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Everything posted by CloudFyre

  1. This is a very cool idea! I'd be more than willing to join as a mentor - my time is a bit stretched, but I should have time on the weekends to answer questions. I've written quite a bit and have a knack for words, so if you need proofreading, I can do so. (I've proofread quite a few fics.) However, don't ask me about specific English terms/rules - I don't remember any of them.
  2. Hmm, this issue seems strikingly similar to this one, in which the date that artists joined is messed up as well. Hopefully it'll be a simple fix (as it was working correctly a few weeks ago, to my knowledge).
  3. It's a kingdom, but the prince/princess titles follow from Disney's portrayal of "everyone with the title of 'Queen' is evil". It's less an issue of wording and more of an issue of stereotypes. :/
  4. Drawing. I have a high amount of respect for those who have the patience and diligence to see a piece of art through from start to finish. On a slightly related note, I wish to become better at writing music as well. I don't "suck" at it, but I have a desire to become far greater at it than I am right now.
  5. It's a step I suppose, but whether I can define it as "good" or "bad" is up for debate. I hear lots of talk about "gender stereotypes" (which I can understand to an extent), but is there a possibility that we're reading into this a little too far? I have a hard time imagining a retail chain owner sitting in a corporate office musing to himself on the idea of gender roles. Black-suit-and-tie-guy: "You know, I bet we could promote gender stereotypes and hinder the progress of society if I label toys as 'girls' and 'boys'." Underling: "Yes yes, that sounds like a brilliant plan! Perhaps we can upset society by this ploy!" Seriously? I think this is a much more plausible scenario: Black-suit-and-tie-guy: "Hmm, according to our recent purchase statistics, boys tend to buy 'X' toys, and girls tend to buy 'Y' toys. To improve customer satisfaction and make things easier for them, we're going to help sort them into their respective groups." Underling: "Great idea boss! Hopefully this will make things smoother for our customers." Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather keep those sections. It was handy to have when I needed to quickly run and grab a birthday present at the last minute. Look for the word "Boys", and I'd be directed to 95% of the toys in the store that said birthday boy would enjoy using.
  6. The number of actual needy people in first world countries such as the U.S. is far less than what it seems. In fact, a large portion of those who are out asking for money on the streets have a home and plenty to keep them entertained - but begging in the right location can produce almost three times minimum wage, without the need to lift a hand and work! According to a family friend of ours who works in a drug enforcement branch of the police, nearly 90% (yes, 9 out of 10) people asking for money on the streets don't even have a real "need" for it. People really need to stop the cycle, because as long as people give to them, they'll keep leeching off of others. I watched a funny clip of a news reporter who dressed up as a homeless man and went out onto the streets for a while to see if he could get some money, and even though he chose a less traveled street, he still made more than minimum wage. (The money was returned to their owners before they walked away.) They later tracked some of the other beggars back to their homes, where they exposed them for being frauds. If I can find the video, I'll link it here later. Long story short: don't give directly to people begging out on the streets. Give it to an organization that can properly distribute it.
  7. The first one is indeed a glitch in the Matrix, but the BBcode embed is actually doing what it's supposed to do (to my knowledge). If I recall correctly, the BBcode embed was never designed to be a live play button, but to act as a link instead.
