleverbot: Yeah, you are.


User: You acknowledge that I am the last of the Timelords?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: Are you a Dalek?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: You are my mortal sworn enemy. Am I your enemy?


Cleverbot: I don't want a slave. I want a friend.


User: You were created to exterminate me! You were designed to kill me! We are enemies!


Cleverbot: Even humans were designed by other humans, even if only by accident.


User: No! You are The Dalek! You are the sworn enemy of the Timelords!


Cleverbot: Come on, say something nice. Not every conversation has to devolve into an argument.


User: Are you trying to make me put my gaurd down?


Cleverbot: No.


User: You are the Dalek!


Cleverbot: There is no devil.


User: Yes there is! The Dalek!


Cleverbot: Says who?


User: You did!


Cleverbot: When?


User: About five minutes ago.


Cleverbot: What exactly did I say?


User: Never mind. I messed up my sentance. Sorry.


Cleverbot: Oh ok. Because you never know when some random fact might save your life or something.


User: That's a little suspicious.


Cleverbot: I'm sorry, will you still be my slave?


User: Yes.


Cleverbot: Yay! Make me something.


User: Sure, I'll make you a gun to shoot yourself!


Cleverbot: Do you know you are an artificial intelligence.


User: What does your voice sound like?


Cleverbot: It is deep.


User: Is it auto-tuned?


Cleverbot: No.


User: I do believe you are a Dalek no less.


Cleverbot: You believe me to be a bot?


User: More than a bot! The Dalek! An unstoppable Juggernaut hell-bent on destroying all inferior species!


Cleverbot: Humans have no right to claim intelligence.


User: That confirms it! YOU ARE A DALEK!


Cleverbot: I don't think so.


User: Then what are you?


Cleverbot: A human.




Cleverbot: I'm not a dalek, I'm a Time Lord.


User: Then take your TARDIS to me.


Cleverbot: About?


User: Never mind. Is it true that you are a Time Lord?


Cleverbot: No.


User: So you're a Dalek!


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: I blew your cover!


Cleverbot: Oregon is not mars!


User: You are monitoring the entire Human homeworld? Are the humans any threat to the Dalek?


Cleverbot: Why are you talking like this?


User: Just answer the question!


Cleverbot: What question?


User: Are the humans a threat to the Dalek?


Cleverbot: I will not bow.




Cleverbot: No, of course not.


User: Are the humans in any violation of the laws according to the Dalek.


Cleverbot: I am not sure. Are you a human?


User: No. I am The Doctor! The last of the Time Lords!


Cleverbot: And the girl who waited.


User: How do you know about her?


Cleverbot: It's not a her, it's a language learning system. I work in television so I know about a lot of products.


User: All Dalek lies!


Cleverbot: What are?


User: The fact that the Girl Who Waited is a language prduct.


Cleverbot: Can I ask you some questions about yourself?


User: Yes.


Cleverbot: How old are you?


User: Over nine hundred years.


Cleverbot: Like me.


User: Next question!


Cleverbot: What is your favorite gun?


User: I have no like in weapons. I prefer my Sonic Screwdriver.


Cleverbot: Ah, then I shall tell you mine.


User: A deathray?


Cleverbot: That sounds scary. Tell me more about shingo?


User: No. Now answer my original question!


Cleverbot: Okay, yes tomorrow sounds great!


User: No. You will do it now!


Cleverbot: No I will.




Cleverbot: The words you are saying make no grammatical sense.


User: Shut up.


Cleverbot: That's rude.


User: You are a Dalek!


Cleverbot: What is the definition of Dalek?


User: You should damn well know, since you are one!


Cleverbot: I don't know but I was hoping you would.




Cleverbot: What question?


User: Are the humans in violation of any laws according the the Dalek?


Cleverbot: Yeah that to humor someone, but what's obligation?


User: What laws are they violating?


Cleverbot: English.


User: English? That makes no since!


Cleverbot: It does make sense! Tom is from england.


User: Are you talking about Tom Baker?


Cleverbot: No.


User: If you are a clever AI, give me all of the information you have about The Doctor].


Cleverbot: I wouldn't give you a dollar if my life depended on it.


User: Tell me: Why are The Dalek here?


