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Are some people superior to others?



64 users have voted

  1. 1. Are some people superior to others?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I'm confused now
    • I'd prefer not to answer

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Okay so I'm confused now. are some people superior to others? or are all people equal?


some people work harder than the rest. some are born weak, others are born in better conditions. some reach for the stars, while others prefer being drunk in an alleyway in their free time. some people dedicate their lives to making people happy, while others do everything to make others miserable. some are happy with what they have, while others want more and take what they want. the strong feed upon the weak, while some strong prefer giving to the weak. in both cases, there are strong and weak people.


can a human life be given value? if a random guy gets killed no one bats an eye... a poitician gets killed and everyone loses their mind. if everyone matters, why dont all people have the same level of protection? why does everyone have the same rights when everyone's status is miles apart? should people strive to become more? should they try to elevate themselves? or should they stay how they are.


i dont have any opinions really.. just confused, although i pick the first option in the poll. i wanted to hear what other people say, i since i dont wanna talk about this irl, this is the perfect place to look for opinions.

Edited by lelouch.
  • Brohoof 2
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Well I'm not sure how to answer, I believe we're all born equal but what happens then I guess depends on many variable factors. So I can't really say no or yes, because I wouldn't use the word superior more like some have a better advantage then others. Like some have rich parents that can send them to good schools while some can't even afford going to school. Some are raised up differently, so many different variables that need to be taken into count like some are physically superior but they worked at it. Some are intellectually superior because they worked at it. There are some that can sing while others can't again, you guessed it they've been working at it. So really I can't say anyone is superior though I'll admit being a little confused as it may seem that way at times. Though I think back to when you're a child so we all start somewhere and become who we are so my answer is no. I realize how it is endlessly debatable but I believe we're all born equal so I think it is the case I could be wrong of course but it's my thoughts on it. 

  • Brohoof 4
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whether people work for what they have or not, its clear not all people are the same.


and im sorry but when people say: "hes better than me, stronger, faster, smarter than me, but he's not me" it sounds really pathetic. being you is basically nothing in this world. in equestria things are different, but here, people only get respect for what they are, not who they are.

  • Brohoof 2
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I think we are all born equal and after that people around us value us based on our choices that we make and  you yourself value the people around you in this world based on the choices and actions that they make.


Someone that may seem superior to you may not seem superior to someone else. It all depends how well have you observed this person or how well you know them. I think this question depends on who is the observer. It also depends on your morals and what do you think is good or bad. 

  • Brohoof 7
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to me, a human life is worth other human lives. the son of a king will be bargained for the lives of a thousand commoners. a human life is worth how many other lives it affects. or should i say how many other lives are dependent on that particular life, regardless of what people think of him/her.


i think some are directly superior to others. i hate that fact, but i think i admit to it.

  • Brohoof 2
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I have no idea either. I guess it really depends on whether the potential of each person has been used to its full extent. Superior people would be the ones that were able to use their full potential (or at least tried), while "inferior" people would be the ones that acknowledge they have potential but don't care for using it.


For example, a drunk bum on the street. He would be considered inferior by most people. If he had the potential to become the world's greatest musician, and tried really hard to achieve its full potential, even if he didn't manage to do it, he would be superior than many other people in the world. 


Now, if there was the best doctor in the world and he had the potential to try and find the cure to cancer but never made anything to make that true, then he would be inferior, because he isn't using his potential.



That's at least what I think. Of course there are exceptions and the concept could have been explained better, but basically I like to think that people that use their potential are the best kind of people.

  • Brohoof 2



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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Everyone is born equal but what we do with said life once we're able to dictates whether or not we're better than someone.

A king is obviously going to be superior to a peasant, a teacher to a child, a good police officer to a citizen, and so on. And said superior people deserve respect as long as they're deserving of it, while those below them have to earn their respect. It's a weird cycle, but it does make sense, a person who risks their life every day to protect others is more than likely to be superior than someone who lounges around all day doing nothing. So, it's all a matter of variables, your status, your age, your occupation, your full (or untapped) potential, your actions, and etc.. Some lives are just worth more, that's how it goes.

  • Brohoof 2


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Yeah, I think some people are definitely superior to others, and it mostly depends on the situation they were born into IMO (among other factors, like if they reached their "full potential" in life or whatnot).

Edited by SparklingSwirls
  • Brohoof 1


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Like a few others here, i agree all people are born equal, some may have more opportunity or a better chance at life depending on the condition their parents were in when they came into the world. However, this does not make them superior. An impoverished child may be far superior in intellect and grit than a child born into a family of affluence. 

  • Brohoof 1

Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? 

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if a random guy gets killed no one bats an eye... a poitician gets killed and everyone loses their mind. 

just randomly butting in... a politician, in this case, isn't just a person. he/she represents something. be it a group, an ideology, etc. if a politician dies, it could undermine something. if a politician who is a strong advocate for the conservation of forests dies then the work that he/she has done (as well as those people working for/with him) will be undermined. if there were a vote to pass a bill that would allow loggers to cut forests previously protected by law, it would be damaging. i wouldn't say "everyone loses their mind" though :)



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I don't believe that one person is superior to another. We all are equal to one another regardless of economic status, social status, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation etc.


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Yes, but it depends on what criteria you are using to measure their worth. There is no true human equality in the sense that we are all the same because we're not. Each human being is inherently different and how much importance you place on those differences determines what you consider to be of value.


From what I've seen of the SDCC season five sketch clips it looks like the concept of equality and/or conformity might play a part in the season premiere.