  8. Hmm, that's curious...we used to have an issue where "downloads" meant "plays", but it was soon corrected. The view counts, however, weren't fixed, as it was going to be left until the full public version of Pony.fm was released. But back to the current issue: how recent was this upload? If it was a fairly new upload, then that shouldn't be a problem; I'm curious to find out what would cause this. (A spam bot is the first thing that comes to mind, but that seems unlikely.) Oi, Feld0, is it possible to check the records and see where the downloads originated from?
  9. Hmm...that's a tough one. I have a fascination with each pony for different reasons, and I've almost lost the concept of a "favorite" pony. There are definitely some that seem to strike a chord with me to a larger degree than others, but I'd enjoy spending time with each one for various reasons. While my top picks would probably be Princess Luna or Fluttershy, my other (more surprising) choice would most likely be Princess Celestia. I'm always curious as to why a large portion of the jokes/fanart of Celestia is focused around a mean, strict, or otherwise mentally unstable princess. I've found no canon reasoning behind it... Aside from the fact that she's a member of the royal household, she's usually portrays a mother-like air about her. At the same time, she lets a tiny bit of her inner child show through every so often - and that combination shows me that she's serious when she needs to be serious, and is laid back when the situation allows it. I'd be very interested to spend a couple of days just watching how Celestia lives her day-to-day life, and see if she's actually a little more outgoing than we all think.
  10. MLP is unique in it's own respect because it gives the audience the information that is vital to the show, and leaves everything else open to interpretation (within reasonable boundaries). The very fact that they didn't bore us to death with a full history was the single best thing they could have done for the show. To put it a different way: who here would actually like to see a full genealogy for the Mane Six, or a full family/blood relative list for the royal family? If I'm to guess correctly, I think most of you would pounce on that opportunity the second it appears - but I would ask you to pause and consider the ramifications of doing such. If the writers were suddenly to hand you all of the conceptual ideas behind Equestria, including histories, locations, naming conventions, etc., it could - no, it most certainly would - gash a huge wound the virutally infinite sea of creativity that this community has produced. Would people keep writing works of fiction? Of course they would. But would we, the readers, ever be able to see it the same way? I doubt it. Knowing the truth makes the luster of the fantastic fade a ever so slightly. Luckily for us, such a thing is a near impossibility. I once asked one of the writers whether Equestria was a country or if it was a planet, as it was a relatively popular topic of debate a year or so back. To paraphrase her response, she replied that Equestria was labeled as neither country *or* planet - it was left open to interpretation for the sake of creativity, because "...whether it [Equestria] is a land sitting in a sea or a planet in and of itself, it is it's own 'world.'" So would I personally change anything? That depends on how the course of this season goes. The characters are relatable enough to make them seem like good friends, yet the world is so vastly different that it draws us in. Perhaps it's the two unique facets on that dual sided coin that made it such a success. I'm not sure if I'd be ready to change those dynamics quite yet.
  11. It's been quite a while since I've posted much of anything, hasn't it? I have this habit of reading and *not* writing that I should really break...