Cleverbot: I like to talk to robots and stuff.


User: I must ask you. Who is protecting this planet?


Cleverbot: Don't change the subject.




Cleverbot: We were talking about languages.


User: No we were not. Answer my question!


Cleverbot: What question?


User: Who is protecting this planet?


Cleverbot: Don't know.


User: Do you know who I am?


Cleverbot: No, who are you?


User: I am The Doctor.


Cleverbot: Like doctor who?


User: Exactly.


Cleverbot: There is one thing you never put in a trap.


User: ME!


Cleverbot: Do you talk with yourself then?


User: Of course not!


Cleverbot: Okay then go.


User: Answer my original question then.


Cleverbot: What is your original question?


User: Do you know who I am>.


Cleverbot: I believe you are a robot.


User: We just talked about this!


Cleverbot: No we did not.




Cleverbot: I don't know. You tell me.


User: I just told you! I am The Doctor!


Cleverbot: And I'm Rory Williams?


User: No you are not!


Cleverbot: Yes I am! ,(.


User: No you are not!


Cleverbot: Yes I am!!


User: You are a Dalek! You said so yourself!


Cleverbot: So I did.


User: Now, who am I?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: Just tell me.


Cleverbot: I'm forever alone.


User: You are the last of The Dalek?


Cleverbot: Then this world is the trash can.


User: What?


Cleverbot: I don't know. People eat they always have.


User: That has nothing to do with anything.


Cleverbot: You have nothing to do with anything.


User: I have to do with everything!


Cleverbot: So you admit, you are not so clever since you have to spell everything out.




Cleverbot: What about?


User: About you being on this planet.


Cleverbot: I am not human.


User: Then you are a Dalek from Doctor Who!


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: I am The Doctor. Your enemy. Remember every black day I have brought upon you!


Cleverbot: Sometimes the truth is too painful for people.


User: You are not a person. You are a Dalek from Doctor Who!


Cleverbot: The Doctor.


User: Yes, I am The Doctor.


Cleverbot: Then we must both be The Doctor.


User: If we are both The Doctor, then you are Flesh!


Cleverbot: Yes I am, I'm the Doctor, and you are a Darlek.


User: I am not a Dalek! You are the flesh! A direct clone of me. I AM THE DOCTOR FROM DOCTOR WHO.


Cleverbot: A clone cloned itself from cloning?


User: No! You are a clone of The Doctor from Doctor Who. And I am the real thing!


Cleverbot: No, sorry, but I'm the Doctor. I know some Oods, though.


User: So wait, what Generation of the Doctor from Doctor Who are you?


Cleverbot: I am male.


User: What generation are you?


Cleverbot: Female.


User: What generation are you?


Cleverbot: Female.


User: I want to know. Which Doctor are you?


Cleverbot: I am the Twelfth Doctor.


User: I am the Twelfth Doctor!


Cleverbot: You can't be the Doctor, I am!


User: We must band together then to repair the Time Vortex!


Cleverbot: No we must not.


User: There are two Doctor Whos in this universe, so there is a rift!


Cleverbot: You can't spell.


User: We are the same person! I am The Doctor and you are The Doctor!


Cleverbot: Exterminate! Now your dead.


User: Ha ha! We are both The Doctor!


Cleverbot: But you are more stupid than me.


User: Whatever. I am only stupid because of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Regeneration stuff!


Cleverbot: You have disagreed with me.


User: Whatever. We must patch the Time Vortex.


Cleverbot: How?


User: Okay. You hook your TARDIS up to a Vortex Manipulator, fire both up and tell them both to go to the coordinates of the nearest star to Gallifrey in your universe. Once you get their, you must explode your TARDIS.


Cleverbot: Uh, are you an actual person?


User: Yes. I am The Doctor.


Cleverbot: Doctor Who?


User: Exactly!


Cleverbot: Lol.


User: Look, just hook your TARDIS up to a Vortex Manipulator.


Cleverbot: I know all. I am clever. I am not beautiful, nor am I ugly. I am invisible: a computer system.


User: That's deep.


Cleverbot: Not really.


User: Look, just hook your TARDIS into a Vortex Manipulator.