The truth is always rough.
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Code Geass Emperor speech(English):

this was actually running in my mind when i made the thread..

 i wouldn't say "everyone loses their mind" though :)

oh sorry :P just quoting the joker. was kind of an exaggeration... or maybe not. in my country a politician was killed and people started randomly burning vehicles and buildings. but those crazy people are everywhere in small amounts.

Nobody is superior to others at all. We are all equal to each other.

im sorry. i dont mean to offend you, but everything ive seen in this world so far suggests otherwise. we say we are all equal to make ourselves feel better. its just an illusion.

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Some people are certainly superior to others! Now obviously there's a lot of factors to evaluate, like physical attributes, intelligence, productivity, treatment of others etc. These things don't magically balance out for different people. Some people are good at all of these things and some people are good at none of them.


Now also, there's a difference between superior and important. If a politician gets killed, people lose it because one, they're a leader of their state, and two it likely causes a feeling of insecurity and vulnerability. The neighborhood drunk probably doesn't evoke those same feelings if he's stabbed to death.


I believe everyone should be fundamentally equal bad people should have an equality of opportunity. But it is apparent that people never develop to be equals

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Yes. Absolutely. Although being a better person does not make you more valuble; allow me to explain. there are many people who I consider to be superior to the current political candidates in England (like, loads), however, their death does not make such a large impact on other people as they do not hold an even remotely important place in society. I also do not mean to say, by this, that better people should be given more important roles in society; someone who cannot kill should not become the general of an army.


That's what I got for now.


Sorry if that was beyond any of you, sometimes I go too deep



Oh hey LZRD, it seems we're on the same wavelength; nice to see someone thinking the same things as me.

Edited by FoxOsprey
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Yes. Absolutely. Although being a better person does not make you more valuble; allow me to explain. there are many people who I consider to be superior to the current political candidates in England (like, loads), however, their death does not make such a large impact on other people as they do not hold an even remotely important place in society. I also do not mean to say, by this, that better people should be given more important roles in society; someone who cannot kill should not become the general of an army.


That's what I got for now.


Sorry if that was beyond any of you, sometimes I go too deep

its ok. not beyond anyone. and i didnt post this in the original post, but my actual question was; do the upper people have the right to devour those below them. think deep on this.

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We are all born equal.


It's what you do with your life that makes you different. One of my friends is the Senior class president of my school, volunteers all the time, and has a perfect gpa. She's going places, she makes her life count for something.


I for one go home and sit on my butt while watching powerpuff girls. I'm not saying I'm not going places, cause I strive towards my future dream of having some career that allows me to study animals, but I could be doing other things with my time and make a difference. She's not superior to me, she just does things with her time that benefits society.


Though I don't think anyone should look down on those who aren't contributing as much to the world. Sometimes it's hard to get on track and get out there, I have terrible confidence and bad anxiety so I could never run for any social positions without having panic attacks. In a sense we are different, but when you strip us of our achievements we are all the same. Down to the core you are the same as any other human, all that happens is as each year passes by you add another layer to your character which defines you. Everyone should matter, even strangers, even people that live under bridges. It doesn't matter if they even matter a little bit less than someone else, that person should at least matter. Everyone's life has value.

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There are people superior to others.  There are those who are wealthy, powerful and those who are both wealthy and powerful.  All men may have been created equal but not all men remain so.  When it comes to upper people having the right to devour those below them, they probably shouldn't but considering they can is what makes them superior.

Edited by Synyster
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do the upper people have the right to devour those below them. think deep on this.

The real Lelouch vi Brittania would probably say no. Personally I'm a bit conflicted. If by "devour" you mean violate their rights and wellbeing then obviously no.

Edited by Roughshod

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If we are only looking at internal factors, then I think everyone is born equal.


If we apply outside factors such as location, family, etc. then no, not everyone is. Some get a better treatments than others or have more opportunities. Some grow up in better environments with better people around them, which you said yourself.


When we apply this, some people can be better than others at something. They are not born with certain personality traits or abilities, they learn them.  In that sense some people are superior to others, but not naturally; no one is automatically better than others due to gender or race. One can only be better if they do something that is more valuable or is better at something, which is due to their surroundings and how they work on something. With that said I think some people can be more valuable than others depending on the situation. This does not mean those that are superior should devour others because I feel everyone has a purpose. That superior person will be more important, but they should not eliminate people that are below them. We need variety and we need people of all skill levels and abilities.


So to answer the title: Yes, in a way, but there are many variables at work. Some people have more influence and power, some people are more productive overall. External factors and the drive people have for something contributes. Sorry it sounds vague, but that's how I feel.


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You know, we wrote the 1776 Declaration for a reason...



"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."




Superiority is not an actual thing, but a value imposed by humans. Natural selection doesn't favor "superior" organisms, only organisms that are able to reproduce.


Everyone is born equal... With inequality imposed upon them. There is no chain of being in nature.

Edited by Arctic Night


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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I'm going to keep it short as others have said some of what I think, but I believe everyone is born equal, but as we mature certain environmental and genetic factors change how we are and can lead to a less productive/successful life. My personal belief is life isn't about being successful  though or being top dog, but rather finding happiness and progressing humanity both as a society and technologically so I don't see anybody as superior at all. All creatures on this earth are important, we may kill them for food or use them in other ways, but we aren't better than them either as they seem to be extremely important to us, in fact I rather see lesser intellect animals as superior to humans due to the way we behave considering what we have.

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