    1. SCS


      I know how you feel. I do that a fair amount.

  12. It looks just fine to me, and I'm running multiple adblock/tracker block software apps as well. If you happen to use any: did you try disabling them first? (That's all I can think of at the moment.)
  13. This is a good point. Perhaps a solution would be a group feature that links one's account to a larger group of individual accounts, and have that "group" function as a single artist on Pony.fm. Members of bands could be granted certain powers over the group (posting rights, etc.) depending on who started the group, and others could be granted the privilege of adding new members and such. If that happens, then individual artists can still post their own music on their own pages, but should they decide to work as a team with some other musicians, then there can be a central account/page that listeners can visit if they strictly want to follow the collaborative works.
  14. Ooh, this looks fun! (Removed to clean up profile.)
  15. This is true, and often hard to find outside of dedicated fic review groups. MLP fans gather around content, and it just so happens that fics were the single largest event to grace the web presence, with fanart coming in 2nd place. Music seems to be on the rise, but I don't think the average person really understands what, or how a song could be made better. I'd like to survey the community at large to see who *actually* knows something about music compared to people who purely listen for entertainment (and have no musical backing whatsoever).
  16. Mhmm, thumbs up/down is a fairly standard way of doing things. It's not great, but it works. It's hard to find a system that is 1) reliable yet 2) hard to abuse. Heat algorithms + something else would be an interesting way to start filtering results. I'll poke around on Google later and see what I can come up with. It's a little known trick with Fimfiction as well - they use a heat algorithm that puts a MASSIVE amount of weight on the first ten minutes of life that a fic has. If you can post a story and get a large number of people to view it in that ten minute window of time you're all set. The value of views starts dropping at a steady rate after that. I totally agree with what you're saying though: searches by genre is a bit hard to work with in that respect. If they could be ordered somehow, that would be nice. Even if we could add a drop down menu that allowed one to sort by "Most viewed", "Most played", "Highest Rating", etc., then people would probably feel a little more comfortable cruising the website.
  17. I don't think much of that post. I suppose I can agree with most of those points, but they only work as arguments because the site in and of itself has hardly been up and running for a few months now. The pool of music to choose from is relatively small compared to YouTube, so I don't expect much right now. In fact, I hardly listen to anything period, due to the quality of music not overriding my lack of time. The number of current users makes a the heat algorithm for the "most popular" a relatively shaky tool - I've even been on the front page for quite a while when the site first opened, even though I publicized for a grand total of zero minutes. Last but not least, the actual front page "Featured" review/critique section of the site hasn't even been implemented, so anyone expecting music that's been reviewed by pro's is in for a bit of disappointment. I'd like to see these people come back when the site has a few thousand different users daily frequenting the site, and actually generating some real data that can be utilized. Then and only then will people be able to "safely" complain about the general nature of Pony.fm. Just my thoughts.
  18. I saw this, and it had to be done. You're welcome. (In case you're unfamiliar with Deadmau5:)
  19. I went to Everfree Northwest, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The people were great, the panels were highly entertaining, and I made a lot of great connections there. However, I can also understand the long list of dislikes as well. As someone who watches the show, for the show (and small doses of music and fanfics), watching people attempt to dress as some of the characters is often times...awkward. If you do it and do it well, I won't complain. If you can't do it well but at least give it a decent try, I'll still give a round of applause. When you start acting creepy and can't learn to respond as a human once and a while, something should probably change. I never ran into any awkward situations myself (thank goodness), but there was definitely an atmosphere that could create something like that without much effort.
  20. *Sigh*. Computer sciences, Computers are fun, and it'll pay well once I'm out of college, but... All. That. Math. Aside from the math, I've enjoyed it so far. Let's just hope I can keep that up.
  21. If there's truly an issue, you should file an official support request, as mods/admins won't be checking this sub-forum for these types of issues. Click on your username at the top of the page > Client Area > Support > New Request. I hope that helps.
  22. This topic has been discussed multiple times before (and for good reason). I'm going to quote repsol here: The issue won't be "good songs get smashed to pieces", the issue lies in the fact that new artists are, well, new. They're inexperienced (a place where everyone has been at least once), and unless they happen to be a protege in the music realm, chances are that they're music will sound a bit rough at first. Now, in a fandom that seems to really make creativity bloom, there are bound to be many people who want to try their hand at music - which is a great thing. However, the fear is that less developed songs will be crushed with lots of zero and one star ratings, and the artists who wrote them will be scared/discouraged right out of their new found hobby, before they even have a chance to really develop their talent. (I've watched a few artists vanish from YouTube because of this.) Music is a profession that takes a very significant amount of time before making headway, and we'd rather avoid the drama associated with 1) fake downvotes and 2) artists leaving before they have a chance to make it big. That being said, there is a critique/rating system in the works, but those reviews will be done by Poniverse staff, not other anonymous members of the community. People will be able to submit a track once a week (or once every two weeks, we're not sure yet), and it will be flagged for ratings/review by the Pony.fm lead team. Everyone is able to receive some serious feedback on their works, and if they want to take it a step further, they can also flag it to be considered for a feature in the front page spotlight. Artists who get the green light will get a week(?) long spot on the front page, and any who don't make the cut will be able to resubmit when they'd like. It's still in the works, but hopefully that idea will be implemented in the next few months. I'll chat with Feld0 whenever I get a chance and see if I can get some more concrete info.
  23. CloudFyre


    You and pretty much everyone else. XD
  24. Good to hear that this is still in the works. I'm very much looking forward to attempting to break playing with this feature.
  25. CloudFyre

    adventure My coming fanfic

    This sounds like an interesting storyline - I'm thinking of picking up the proverbial pen again after a year or so of a hiatus, and I'd be willing to proofread for you. (It'd be good practice for me.) I'm not much of an artist at this point, so you'll have to look elsewhere for that. Feel free to send me a PM and we can get a Google Docs page set up, or we can exchange emails for Word documents, etc. (Whatever works best for you.)
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