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Did you change favorites over time?


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Like the title says. Did your opinions of who's your favorite ponies change over seasons 1 through 4, or over time in general?


I actually liked Rainbow Dash's energy and tomboyish nature (mostly her arrogance and pride) when i first started watching the show, making her my favorite pony. Around the second half of the first season i started liking rarity more because of her clever dialogues and delivery and, of course, her song (that's one of my top favorites). I eventually gravitated to Pinkie in season 2, in which her character was a whole lot more developed (in my opinion anyway).


Did something similar happen to you? Doesn't have to be with the mane 6, could also be any background pony / princess you have in mind?

Edited by Terminus
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I didn't ever change my opinion on my original favorite pony. AppleJack was and still is my favorite.


HOWEVER, my opinion on Twilight did change. I ended up liking her more and more as a character throughout season 3.

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When I first started the show, "Applebuck Season" was the episode that got me hooked, and so naturally Applejack became my favorite pony. She remained my favorite pony for some time, with Pinkie Pie taking a close second, but after seeing "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" and more Rainbow Dash episodes, and then going back and rewatching "Sonic Rainboom", my favorite pony changed to Rainbow Dash and has remained that way ever since.


Granted, I still love Applejack, but she's a close second tied with Pinkie Pie behind Rainbow Dash.

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Well, I gravitated towards RD right away, and I'd say she's always been my favorite pony.  Starting from when I even realized I had a favorite and / or cared about the characters' respective personalities.  Liked her appearance, voice, demeanor...  All of it.  And now I'm confident that her spot is a permanent one.


BUT, my 2nd favorite slot was up for grabs for most of the first season lol.  At first AJ seemed to belong there; a good second slot companion for RD.  "Applebuck Season" might have contributed to that feeling; not sure how "Fall Weather Friends" affected it.  Then she was usurped by Fluttershy, I think?  Two colorful pegasi (my favorite pony tribe) on the top two rungs?  Made sense.  Pinkie Pie frightened me at first, but THEN - and I'm not entirely certain how - I realized Pinks was my 2nd favorite pony.  And a somehow fitting complement to firmly-at-number-one Dashie.  I just think the friendship between Dashie and Pinks has a very appealing dynamic.  And Pinks behaves at times as though Dashie is her waifu. xD  Never mind that I've got them snoot-to-snoot on my entertainment center.

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"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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My whole order of ponies really hasn't changed since I started watching the show I believe. However, I have had more or less like towards certain characters over time.


For instance I like Twilight a lot more than when I first started watching, well quite frankly I like basically all the characters more than I did at first.


Twilight is probably the closest instance of my favorites changing, because I have actually considered swapping her and Fluttershy before which would make her my favorite pony.


But it hasn't happened so ;p.

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I've pretty much had the same ranking from day one.



Rainbow Dash

Twilight Sparkle


Pinkie Pie



None of the characters has changed enough to really change my rankings. My reasons for liking Rarity and disliking Fluttershy are the same as they've always been.

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I use to be pretty in love with big on Twilight Sparkle as my favorite about a year ago.  :blush:


But then i started to appreciate and relate to Pinkie a lot more,so i decided to sell my soul  give Pinkie Pie my favorite spot as my master favorite.  :)

  • Brohoof 3

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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I have gone through all of the mane 6 from when I started watching the show, with Rainbow. Now, I'm back to Rainbow Dash, and I'm sticking with her this time.

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At the beginning it was Lyra, a bit later it was then Luna and now it's currently Celestia....but probably not long.

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"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


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Well, for me, Rarity has always and will always be number 1 :D


After that, #2 used to be Fluttershy, but she's been sort of...dull, since her shining moment in "Hurricane Fluttershy." She's gone from #2 to #4.


AJ used to be #5, only because of my own disdain for my southern roots. I got past my personal problems and reevaluated her character, and she shot up to #2 :D


My opinion of Twilight hasn't changed too much, actually. She went up from #4 to #3 by default when Fluttershy took a tumble.


Pinkie Pie initially started at #3, but she wasn't able to stick for too long. Her character started grating on me a bit, but it's still impossible to dislike her :D She fell from #3 to #5.


And RD...always been stuck at the back. I like her, but the moments in which she's irritated me and pleased is much too balanced for her to go anywhere past 5, which, for a short time, she was at. I've also never been able to delve into boyish characters, since I'm rather effeminate myself and the relatibility factor rears its ugly head. I still like RD, though :D She's mighty fine and an interesting character all around :D

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
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He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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When I first got into it, I couldn't decide between 2 favourites: AJ and Fluttershy. The more I watched the clearer the distinction became, with AJ remaining top of my apple tree. Whilst Fluttershy is adorable and makes me 'd'awww' all the time, for some reason she has slipped down the ladder over time.


Rarity was my least favourite, someone I knew cited her as his standout favourite and I never understood why. Having watched all 4 seasons, with each season/episode I began to love her more and more. Rarity is now my #2 Mane 6 character :D


In terms of the Princesses, my opinion has always stayed the same as I just love Celestia.


Everypony else is much more blurred in my rankings, I like a lot of ponies for different reasons but for the sake of my own mental wellbeing I try not to indulge into ranking them :blush:

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Aha, that's the million dollar question, is it not?


