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A day with best pony or $10k?

Vinyl Scratch.

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I would send my husband to go pick up the money :P


No, but seriously, I think I'd still pick the money. I mean, I love the ponies and all but I can't imagine having to spend an entire day locked in a house with all that crazy! @_@ 

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  • 8 months later...

Call my best friend who lives kinda near, tell him to pick it up and we split the money 80%-20%... ( 80 for me of course... SOOOOO GENEROUS) with the excuse im very sick...


and spend my time with



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I'd so take that $10k. I mean, I feel like if the ponies were transferred into our worlds appearance they'd look like regular ponies and those would look, well, weird being all technicolor. It wouldn't be that bad spending an entire day with Vinyl Scratch (she is best)... but with 10k I could buy a lot of video games... so.. I'd take the 10k. Gotta think in the long term, man. 

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Though I'd love to spend time with Fluttershy, I'd have to go with the money for once. One day isn't enough to get Fluttershy to open up to you, and I have the feeling my cuddling urges would not be met that day :/ Unless she's already comfortable with that sorta thing for some reason? In which case, Fluttershy it is :D

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I'd go for the $10k. Logically it would be better to pick it up at the lottery it was something I planned. My favourite pony appeared out of nowhere and as much as I like her, we don't have much in common. It wouldn't be the end of the world if I don't spend time with my favourite pony, really.

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Sorry Twilly, but I'd go with the money.


Money makes our capitalist world go round. I sometimes wish this statement were a little less true, personally.



Plus, my plan for paying off my college with less student loans may not work as I have anticipated. #ProLoLTournaments



I do wish both was a choice and everyone here does probably.

Edited by Twilly F. Sniper
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I'd rather deposit $10k in my bank acount than having to call my therapist and tell him that I'm having hallucinations of a talking purple alicorn.

Edited by A goat
  • Brohoof 1
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I would feel really bad about sending the pony back to Equestria but I'm not sure if I'd be okay with a cartoon living in my house either. Also, you would get to spend the entire day with a pony if you woke up at 11:30. My parents would also probably freak out and even if I spend the entire day with my favorite pony, we couldn't do anything because we couldn't leave the house. I guess we could play chess but that's not really socializing.


So, yeah, I would take the money and put it into my college fund.

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This probably has something to do with age as well.  At 45 years of age, $10,000 or even a $million isn't worth losing the experience of being with a pony.  At 20, you could have all sorts of dreams of what to do with the money.  Still $10k isn't a gamechanger these days. 


I probably would choose the pony over $10M.  It is the same way with a portal. Given the choice of go through to Equestria or $10M to stay, I'd portal.  That could actually make for an interesting game show.

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