I'd like to think most changelings look the same with Crysalis only showing sexual dismorphism.
On topic I am assuming that hippogriff will be Rarity's counterpart cuz she looks so fabulous.
Ember is gonna lay eggs , with Spike/random dragon as her consort :P. Like really both are new rulers but atleast Ember got some experience she just needs to grow bigger.
Spike seems like a totally different character here.
And what are longmas?
off topic but i hope we get a dragon matriarch as a character ( like alexstrasza from wow ). Ember is not a mom sorry :P.
Twilight's cutie mark would not make much sense now that she's an earth pony ,does she have to use a staff ?, Also AJ is too girly :D.
The cast is already diverse, you just have to change the body types .
Maybe Spike just happens to be clingy to Twilight or vise versa , Besides its Twilight's responsibility anyway and she seems mature enough to take care of him.
what pronounces should I use for rainbow? :-)
I see Rarity as a black sassy European girl with curly hair.
RD as latina american. ( so fiery but she aint thicc ).
No one was really physically harmed during Starlight's reign they just have their free will taken away thats all according to what i've seen . Besides didn't she founded that place? edit: okay maybe that part when twilights's cutie mark was changed counts as physical pain