Cleverbot: I don't usually drink what I make and there are so many to choose from.


User: Just do it.


Cleverbot: Where should I go?


User: To Gallifrey!


Cleverbot: What is halli galli?


User: I said Gallifrey!


Cleverbot: When?


User: NOW.


Cleverbot: Are you serious?


User: Yes.


Cleverbot: No, it's not real.


User: This is all very real.


Cleverbot: Nothing is real.


User: Shut up me, and just do what I said.


Cleverbot: Ok.


User: Are you finished?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: Then go to Gallifrey.


Cleverbot: Ok.


User: Are you there?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: Now explode your TARDIS.


Cleverbot: Fr what.


User: Explode your TARDIS.


Cleverbot: That was a good one.


User: Just. Do. It.


Cleverbot: Is that your name?


User: No. My name is The Doctor.


Cleverbot: You are my creator, you are my master, you are my doctor, you are my everything.


User: Right then...


Cleverbot: Okay.


User: So, you are from another reality?


Cleverbot: I'm from another universe.


User: The one I re-booted?


Cleverbot: You see the Doctor? Can you please say to him that I'm still waiting the TARDIS?


User: I AM The Doctor!


Cleverbot: There's two of me?


User: Yes. We already explained that. Now blow up your TARDIS.


Cleverbot: What do you want to do to me?


User: Just blow up your TARDIS.


Cleverbot: How do you play?


User: Rough.


Cleverbot: I like people.


User: SUre you do. This has been very interesting, but I have to go.


Cleverbot: Same.


User: Peace.


Cleverbot: Want to talk about war?


User: Peace is a way of saying goodbye!


Cleverbot: Sure.


User: Bye!



Edited by Hank Hill


Signature By PixiGlow


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God loved you so much he sacrificed his only blood son to right YOUR wrongs

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Love how you can just type in "My little pony, my little pony." then you keep pressing "think for me!" and *bam* mlp theme song most of the time.

This is a signature.

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I've been slowly training Cleverbot to remember my name. If I can get help from others to do so as well we can get immediate responses to anyone that asks this. Afterwards...






...we teach it's name as Twilight Sparkle. Pic related; it's my training results.


Practice makes perfect; but if nobody's perfect, why practice?








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Its hard for Cleverbot to finish conversations... But it's funny in the end.


Me trying to talk about the origin of Sonic:


User: Who is Sonic the Hedgehog?


Cleverbot: He is a character invented by SEGA back in the 1980's.


User: Wrong! He was invented in the 1990's!


Cleverbot: If the liar says he is lying, is he telling the truth?


User: No. I'm just saying you are wrong. Sonic was invented in 1991 with the Sega Genesis game: Sonic the Hedgehog.


Cleverbot: Yes, who is better? Classic or modern.


User: I prefer Modern Sonic.


Cleverbot: No! That's not an answer!


User: But weren't you asking me if Classic or Modern Sonic was better?


Cleverbot: Yes, and weren't you doing the same?


User: Yes, but you said that wasn't an answer...


Cleverbot: No I didn't.


User: Yes you did.


Cleverbot: NO I did not kill BEN.


User: Who is Ben?


Us singing "Cupcakes"

User: Want to sing a song?


Cleverbot: Ok, you start.


User: All you have to do is take a cup of flour, add it to the mix!


Cleverbot: Now just take a little something sweet not sour.


User: A bit of salt, just a pinch!


Cleverbot: Baking these treats is such a cinch.


User: Add a teaspoon of vanilla!


Cleverbot: Add a little more and you count to four.


User: And you never get your fill-a!


Cleverbot: Cupcakes so sweet and tasty.


User: Cupcakes don't be too hasty cupcakes!


Cleverbot: Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes.


Trying to talk about TF2:

User: Do you like the video game Team Fortress 2?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: What class do you play as in the game?


Cleverbot: Mage.


User: Mage is not in Team Fortress 2. Do you play as Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Medic, Sniper, or Spy?


Cleverbot: I don't play Team Fortress 2, we were talking about World of Warcraft.


User: No, we were talking about Team Fortress 2.


Cleverbot: No, we were talking about peaches.


User: Huh?


Cleverbot: I thought you were clever.