When I first became a Brony, and I believe this to be a common thing for those new to the herd, my favorite pony changed very frequently.


It was first Applejack, then Fluttershy, then Pinkie Pie, then Rarity.


Finally, I came to my senses when I seen the Season 3 finale, and Equestria Girls, realizing that Twilight Sparkle was my absolute favorite pony. She was the one meant for me. (Shipping advisory)


So, as I said, I believe it's a common things for Bronies to be a little fickle with their favorite ponies when first joining the herd, but I believe it to be less common when a Brony has been apart of the herd for a while. By that time, you already know about the ponies, who they are and what not.


Unless of course, you're one of those Bronies who say everypony is best pony. Then I suspect that you either pick a favorite very often, or none at all. ^^

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Rainbow Dash quickly became my favorite pony thanks to Sonic Rainboom and Read It and Weep.

But after watching The Las Roundup for the first time, Derpy grew on me, and eventually became my favorite pony overall. :muffins:


So, yeah...



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Oh Yes, and it really is more of a natural progression. When I first took a look at the show I only saw a handful of episodes and since it didn't click with me at the time I didn't have a Best Pony. I however did have one character that I dismissed out of hand.


The second chance re watch of FiM found me at first gravitating to Twilight and Applejack since I actually identify with them more (Science/Book Nerd and Family/Work Ethic).


Then something odd started to happen. The Pony I had rejected years prior had begun to amaze me. The acting, writing, and characterization of Rarity won me over more and more. She overtook the rest and I found myself re watching Ratity centric Episodes more than the rest. But I still had a tie between Pinkie, AJ, and Rarity. Then last week I finally read the Nightmare Rarity comic arc.


That last issue was what put me over. To me Rarity has a dynamic depth to her portrayal. Not going to do a character study here though. I do find it ironic that I didn't even call myself a Brony until I caught my self humming Art of the Dress, from an episode that would have sold me on this show years ago had I seen it.


So yeah, Rarity is my favorite. But I do not dislike ANY of the Mane 6.

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Rainbow Dash is still my favorite(loyal till the end), though my second favorite usually changes. At first it was Fluttershy, now it's Rarity, but Twilight has been really close to dethroning her

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Yeah, my favorite pony has changes a few times.


My first was Applejack. Her sense of honesty and duty and her devotion to common sense was what attracted me to her in the first place.


Then Twilight started to develop as a character, and she became my favorite. He love of learning and her adorkable ways just made me swoon.


Then I found myself liking Trixie's smug sense of self. I mean, she was so fun to watch, the idea & potential for her characterization was fascinating.


And now, there's Luna. That beautiful mare of the night who had fallen to darkness, but has worked to redeem herself...I just find her awesome. Yeah, we don't know THAT much about her, but she just continues to fascinate me.


But considering my current fascination for Sombra...she might have some competition.

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Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
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I originally thought Pinkie Pie was my favorite. I hadn't seen an entire season all the way through, just bits and pieces of the show. I pretty much was basing my opinion off of limited knowledge from the first season and what I knew from the previous generations. I've always loved Pinkie Pie.


Once I actually started watching FiM from the beginning though, I quickly fell in love with Fluttershy. Before I watched the show, I didn't know anything about Fluttershy's personality really. As soon as I saw her in the pilot with her adorable social awkwardness and her army of cute little critters I was like, "Oh, wow, she is pretty much me as a person, and we would be best friends." Fluttershy's been my #1 ever since :yay:


I still adore Pinkie Pie to pieces though. :) She is a solid #2 pony. I still identify with her A LOT, just not as much as I do with Fluttershy.

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pleasant pegasister fluttershy fangirl cupcake connoisseur

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When I first started, Twilight was my favorite. That more I watched, though, the most I started to gravitate towards Applejack.


Zecora has remained firmly in the spot of best background character. In fact, she's slowly become my 2nd favorite character overall.


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This is my order of favorites over the past 3 years first being the first pony to be my favorite last is my favorite now

1. Apple Bloom

2. The Cutie Mark Crusaders

3. Spike and Pinkie Pie

4. Silver Belle

5. Bubble Berry and Rainbow Blitz

6. Silver Belle

7. Cutie Mark Crusaders r63 and normal favorite is Sweetie and Silver.

Edited by PokeBolter
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img-3243014-1-W0qjY9J.pngAwesome signature made by Pink Mist 

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My favorite Mane6 alternates regularily below Applejack, however my favorite pony all together has been and still is Derpy, but Vinyl Scratch is now permenatly tied for number one. Can't put one over the other.

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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Yup! I used to LOVE Rainbow Dash, but this past season she kind of started grating on my nerves... and now Pinkie Pie is my favorite, as I just love her bubbly personality and design. ^_^

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No, they have not changed much. My favorite was always the pony I was most interested in, Twilight in "Feeling Pinkie Keen". When I saw it, I thought that she seemed far more interesting than the other characters and I wanted to watch more episodes and to learn about the pony with such an interesting personality.

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:wub: Silver Letter!!! :kirin:
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When I started, my favorite pony was Rainbow Dash, before Daring Do (hence the name) and finally Twilight Sparkle.


It's funny, I was such a huge fan of Rainbow Dash back in 2012, now she's really fallen out of favor for me.

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