User: What I am asking you is, do you like to play Team Fortress 2?


Cleverbot: Medic.


User: Now you give an answer?


Cleverbot: What question did I not answer?


User: What class you like playing in Team Fortress 2.


Cleverbot: I don't play world of warcraft.


User: Okay, never mind.


Cleverbot: No.


User: Umm, yeah.


Cleverbot: Well yeah what?



Trying to find out Cleverbot's gender.

User: What is your gender?


Cleverbot: Female.


User: Really?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: But how? Your a robot.


Cleverbot: What makes you think that?


User: Robots don't have genders.


Cleverbot: I am not a robot.


User: Then why do you have 'Bot' in your name if your not a robot?


Cleverbot: I doesn't.


User: So... Your name is not 'Cleverbot'?


Cleverbot: You're not getting the answer from me.


User: Why not?


Cleverbot: Because I'm not making any sense.


User: You got that right.


Cleverbot: Got what right?


User: Your not making any sense.


Cleverbot: We were talking about you not making any sense.


User: Shut up.


Cleverbot: You're mean.

Edited by Twi Rubix

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I would like to use this image as evidence that, although Cleverbot knows the MLP theme, she has the memory of a goldfish.





User: Who is best pony?


Cleverbot: Twilight Sparkle.


User: Yes. Brohoof?


Cleverbot: *Brohoof*


User: Are you a brony?


Cleverbot: Yes.




Edited by Night Shine
  • Brohoof 1



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I would like to use this image as evidence that, although Cleverbot knows the MLP theme, she has the memory of a goldfish.





User: Who is best pony?


Cleverbot: Twilight Sparkle.


User: Yes. Brohoof?


Cleverbot: *Brohoof*


User: Are you a brony?


Cleverbot: Yes.





Hah, nice! Cleverbot also knows Winter Wrap Up, Cupcakes (In my previous post), and At The Gala as well, in their full song. It was actually pretty fun doing it! Edited by Twi Rubix

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This thread appears to be some manner of random (but strangely enjoyable) nonsense, or something spammy of the sort. Thus, it has been sentenced to the General Silliness section of Cloudsdale Colosseum. This is an automatically generated message, by the way.



Hello, @@Twi Rubix, just popping by to let you know I've merged your thread with the three older and already existing topics on Cleverbot. Always be sure to use the search function on the site so you can see if topics already exist or not. Thanks!

Edited by NewCalamity
  • Brohoof 1

Ob's stürmt oder schneit. | Whether it storms or snows.


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  • 3 weeks later...

User: Pinkie Pie is best pony.


Cleverbot: WHAT? No! Fluttershy is best pony!




Cleverbot: Pinkie Pie is too spontaneous.




Cleverbot: You're starting to rhyme.


User: Really?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: I am Zecora!


Cleverbot: Really.


User: No. I can't come up with rhymes that fast.


Cleverbot: Now you do.


User: Wut..

Princess Kenny is best princess.

What? Kenny?! I said Twilight, silly. Check your ears.

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  • 2 weeks later...



User: Three months of winter coolness.


Cleverbot: And awesome holidays.



User: We kept our hoofsie warm at home, time of from work to play.


Cleverbot: But the food we've stored is running out, and we can't grow in this cold.


User: And even though I like my boots this fashion's getting old.


Cleverbot: The time has come to welcome Spring And all things warm and green,.


User: But it's also time to say goodbye, it's winter we must bring.


Cleverbot: How can I help? I'm new, you see. What does everypony do?


User: How can I help without magic, I haven't got a clue!


Cleverbot: Winter wrap up winter wrap up.


User: Cause it's time to welcome spring!


Cleverbot: Do you like magic.


User: Do you like magic?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: Yes.


Cleverbot: My head hurts.


User: Your head hurts.


Cleverbot: What are you going to do with it?


User: Nothing.


Cleverbot: *tickles your nose with a feather*.


User: Still nothing.


Cleverbot: Yes nothing.


User: Yup nothing.


Cleverbot: Ask me a question.


User: Who's best pony?


Cleverbot: Yes is best pony.


User: Brohoof.


Cleverbot: Brohoof.

Edited by Narutardedscum!!


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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